Rumor: Beats' Jimmy Iovine, Dr. Dre could take the stage at Apple's WWDC



  • Reply 101 of 243
    harmonharmon Posts: 48member

    It's a risk.  I am glad to see Tim & Co. taking risks.  I'm not sure this is the one I would pick, but Apple has to take risks if they want to continue to grow and continue to be on top.  The silver lining of making this bet may be that in the event it fails the financial hit will likely be minimal.


    $1.4 billion and growing in annual revenue (if accurate) is impressive and their margins are likely off the chart so Apple can likely recoup their investment in roughly 3 years.  By comparison Nest is reported to generate about $300 million in annual revenue.  That said, I would personally prefer to see Apple entering the home automation field rather than the (over-hyped) headphone/(another) streaming music service business.  

  • Reply 102 of 243
    harmonharmon Posts: 48member

    Originally Posted by Greg Uvan View Post

    I actually understand exactly what he's saying. And it isn't any of what you supposed he might mean. The point is, it's both. It SHOUDN'T be a huge factor, it might not seem to some as a huge factor, I mean, they've still got great products and people love them. But at the same time, it really is a huge factor, because Steve's role in selling the company and its products cannot be underestimated ... Ive is pure cool, but sits behind the camera only. Which is too bad.

    Exactly x 2!

  • Reply 103 of 243
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    harmon wrote: »
    It's a risk.  I am glad to see Tim & Co. taking risks.  I'm not sure this is the one I would pick, but Apple has to take risks if they want to continue to grow and continue to be on top.  The silver lining of making this bet may be that in the event it fails the financial hit will likely be minimal.

    $1.4 billion and growing in annual revenue (if accurate) is impressive and their margins are likely off the chart so Apple can likely recoup their investment in roughly 3 years.  By comparison Nest is reported to generate about $300 million in annual revenue.  That said, I would personally prefer to see Apple entering the home automation field rather than the (over-hyped) headphone/(another) streaming music service business.  

    I agree with everything you've stated. I'd also like to see Apple tackle home automation but at $3.2 billion and those revenues it doesn't seem like as good a deal as Beats (providing their revenue and profits data are even close to accurate). Plus, there is information that does show that Apple would be buying things it can't reasonably create on its own in a short timeframe, but with home automation I would think they could pop that iPod OS or iOS into all sorts of things with their HW expertise in no time.

    PS: When are we going to get iTunes separated from the Mac in a Home Server so that I can play my library from my home via my iOS-based iDevice. That's the first home automation device they need to tackle. Right now you can only do that from a Mac, PC or Apple TV, and the other device has to be a PC or Mac with iTunes running on it.
  • Reply 104 of 243
    k2kwk2kw Posts: 2,077member

    Originally Posted by tomhayes View Post


    WWDC is a developer conference - I don't see what having them onstage, even at the consumer facing keynote,  would accomplish.


    Wouldn't they appear at the Music/iPad event in September.

  • Reply 105 of 243
    xpadxpad Posts: 46member

    Originally Posted by asdasd View Post

    If all they announce is a Mac OS overhaul all people will be talking about is that all they announced was a Mac OS overhaul.

    For most devs there that would be an irrelevance.


    No, I'm pretty sure all the devs there are Mac users.

  • Reply 106 of 243
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member

    Originally Posted by DroidFTW View Post



    Like this?








    They're even playing instruments!

    You missed the point, these are people spoofing others through music so they are more comedic performers.  Obviously, you like to take an extreme and make it the norm.  You know the saying Ignorance is Bliss?  Well, you must be completely blissful.

  • Reply 107 of 243
    andysolandysol Posts: 2,506member
    droidftw wrote: »
    Like this?

    <iframe width="640" height="385" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>


    <iframe width="640" height="385" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>

    They're even playing instruments!

