Rumor: Beats' Jimmy Iovine, Dr. Dre could take the stage at Apple's WWDC



  • Reply 81 of 243
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member

    Originally Posted by DroidFTW View Post



    I present to you Richard Cheese.





    These statements are 100% false.  Just because you can't detect a melody doesn't mean it's not there.

    But they made up their own melody lines that are from jazz, but this isn't anything serious.   The melody lines aren't from the rap songs. it's just the words.  Shows you how much you know.


    But this isn't anything but to make fun of the rap industry and I'm sure he didn't sell that many recordings.  So, again, you dredge up some BS excuse to prove a feeble attempt to support rap.  

  • Reply 82 of 243
    smaffeismaffei Posts: 237member
    I wonder if Dre and Co will curse up a storm like they did in their impromptu YouTube announcement? Classy!
  • Reply 83 of 243
    wigbywigby Posts: 692member
    apple ][ wrote: »
    Clearly influenced and seduced/fooled by Samsung propaganda, certain people have been claiming that Apple needs to be more cool. As if making the best computers and portable devices in the world isn't good enough. 

    In response to this criticism, Apple has decided to embark on a "coolness" mission, in order to raise their profile and gain more street cred.

    I have it from good sources that Tim Cook will take the stage at this years WWDC wearing pants where the waistline will be at about knee level. Tim Cook will also be sporting a huge gold chain while smoking a blunt on stage and claiming that the iPhone 6 will be loved by crazy bitches all over the world. 

    Apple's corporate culture will also be influenced by this new direction, and Apple will now contract drive by shootings of their competitors, Samsung had better watch out. And since this is all about money, Apple will eventually get into the drug business, and possibly branch out into prostitution also, as that's always a high margin and profitable business venture. Can you get more high margin than prostitution? A ho's margin makes the iPhone's margin seem pathetic.

    Apple will also be starting up it's own gangsta rap label called Apple iThug. Much like Apple's appstore approval process, the songs for Apple's label will have to undergo an approval process, and no songs will be accepted unless they are found to contain at least 50%racist,misogynistic, homophobic and otherwise offensive lyrics. The more, the better.

    I don't quite follow you. Could you please provide 300 more predictions?
  • Reply 84 of 243
    wigbywigby Posts: 692member
    zoetmb wrote: »

    I can't imagine Dr. Dre being an Apple exec for very long, at least not in a role that requires him to have a regular presence in an Apple office with a mandate to produce something or generate revenue.   He's got all these other projects that he would be working on outside of Apple.  It would be like hiring a famous actor. 

    Do you really think Lady Gaga did anything at Polaroid? It's purely a celebrity endorsement. It's like Bill Cosby receiving his PHD. The only question that matters is does Apple believe the hype?
  • Reply 85 of 243
    bigmikebigmike Posts: 266member

    Bummer you're getting bored of WWDC... What's happening to this world? Well, people are starving, the value of the dollar is going down, the Pacific garbage patch is growing, more chemicals are being added to our food... just to name a few things.

  • Reply 86 of 243
    droidftwdroidftw Posts: 1,009member
    Originally Posted by drblank View Post


    But they made up their own melody lines that are from jazz, but this isn't anything serious.   The melody lines aren't from the rap songs. it's just the words.  Shows you how much you know.


    But this isn't anything but to make fun of the rap industry and I'm sure he didn't sell that many recordings.  So, again, you dredge up some BS excuse to prove a feeble attempt to support rap.  


    I see Richard Cheese's chops aren't up to snuff in meeting the high standards of drblank.


    So you want a modern jazz musician with rap AND isn't the great Richard Cheese & Lounge Against the Machine?  While I don't think that a jazz band needs to cover your songs in order for it to be considered music, I do know of some ineresting modern jazz and rap combinations.  What about Amy Winehouse with Mos Def?




    or maybe Amy Winehouse and Ghostface Killah?



  • Reply 87 of 243
    auxioauxio Posts: 2,754member
    Originally Posted by DroidFTW View Post


    It's funny to read posts saying that rap isn't music and then referencing The Beatles.  IIRC, there once were people who claimed that they didn't make real music either.


    That was another point I was going to bring up: that the electric guitar wasn't considered a real instrument either at one point.  Or the fact that "sampling" has been going on for ages (musicians recreating something they've heard from other musicians in their own work).  D*mn is it ever frustrating trying to point out the shades of grey to those who only think in black and white. :)

  • Reply 88 of 243
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member

    Originally Posted by DroidFTW View Post


    It's funny to read posts saying that rap isn't music and then referencing The Beatles.  IIRC, there once were people who claimed that they didn't make real music either.

