Samsung announces Galaxy S5 with 5.1" display, fingerprint scanner & heart rate monitor



  • Reply 181 of 236
    aaronjaaronj Posts: 1,595member

    Originally Posted by FreeRange View Post

    As someone who has a long career in the advertising business, this is simply not true!


    LOL! :)  Well played.

  • Reply 182 of 236
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    Ah yes, the "but but but Xerox" argument, in another form.
    You don't have to be the originator of an idea to be the inspiration for someone who copies you.
    If Samsung wasn't copying Apple, why didn't their fingerprint scanner come out before Apple's? A little too coincidental that it comes out right after Apple implements one.
  • Reply 183 of 236
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    Meanwhile, Microsoft is taking companies web apps, putting a wrapper around them and putting on the a Windows Phone store with the companies name, even though said company had nothing to do with the app and never approved it. All to boost a weak ecosystem. Embarrassing and shameful.
  • Reply 184 of 236
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    asdasd wrote: »
    Guys. Again. The pulse on the back makes sense for fitness apps. Apple will do this ( I believe they have a patent). For those of us who don't like wearables.

    Knock yourself out!
  • Reply 185 of 236
    ceek74 wrote: »
    The Samsung GS5 also has an integrated bowel movement sensor.

    "Sensor"? Don't you mean "initiator"?
  • Reply 186 of 236

    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post

    Ah yes, the "but but but Xerox" argument, in another form.

    You don't have to be the originator of an idea to be the inspiration for someone who copies you.


    So was Apple copying the Atrix?  Is Samsung copying the Atrix?  Was the Atrix copying the laptops with fingerprint sensors?  Were laptops with fingerprint sensors copying institutional security systems?


    Did Samsung put the fingerprint sensor in a phone this year because Apple put on in the 5s?  Yes.  Did Samsung only realize they could put a fingerprint sensor in their phone because the iPhone has one?  No.  Did Samsung consider using a fingerprint sensor in their phone before the iPhone had one?  Probably so.


    I think the furthest you can go with your argument is that Apple's implementation forced Samsung's timeline to change.  You can't make the leap to say that Apple gave Samsung the idea.

  • Reply 187 of 236
    Sammy somehow avoided the 64 bit and making more cores and making it like a power hungry desktop. This phone is going to be hot enough to fry the skin. It does not sound natural for anyone to keep swiping the fingers to unlock a phone.
  • Reply 188 of 236


  • Reply 189 of 236
    Samsung without Apple to copy is like a fish without water. Nothing spectacular about this new Galaxy phone. What happened to the 64 bit architecture that Samsung said they were copying from Apple. Just another piece of garbage from Samsung.
  • Reply 190 of 236
    They have officially made a fool of themselves. iPhone 5s samsung s5 seriously?!?! And then touch ID in the home button and then samsung dies it to!!! Someone has to stop there bullshit. I'm sick and tired of samsung. I used to have everything samsung and then bam then I found Apple and saw how much samsung had copied Apple. Scam, jerks, copy cats, dumb ass's. And then they take paypal which was rumored to be with Apple in nogotiation. What crap AND THEN they take the same color selection as the iPhone 5s's and the iPod's. They have to be delt with. People are going to realize that the s5 is a complete rip off. Even the name being swapped around.
  • Reply 191 of 236
    I really wanna spam samsung on twitter.
  • Reply 192 of 236

    They threw in an outdated fingerprint reader just to check it off on the feature list. Samsung just never does anything "right", they just try to emulate what other people are doing, and I really hate that.

  • Reply 193 of 236
    I just realized this. The iPhone 5s has sapphire crystal to protect the sensor from the sun rays but samsung hasn't done that. Hanna the s5 is gonna fail hard
  • Reply 194 of 236
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,434member

    Originally Posted by AaronJ View Post



    6,000,000,000? :)

    HI4 ISO 409,000 at 16 MP and gigabit interface.


    It's up on Nikonrumors and probably dpreview already.

  • Reply 195 of 236
    b9botb9bot Posts: 238member
    32bit processor like the previous Samdung S4. Where's the innovation here? All I see is more copying of Apple as usual. Although it is a poor copy at best. You will need a wall mount pretty soon if the displays get any bigger. Although the display is bigger I heard that the resolution is the same as last years S4 which can only mean it isn't as clear. I also read that the phone is heavier as well. This is the kind of thing Apple stays away from. But I'm sure the dumb anal-ists will say this is gods gift to the world and raise Samdung's stock and beat on Apple's stock again.
  • Reply 196 of 236
    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    If Samsung wasn't copying Apple, why didn't their fingerprint scanner come out before Apple's? A little too coincidental that it comes out right after Apple implements one.

