Rumor again claims Apple's jumbo-sized 5.5" iPhone will launch after new, larger 4.7" model



  • Reply 41 of 149
    Originally Posted by SirLance99 View Post

    I never said Apple failed. They have done the opposite as we all know. I was just stating that I, and many others, despite what you think, want a larger form factor. There is nothing wrong with wanting that as that services our needs and wants. 


    Apple is doing extremely well, I do not even think about saying they are not. Although, I work in the industry where phones and tablets are sold and see each and everyday people choosing a larger Android phone when they had an iPhone previously. When I ask them why they are switching, the #1 answer is for a larger screen. NOW, I know, because I also see it everyday, that people go the other way as well coming from an Android to an iPhone.  So don't twist my words around on this. It does go both ways, I understand that.


    So, if Apple made a larger screen phone they would not lose those who just wanted a larger screen phone.


    Stop this ridiculousness. Companies make smart business decisions that balance market behavior, profitability, and many other considerations. You, yourself, recognize that the market flows in both directions. So Apple has determined that it's not in their interest to try to flow with the market. They decided they are willing to potentially lose a relatively small percentage of the market that "can't live without" a larger screen iPhone, matte display, 17-inch MacBook, Performa-level Mac Pro, etc... in order to focus on a much larger, more stable piece of the market. That is a smart strategy. It is also the direction the company has been on for years. And they base their decisions on far more extensive market analysis than we have the resources to undertake (and they don't share it publicly). Apple's profits clearly demonstrate that this is a sound strategy--and you recognize this. Their extremely loyal customer base also pays deference to that fact.
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  • Reply 42 of 149
    sirlance99sirlance99 Posts: 1,301member

    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post



    Not true, but if it’s what you believe, I’ll gladly end the argument here.


    I care about products being actually used.


    Why are you for a larger form factor? Two handed use doesn’t count.

    See, trying to have a thoughtful discussion with you and you just doge it. I was being nice and understanding to how you think. You see, I like to learn from others as I know that you can learn when you listen to what other people think and for what reason they think that way. I have no problem with other points of view even if I disagree with it. You seem to not want to learn from others and think you are right no matter what. Really? Is that how you live your life?


    Apple should and most likely will keep the 4" form factor for those that want it. There is nothing wrong with them making a larger form factor either as many millions of people use larger form factors each and everyday.


    Why a larger form factor? Well, let's see here.  The easy one is I can do much more on my current device than I can on the 4" iPhone is an easy manner. I easily run my life, in every way, out of my current phone. I do extensive reading, banking, social, research, fitness, multimedia, navigation, shopping, and the occasional game. I interact with people where I have to show off certain information to them and a larger screen makes it so much easier. Not each and every time but people do say "WOW" "That's so nice" and the such when they see what I'm able to do on my device. Now, if I was using my 4" iPhone, this would not be as easy to do. I do not have to carry around two devices such as my iPad or other Android tablet. I only need to carry one. Most of the time, it's not plausible to carry both my smart device and tablet. So, the larger form factor wins for my use cases. I know I do more than the average bear when it comes to using a smart device but those are just a few of my use cases.   


    I speak to CEO's, high level business people, architects, lawyers, Realtors, everyday productive people whom are extremely smart and successful everyday on why they want a larger screen phone as they are buying it. They all state they want to be able to do more out of there phone. Now, you mentioned people look like "fools" when they choose this route. So, by deduction, you are calling all these people who, at least some of them, are smarter, more successful, happier, and make way more money than you, "fools". Why is that? All of them, as you put it "I care about products being actually used" actually use their device each and everyday and are very happy with it.


    Now, I would really love to know your point of view as to why people can't have a choice with Apple and how for some reason you think the smart device will not be able to be used anymore?

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  • Reply 43 of 149
    swissmac2 wrote: »
    I don't really care about the physical size so long as the magnification of the screen contents is improved; if you're over 40 and need reading glasses, text and icons on the iPhones right now are just too small to read.

    Hear, hear; and on the Mac.
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  • Reply 44 of 149
    hameta wrote: »

    Why Are You So SELF-CENTERED ?

    Half of i-Phone Users Are WOMEN.

    They Haven't Got PAW OF BEAST like YOU !


