Google usurps Apple as world's most valuable brand name, report says



  • Reply 41 of 200
    nelsonxnelsonx Posts: 278member
    Ah, don't worry too much, Apple will be back as the most innovative company with a... thinner iPhone! It's gonna be awesome!
  • Reply 42 of 200
    cyniccynic Posts: 124member

    I believe most people, including those analysts use the word "innovation" wrong. If something has been announced or shipped this year, you might be able to call it a success or a flop by now but you certainly can't call anything that short lived innovation. The original iPhone was an innovation, the original iPad was an innovation. Both changed the way people used devices in their respective class or in case of the iPad, created a completely new category.


    They shook up industries and everyone producing phones and tablets suddenly started making them look and "feel" like iDevices. Yes, more than five years after their introduction we are in a position to call those products innovative.


    Those sensationalist headlines however are completely wrong. How can one write garbage such as "Microsoft innovates by announcing Microsoft Office for Small Business Edition 2023"?


    Back on topic:


    As far as I remember, Google hasn't really shipped anything new this year and in fact even previous new products such as that Chrome dongle or Glass were no commercial successes. In fact those products, especially Glass, sucked in many ways. To me, throwing out prototype hardware most people don't even want is not being innovative. Nor is doing something in some lab under codenamed noone has ever heard about.


    In reality, Google left Android standing still for three years in a row now. The UI is dated, clunky and sluggish, security is still a mess and nothing else of interest has moved in this field. We also haven't heard anything new related to tablets for about the same three years now, almost as if Google simply abandoned that Android tablet idea silently.


    What I'm trying to say: it's probably more appropriate to give Kudos to Microsoft for releasing Office for iPad, rather than praising Google, which haven't really done anything new, nor iterative. In fact they were quite silent for a longer period than Apple is now.

  • Reply 43 of 200
    imemberimember Posts: 247member

    Originally Posted by NelsonX View Post

    Ah, don't worry too much, Apple will be back as the most innovative company with a... thinner iPhone! It's gonna be awesome!

    iPhone 5 is still the best smartphone on the planet after iPhone 5s, whats your point?

    Have you ever heard about Mac Pro or CarPlay?  

  • Reply 44 of 200
    crysisftwcrysisftw Posts: 128member

    Originally Posted by JCC View Post

    It's that stupid Cook. I wish Steve were alive...sigh....

    Oh look, another one who doesn't get Apple and it's management, at all.

  • Reply 45 of 200
    crysisftwcrysisftw Posts: 128member

    Originally Posted by NelsonX View Post

    Ah, don't worry too much, Apple will be back as the most innovative company with a... thinner iPhone! It's gonna be awesome!

    When did Apple lose the title of the "most innovative company ever" in the first place? You'd think because of that headline that Apple is no longer the most valuable company? Oh... I didn't know they were remotely related, but I may be wrong.


    I can also see why you'd say that. Apple is stupid to innovate 4 major categories within the past 4 decades (modern computers, digital music and library, smartphone and tablet). They are also stupid enough to announce two dividents within the last two years. Don't even get me started on Apple being perhaps the only major corporation embracing an eco-friendly model down to its roots. But mostly because Apple has set such a benchmark, that every other company has to either copy it and survive, or work on their own and perish.

  • Reply 46 of 200
    georgeip5georgeip5 Posts: 225member
    Doubt it. Apple sold more units than ever, more iPhones more iPads and even more Macs than 2012 and this year Apple's stock has gone up while googles has dropped from $1000 to $500.
  • Reply 47 of 200
    imemberimember Posts: 247member

    Mark my words Apple fans or smart people who likes good things, Apple will win and G&S will fall!


    Once Apple becomes powerfull all i want from them is to support Adult media too, i care less about XXX movies but some of those XXX games are hilarious, as an adult person i find those games more enjoyable to play rather than GTA or Assassin'sGreed

  • Reply 48 of 200
    pinolopinolo Posts: 91member
    rogifan wrote: »
    But hey if Apple buys Beats it will jump back to number one in no time! :rolleyes:

    I just saw a story in the London Telegraph newspaper that Apple has fallen out or the top 10 in a survey of favorite retailers. Last year they topped the list. I saw another story that Samsung overtook Apple in the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) for smartphones. Apple has topped this list for at least the past 3 years.

    This is what happens when you go silent for 6+ months at a time. You basically create a vacuum, a void that others fill. You allow someone else to create the narrative. Perception then becomes reality. I'll never understand the thinking behind these long bouts of complete silence. I'm sick of other companies making news. I want Apple to be making news (and not over some stupid Beats acquisition).

