Samsung announces Galaxy S5 with 5.1" display, fingerprint scanner & heart rate monitor



  • Reply 81 of 236
    ipilyaipilya Posts: 195member

    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post



    Welcome to 2010.


    You been living under a rock or sumthink?

    I wouldn't say that.... previously Samsung seemed to have been reacting to what Apple was releasing. 

  • Reply 82 of 236
    I truly like the idea of dust and water resistance. It makes sense. As for the size of the actual device, I wouldn't say 5.1 is too ridiculous in size. Definitely still manageable. I feel that with the Galaxy line of smart phones, it is almost like they put so much effort in jamming features in that they forget that it does all work seamlessly. Not every piece of hardware they add always makes the phone better, it has to have a practical use. I think that they just jam as much as they can in there for pure advertisement and having the right to say "my phone can do all of these things".
  • Reply 83 of 236
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    sockrolid wrote: »
    And it looks like an entire year (and counting) will pass before Samsung / Google even attempt 64-bit computing.
    I wonder how Samsung's ad agency will spin that unfortunate little fact.

    Damned if you do, and damned if you don't.
  • Reply 84 of 236
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member

    Originally Posted by AaronJ View Post



    The MP thing is just one of those things that people can easily grasp without understanding what it means.  Of course, a 16MP camera with great lenses and a 16MP camera in a phone are two different things.


    No, I get what you were getting at. 


    Also 16MP with big fat, light gathering pixels is going to beat 16MP tiny, crammed in pixels.


    My Sony N7 has 24, totally useless for emailing etc without editing first.

  • Reply 85 of 236
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    pmz wrote: »
    Pulse tracker? Yeah that will get a lot of use.

    Ironically that's already available for any iPhone with a camera and LED flash via innumerable free apps for years.
  • Reply 86 of 236

    Originally Posted by PaulMJohnson View Post


    I once saw an old bloke drop his pipe into the urinal while he was taking a piss.


    I was somewhat appalled when he picked it out, put it straight back into his mouth and continued smoking away.


    There's worse things to drop in the urinal than your phone!

    I hate it that my junk falls in there. 8^)

  • Reply 87 of 236
    genovellegenovelle Posts: 1,481member

    Originally Posted by snova View Post


    Then don't read the article.  There are lots of articles I simply have no interest in and don't read.   What's your motivation? 


    Doctor, it hurts when I read this..  Then don't read that.

    He may be a little thrown off but the Apple in the title of the site that he may have been coming to long before you fell in love with Android or Samsung. Which if they had not copied Apple so blatantly to begin with, you still wouldn't know of them.   

  • Reply 88 of 236
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    Originally Posted by malax View Post


    LTE+WiFi sounds clever, but only makes sense if you have an unlimited data plan.  It'll stick with "slow" unboosted (but "free") WiFi when I'm at home thanks.


    I'll be waiting for the people who blow out their data plans, "...but, but, I was on WiFi!"

  • Reply 89 of 236
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,385member
    Another watch too?? This one is fitness oriented, thus the moniker: Samsung Fit
    [IMG ALT=""][/IMG]
    [IMG ALT=""][/IMG]
    It doesn't appear to offer a whole lotta features tho. :\
  • Reply 90 of 236
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    malax wrote: »
    LTE+WiFi sounds clever, but only makes sense if you have an unlimited data plan.  It'll stick with "slow" unboosted (but "free") WiFi when I'm at home thanks.

    You do pay for that wifi at home I hope.
  • Reply 91 of 236

    I rarely comment seriously on a subject as close to world values than this. When i see someone on my commute train with a Samsung i look at them with the same pity as the sad suit choked sad person sitting at the train table with his massive Windows plastic monstrosity, and his mouse and his disbelief. What i have came to understand is that this their reality. They don't know any different. It's like trying to battle creationism with science. You can beat people over the head with honest, well meant help and compassion, if they don't listen, move on. It's called triage. I know that one day i will live in a world with No Religion, No Windows, No android and we'll go on a mission that we may call a Star Trek.