    Funny post! Enjoyed the Beauty and the Beast picture. I wish Disney would reinstate it to the iTunes Store.
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  • Reply 45 of 149
    sirlance99sirlance99 Posts: 1,301member
    To be clear, I’m against a phone unusable with one hand. If a larger screen can retain this in full by making the device thinner, that’s another story. I figure there’s just a little big more space that can be squeezed out in this way.

    But for a device that cannot be used with one hand, the situations in which it can be used at all are diminished greatly. Why would you want a device with less functionality? How is it that people can’t see that being forced to dedicate both hands to the operation of your phone would decrease the number of situations in which this phone is usable?

    Some would say you get MORE functionality out of a larger form factor. My productivity has increased since I've gotten a larger form factor smart device.
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  • Reply 46 of 149
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by SirLance99 View Post

    See, trying to have a thoughtful discussion with you and you just doge it. 


    Explicitly replied to what you said.


    I was being nice…


    Yes, yes, you’re the “good guy” here. Sure thing.


    as many millions of people use larger form factors each and everyday.


    Proof, please.


    and a larger screen makes it so much easier.


    You’re certain? How about a 9” phone. That would make it even easier.

    I do not have to carry around two devices such as my iPad or other Android tablet. I only need to carry one.

    Right. One, which doesn’t do either job as well as the two real devices.


    Most of the time, it's not plausible to carry both my smart device and tablet.


    … Why?


    They all state they want to be able to do more out of there phone.


    See? I told you that people don’t have a clue what they actually want. They correlate “larger” with “more”, which isn’t valid here.


    Now, you mentioned people look like "fools" when they choose this route. So, by deduction, you are calling all these people who, at least some of them, are smarter, more successful, happier, and make way more money than you, "fools".


    This is a nice little fallacy.


    your point of view as to why people cant have a choice


    Again, thanks for the strawman.


    Originally Posted by SirLance99 View Post

    Some would say you get MORE functionality out of a larger form factor.


    Yes, and as I just said, some are wrong.

     Some would say you get MORE functionality out of a larger form factor. My productivity has increased since I've gotten a larger form factor smart device.


    So has mine. It’s called an iPad.

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  • Reply 47 of 149
    icoco3icoco3 Posts: 1,474member
    Originally Posted by SirLance99 View Post

    I sure hope so. I'll be able to come back to the iPhone is Apple makes a larger screen.


    Apple didn't do what you wanted so the insinuation is you had to go somewhere else.  Apple failed you?


    Originally Posted by SirLance99 View Post

    It's called having a choice. Keep the 4" for all I care. I just want a LARGER SCREEN. Right now, Apple doesn't give me a choice as they think the 4" is best for me. Apple is wrong.


    "Apple is wrong"  Your comment, not mine


    Originally Posted by SirLance99 View Post


    I never said Apple failed. They have done the opposite as we all know. I was just stating that I, and many others, despite what you think, want a larger form factor. There is nothing wrong with wanting that as that services our needs and wants. 


    Apple is doing extremely well, I do not even think about saying they are not. Although, I work in the industry where phones and tablets are sold and see each and everyday people choosing a larger Android phone when they had an iPhone previously. When I ask them why they are switching, the #1 answer is for a larger screen. NOW, I know, because I also see it everyday, that people go the other way as well coming from an Android to an iPhone.  So don't twist my words around on this. It does go both ways, I understand that.


    So, if Apple made a larger screen phone they would not lose those who just wanted a larger screen phone.


    I never said "Apple failed" either, you just said they were wrong. I said "Apple failed you".  If Apple wants to make a larger screen size, they can.  When people  claim they are "wrong" for not having a larger size when they do just fine without one seems a bit odd.  Maybe I would like a bigger  sized screen but it hasn't stopped me from enjoying my existing iPhone.  It works great and the iPad comes out for the times I need a bigger screen.

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  • Reply 48 of 149
    icoco3icoco3 Posts: 1,474member

    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post



    ... and what direction would that be in your mind?


    I don't know...ask the person I responded to.

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  • Reply 49 of 149

    Originally Posted by SwissMac2 View Post


    It's the women in my life who are complaining they switched to Samsung because the iPhone screen was not easy to read for them because the text was too small. 


    I know women who just have trouble with capacitive touchscreens because of their long fingernails.... Probably a few eccentric men have that same issue, too!