    That 2nd video is hilarious. Although it does prove the lunacy of most rap lyrics. Glad I saw that though
  • Reply 108 of 243
    andysolandysol Posts: 2,506member
    harmon wrote: »
    It's a risk.  I am glad to see Tim & Co. taking risks.  I'm not sure this is the one I would pick, but Apple has to take risks if they want to continue to grow and continue to be on top.  The silver lining of making this bet may be that in the event it fails the financial hit will likely be minimal.

    $1.4 billion and growing in annual revenue (if accurate) is impressive and their margins are likely off the chart so Apple can likely recoup their investment in roughly 3 years.  By comparison Nest is reported to generate about $300 million in annual revenue.  That said, I would personally prefer to see Apple entering the home automation field rather than the (over-hyped) headphone/(another) streaming music service business.  

    I had to address this on the other thread. It is not a hardware purchase. Their estimated profit is 200-300 million off their estimated 1.4mil in revenue. Those are great margins. But 3.2 BILLION to capture 300 million (on the high end) is terrible. In fact, when you include interest- they will literally never recoup their investment. Even if they double revenues and profits- it will take 55 years to recoup their investment when you consider a modest interest rate. $3.2 billion is so ridiculously overpriced if it is soley a hardware purchase. Also- please tell me- outside of beats radio- where is the synergy with apple? Headphones and iPhones/iPods? Beats would (and should) work independently. Beats by Apple was a great name I heard. Not nearly enough synergy to warrant that purchase price.

    Again- I'm not opposed to this purchase because we don't know the details. But to say it is simply hardware is mathematically the dumbest purchase apple could possibly make. And a small 30 mil profit music streamer added to the pile isn't enough incentive either.

    2 things will likely come out. 1- the 3.2billion price is inflated- and it's really 2 bil or less, which would be much better. Or 2- there is something we aren't aware of.

    The rumored purchase doesn't bug me- just the rumored price. And dre being a senior exec but that's for another discussion.

    That 3.2 isn't sitting under a mattress making no money.
  • Reply 109 of 243
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    drblank wrote: »
    You missed the point, these are people spoofing others through music so they are more comedic performers.  Obviously, you like to take an extreme and make it the norm.  You know the saying Ignorance is Bliss?  Well, you must be completely blissful.

    I think you miss the point. Being comedic, a spoof, or paying homage doesn't mean it's not still music. You might as well say that comedies aren't real films because they aren't serious dramas. :rolleyes:
  • Reply 110 of 243
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member

    [QUOTE]MacDailyNews Take: It’s very likely that this Beats deal is simply that Jimmy Iovine is like Steve Jobs in one way, at least, in that he has the ability to sell ice to Eskimos, and Cook realizes that Eddy Cue without Steve Jobs is failing to seal the types of deals that Apple needs sealed.

    iTunes Radio isn’t as good as it should be (plus it’s unnecessarily hidden within iTunes on the desktop, especially), a subscription option would certainly be welcome, and the work for Apple’s next-gen TV product is pretty much done, according to our sources, but lacks the necessary content deals for launch. As senior vice president of Internet Software and Services, Cue is responsible for these things. Perhaps Cook’s intention is that those types of initiatives will now fall to Iovine to make happen correctly and promptly.

    We’re not going to say that we expect Cue to retire sooner than later, but we wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if he did, especially if this Beats deal gets consummated.[/QUOTE]
  • Reply 111 of 243
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    Here's Steve Jobs swearing. I guess that means he's not a real CEO since anything that contains vulgarity can't be counted as real¡

    He doesn't swear publicly on a normal basis.  Yeah, but is he putting out computers that have swear words and vulgarity in the manuals of their products or laced within the OS warning messages?  Seriously, putting in words as a form of entertainment and selling it for a profit and marketing it and glamorizing it is what is disgusting.  yeah, most of have sworn, that's different.  But to something you call music?  NO.   Did Jobs go around calling each other "My nigga" and calling his wife a HO?  Or his children some derogatory word?  I don't think so.  Again, using some flawed example to try to prove your weak argument.  Sorry, you can't tell me that Jobs called his wife a ho. or anyone at Apple his nigga.  Do you have proof of that?  NO. You don't.

