Rumor again claims Apple's jumbo-sized 5.5" iPhone will launch after new, larger 4.7" model



  • Reply 21 of 149
    sirlance99sirlance99 Posts: 1,301member

    Originally Posted by HAMETA View Post

    What Kind of Woman Are You TALKING ABOUT ?

    Like THIS ???

    Man, get a life. There are people who love Apple but would like just a little more choice than what is currently offered. I see woman wanting other phones because they have a larger screen everyday I work. So, Apple could keep them if they have more choice.

  • Reply 22 of 149

    Originally Posted by SwissMac2 View Post




    Of course, you're a troll. Bye!


    I was surprised that you answered the first time.

  • Reply 23 of 149
    technotechno Posts: 737member

    Originally Posted by itpromike View Post

    Doesn't Apple get that only they (and maybe just maybe a select few others) care about thinness? We don't care about how thin it is, just give us longer lasting batteries and devices... I'm sure 90% of all people would sacrifice a few mm or .mm if it meant the device would last twice as long on a charge...

    As someone who keeps my phone in my pocket, I do care about the thinness. I really hope that all of this phablet talk is just a rumor. Besides the impracticalness of them, I really think people look silly with giant phones up to their ears.


    I am not sure what the complaint about the battery is (at least for the 5s). My battery lasts all day if not longer, with no problem. How often do are you away from an outlet that you can't charge it overnight?

  • Reply 24 of 149
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Claims that Apples rumored 5.5-inch iPhone will bow months after its purported 4.7-inch sibling


    The last time that Apple was “going to release two devices”, one after another, it… didn’t happen at all.


    And we’ve forgotten that? Even I haven’t forgotten that. I don’t know what device it was supposed to be, nor when it was, but that it happened is still up there. 


    Originally Posted by SirLance99 View Post

    I sure hope so. I'll be able to come back to the iPhone is Apple makes a larger screen.


    That’s okay; you can keep looking foolish using other products.


    Originally Posted by HAMETA View Post

    They Haven't Got PAW OF BEAST like YOU !




    Originally Posted by SirLance99 View Post

    It's called having a choice.


    Do you really want the choice of looking like a fool? There is no “right”, but Apple is also not “wrong”.

  • Reply 25 of 149
    5.5 = iPod touch? Why the hell would Apple spend millions on researching the best functioning phone size, only to throw it away??
  • Reply 26 of 149

    More and more every day I see young people, teens and early twenties, using large screen Android phones.


    Even a year ago I saw more iPhones in use but that trend seems to be changing amongst people in that age group.


    Anecdotal evidence... true... but...


    (oh... and I have never bought the 5.5" iPhone rumor)

  • Reply 27 of 149
    sirlance99sirlance99 Posts: 1,301member

    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post



    The last time that Apple was “going to release two devices”, one after another, it… didn’t happen at all.


    And we’ve forgotten that? Even I haven’t forgotten that. I don’t know what device it was supposed to be, nor when it was, but that it happened is still up there. 



    That’s okay; you can keep looking foolish using other products.






    Do you really want the choice of looking like a fool? There is no “right”, but Apple is also not “wrong”.

    You think you are all high and mighty by calling people names? It's in your opinion that others that want something other than an Apple iPhone look like a fool. What I and others want should not effect you in any way. In fact it doesn't effect you, so why do you care so much?


    Just because my needs differ from yours doesn't make you grand master on what a smart device should be. Phones have evolved way past the use of calling now days. Wither you like it or not, over time phones, even your precious iPhone, will get larger. That's just how things are evolving if you look at the big picture a decade from now. Smart devices are going to manifest into mostly a hub that controls all aspects of your life in every way.  


    So, please get off your high horse and let others buy, have and enjoy what they want.

  • Reply 28 of 149
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by SirLance99 View Post

    You think you are all high and mighty by calling people names?


    If I had actually done that, I don’t imagine so.


    It's in your opinion that others that want something other than an Apple iPhone look like a fool.


    Never said that. Don’t put words in my mouth.


    Wither you like it or not, over time phones, even your precious iPhone, will get larger. 


    Can’t wait for 20” ‘phones’.


    That's just how things are evolving if you look at the big picture a decade from now. 


    Except you can’t see a decade out.


    what they want. 


    You don’t have a clue what you actually want. That’s the problem.

  • Reply 29 of 149
    icoco3icoco3 Posts: 1,474member

    Originally Posted by SirLance99 View Post

    It's called having a choice. Keep the 4" for all I care. I just want a LARGER SCREEN. Right now, Apple doesn't give me a choice as they think the 4" is best for me. Apple is wrong.


    I will be sure to let Tim Cook know that Apple has failed you and they need to change direction.

  • Reply 30 of 149
    sirlance99sirlance99 Posts: 1,301member

    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post



    If I had actually done that, I don’t imagine so.


    Never said that. Don’t put words in my mouth.


    Can’t wait for 20” ‘phones’.


    Except you can’t see a decade out.


    You don’t have a clue what you actually want. That’s the problem.

    I'm sorry, you're right. You know everything and everyone should conform to what you and Apple think is right. 


    Seriously, please explain to me as I'm willing to listen to other points of views, why you care so much if people want a bigger phone than what Apple currently offers? How does it affect you in any way if Apple does offer a couple more larger screen sizes? I'm not trolling you at all as I really would like you understand your thought process. Why are you so against a larger form factor? One handed use doesn't count as some people like myself really don't care about the one thing. Even though I can do one handed operation with my current larger phone 80% of the time. The other 20% you need two hands anyways. 