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  • Reply 50 of 149

    Originally Posted by icoco3 View Post



    I don't know...ask the person I responded to.


    You said that person is asking Apple to change directions... but that person didn't ask Apple to change directions.


    So... it must be you that says that Apple would be changing directions.


    I ask again, in your mind what direction do you feel is being changed by Apple by making a larger iPhone?

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  • Reply 51 of 149
    sirlance99sirlance99 Posts: 1,301member

    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post



    Explicitly replied to what you said.


    Yes, yes, you’re the “good guy” here. Sure thing.


    Proof, please.


    You’re certain? How about a 9” phone. That would make it even easier.

    Right. One, which doesn’t do either job as well as the two real devices.


    … Why?


    See? I told you that people don’t have a clue what they actually want. They correlate “larger” with “more”, which isn’t valid here.


    This is a nice little fallacy.


    Again, thanks for the strawman.


    Yes, and as I just said, some are wrong.


    So has mine. It’s called an iPad.

    Ok my friend. You can't have a valid discussion.  I'm seriously trying to see your point of view but you fail to explain it.


    What are you going to say when Apple actually does make a larger form factor phone? What will you say if it actually sells more than the 4" form factor?

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  • Reply 52 of 149
    512ke512ke Posts: 782member

    Hey the world has changed since Apple released its first iPhone.  You could stream video from iTunes on that phone, but now, many people are using streaming services like Netflix and Hulu.  If you're using your phone to watch Breaking Bad, then having a larger screen is a plus for you.  Usage changes along with technology.  That's just one reason why it's more important for Apple to offer a bigger screen iPhone today, than it was 5 years ago.


    I also think the device categories are changing.  We used to have, iPods.  They got rolled into the iPhone really.  In the say way, the iPad and iPhone could get rolled into the same device, a phablet.  The only thing that's constant about technology and the way it's used, is change!

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  • Reply 53 of 149
    gwmacgwmac Posts: 1,826member
    If the rumors are true that Apple would let you use any ordinary pencil as a stylus I can see these appeal to a lot of people who need the accuracy and precision that a stylus would offer. Apparently a pencil would not leave any marks or scratches on the screen. And unlike stylus that you have to keep with you or are sometime hard or expensive to replace you can always get a new pencil. I am sure some people will buy a 5.5" in place of an iPad but Apple wouldn't mind that since the iPhone margins are so much better. I am sure they would also steal a lot of sales from typical Samsung Note buyers who do not have any real alternative at the moment. It would compliment a 4.7" well and I hope this rumor pans out.
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  • Reply 54 of 149
    gwmacgwmac Posts: 1,826member

    Apple is also acutely aware that over half of Americans over 20 have poor vision. Once you go up to over 30, over 40, the percentages get far higher than 50%. Zoom on the current iPhone is not a good solution. It is annoying and makes you feel like half your display is missing. A larger display would appeal to anyone with less than perfect vision which is a majority of people over 30 years old. This reason alone likely trumps them all. 

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  • Reply 55 of 149
    andysolandysol Posts: 2,506member
    Originally Posted by gwmac View Post

    If the rumors are true that Apple would let you use any ordinary pencil as a stylus I can see these appeal to a lot of people who need the accuracy and precision that a stylus would offer. Apparently a pencil would not leave any marks or scratches on the screen. And unlike stylus that you have to keep with you or are sometime hard or expensive to replace you can always get a new pencil. I am sure some people will buy a 5.5" in place of an iPad but Apple wouldn't mind that since the iPhone margins are so much better. I am sure they would also steal a lot of sales from typical Samsung Note buyers who do not have any real alternative at the moment. It would compliment a 4.7" well and I hope this rumor pans out.

    I would actually buy the 5.5" and keep my 9.7 iPad Air.  I'd venture to say those that want a larger phone don't have iPad Mini's- but have a full-sized iPad, which would still have a decent amount of disparity between the two.

    If Apple released a 4 (or 4.3), 4.7, and 5.5- I think it'd be great.  Unfortunately, I think they'll drop the 4", which I believe is a mistake.


    What I don't understand is why some are ok with 2 different sized iPads, but not 2 different sized phones.

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  • Reply 56 of 149
    icoco3icoco3 Posts: 1,474member

    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post



    You said that person is asking Apple to change directions... but that person didn't ask Apple to change directions.