    Well, I take a pragmatic approach to it.  if there aren't musicians playing instruments and they don't have some form of training whether it's self taught or through a formalized method, then its not really music.  There aren't melody lines that these rappers are singing.  Sing the melody line of the vocal portion.

    If you look up the definition of the word music, it includes melody, harmony and rhythm.  Obviously, there are percussion ensembles or percussionists that will create music with percussion instruments without the use of a melody instrument per se, but they usually performing a composition that is specifically for percussion instruments, but many times they might use some form of melodic instrument in the process.  Song writing is a form of music which adds vocals and simple structure vs a composition which may or may not have words being sung.

    Either way, I don't really consider rap music a REAL form of music, it's more of a commercially sold form of music for musically ignorant people that is created by musically ignorant people. PERIOD.  You may think differently on that, but at least I have studied and learned how to play music in different settings on a professional level.  Have you?  One of my first instructors was a PhD from Julliard whom also had a Masters Degree from Stanford in music.  Unfortunatley he passed away a few years ago, but to those types of people, rap music is a VERY primitive level of music art form and i use that term lightly.    That's why you don't see these rappers playing a musical instrument while they are rapping, but you see song writers play guitar,  piano or a musical instrument while singing their song.  Hmmmmm....


    Making excuses for the rap community is what slackers would do.  Don't go down to THEIR level, just because they are too lazy to learn how to play a musical instrument and make something positive for society.  Do you wear your pants so your underwear is showing too?   Does that mean that is a fashion style of a lack of fashion sense?  Seems like the later to me.

  • Reply 89 of 243
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member

    Originally Posted by DroidFTW View Post



    I see Richard Cheese's chops aren't up to snuff in meeting the high standards of drblank.


    So you want a modern jazz musician with rap AND isn't the great Richard Cheese?  While I don't think that a jazz band needs to cover your songs in order for it to be considered music, I do know of some ineresting modern jazz and rap combinations.  What about Amy Winehouse with Mos Def?




    or maybe Amy Winehouse and Ghostface Killah?



    No, Richard Cheese is like a Al Yankovic.  I'm talking about a more serious minded interpretation of a pop song where they take the same melody line and do an interpretation of the chosen song's MELODY line and do it with a instrument like a sax, trumpet, piano, guitar, or whatever melodic industrument, but it's done typically as an instrumental with jazz musicians that will also improvise and add a different feel and sensibility to it.  Miles Davis and other reputable jazz artists would do this with Beatles songs, Michael Jackson, Cyndi Lauper, etc. But they used the original song's MELODY line that was used by the vocal part.

    Again, your ignorance about music seems to shine right on through.  Go ahead and listen to the rap music, it certainly won't give you much credibility to hang out with real musicians because most of them can't stand rap music.  Originally there were the classical indian musicians singing the notes on a percussion instrument and then there was scatting, but scatting and singing the Bol for a classical indian musician usually includes singing a melody since Classical Indian drums like the Tabla can actually change pitch to create melody lines.  But rap is more two note melody lines, which is about as basic as you can get. More like Nursery rhymes with vulgarity is about what these rappers are doing.  You know, like Hickory Dickory Dock, etc. etc. etc.  You get the picture?  If you don't, then I can't help your ignorance, maybe some day you'll fall, hit your head and your brain might actually start to work.

  • Reply 90 of 243
    droidftwdroidftw Posts: 1,009member

    Originally Posted by drblank View Post


    Sing the melody line of the vocal portion.


    Like this?








    They're even playing instruments!

  • Reply 91 of 243
    droidftwdroidftw Posts: 1,009member

    Originally Posted by drblank View Post


    No, Richard Cheese is like a Al Yankovic.


    There's an unofficial rule that you haven't truly made it in the music industry until Weird Al covers one of your songs and wouldn't you know it that Weird Al raps too!





  • Reply 92 of 243
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    lkrupp wrote: »
    This is all a smoke screen to cover for no new hardware product announcements. Introduce OS X 10.10, iOS 8, then the Dr. Dre dog and pony show. The end.

    I would take that bet.
  • Reply 93 of 243
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    drblank wrote: »
    Again, your ignorance about music seems to shine right on through.

    Seriously?! Aren't you one of the people saying that rap isn't music? :???:
  • Reply 94 of 243
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member




    Originally Posted by alcstarheel View Post

    You are waaaaay more fired up than anyone else here. Dr. Dre has a producer of the year Grammy. He has been involved in the music industry as a producer for a long time.

    Others answered the question. Hip Hop is not all about money and hoes just like Rock is not all about drugs and Country is not all about Tractors. Yes rappers have songs about money and hoes because sadly that's the culture they came from or are accustomed to but not all hip hop artists are like that.

