Rumor: Apple working on 4.7", 5.6" iPhones for release in Q3 2014



  • Reply 141 of 156
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,585member
    Marvin wrote: »
    Like I said, there are two distinct kinds of market research - the kind before you make a product (focus groups, consultants etc) and the kind after someone has bought a product (customer satisfaction surveys).

    Only two? What about market research on your competitors products? Apple appears to do market research in several areas with the desirability of products and features from competitors being one of them. That you weren't previously aware of any of them is a credit to Apple's secrecy and not evidence that they never do them.
    Marvin wrote: »
    I don't mind if you plan to avoid taking everything Steve said at face value as long as you do it in equal measure with everything he said e.g 'good artists copy, great artists steal', statements made about raising ebook prices. It's all been misinterpreted.

    I don't believe I've ever handled Mr. Jobs various proclamations any differently, and I've not ever commented on that particular one AFAIK. IMO you should never take a salesman's statements at face value, and Mr. Jobs was one heckuva great salesman in addition to the other hats he wore. ;)
  • Reply 142 of 156
    Personally i believe that Apple will double the pixels like did with the previous models. From 320X480 to 640X960 in iphone 4. I think that the next model, if it will have the so-called Retina2, will have a 2272X1280 screen. And Apple will be again the "next step" like few years ago. I dont think next iphone gonna have a 1920X1080 screen like the other current high end smartphones. Its time to make again the difference. And we all know that Apple used always different ratios from other brands in all its products (pc, smartphones, tablets)
  • Reply 143 of 156
    Originally Posted by cicconegreek View Post

    Personally i believe that Apple will double the pixels like did with the previous models. From 320X480 to 640X960 in iphone 4. I think that the next model, if it will have the so-called Retina2, will have a 2272X1280 screen.


    Why? For what purpose? It would do nothing.

  • Reply 144 of 156
    Why? For what purpose? It would do nothing.
    Why? For what purpose? It would do nothing.

    Is there any reason of increasing the pixels on screens all these years? Its called evolution!
  • Reply 145 of 156
    Originally Posted by cicconegreek View Post

    Is there any reason of increasing the pixels on screens all these years?


    Yeah: to create a display whose elements are indistinguishable to the human eye.


    Mission accomplished. Anything smaller is a waste of battery life and processing power.

  • Reply 146 of 156
    Yeah: to create a display whose elements are indistinguishable to the human eye.

    Mission accomplished. Anything smaller is a waste of battery life and processing power.

    So, why do you ask? Lol
  • Reply 147 of 156
    aaronjaaronj Posts: 1,595member

    Originally Posted by cicconegreek View Post

    Is there any reason of increasing the pixels on screens all these years? Its called evolution!


    I've got to agree with Tallest Skill on this one.  I'm looking at my iPhone right now, and I can't see how 2x the pixels would improve the experience.  It would just be using up the battery more quickly.

  • Reply 148 of 156
    Originally Posted by cicconegreek View Post

    So, why do you ask?


    Try reading what was written and maybe you’ll understand.


  • Reply 149 of 156
    aaronj wrote: »
    I've got to agree with Tallest Skill on this one.  I'm looking at my iPhone right now, and I can't see how 2x the pixels would improve the experience.  It would just be using up the battery more quickly.

    So do you think that Apple will stay in same resolution? Personally i think that resolution getting higher for a better experience. As for the double pixels, its Apple's tactic as i have seen till now with iphones and ipads. My prediction is supported only at this.
  • Reply 150 of 156
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    So do you think that Apple will stay in same resolution? Personally i think that resolution getting higher for a better experience. As for the double pixels, its Apple's tactic as i have seen till now with iphones and ipads. My prediction is supported only at this.

    1) There tactic has been doubling as opposed to doing something that isn't a perfect 1x1 going to a 2x2, but they aren't going to increase the resolution willy-nilly because the Galaxy S5 was rumoured to be 560 PPI.

    2) I do expect them to increase the pixel density again but, as TS states, only after they have sufficient backlighting, GPU performance, and battery life to make it feasible for the entire device. Right now very few people can see any pixels with normal use so reducing the quality of the overall experience by making the backlight weaker, graphics slower or more janky, and reducing the battery life considerably is not an option.

