Samsung parodies Apple's iPad Air 'Pencil' ad with new Galaxy Tab Pro spot



  • Reply 121 of 205
    Oh shut the **** up, asshole
  • Reply 122 of 205
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member

    Originally Posted by MrSimple View Post



    ... odd then, that my aging ATT SAMSUNG Galaxy Note 1 has visual-voicemail, and indeed, it can be used while making a regular phone call.


    So you have the old flip phone version of the Galaxy Note 1, then?


    So was it working when Android was first released as the other poster claimed "every Android handset"?


    Perhaps I should have clarified, an iPhone exclusive at launch which has since become available on a limited range of handsets on a select few carriers.
  • Reply 123 of 205
    Originally Posted by MrSimple View Post

    You got it all wrong. 

    NOT exhibiting enough blind Apple-fanboism is what gets people banned here.

    After all, this site is the Pravda of the (grandparents-)tech word.


    I was going to mock this, but I was beaten. Hooray.

  • Reply 124 of 205
    mrsimple wrote: »
    Just out of curiosity, Slurpy: What was the reason?

    I only check back in the Apple forums every few months because my tolerance for troll-spew is limited. I made a comment on MacRumors, and didn't get banned, but got it "edited" and told not to comment in that thread any more. I told them who laid the chunk and basically haven't been back.

    If this place is getting to be the same, when any degenerate Fandroid scum can vomit their lies all over every thread, and if you call them on it, you get banned, I'd just as soon give this up, too.

    You got it all wrong. 
    NOT exhibiting enough blind Apple-fanboism is what gets people banned here.
    After all, this site is the Pravda of the (grandparents-)tech word.

    Since your scenario has never fucking happened, FOAD, troll.
  • Reply 125 of 205
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member

    Originally Posted by MrSimple View Post



    Nothing better to whip up the dim-witted 'crowd' on this board than dumb racism...


    I thought it was penisism.

  • Reply 126 of 205

    Originally Posted by davesmall View Post

    I recently bought a Samsung refrigerator. It's a nice appliance but I must admit that I've been feeling guilty about it.

    Samsung's business model is technology thievery. Their ripoff of the iPhone and iPad was so blatant that their CEO should go to jail for it. They've ripped off Dyson vacuum cleaners too.

    It's what they do and it is who they are. A company that operates like the Mafia.


    LOL, the SAMSUNG so-called Dyson copy is the first vacuum cleaner I would look forward to buy, too bad I don't really need a vacuum.

    Nothing funnier than upsetting dim-witted software-patent-apologists, nationalist, and racists.

  • Reply 127 of 205

    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post


    Perhaps I should have clarified, an iPhone exclusive at launch which has since become available on a limited range of handsets on a select few carriers



    Yes, you should have been more clear.

  • Reply 128 of 205
    mrsimple wrote: »
    LOL, the SAMSUNG so-called Dyson copy is the first vacuum cleaner I would look forward to buy, too bad I don't really need a vacuum.
    Nothing funnier than upsetting dim-witted software-patent-apologists, nationalist, and racists.

    So one company does the R&D to revolutionize an industry, some bottom-feeders blatantly copy them, and you "look forward" to buying the copy, because, really, how dare they be better?

    Tells us all we need to know about you.
  • Reply 129 of 205
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    Originally Posted by MrSimple View Post



    LOL, the SAMSUNG so-called Dyson copy is the first vacuum cleaner I would look forward to buy, too bad I don't really need a vacuum.

    Nothing funnier than upsetting dim-witted software-patent-apologists, nationalist, and racists.


    Hey, maybe you can pirate this movie, judging by your attitude you should get a few laughs out of it:-



  • Reply 130 of 205
    Originally Posted by Mac-sochist View Post

    So one company does the R&D to revolutionize an industry, some bottom-feeders blatantly copy them, and you "look forward" to buying the copy, because, really, how dare they be better?

    Tells us all we need to know about you.


    LOL... and calling dumbing-down-so-that-grandparents-can-use-it "revolutionize" tells us all we need to know about you!


    Mighty SAMSUNG fighting!

  • Reply 131 of 205

    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post



    Hey, maybe you can pirate this movie, judging by your attitude you should get a few laughs out of it:-




    LOL, not a bad comeback!

  • Reply 132 of 205
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member

    Originally Posted by MrSimple View Post



    Yes, you should have been more clear.


    Yeah, I thought the "invented" part would be clear enough.

  • Reply 133 of 205
    Originally Posted by MrSimple View Post

    Mighty SAMSUNG fighting!


    Hey, you’re KoreaFighting, aren’t you? And all the other dozen aliases.


    Here’s an idea: man up, reunify your own country, and stop whining about others’.

  • Reply 134 of 205
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member

    Originally Posted by MrSimple View Post



    LOL... and calling dumbing-down-so-that-grandparents-can-use-it "revolutionize" tells us all we need to know about you!


    Mighty SAMSUNG fighting!


    So, ummm, when will Samsung get 64 bit to go with the innovative fingerprint scanner they are set to announce, speaking of mighty copying?

  • Reply 135 of 205
    mrsimple wrote: »
    LOL... and calling dumbing-down-so-that-grandparents-can-use-it "revolutionize" tells us all we need to know about you!

    Mighty SAMSUNG fighting!

    I was talking about Dyson, genius. But yeah, making an interface that doesn't need some freak nerd-boy living in your pants to figure it out for you, is revolutionizing an industry. Happened 30 years ago. Sorry if you were thrown out of work.
  • Reply 136 of 205
    mistercow wrote: »
    And to say that the mac commercials weren't disparaging is a reach.  You had a recognizable celebrity as a mac that the popular guy the audience can relate to compared to a nerd, socially awkward type for your competitor.  Seems pretty disparaging.

    Are you kidding? PC guy was the life of the party. Mac guy didn't do anything. PC guy was awesome. He was always a victim of his crappy operating system, Windows Vista.
  • Reply 137 of 205

    Oh, hit a little too close to home, did I? 

  • Reply 138 of 205
    mrsimple wrote: »
    You got it all wrong. 
    NOT exhibiting enough blind Apple-fanboism is what gets people banned here.
    After all, this site is the Pravda of the (grandparents-)tech word.

    I wish. Pravda spells correctly and isn't powered by amateur, crashy JavaScript. :)
  • Reply 139 of 205

    I guess Samsung's taking dead aim at the douchebag demo with their marketing.  Anyone talking like the narrator in the Samsung ad in real life is just begging for a fist between the eyes.


    The ad reminds me of the online a-holes that try to prove they're the smartest-guy-on-the-board by bringing up obscure references that few people care about (e.g., non-mainstream music or movies that hardly anyone saw or obscure books, etc.).  In order to "get" what Samsung's getting at with this ad, you'd have to remember the iPad Air pencil ad to begin with, since it dates back to October and didn't run for very long.  While the Apple pencil ad was nice, it does not approach the more memorable "Misunderstood" holiday ad or current "Your Verse" ads.  Apple doesn't even have the pencil ad on their website or YouTube page anymore.


    Just compare the "Your Verse" ad with the Samsung pencil parody. The "Your Verse" ad is about raising the bar, using a device to explore your interests in new ways.  Samsung is just pulling it all back to specs and feature checklists, and doing it with a rather juvenile and snarky delivery.  Beyond the usual fandroids who hate all things Apple or who live for the "my-screen/feature checklist/clockspeed-is-bigger-than-yours" nonsense, I just don't see how the ad increases the brand appeal for either Samsung or the Galaxy Tab line.

  • Reply 140 of 205
    "hiding behind the iPad Air". That's all I heard.
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