    Please, give it a rest.


    Originally Posted by alcstarheel View Post

    Validate what BS? I helped dumb down society? Grammy awards don't matter? I guess you were one of the ones to send Steve Jobs an angry email for adding the hip hop category to iTunes haha

    You need to calm down a little bit man. I don't really care if you don't think rap is real music. I didn't list any exceptions. I simply stated that all hip hop is not the same. Just because all you "know" is gangsta rap doesn't mean that's what all hip hop is. Your constant diatribes against everyone really has nothing to do with this topic. You can write up another DED-like topic in the Off Topic thread about why rap isn't real music for all anyone cares. A discussion of whether Dr. Dre is a big component in the music industry is a valid discussion and he is whether you like it or not. You have an issue with the music industry. Oh well. It's about time you got over it.

    hip hop is a type of rhythm. I've played hip hop rhythms with jazz players for some instrumental music, but it was just the rhythm that was being played, but there was no rapping involved.  So, hip hop can be used in something that's a little more closer to music.   But, I didn't always like playing it unless someone had a good melody line to come up, but a lot of times it became boring and I got sick of it and to me it's more of a fad.  It's difficult to create a decent song around a hip hop groove.  I don't hear too many that I can honestly say I like over the years.  I may like it for a short period of time and then it wears on me and it becomes boring. I see it being used to try to sell something as jazz and that's kind of silly to me.  So, Hip Hop is more of the rhythm being played than rapping.  Rapping is done to a hip hop groove, but if the groove isn't using musicians, then it becomes less important.


    Dr. Dre is a big component in a PORTION of the music industry.  For the record, there is not one single piece of music in my entire collection that I can honestly say that Dr. Dre AND Iovine had much involvement.  I still have yet to have anything in my record collection that has either one of them involved and I have a pretty big catalog of music that's growing and I wasn't even TRYING to avoid music with their involvement. If I have ANYTHING, it might be one or two songs that Ivonine might have produced, but again, I have to go back and check and it's probably something I rarely listen to.   Dr. Dre is important to a small portion of the music industry.  There are lots and lots of people in the music industry that have never met him, won't ever meet him and will never work with either of them.  EVER.  You know, like WORLD CLASS MUSICIANS.   They won't touch him with a 10 foot pole.  He only goes after rappers.  World Class Musicians is whom I look up to for guidance.  A lot of them moved away out cut out much of their involvement with some of these record labels and they either have their own or work with another record label that's got NOTHING to do with these guys.  So, again, just because they marketed these headphones successfully and sold the company to Apple means that they are big movers and shakers.   Iovnine was never a major label executive, he was with smaller labels that got bought out.  Dr. Dre only focuses on a small portion of the music industry so that's the only section he can have any muscle in.  Until Dr. Dre or Iovine becomes the CEO of Sony Records or the CEO of BMG, they are kind of small time operators.  Just to give you a hint of reality.  Do you know the show American Idol?  The only celebrities they have on the show are those that WERE famous and they are on the end of their career and they are trying to market themselves to the younger generation and many times, they fail.  Iovine was part of American Idol, but they have only a couple of winners that actually do anything of great significance in the pop world, but it's mostly because they market the crap out of them.  If they didn't, they wouldn't sell as many albums.  But everyone on the roster of American Idol that's famous isn't at their peak anymore they are on the down hill spiral and they are just trying to still be relevant to the younger generation. It's the truth.  The REAL people in the music industry see American Idol as kind of a joke. It's a marketing job and a cheesy way to use people to make money.


    Sounds like you guys bought up the hype.  Good luck with all of that.

