Rumor: Beats' Jimmy Iovine, Dr. Dre could take the stage at Apple's WWDC



  • Reply 221 of 243
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member

    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    Waitaminnit... Are you also a doctor?

    I never said I was a doctor.  That's what you ASSUME.  maybe it's just  a screen name.  Dr. Dre isn't a doctor and he goes by the name Dr. Dre where it's pronounced DOCTOR. But my screen name isn't DrBlank is it?  NOPE.   I was very CAREFUL NOT to spell it DrBlank.  Because that's not my name or screen name.

    Jeeez.......  Again, twisting words around to make something up that isn't true.

  • Reply 222 of 243
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    drblank wrote: »
    I never said I was a doctor.  That's what you ASSUME.  maybe it's just  a screen name.  Dr. Dre isn't a doctor and he goes by the name Dr. Dre where it's pronounced DOCTOR. But my screen name isn't DrBlank is it?  NOPE.   I was very CAREFUL NOT to spell it DrBlank.  Because that's not my name or screen name.

    Jeeez.......  Again, twisting words around to make something up that isn't true.

    So is your name Donald R. Blank?
  • Reply 223 of 243
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Including Solange, that'd be 101. ????

    He has 99 problem so Solange, whom some might consider to be additional problem as the bitch, would be one more thus bringing the total to 100.
  • Reply 224 of 243
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member

    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    Your argument wasn't that it wasn't some definition of a song because it didn't have a vocal singing, but that it wasn't music, even though you were given plenty of examples that included vocal singing. Regardless, no matter you spin it you're wrong that rap music isn't music.

    song |sôNG|


    • a short poem or other set of words set to music or meant to be sung.

    • singing or vocal music.

    • a musical composition suggestive of a song.

    • a poem, esp. one in rhymed stanzas.

    music |?myo?ozik|


    • vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) combined in such a way as to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion.

    • the art or science of composing or performing music.

    • the written or printed signs representing vocal or instrumental sound.

    • the score or scores of a musical composition or compositions.

    So how exactly is it possible to have sheet music for something that you claim isn't music?

    Since I don't normally listen to Kanye, I do know he was notorious for using lots of AutoTune to make it appear like he's singing.  I went and listening to the track and that's what he's doing which isn't what Dr. Dre and a lot of rappers are doing when they rap.  When they rap to rap, it's not using AutoTune or some form of pitch correction to make it SOUND like they are singing.  That's what's going on with this song, he's actually more singing it rather than rapping it.  But if you listen to the song, it's a mess.  I don't think there's a single musician playing any of the "MUSIC" of this song. Now, there are some background singers, but Kanye isn't is kind of singing/rapping.  It's still annoying to listen to so it's not creating beauty on any level for me.  I don't see this song as anything beautiful, it's just a c-rap song.  


    God, you just seem to want to waste my time.  


    Have a nice life. This stuff isn't anything to listen to if one wants to study MUSIC.


    And you got to Kanye West concerts?  Do you bring earplugs?

  • Reply 225 of 243
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member

    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    So is your name Donald R. Blank?

    Huh?  WAY OFF.  It's a SCREEN name.  It's meant to confuse you.

  • Reply 226 of 243
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member

    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    He has 99 problem so Solange, whom some might consider to be additional problem as the bitch, would be one more thus bringing the total to 100.

    Glad I don't socialize with that crowd. Nothing but trouble. 

  • Reply 227 of 243
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    drblank wrote: »
    Since I don't normally listen to Kanye

    Of course you don't, but you've still claimed that anything considered in the rap genre isn't music.
    That's what's going on with this song, he's actually more singing it rather than rapping it. […] Now, there are some background singers, but Kanye isn't is kind of singing/rapping.

    Which you finally admitting, albeit is the shittiest way possible, that you have been wrong this whole time.
    God, you just seem to want to waste my time.  

    Have a nice life.

    Now that you've admitting there is music and signing within a rap song you've lost so what is there for you to complain about except to say it's shitty music, but your opinion the music was neither a question nor a concern.
    And you got to Kanye West concerts?  Do you bring earplugs?

    I don't care for concerts. I dislike crowds, lines and waiting. I dislike the excessively loud and usually poor acoustics, even in large venues designed for it. Oh, I've been to plenty and since you've already made libel remarks as to what I would never go to or do there is no reason to mention them here, but I will say that I don't care for the spectacle of it. What people pay for an evening of concert going you couldn't pay me to attend.