    To the future,


    Children of Earth,



  • Reply 92 of 236
    genovellegenovelle Posts: 1,481member

    I still see an iPhone 3G every time I see a Galaxy phone from the front. The Sammy apologist will say its rectangles and rounded corners, but if Apple had maintained their same original design for even 3 years, the tech press would have eaten their lunch.  Samsung not only does that but just slightly changes the case and makes it bigger starting with someone else's design and they get applause. It makes no sense, unless of course,  they are paying for their coverage.   

  • Reply 93 of 236
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member

    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    Here's the Verge's initial take on the finger print scanner:
    Less successful is Samsung’s take on the fingerprint-unlock system made popular by Apple with the iPhone 5S. Like the 5S, the S5’s home key features an integrated fingerprint scanner, which can be used to unlock the phone or authenticate purchases online (Samsung is partnering with PayPal to enable this feature, though it doesn’t validate purchases from the Google Play Store). Samsung’s version requires a vertical swipe over the home button to activate the scanner, and we found it to be quite unreliable and virtually impossible to activate when holding the phone in one hand. It can store up to three different digits, but it was very particular about the speed and orientation of the swiping motion used — if we weren’t doing a perfectly straight swipe down, it would refuse to unlock the phone.



    I Already said this would happen, I use the Motorola version of this and it sucked, it does not work well, Plus Motorola did it better the put the scanner on the back of the phone so you can hold it in one hand and look at the display and swipe your finger on the back side.


  • Reply 94 of 236
    I hate SameScam with every bone in my body. They are nothing but copycats who use Apple like there own R and D facility to get new ideas. Those guys can't innovate a thing. All they ever do is copy. Like a bigger screen is innovation? Give me a break Samscam!
  • Reply 95 of 236
    19831983 Posts: 1,225member
    I much prefer Sony's new Z2 to this thing! If I were to go Android that is - which I'm not.
  • Reply 96 of 236
    I'm sure it's going to be fine, in a PC sort of way. But then that's sort of the problem isn't it.
  • Reply 97 of 236
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    Originally Posted by SudoNym View Post

    I hate SameScam with every bone in my body. They are nothing but copycats who use Apple like there own R and D facility to get new ideas. Those guys can't innovate a thing. All they ever do is copy. Like a bigger screen is innovation? Give me a break Samscam!


    No, the biggest innovation is that the plastic on the back isn't smooth any more.

  • Reply 98 of 236
    512ke512ke Posts: 782member

    An Android pulse tracker sounds like a GREAT thing.  Google can store all your health information and target your ads.


    Good health = ads for organic food.

    Bad health = they notify your insurance company.

    Really bad = ads for mortuaries and estate lawyers pop up on the screen.


    Okay I'm being sarcastic.  But Samsung deserves sarcasm after their recent anti-Apple ads.



    Sarcasm aside, I have a question: Is it not BAD for you to have electromagnetic frequency radiation near your body?


    My doctor said not to have my iPhone in my POCKET.  So how is it going to be "good health" to wear a computer in watch form that monitors you 24/7?

  • Reply 99 of 236
    snovasnova Posts: 1,281member
    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    Originally Posted by SockRolid View Post



    And it looks like an entire year (and counting) will pass before Samsung / Google even attempt 64-bit computing.

    I wonder how Samsung's ad agency will spin that unfortunate little fact.


    By upping the RAM to more than 4GB and crapping on about how the Note 4 or S6 is using 64bit properly.

    some non-techies may not catch the sarcasm here of the 4GB relationship to the 32 bit address limitation.   Some may not know you need memory address space for memory mapped i/o on ARM.  So 4GB of RAM and 32 bit CPU may seem like a non issue on the surface.

  • Reply 100 of 236
    razorpitrazorpit Posts: 1,796member

    Originally Posted by Kingron View Post

    5.1".... does it come with a wall mount?

    Anything bigger and it'll need a VESA mount...

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