    I'm now ready to listen to your thoughtful discussion. If I could, I would buy you a drink as I listen to your different point of view.

  • Reply 31 of 149
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by SirLance99 View Post

    I'm sorry, you're right. You know everything and everyone should conform to what you and Apple think is right. 


    Not true, but if it’s what you believe, I’ll gladly end the argument here.


    why you care so much if people want a bigger phone than what Apple currently offers?


    I care about products being actually used.

    Why are you so against a larger form factor? One handed use doesn’t count…


    Why are you for a larger form factor? Two handed use doesn’t count.

  • Reply 32 of 149
    schlackschlack Posts: 724member
    would upgrade from my 5s to a 4.7 screen eventually, but not too compelling for me. would be much more impressed by integrated solar panel in the screen or pressure sensitive touch or longer battery life.
  • Reply 33 of 149
    sirlance99sirlance99 Posts: 1,301member

    Originally Posted by icoco3 View Post



    I will be sure to let Tim Cook know that Apple has failed you and they need to change direction.

    I never said Apple failed. They have done the opposite as we all know. I was just stating that I, and many others, despite what you think, want a larger form factor. There is nothing wrong with wanting that as that services our needs and wants. 


    Apple is doing extremely well, I do not even think about saying they are not. Although, I work in the industry where phones and tablets are sold and see each and everyday people choosing a larger Android phone when they had an iPhone previously. When I ask them why they are switching, the #1 answer is for a larger screen. NOW, I know, because I also see it everyday, that people go the other way as well coming from an Android to an iPhone.  So don't twist my words around on this. It does go both ways, I understand that.


    So, if Apple made a larger screen phone they would not lose those who just wanted a larger screen phone.

  • Reply 34 of 149
    andysolandysol Posts: 2,506member

    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post



    Why are you for a larger form factor? 

    My dad always said don't answer a question with a question.  I'm also curious why you're opposed to a larger iPhone.  I would prefer a larger one, but I also hope they keep the 4"- which is what my wife would prefer.

  • Reply 35 of 149
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by Andysol View Post

    I'm also curious why you're opposed to a larger iPhone.


    To be clear, I’m against a phone unusable with one hand. If a larger screen can retain this in full by making the device thinner, that’s another story. I figure there’s just a little big more space that can be squeezed out in this way.


    But for a device that cannot be used with one hand, the situations in which it can be used at all are diminished greatly. Why would you want a device with less functionality? How is it that people can’t see that being forced to dedicate both hands to the operation of your phone would decrease the number of situations in which this phone is usable?

  • Reply 36 of 149

    Originally Posted by icoco3 View Post



    I will be sure to let Tim Cook know that Apple has failed you and they need to change direction.


    ... and what direction would that be in your mind?

  • Reply 37 of 149
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post



    To be clear, I’m against a phone unusable with one hand. If a larger screen can retain this in full by making the device thinner, that’s another story. I figure there’s just a little big more space that can be squeezed out in this way.


    But for a device that cannot be used with one hand, the situations in which it can be used at all are diminished greatly. Why would you want a device with less functionality? How is it that people can’t see that being forced to dedicate both hands to the operation of your phone would decrease the number of situations in which this phone is usable?


    I use two hands regardless, so does my Wife, so do most, if not all, of my friends.


    Keep the 4" for people like yourself.


    Give people a choice by having a larger phone as well. (but that has already been said)

  • Reply 38 of 149
    andysolandysol Posts: 2,506member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post



    To be clear, I’m against a phone unusable with one hand. If a larger screen can retain this in full by making the device thinner, that’s another story. I figure there’s just a little big more space that can be squeezed out in this way.


    But for a device that cannot be used with one hand, the situations in which it can be used at all are diminished greatly. Why would you want a device with less functionality? How is it that people can’t see that being forced to dedicate both hands to the operation of your phone would decrease the number of situations in which this phone is usable?

    When I sit and think about what I do one handed and what I do two handed on my phone- I feel like a bigger phone could still facilitate one handed and 2 handed operation similarly.

    Landscape mode essentially requires 2 hands, so we're really talking about portrait.


    With a large phone (say 4.7") you could still use 1 hand for almost every task I use 1 hand for now- you can still swipe to unlock, dial a phone number & handle all call functions, scroll the internet, selecting and scrolling through apps, scrolling through & deleting emails, selecting notifications, etc.  Apple is very "right hand" dominate- deleting things, and buttons, are always on the right.  The only exception I wouldn't be able to use with one hand would be the notification drop-down.


    I only use two hands when I text or type- so that would be a moot point, as I use two hands with that now.


    So outside of the notification pull-down, I don't see the loss of function.

  • Reply 39 of 149
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    hameta wrote: »

    Why Are You So SELF-CENTERED ?

    Half of i-Phone Users Are WOMEN.

    They Haven't Got PAW OF BEAST like YOU !


    What's funny is I'm seeing more and more women with the Note 3.
  • Reply 40 of 149
    ws11ws11 Posts: 159member
    Originally Posted by adhir View Post

    I'm all for the 4.7. Phablet not so much, though I'll reserve judgement until I see it.

    The OnePlus One has a 5.5" display inside a chassis size that is commonly used with devices that have a 5" display:


    OnePlus One: 5.5in full HD screen, Snapdragon 801 and 13MP camera for just £290 

    Here is the OnePlus One sitting underneath an Xperia Z2:


    View image on Twitter 

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