    Yeah, so what, for every rapper that doesn't have vulgarity in their lyrics there's THOUSANDS of them that do.  You are trying to validate your BS by using the exception rather than the norm.  The norm is what I look at.  For every rich person that doesn't have a college education, there are tens of thousands that do.  Use the norm to validate your argument rather than the exception.


    Grammy became meaningless a LONG time ago.  Who votes for people to get a grammy?  Anyone that's in the industry. so all of their stupid friends vote for them.  And the idiot that came up with giving rap artists a category did it because that category makes enough money for them make it relevant, but that's all the Grammy's really are.  So, if I paid to be part of the industry, I could add my vote to. But there are a LOT of people that belong that can vote that don't even bother to vote because they don't even give it any thought. It's just an industry award voted by people in the industry and unfortunately there are a lot of rap artists in the industry because it's easy for them to become part of it.  That happened when the internet came around with digital downloads because it makes it a lot easier for independent record labels to start out of the trunk of their car.


    Some of the earlier rap music actually did incorporate musicians, like bass players and drummers and sometimes other musicians, but I guess they lost the ability to get them because the musicians were probably bored to tears playing loop playing and the direction took on some gangster vulgarities and it just went downhill from there.  To me, it's not worth listening to. I'm just trying to educate those that know less than I about music.


    So, use all of the excuses you want, you still won't change my mind or that of a whole bunch of other musicians that have spent years playing, practicing that can't seem to get gigs because the kids today don't want REAL music. they want phony BS.  So, congratulate yourself on helping the dumbing down of society.

  • Reply 95 of 243
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    Seriously?! Aren't you one of the people saying that rap isn't music? image

    Are you a musician?  I am, and in book, I don't consider rap to be music.  It's talking or yelling or whatever they are doing.  But it isn't music.  It certainly anything enjoyable to listen to unless you are some kid that's pissed off at the world and this your way of showing it by listening to it or creating it.  That's all it is.  Immature form of expression being marketed as music.

    God, the music industry has done a number on society.



    Would you want your computer to start up with a musical passage or chime or some as swipe saying "You whore nigga bitch" instead. don't tell me, let me guess.

  • Reply 96 of 243
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    drblank wrote: »
    Yeah, so what, for every rapper that doesn't have vulgarity in their lyrics there's THOUSANDS of them that do.

    So this song — which I dedicate to you — isn't music because there is vulgarity?


    drblank wrote: »
    Are you a musician?

    Lots of musicians didn't think the electric guitar should be considered a real instrument but I hard time you believing that simply because you're too young to have grabbed hold of that bigoted stake in the ground.


    I am, and in book, I don't consider rap to be music.  It's talking or yelling or whatever they are doing.

    Your book is shit!
    But it isn't music.

    If this isn't music then what is it? Can you harmonize as well as them?


     It certainly anything enjoyable to listen to unless you are some kid that's pissed off at the world and this your way of showing it by listening to it or creating it.  That's all it is.  Immature form of expression being marketed as music.

    Not a kid but I guess I am pissed off at your ignorance through elitism (or is that the other way around, or a perpetual notion machine). You can't do what they do. That's fine, neither can I, and it's fine that you don't like it but that doesn't means it's not real music. You're comments are like a child who sticks his fingers in his ears and claims "I can't hear you" despite hearing everything. I think it's pathetic.
    God, the music industry has done a number on society.

    No, but society has failed you if you you're too insecure to even acknowledge another genre as music.
  • Reply 97 of 243
    alcstarheelalcstarheel Posts: 554member
    drblank wrote: »
    Yeah, so what, for every rapper that doesn't have vulgarity in their lyrics there's THOUSANDS of them that do.  You are trying to validate your BS by using the exception rather than the norm.  The norm is what I look at.  For every rich person that doesn't have a college education, there are tens of thousands that do.  Use the norm to validate your argument rather than the exception.

    Grammy became meaningless a LONG time ago.  Who votes for people to get a grammy?  Anyone that's in the industry. so all of their stupid friends vote for them.  And the idiot that came up with giving rap artists a category did it because that category makes enough money for them make it relevant, but that's all the Grammy's really are.  So, if I paid to be part of the industry, I could add my vote to. But there are a LOT of people that belong that can vote that don't even bother to vote because they don't even give it any thought. It's just an industry award voted by people in the industry and unfortunately there are a lot of rap artists in the industry because it's easy for them to become part of it.  That happened when the internet came around with digital downloads because it makes it a lot easier for independent record labels to start out of the trunk of their car.