    3) There is, however, an issue with their doubling system if they do go for the proposed sizes. The math isn't as neat as it has been in the past so Apple may have to uncharacteristically shake things up a bit by introducing a new resolution and/or PPI. The easy answer is to say make it 4.904" and use the iPad's 262 PPI display to keep the current iPhone 5S' resolution, but I think 262 PPI would likely not be good enough for Apple. I think they may have been holding out until the HW was ready for them to take the next big leap in PPI and resolution that will allow them to use that going forward for many, many years.
  • Reply 151 of 156
  • Reply 152 of 156
    solipsismx wrote: »
    1) There tactic has been doubling as opposed to doing something that isn't a perfect 1x1 going to a 2x2, but they aren't going to increase the resolution willy-nilly because the Galaxy S5 was rumoured to be 560 PPI.

    2) I do expect them to increase the pixel density again but, as TS states, only after they have sufficient backlighting, GPU performance, and battery life to make it feasible for the entire device. Right now very few people can see any pixels with normal use so reducing the quality of the overall experience by making the backlight weaker, graphics slower or more janky, and reducing the battery life considerably is not an option.

    3) There is, however, an issue with their doubling system if they do go for the proposed sizes. The math isn't as neat as it has been in the past so Apple may have to uncharacteristically shake things up a bit by introducing a new resolution and/or PPI. The easy answer is to say make it 4.904" and use the iPad's 262 PPI display to keep the current iPhone 5S' resolution, but I think 262 PPI would likely not be good enough for Apple. I think they may have been holding out until the HW was ready for them to take the next big leap in PPI and resolution that will allow them to use that going forward for many, many years.

    So what resolution do you think next iPhone gonna have? Galaxy S5 has the same full HD resolution with S4. Maybe you mean S6!
  • Reply 153 of 156
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    So what resolution do you think next iPhone gonna have?

    If it's a larger display, I have no idea as I can make sound argument for too many avenues and none seem to be better than the rest, save for recent info on the next Img Tech GPU but I don't know when that is slated to be released or what other HW issues remain that would prevent a significantly higher resolution to be utilized.

    That said, I do think Apple will offer a larger display on the next iPhone and don't think they will use the same resolution of the current iPhone with the same PPI of the iPad Air.
    Galaxy S5 has the same full HD resolution with S4. Maybe you mean S6!

    I mean the Galaxy S5. Note that I also used the term rumoured.
  • Reply 154 of 156
    aaronjaaronj Posts: 1,595member

    Originally Posted by cicconegreek View Post

    So do you think that Apple will stay in same resolution? Personally i think that resolution getting higher for a better experience. As for the double pixels, its Apple's tactic as i have seen till now with iphones and ipads. My prediction is supported only at this.


    I'm not sure what they'll do.  But unless they have some super-duper-double-secret battery tech hidden somewhere in the basement at Cupertino, doubling the resolution (which quadruples the number of pixels) would be a battery life disaster.  And no one would be able to notice a resolution improvement.


    So, again, I don't know what they'll do.

  • Reply 155 of 156
    virtuavirtua Posts: 210member
    The pixel density race slowed at retina display ...anything better than what the eye can distinguish is a waste.

    Where I think the improvements will continue to be is colour gamut, brightness, lower reflectivity, viewing angle etc. The 5 over the 4 was a significant improvement for example. It's not all about pixels :)
  • Reply 156 of 156
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,585member
    virtua wrote: »
    The pixel density race slowed at retina display ...anything better than what the eye can distinguish is a waste.

    Where I think the improvements will continue to be is colour gamut, brightness, lower reflectivity, viewing angle etc. The 5 over the 4 was a significant improvement for example. It's not all about pixels :)

    The eye can reportedly distinguish much more than "300ppi at 10-12 inches", and a resolution higher than that isn't necessarily a waste ;) It's a great marketing term tho, just not as useful as it once was.

    ...and no it's not an invitation to open yet another discussion about what a Retina display should be. ROFTL
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