    Now I do attend symphonies (operas and plays) and even though they also have crowds, lines and some waiting there is usually valet parking and much more relaxed atmosphere. Never do I leave those venues wanting to punch the next person that steps on my foot.
  • Reply 228 of 243
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    Of course you don't, but you've still claimed that anything considered in the rap genre isn't music.

    Which you finally admitting, albeit is the shittiest way possible, that you have been wrong this whole time.

    Now that you've admitting there is music and signing within a rap song you've lost so what is there for you to complain about except to say it's shitty music, but your opinion the music was neither a question nor a concern.

    I don't care for concerts. I dislike crowds, lines and waiting. I dislike the excessively loud and usually poor acoustics, even in large venues designed for it. Oh, I've been to plenty and since you've already made libel remarks as to what I would never go to or do there is no reason to mention them here, but I will say that I don't care for the spectacle of it. What people pay for an evening of concert going you couldn't pay me to attend.

    Now I do attend symphonies (operas and plays) and even though they also have crowds, lines and some waiting there is usually valet parking and much more relaxed atmosphere. Never do I leave those venues wanting to punch the next person that steps on my foot.

    The thing is, the original forms of early rap (before it was called rap) came from Africa, but it didn't sound like this crap. It was more chanting.   What happens is that cultures where music is originally created, formulates into some form of structure so they can teach the traditional songs.  If you ever studied some of the early rock songs, like Bo Diddly, they were actually African folk songs from South Africa, there are famous folk songs like Gumboots and others that got turned into early forms of rock/R&B,country or whatever songs, etc.


    Paul Simon knows this, Sting knows this, Peter Gabriel knows this, etc. etc.  The real artists of this world that go to these countries that get accepted because they take the time to go to these countries to study.  THEY can put songs together that are "RAP" influenced but it sounds NOTHING like the crap these so-called rap artists are doing.  I"ve played some of these old South African folk songs with people from that country and to hear them sing a cappella is seriously cool stuff and the chanting they do.  I've heard these people do this sitting 4 feet away.  They had 4 part harmony that was insane, pitch perfect, etc. etc.   But these people are considered MUSICIANS and they grew up learning this stuff and the old traditions of the country.  The come to America and try to bring that part of the culture here, but the blacks in the music industry like Dr. Dre, Kanye West, and others don't get involved with that to really create something worth buying.  All they want to do is use vulgar words, music that causes your ears to bleed due to excessive SPL and it sounds annoying to someone like me that does know how to play these old folk songs from Africa.  But then again, you probably don't have anything in your record collection, have really spent much time learning, etc. So it's probably something you never were exposed to.  I've heard the REAL "rappers' from Africa and Jamaica that aren't this gangster rap BS.  It's TOTALLY different and the way they do in those countries is far closer to music that I would buy and listen to and wouldn't have a problem with.   There is a BIG difference between 

    the REAL stuff from Africa and the stuff this country popularizes.



    But this Kanye West song would BARELY qualify as music, but it doesn't qualify as anything that I would buy, promote, support, or even want to study even if I was asked to perform this.  I would turn down a gig if they asked me to play this nonsense.   This to me is a way to scam people into thinking they are artists to pay attention to, but due to marketing, people buy it thinking it's music, when it qualifies on some levels, but doesn't on others.  It qualifies in my book as CRAP.   Nothing more. If I were you, go study music from Africa from the REAL African musicians.  Go listen to Baba Maal, Youssou N'Dour, Kene Lam, Angelique Kidju, the list goes on.  THEY make music Kanye makes crap.  you probably would have a tough time listening to the lyrics because it's not all in English and they sing differently than in the US.


    Thank God I have other music to listen to and enjoy.  The R&B they put out today has almost no relationship to the R&B that I grew up on and enjoy.  It's only R&B by label.  


    I'll take Earth, Wind and Fire (w/o Boogie Wonderland, that song was one of their few mistakes), Aretha, and all of the REAL R&B from the 60's and 70's over this crap.  The pop music culture has run out of ideas.  Only a SMALL  handful of real artists out there and they all have studied music and learned how to play instruments and keep their integrity intact.  


