Samsung announces Galaxy S5 with 5.1" display, fingerprint scanner & heart rate monitor



  • Reply 161 of 236
    snovasnova Posts: 1,281member

    Originally Posted by NOFEER View Post


    so why upgrade

    because within a short time it will be FREE!?

  • Reply 162 of 236
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    snova wrote: »
    not that I have a practical use for this, but could you PM me a link about if you have an App name that you have seen work? The engineer side of me is curious how this works. If its not overly expensive and actually works, I'd like to give it a try. 


    There are too many to name. I've tried several and they all seem to be accurate. Here is one that is straightforward and free.
  • Reply 163 of 236

    Looks like Samsung hasn't toned down the UI bloat:

  • Reply 164 of 236
    snovasnova Posts: 1,281member

    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post


    Originally Posted by snova View Post


    not that I have a practical use for this, but could you PM me a link about if you have an App name that you have seen work? The engineer side of me is curious how this works. If its not overly expensive and actually works, I'd like to give it a try. 


    There are too many to name. I've tried several and they all seem to be accurate. Here is one that is straightforward and free.

    thanks SolipsismX.  I'll try to find a paid one with good reviews.

  • Reply 165 of 236
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,926member
    ivan ski wrote: »
    Apple should take advantage of this and drip feed some whacko "sounds credible but would be crap in practice" leaks. Then just sit back and let Samsung squeeze into the S6 roadmap.

    Sammy's roadmap looks a lot like 1 Infinite Loop as seen from a moving car.
  • Reply 166 of 236
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    snova wrote: »
    thanks SolipsismX.  I'll try to find a paid one with good reviews.

    That company has a paid version, too, but I don't think you get anything worth paying for.

    The mechanics are pretty simple. It shines the LED light through your finger — remember doing that with a flashlight as a kid? — and uses the camera to see when the image gets darker and lighter which signifies when blood is being pumped though the veins.
  • Reply 167 of 236
    snovasnova Posts: 1,281member

    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post


    Originally Posted by snova View Post

    thanks SolipsismX.  I'll try to find a paid one with good reviews.

    That company has a paid version, too, but I don't think you get anything worth paying for.

    The mechanics are pretty simple. It shines the LED light through your finger — remember doing that with a flashlight as a kid? — and uses the camera to see when the image gets darker and lighter which signifies when blood is being pumped though the veins.

    thanks for the explanation. sounds interesting. I guess they could take a video.

  • Reply 168 of 236
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    snova wrote: »
    thanks for the explanation. sounds interesting. I guess they could take a video.

    You lost me. Take a video?
  • Reply 169 of 236
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    What's the bet that supplies of the gold will be constrained at launch?

    Just to, you know create some Applesque buzz.
  • Reply 170 of 236
    I have no idea why the Verge mentioned that the S4 had a successful rollout? It wasn't their best and didn't sell well. Does anyone kmow if that's true?
  • Reply 171 of 236
    aaronjaaronj Posts: 1,595member

    Originally Posted by d4NjvRzf View Post


    Looks like Samsung hasn't toned down the UI bloat:


    Dang.  Those people are NOT happy!  Yikes.


    (Not that I blame them.)

  • Reply 172 of 236

    The other site I visit is like crickets right now, all the commenters that shredded TouchID really have no place to go, they have to sit and take it.

  • Reply 173 of 236
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    So I'm watching TV tonight and see a Galaxy S4 commercial from Samsung where they're comparing the camera to the 5S. They show the two phones side by side, but with the iPhone the photo they show is in the square format so it doesn't fill up the entire screen and makes the viewing area look incredibly small compared to the S4. God I hate dishonest advertising, :rolleyes:
  • Reply 174 of 236
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    The other site I visit is like crickets right now, all the commenters that shredded TouchID really have no place to go, they have to sit and take it.
    Has anyone written up a detailed explanation of where fingerprint sensors are stored on the GS5? I know Samsung says it's encrypted but I find it curious that none of the tech sites are inquiring further. They certainly did when Touch ID came out. I'll be waiting for these securities firms to try and spoof it, but my guess is I'll be waiting for a long time.
  • Reply 175 of 236

    Swipe fingerprinting

    8 GB ROM

    wide bezels

    not 64-bit CPU (considered a gimmick by the same people that considered TouchID a gimmick)


    The only interesting thing to me is the IP67 water-resistant rating.


    Can't wait for the camera comparison to the 5S. The low-light capability of my 5S is fantastic.

  • Reply 176 of 236
    aaronjaaronj Posts: 1,595member

    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    So I'm watching TV tonight and see a Galaxy S4 commercial from Samsung where they're comparing the camera to the 5S. They show the two phones side by side, but with the iPhone the photo they show is in the square format so it doesn't fill up the entire screen and makes the viewing area look incredibly small compared to the S4. God I hate dishonest advertising, image


    I know exactly what you're saying.  But to be fair, ALL advertising is dishonest -- to some degree. :)

  • Reply 177 of 236
    freerangefreerange Posts: 1,597member
    You mean like the fingerprint scanner that doesn't work? Get real...
  • Reply 178 of 236
    Apple wasn't the first with a fingerprint sensor on a phone, so I don't consider fair to say Samsung copied Apple in this way.

    Ah yes, the "but but but Xerox" argument, in another form.
    You don't have to be the originator of an idea to be the inspiration for someone who copies you.
  • Reply 179 of 236
    freerangefreerange Posts: 1,597member
    Actually, hopefully it is the case with the S5! This scumbag of a company does not deserve the business.
  • Reply 180 of 236
    freerangefreerange Posts: 1,597member
    aaronj wrote: »
    I know exactly what you're saying.  But to be fair, ALL advertising is dishonest -- to some degree. :)
    As someone who has a long career in the advertising business, this is simply not true!
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