Continued popularity of Apple's legacy iPhone 4S added estimated 10M iPhone users last quarter



  • Reply 41 of 92
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    f1turbo wrote: »
    I'm using a 5 now, but I miss the size of the 4.  The 5 in my jeans pocket pokes me when I sit down.  If the rumors are true on the 6, I may have bought my last iPhone, at least until Apple figures out that different people want different size phones.  

    You would think that this is simple to understand but apparently Apple can't grasp the fact that size is a problem. If they intend to go to these massive cell phone sizes and ignore the market for more rational size phones they won't get a sale to me either.
  • Reply 42 of 92
    sacto joesacto joe Posts: 895member
    There may come a time in Apple's future when it is possible for them to offer all of their hardware at far slimmer margins if the manufacturing process is improved to the point where an iPhone/"iDevice" is molded and assembled with no human hands in the process. It would flip the traditional model of Apple making their profits on hardware and incremental sales on software, but as high quality manufacturing improves, and device capability improves to the point where an iPhone is as important as owning a credit card, most of the profits may come from software and services going could be that post-artificial intelligence, services will be everything!
    lkrupp wrote: »
    Nonsensical gobbledy goop. IMHO
    Opinions are like orifices: Everyone's got 'em. At least SpamSandwich had something original to say. You're just boring.
  • Reply 43 of 92
    herbapouherbapou Posts: 2,228member
    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

    You would think that this is simple to understand but apparently Apple can't grasp the fact that size is a problem. If they intend to go to these massive cell phone sizes and ignore the market for more rational size phones they won't get a sale to me either.


    imo a reduce price 5s would be a worthy upgrade for youre iphone 4. The footprint is almost the same since they eat up the bezels to come up with a bigger screen.
  • Reply 44 of 92
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    Um... a survey?
    I'd love to see the details behind this survey, only numbers I trust are the ones Apple provides.
  • Reply 45 of 92
    jpellinojpellino Posts: 706member

    Sticking with the 4s for this month's 2-year upgrade.  Why?  No need to re-purchase cables, docks, accessories, cases.  I get Siri, BT4 and an 8MP camera.  Looking at camera shoot-outs between the 4s/5/5s, I'm not convinced that it's a "$200 better" camera, and I have a much better dedicated camera for photography.  I have all of four 3rd-party apps on my phone, so 8GB is not an issue, and use very little data - about 230MB/mo.  So I can get a $55 plan instead of an $80 plan, with zero down.  Over two years that's $799, or the cost of a refurb'd MBA.  No brainer it given my usage.  I'll get $65 in trade for my 4 and put it against the $99 Applecare.  For users at this level, it's worth it.  

  • Reply 46 of 92
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    ralphmouth wrote: »
    It only proves that people like free more than a larger screen size.  If Apple offered two free options 3.5" and 4", which one do you think people will choose?

    The 3.5". It is all about size guys, the price has little to do with it.
  • Reply 47 of 92
    boeyc15boeyc15 Posts: 986member

    I really like the portability of the 4S iOS (have a 5S now)

    I really like the large screen of my S4 android (work phone).


    I keep thinking that it should be possible to have a compact portable phone... ala 4S (or smaller). But if/when I need a larger screen have something other than an ipad;  just a display and battery for it that it would 'just link' to the phone(sort of like carplay, but for at home). Yea... I'm a crazy wabbit. 

  • Reply 48 of 92
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    rogifan wrote: »
    Can someone explain how this guy would know the breakdown of iPhone sales by model? Apple doesn't release that information so where is he getting it from?
    It is called a butt hole.
  • Reply 49 of 92
    boeyc15boeyc15 Posts: 986member

    I have the 5S, IMO (and many reviews) the 5S is noticeable better than the 4S. Is it 'alone' worth $20-, if you take a lot of pics, and you are on contract all the time anyways... IMO yes. If you purchase your phone out right, probably not. Actual mileage will vary of course.

  • Reply 50 of 92
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    melgross wrote: »
    They get data from retailers worldwide, and also talk to suppliers and look at their sales of products.
    I'd love to see the details behind this analysis. If we're supposed to believe these numbers then I guess we need to believe all those IDC, Strategy Analytics and Gartner market share figures too?
  • Reply 51 of 92
    herbapouherbapou Posts: 2,228member
    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

    It is called a butt hole.


    imo he just paid employees at carriers to get the data... not that hard. Hell, he could even have paid someone at Apple.
  • Reply 52 of 92
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    wizard69 wrote: »
    It is called a butt hole.
    Ha. I don't put reliability on anything not reported by Apple. Of course those who dislike the 5C or think it was a mistake will believe anything that makes the 5C look bad.
  • Reply 53 of 92

    I have an iPad for watching Netflix and for browsing. I don't need a huge screen on my phone. I also have an expensive DSLR, and so don't really care about the camera in my phone. What I do need is lots of space for music.