    So... it must be you that says that Apple would be changing directions.


    I ask again, in your mind what direction do you feel is being changed by Apple by making a larger iPhone?


    See below...


    "I'll be able to come back to the iPhone..."

    "I just want a LARGER SCREEN."

    "Apple is wrong"


    The direction must be in terms of their comments.  So far they have not made a large enough screen to suit SirLance99.


    Originally Posted by SirLance99 View Post

    I sure hope so. I'll be able to come back to the iPhone is Apple makes a larger screen.

    Originally Posted by SirLance99 View Post

    It's called having a choice. Keep the 4" for all I care. I just want a LARGER SCREEN. Right now, Apple doesn't give me a choice as they think the 4" is best for me. Apple is wrong.

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  • Reply 57 of 149
    fallenjtfallenjt Posts: 4,056member

    Originally Posted by Negafox View Post

    The most popular Android phone models are between the 4.7-5" range. I cannot really see Apple playing a "who can make the largest smart phone" game and coming out with a 5.5" model -- the iPhablet. If I were Apple, I would make the phone wider (maybe 720 pixel wide display) and having vertical black bars for older apps.

    If Apple does come out with a 4.7" phone in a game of "me too", then I could see it jumping to a higher resolution than 1080p commonplace on smart phones nowadays. Perhaps doubling the pixel density to something like 2272x1280.

    Double pixel density to drain more battery without adding any benefit. Now, that's a great engineering.

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  • Reply 58 of 149
    fallenjtfallenjt Posts: 4,056member
    Originally Posted by Andysol View Post


    I would actually buy the 5.5" and keep my 9.7 iPad Air.  I'd venture to say those that want a larger phone don't have iPad Mini's- but have a full-sized iPad, which would still have a decent amount of disparity between the two.

    If Apple released a 4 (or 4.3), 4.7, and 5.5- I think it'd be great.  Unfortunately, I think they'll drop the 4", which I believe is a mistake.


    What I don't understand is why some are ok with 2 different sized iPads, but not 2 different sized phones.

    4" phone is here to stay, my friend and I don't see it get replaced by any larger size. 

    4.7"/4.8" is a great size even though I prefer sweet spot 5". This will be Apple primary iPhone.

    5.5"? I don't see it as an iPhone. However, I speculate that Apple may use that size for a new category such as game dedicated device (iGame, iPlay or iPhab...whatever). Reality check, playing gaming on current 4" device is horrible experience. So, 5.5" game device with cellular/call capability but Apple refuse to call it iPhone Max or iPad Nano even though it's still possible.

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  • Reply 59 of 149
    gwmacgwmac Posts: 1,826member
    Originally Posted by Andysol View Post


    I would actually buy the 5.5" and keep my 9.7 iPad Air.  I'd venture to say those that want a larger phone don't have iPad Mini's- but have a full-sized iPad, which would still have a decent amount of disparity between the two.

    If Apple released a 4 (or 4.3), 4.7, and 5.5- I think it'd be great.  Unfortunately, I think they'll drop the 4", which I believe is a mistake.


    What I don't understand is why some are ok with 2 different sized iPads, but not 2 different sized phones.

    I don't get their rational either.


    I think the biggest difference between an iPhone an iPad is not so much the display size as it is the type of device they have. By that I mean the percentage of people with wifi only type iPads is way ahead of iPads that include LTE for data. A wifi iPad won't do you much good unless you have wifi which is not always the case if you carry it with you. Another factor is also data plans. On an iPhone phone plan you can get unlimited calls, texts, and data ranging from 1GB to unlimited at prices ranging from $30 to $100 or more. On an LTE iPad your choices are much much fewer. I don't know of any that offer unlimited data for an iPad like you can get for an iPhone. And 5GB of data is just about the same price as unlimited data on an iPhone plan that also gives you voice and texts. There is much greater value in the plans for an iPhone over an LTE iPad which I think is the biggest differentiator not display size. 

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  • Reply 60 of 149

    Originally Posted by icoco3 View Post



    See below...


    "I'll be able to come back to the iPhone..."

    "I just want a LARGER SCREEN."

    "Apple is wrong"


    The direction must be in terms of their comments.  So far they have not made a large enough screen to suit SirLance99.



    That still doesn't sound like Apple would be changing direction.


    I think you are just changing the goalposts.

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