    Some of the earlier rap music actually did incorporate musicians, like bass players and drummers and sometimes other musicians, but I guess they lost the ability to get them because the musicians were probably bored to tears playing loop playing and the direction took on some gangster vulgarities and it just went downhill from there.  To me, it's not worth listening to. I'm just trying to educate those that know less than I about music.

    So, use all of the excuses you want, you still won't change my mind or that of a whole bunch of other musicians that have spent years playing, practicing that can't seem to get gigs because the kids today don't want REAL music. they want phony BS.  So, congratulate yourself on helping the dumbing down of society.
    Validate what BS? I helped dumb down society? Grammy awards don't matter? I guess you were one of the ones to send Steve Jobs an angry email for adding the hip hop category to iTunes haha

    You need to calm down a little bit man. I don't really care if you don't think rap is real music. I didn't list any exceptions. I simply stated that all hip hop is not the same. Just because all you "know" is gangsta rap doesn't mean that's what all hip hop is. Your constant diatribes against everyone really has nothing to do with this topic. You can write up another DED-like topic in the Off Topic thread about why rap isn't real music for all anyone cares. A discussion of whether Dr. Dre is a big component in the music industry is a valid discussion and he is whether you like it or not. You have an issue with the music industry. Oh well. It's about time you got over it.
  • Reply 98 of 243
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Here's Steve Jobs swearing. I guess that means he's not a real CEO since anything that contains vulgarity can't be counted as [I]real[/I]¡

  • Reply 99 of 243
    Originally Posted by drblank View Post


    Are you a musician?  I am, and in book, I don't consider rap to be music.  It's talking or yelling or whatever they are doing.  But it isn't music.  It certainly anything enjoyable to listen to unless you are some kid that's pissed off at the world and this your way of showing it by listening to it or creating it.  That's all it is.  Immature form of expression being marketed as music.

    God, the music industry has done a number on society.



    Would you want your computer to start up with a musical passage or chime or some as swipe saying "You whore nigga bitch" instead. don't tell me, let me guess.



    Dr. Blank, Benjamin Frost, others...


    The only"Immature form of expression" here are your rants about an art form you know nothing about.


    Let me start out to say that I am a performer and a composer with over 20 years of experience. I studied piano and composition with some of the top composers and performers of our day. When I was younger I competed in international piano competitions, playing Bach, Mozart, Bethoven Chopin, Scarlatti, Rachmaninoff,  Liszt and others. I made my early living performing chamber music in Duets, Quintets etc. whenever and wherever I could. I made the most of my opportunities. 


    I have been composing for nearly as long, and am lucky enough now, to be in a position to lead my own groups who perform music that I have composed. Some of the that have performed my music are contemporary classical music. Other are more alt/rock/pop/electronic based. It is possible that you may have heard some of the music that I have composed, or not, as I protect my identity under several pseudonyms. 


    Either way, if any musician that I work with ever expressed to me the closed mindedness attitudes that you have displayed, I would kick them out of my group so quickly they wouldn't have time to react.


    "Real" musicians simply do no carry those sort of attitude. Jazz music, for example, was considered to be 'degenerate' music of whorehouses and dance halls. Now it is taught in Universities. Rock music such as the Rolling Stones or Velvet Underground were associated with the drug counterculture. Perhaps they all were. So what? Its all part of the human experience and has some value either way. 


    The reason that Hip-Hop has become so dominant in our culture is because it is so open. There is not one genre of music that Hip-Hop does not borrow from or gain influence; whether its jazz, classical rock, country, anything... It's all there.. Because it is so transmutable and universal in it's appeal, there is not one country in the world that doesn't have it's own brand of hip-hop. It embraces modern technology.  It is a truly global phenomenon.


    I can see why you don't like it, because it's values of openness and technological progress are diametrically opposed to everything that that you have said you stand for.

  • Reply 100 of 243
    greg uvangreg uvan Posts: 86member
    You say, "It's not a huge factor, but it is."

    Which is it? Is it a huge factor or not a huge factor? Or did you just change your mind very quickly, so your opinion is that it is indeed now a huge factor, although previously you thought that it wasn't a huge factor?

    I actually understand exactly what he's saying. And it isn't any of what you supposed he might mean. The point is, it's both. It SHOUDN'T be a huge factor, it might not seem to some as a huge factor, I mean, they've still got great products and people love them. But at the same time, it really is a huge factor, because Steve's role in selling the company and its products cannot be underestimated.

    Personally, while I think it is obvious that Cook isn't a natural like Steve was, he is very competent (which Balmer wasn't) and he relies on others to capture the cool that Steve had himself. Craig Federigi (sp?) is loaded with personality. So is eddy cue. Schiller is a loveable teddy bear. Ive is pure cool, but sits behind the camera only. Which is too bad.

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