    Some of us want iPhones that can serve as iPod replacements. The cost of 64GB in the 5 series is prohibitive. I bought a used 64GB 4S off Amazon marketplace for $300 last fall and it has served me very well with Airvoice's pay as you go service.


    I wish Apple would offer an "iPhone for music" model that trades off features for storage space. Until that time, I will keep buying 2-3 year old devices on the used market.

  • Reply 54 of 92

    Any analysis that purports to show sales by model is fatally flawed, as there are multiple models of the 5S and 5C on the market, which Wold did not reflect in his "analysis".


    For those that clamor Androids are better because they don't cost as much, or Apple should lower the price on iPhones in general, I say shut the f*ck up.  You obviously haven't the tiniest bit of business acumen and/or knowledge.  Your posts expose you as idiots.

  • Reply 55 of 92
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    melgross wrote: »
    What do toy mean by "far slimmer margins"? Slimmer margins mean less profit. I don't see Apple doing that. They would need to sell far more software to make up for those lower margins, and the trend with Apple over the years has been to lower software prices, and to give otherwise paid software away for free. Software has always been, and will likely continue to be the way Apple pulls customers into their system.

    So while software maintains ultra high margins for software makers such as Adobe and Microsoft, Apple just uses it as a come on, as they have now done with iWork.

    Services such as payments will give them very small margins because they will be competing with the major traditional payment services. There is no way the can work around that. Merchants won't use a system that charges more, which is why Amex isn't accepted everywhere.

    My main point being that as services inevitably improve and as Apple inevitably improves on their manufacturing processes (I foresee an iPhone with integrated electronics an order of magnitude more sophisticated than today's product...faster, smaller, cheaper). Software will be less important as the intelligence supporting services vastly improves.
  • Reply 56 of 92
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    wizard69 wrote: »
    For me it is all about size though I know many consider price to be a factor. My frustration with Apple is that they don't update this form factor anymore. I really don't want a phone that I have to carry in a holster because my pockets aren't big enough.
    Yep. I'm waving my hands in the air right now in the hopes that Apple is reading this. I have not upgraded my 4 yet because I don't want a jumbo phone. I'm waiting for Apple to give me a real upgrade to the 4 form factor
    My concern with Apple is that they are chasing fads and not watching out for the bulk of the market. My iPhone isn't expected to do the things my iPad does. In fact I don't want to give up the ultra portability that the iPhone represents.
    I for one have no desire to lug around a huge cell phone in my pocket. I really hope that Apple is paying attention to what customers want here and not what a few analyst insist that they build. Apple needs a range of cell phones and needs to give up on the one pony show.

    As for this report, the numbers are probably bogus, from what I understand the 5C is selling a lot better than this report implies.

    This is a tough one, you know.

    I have some estimates of my own as to how people carry their phones around. It's based on observation, mostly. What I see, and hear, is that about 30% of people carry their phones in a pocket. That's mostly men, but includes a fair number of teenage girls, with their phones in their back pocket, of all places. Most women, and the rest of the female teenage market uses a purse and bag. That seems to be another 50%. The rest, about 20%, seem to be belt cases, such as I use.

    Most demand for phone size these days does look to be for a larger phone. I think that 4.7" is just dandy. I don't want a phablet for a number of reasons. The 4.7" model isn't that much wider. It's easy to handhold. I made a plastic mockup.

    USA sales don't indicate very well what worldwide sales will be.
  • Reply 57 of 92
    realisticrealistic Posts: 1,154member
    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    Can someone explain how this guy would know the breakdown of iPhone sales by model? Apple doesn't release that information so where is he getting it from?

    It is very easy, he is using the same SWAG method most, if not all, ANALyst use. The best Scientific Wild Assed Guess that backs up the story he wrote!

  • Reply 58 of 92
    mr omr o Posts: 1,046member

    Update* the iPhone 4S as a sub $500 multi colored iPhone mini and it will sell like hotcakes.



    (*) All the iPhone mini needs is an updated camera and better processor. The size is perfect. Apple got that right from the beginning. Perhaps they could fit a 4" screen inside the 4S body if they can get rid of the home button?

  • Reply 59 of 92
    For me it's not the size, it's not the price that makes the iPhone 4S Apple's last great iPhone. It's the aspect ratio. When Apple lengthened the iPhone beginning with the iPhone 5 they ruined the perfect aspect ratio for a phone. I wouldn't mind buying a larger iPhone or a more expensive iPhone, but I want one that is the same aspect ratio as the iPhone4(s).
  • Reply 60 of 92
    laynglayng Posts: 11member
    All they have to do to increase sales of the 5C is to offer it in black. I would not be surprised to see three 8GB phones in white, black, and one other color this fall at $0 under contract.

    The iPhone 5SC 16 & 32 GB will come in all colors with the possible addition of black at $99. No 5S will be sold.
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