    Touch ID is not the first implementation of a fingerprint scanner on a smartphone. That credit belongs to the Atrix, but even that idea was not novel since fingerprint-based authentication had long been used for personal computers, and smartphones are pocket-sized personal computers. The main difference between Touch ID and the Atrix's implementation is that Touch ID uses a newer sensor. Apple waited longer than Motorola for Authentec's sensors to mature before integrating them in a smartphone.

  • Reply 197 of 236
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    d4njvrzf wrote: »
    Touch ID is not the first implementation of a fingerprint scanner on a smartphone. That credit belongs to the Atrix, but even that idea was not novel since fingerprint-based authentication had long been used for personal computers, and smartphones are pocket-sized personal computers. The main difference between Touch ID and the Atrix's implementation is that Touch ID uses a newer sensor. Apple waited longer than Motorola for Authentec's sensors to mature before integrating them in a smartphone.

    1) It's the first implementation that's worth a damn, which is something Apple has a long history of doing.

    2) The sensor is simply one part of a very complex widget. If you don't think so then please point out where on the Atrix SoC are the dedicated HW features specifically for the processing and verifying multiple fingerprints in any origination quickly and securely.
  • Reply 198 of 236
    So was Apple copying the Atrix?  Is Samsung copying the Atrix?  Was the Atrix copying the laptops with fingerprint sensors?  Were laptops with fingerprint sensors copying institutional security systems?

    Did Samsung put the fingerprint sensor in a phone this year because Apple put on in the 5s?  Yes.  Did Samsung only realize they could put a fingerprint sensor in their phone because the iPhone has one?  No.  Did Samsung consider using a fingerprint sensor in their phone before the iPhone had one?  Probably so.

    I think the furthest you can go with your argument is that Apple's implementation forced Samsung's timeline to change.  You can't make the leap to say that Apple gave Samsung the idea.

    I didn't make any claims of that kind. You are making all the leaps about what I said. What I posted was a reply to the argument that "company Y didn't copy X because X didn't invent it." One can still be inspired by a derivative work.
  • Reply 199 of 236
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,393moderator
    The redesigned handset also has a "perforated" polycarbonate exterior on the back, while the front of the device is a 5.1-inch display

    They must have heard customers like bigger displays:

    S1: 4", S2: 4.3", S3: 4.8", S4: 5", S5: 5.1"

    I wonder if they're converging to a particular size. They're doing the same with the Note series pushing it to 5.7". The original being 5.3".
    crowley wrote: »
    Water resistance is one thing I'd like to see Apple jump on board with. I lost a 3GS to the perils of the bathroom.

    And tbh I'd stick my phone into black and white mode permanently if it made a significant improvement to battery.

    I'd like to see water-proof, not just resistant on their mobile devices as well as their laptops. As for the display, I haven't found the display uses much power. The biggest drain I've found is the mobile data but also background apps. Once mobile data is off and background apps closed, I find the battery lasts much longer.

    Display visibility outdoors is a problem though and causes the backlight to work harder. It would be nice if they could get a way to use the sunlight to make the display brighter instead of fighting it with a stronger backlight like somehow make the incoming light uniform (white or even just one of the primary colors) and then multiply the incoming light with the outgoing color so that the reflected light is what the display shows. It needs a one-way filter of some sort.
  • Reply 200 of 236

    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post

    I didn't make any claims of that kind. You are making all the leaps about what I said. What I posted was a reply to the argument that "company Y didn't copy X because X didn't invent it." One can still be inspired by a derivative work.


    You're right, you didn't make those claims, and I didn't claim you made those claims.  That's why I wrote questions, questions you could answer to clarify your position.  And then I answered a series of my own questions to lay out the conditions surrounding Samsung's placement of a fingerprint scanner in the S5.  And then I explained what I believe to be the limits of the copying argument.


    Samsung didn't become inspired to add a fingerprint sensor to the S5 after Apple showed them it was possible.  Rather Samsung was compelled to add one now rather than later in order to maintain competitive parity.  I, personally, don't consider that copying.

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