  • Reply 112 of 243
    droidftwdroidftw Posts: 1,009member
    Originally Posted by drblank View Post


    You missed the point, these are people spoofing others through music so they are more comedic performers.  Obviously, you like to take an extreme and make it the norm.  You know the saying Ignorance is Bliss?  Well, you must be completely blissful.


    So now you want rapping with a serious message and has members playing traditional instruments?  Here ya go.



  • Reply 113 of 243
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    droidftw wrote: »
    So now you want rapping with a serious message and has members playing traditional instruments?  Here ya go.

    [music video]

    If he want's a serious message I have a shitload of Tupac videos to post, but he's now been given rap with a serious message, rap with no swearing, and rap with amazing harmonies but it's still not music to him. It's clear he's a rappist.
  • Reply 114 of 243
    k2kwk2kw Posts: 2,077member

    Originally Posted by asdasd View Post

    That would also be a dumb move. Whatever they are doing for iOS 8 should be the main event.


    IOS 8.0 = IOS 7.0 part 2.


    I expect improvements in many little things like SIRI and MAPS, maybe opening up TouchID validation to Third Party apps, 

    but if Apple has been developing a 4.7 inch and 5.5 inch model they will also have had to work on either own apps to take advantage of the additional screen space.    And they know that Developers will need to modify their apps too to take advantage of the new screen space.    Also if Apple has been working on an iWatch for later release we may not see at WWDC all the work they have done.

  • Reply 115 of 243
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member

    If you think that's some form of music to be taken seriously on any level, then you must have a catalog of nothing but crap in your music collection.   I didn't even bother watching the video because like most of your other postings, it's kind of a waste of my time. 

    Give it rest. you are just proving my point over and over again with feeble attempts to prove your point.  Good day.

  • Reply 116 of 243
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    drblank wrote: »
    Good day.

  • Reply 117 of 243
    droidftwdroidftw Posts: 1,009member

    Originally Posted by drblank View Post


    If you think that's some form of music to be taken seriously on any level, then you must have a catalog of nothing but crap in your music collection.   I didn't even bother watching the video because like most of your other postings, it's kind of a waste of my time. 

    Give it rest. you are just proving my point over and over again with feeble attempts to prove your point.  Good day.


    Then I must have nothing but crap in my music collection because I absolutely, unequivocally feel that each and every member of Rage Against the Machine should be taken seriously as musicians.  They are amazingly talented musicians and made amazing music together.

  • Reply 118 of 243
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member
    droidftw wrote: »
    Then I must have nothing but crap in my music collection because I absolutely, unequivocally feel that each and every member of Rage Against the Machine should be taken seriously as musicians.  They are amazingly talented musicians and made amazing music together.

    That's great you like Rage against the Machines. I personally never found them something I wanted to really pay much attention to. I've heard some of their stuff a long time ago, but it didn't really stick with me. I'm more into other stuff for me personally. As a musician there isn't much call to play their music in nightclubs and concerts unless you play for that band or are doing a tribute band, but I haven't seen any tribute bands playing their material. So, for me, it's just not something I really had an interest in. But if that's your thing, then that's your thing.
  • Reply 119 of 243
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    drblank wrote: »
    That's great you like Rage against the Machines. I personally never found them something I wanted to really pay much attention to. I've heard some of their stuff a long time ago, but it didn't really stick with me. I'm more into other stuff for me personally. As a musician there isn't much call to play their music in nightclubs and concerts unless you play for that band or are doing a tribute band, but I haven't seen any tribute bands playing their material. So, for me, it's just not something I really had an interest in. But if that's your thing, then that's your thing.

    Now that is a reasonable response to not liking a band or genre, but claiming it's not real because you don't like it is absurdity.
  • Reply 120 of 243
    hexclockhexclock Posts: 1,305member
    It's a d
    lkrupp wrote: »
    This is all a smoke screen to cover for no new hardware product announcements. Introduce OS X 10.10, iOS 8, then the Dr. Dre dog and pony show. The end.

    It's a developer conference. It's focus is software, not hardware.
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