    Even many of the record execs that were active in the 70's have been talking about the sad state of affairs in the music industry and that no one seems to be putting out any "CLASSIC" songwriting.  It's a shame, once you start taking out the real musicians out of the equation, you are left with just crap..  Thank God I delved into jazz, world and other music to satisfy my thirst for music.  The pop culture is really running out of air fast and it's no wonder the record labels are selling less music.   It's their own damn fault.

  • Reply 229 of 243
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    drblank wrote: »
    Yeah, but this would BARELY qualify as music,

    Something either is or isn't defined as music.
    but it doesn't qualify as anything that I would buy, promote, support, or even want to study even if I was asked to perform this.  I would turn down a gig if they asked me to play this nonsense.

    One is concerned with your personal preferences here. You have the right to dislike any music and for any reason, as atrocious as that reason may be.
    Thank God I have other music to listen to and enjoy.

    Thank God music can be recorded so we can playback most music ever made at any time any place.
     The R&B they put out today has almost no relationship to the R&B that I grew up on and enjoy.  It's only R&B by label.

    But still a relationship which we can follow and discern the influences that the new artists pull from.
    I'll take Earth, Wind and Fire (w/o Boogie Wonderland, that song was one of their few mistakes), Aretha, and all of the REAL R&B from the 60's and 70's over this crap.  The pop music culture has run out of ideas.  Only a SMALL  handful of real artists out there and they all have studied music and learned how to play instruments and keep their integrity intact.

    1) Again, no one is saying your isolated music choices is not music or that you should enjoy other music.

    2) You say Pop has run out of ideas which oddly comes after a statement about listening to artists and genres that hasn't had a new idea in a very long time. Today's music has plenty of ideas, it's just ideas you don't like. Nothing wrong with you not liking it but at least accept that change is an act of putting something different into action based on an idea. Not necessarily a good idea but an idea nonetheless.
    Even many of the record execs that were active in the 70's have been talking about the sad state of affairs in the music industry...

    And the ones in every decade said the same thing and will say the same thing in the future. I'm convinced our brains create some "Golden Years" bubble in our memories that make us forget all the crap that goes along with all the nuggets we find.
  • Reply 230 of 243
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member

    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    Of course you don't, but you've still claimed that anything considered in the rap genre isn't music.

    Which you finally admitting, albeit is the shittiest way possible, that you have been wrong this whole time.

    Now that you've admitting there is music and signing within a rap song you've lost so what is there for you to complain about except to say it's shitty music, but your opinion the music was neither a question nor a concern.

    I don't care for concerts. I dislike crowds, lines and waiting. I dislike the excessively loud and usually poor acoustics, even in large venues designed for it. Oh, I've been to plenty and since you've already made libel remarks as to what I would never go to or do there is no reason to mention them here, but I will say that I don't care for the spectacle of it. What people pay for an evening of concert going you couldn't pay me to attend.

    Now I do attend symphonies (operas and plays) and even though they also have crowds, lines and some waiting there is usually valet parking and much more relaxed atmosphere. Never do I leave those venues wanting to punch the next person that steps on my foot.

    I never said the word "SHITTY", that you made up, I said to me it's not REAL music and that it's crap.   Most of the pop music that's being put out by a lot of white's is also crap these days.  It's the pop culture in general.  They are losing their ability to create "classic" songs because they are cutting more corners and hiring programmers to program the so-called "music" portion instead of hiring musicians and that's part of the problem.   

    What's happening is that kids grow up thinking they don't have to study music and become a music to create music and make a million dollars because most of the music is programmed by non-musicians that know how to use a s/w or sing relying on AutoTune.  Even with these vocal contest shows they have, many of them barely really know music but they are really good at mimicking their favorite celebrity singer, but they are only mimicking a style to do a Karaoke version.  Just look at the Voice, one of the best and more experienced singers got voted off this season and last season that had some REAL vocal chops but because they were older black women, they voted them off in preference to someone else that couldn't hold a candle to these women.  I was shocked people don't appreciate people that actually CAN sing, don't need Auto Tune and actually could probably spit out some classic songs if they got connected with the right songwriters, producers.  But we'll probably never hear about them.


    You've been to Kanye West concerts and Dr. Dre concerts? You started the libel remarks with me a LONG time ago.  Calling me a racist.  That's COMPLETELY WRONG.  I'm well respected with a LOT of blacks/African Americans or whatever PC term you want to use.  I have personal friends that I speak with all of the time and we talk about this and the people I hang out with that we are friendly enough to have these discussions agree with me and they certainly don't consider me racist in the least.  They are usually shocked that I know more about the African culture than they do.


    So get off your slanderous remarks.  

  • Reply 231 of 243
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    drblank wrote: »
    I never said the word "SHITTY", that you made up, I said to me it's not REAL music and that it's crap.

    Seriously?! You say it's crap in the same sentence that you get upset because I used the word shitty. SERIOUSLY?!?! WTF is wrong with you?
    Calling me a racist. That's COMPLETELY WRONG. I'm well respected with a LOT of blacks/African Americans or whatever PC term you want to use.

    I pointed out racist things you've stated which you're still doing with that last sentence! People that aren't racist don't have constantly detail how they're not racist by stating how many of "the blacks" they know, how many agree with you that rap music isn't music, and talk about how you have been around a lot of "the blacks" but didn't feel scared.

  • Reply 232 of 243
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
  • Reply 233 of 243
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member
    solipsismx wrote: »
    Something either is or isn't defined as music.
    One is concerned with your personal preferences here. You have the right to dislike any music and for any reason, as atrocious as that reason may be.
    Thank God music can be recorded so we can playback most music ever made at any time any place.
    But still a relationship which we can follow and discern the influences that the new artists pull from.
    1) Again, no one is saying your isolated music choices is not music or that you should enjoy other music.

    2) You say Pop has run out of ideas which oddly comes after a statement about listening to artists and genres that hasn't had a new idea in a very long time. Today's music has plenty of ideas, it's just ideas you don't like. Nothing wrong with you not liking it but at least accept that change is an act of putting something different into action based on an idea. Not necessarily a good idea but an idea nonetheless.
    And the ones in every decade said the same thing and will say the same thing in the future. I'm convinced our brains create some "Golden Years" bubble in our memories that make us forget all the crap that goes along with all the nuggets we find.

    Then why you hassling me for disliking rap music?
  • Reply 234 of 243
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    drblank wrote: »
    Then why you hassling me for disliking rap music?

    I've done no such thing. I've pointed out your force segregation of anything in the rap music genre as being music and your unsettling racial comment that you've used to unreasonable justification. I've always contend you are perfect fine not to like a genre of music, and have even mentioned genres I don't care for yet still consider music.
  • Reply 235 of 243
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member

    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    I've done no such thing. I've pointed out your force segregation of anything in the rap music genre as being music and your unsettling racial comment that you've used to unreasonable justification. I've always contend you are perfect fine not to like a genre of music, and have even mentioned genres I don't care for yet still consider music.

    Whatever.  Don't let your screen name get to your head more than it already has.

  • Reply 236 of 243
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    solipsismx wrote: »
    He has 99 problem so Solange, whom some might consider to be additional problem as the bitch, would be one more thus bringing the total to 100.

    Sorry, I've never cared for his music so I claim ignorance.
  • Reply 237 of 243
    APPLE BEATS: Apple should cut all ties and run! Help stop it and sign.
  • Reply 238 of 243
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by helen1969 View Post

    APPLE BEATS: Apple should cut all ties and run! Help stop it and sign.


    I should start an online petition to see how many people are stupid enough to think that online petitions work.

  • Reply 239 of 243
    zoetmbzoetmb Posts: 2,655member

    Originally Posted by helen1969 View Post

    APPLE BEATS: Apple should cut all ties and run! Help stop it and sign.

    It's not that I like Beats products, but I think it's absurd that people, many of whom have never accomplished anything in their lives and even if they have, know very little about business, are telling Apple, probably the most successful consumer company of all time, how to run their business.   


    I also think it's laughable that their main complaint is that Beats is a fashion statement.    Apple, with their priority of industrial design over functionality (doesn't want a line in the case, so we can't change batteries, drives or memory; thinness supersedes all other aspects of design) certainly falls into that same category.


    Besides, Apple probably wants Beats more for the streaming service than for the headphones.   


    I also have to think that there's just a bit of racism involved because of Beats' association with rap and urban youth.    Would there be complaints if Apple had bought Bowers & Wilkins instead?


    A petition to this effect?   Ha ha ha.    With the overuse of online petitions for every single perceived affront, a petition will have absolutely no affect on Apple whatsoever.

  • Reply 240 of 243
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member

    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post



    I should start an online petition to see how many people are stupid enough to think that online petitions work.

    Neither are going to work.  

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