    Agree completely with your statement. And find it really strange that no one at Apple's marketing has put this issue on the CEO's desk or, if they did, that the CEO didn't do anything about it.

    Apple better have something big up their sleeve. But even if they did...
    New iPhone (regardless of screen size), new product line, new iOS, new OSX, refresh of Mac line (possibly retina MBAir or retina Cinema Display or retina iMac), possibly a new product, or two, possibly AppleTV refresh.

    Too much in too little time. You "overcrowd" your own announcements. And people will spread their spending much more, or even choose one or the other product. Blockbuster products have to be announced at peak demand times (prior to holidays) but others can and should be announced with regularity. In order to stay top of the mind.

    Even Jobs, when he came back to Apple, had a long presentation to explain that they were working on something big and that there wouldn't be any announcements for quite some time. Even if he didn't enter the specifics.
    The "we have something big up on our sleeves, we are looking forward to something great" mantra that Cook always speaks is ok if it generates momentum and expectation. But that has to be limited in time.

    At the Academy Awards they don't go like "and the winner is" and let you hang there for six months without any further information. Because by the time you announce the winner nobody will care or remember anymore.
  • Reply 49 of 200
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,388member

    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    When did I say Apple should release "shit" to keep themselves in the news? So if Apple has product announcements spread throughout the year that equates to the products being shit? The first 3 generations of iPad were announced in calendar Q1. Were those products shit? I see no reason why Apple can't have compelling product launches in the first and second half of the year. It's not as if the Christmas season is the only time people buy stuff.

    And honestly I couldn't give a shit less if you want to label me a concern troll. I don't like seeing Samsung top Apple in a smartphone satisfaction survey - the first time Apple hasn't been #1. I don't like seeing Apple retail fall out of the top 10 in a survey they ranked #1 in just a year prior. We all know how much Tim Cook loves his customer sat stats.

    If me wanting to see Apple in the news for a change (instead of pretty much every one of their competitors) makes me a concern troll then I gladly wear that title.

    Rogifan, you're absolutely the definition of a concern troll. Your posts are mind-numbing in their predictability and consistency. WWDC is a fucking week away, and you'restill bitching and whining as if Apple should release something a week before, or as if they will show nothing next week. 


    Do you think Apple has products ready to ship sitting in warehouse somewhere, and they're like "nah, we'll just leave them there for a few months"? If that's not the case, then by demanding that Apple release things on your schedule, you're basically demanding they release something that obviously isn't ready yet- which is defined as "shit". Maybe they're waiting on new software to justify new hardware? There's a ton of moving parts in these product releases.


    Also, you're REALLY grasping at starws trying to string together a narrative of "oh noes apple is falling because they're not releasing anything!". If you haven't noticed they blew away expectations with their last results, and the stock is the highest its been in almost 18 months. So they're doing pretty fucking fine, while they're working their asses off in order to bring meaningful products that DESERVE to be bought, not to please people like you by releasing something every 1.5 months on like clockwork. What is this magical product that you need? What Apple product are you using right now, that you are so unsatisfied with that you believe desperately needs an upgrade? If you haven't noticed by now, Apple measures twice (or 1000x) and cuts once. Thats how they do things. And if something needs longer in the oven because of that, so be it. Thats what makes them who they are, and not like all the other cookie-cutter tech companies that desperately NEED to be in the spotlight all the time, by generating empty hype for products that ALWAYS fail expectations. Apple is beyond that- but thats something you clearly have never, and will never understand. You want Apple to lower itself several notches- I for one am glad that they refuse to do that by playing by different rules. 


    Can't wait to hear more of your bitching post-WWDC. Maybe you should just take a break from Apple, instead of wining and bitching about them all the time? Go play outside- don't worry, they'll still be here when you get back. Your concern-trolling has gotten beyond boring- its pathetic. 

  • Reply 50 of 200
    imatimat Posts: 216member

    @Slurpy Yes, but...



    I agree but on the other hand Apple cannot completely ignore how the consumer electronics (or the "consumer products") world works. There is a goodwill to keep up. I don't want to say that you have to ship half assed products, but on the other hand you also cannot ignore competitors and how they steal wind from your sails. As said, it's more about creating a vacuum for others to impose their narrative.


    And, from the looks of it, some things could be announced before peak holiday time, especially because you really risk overcrowding your own market. People will not buy 3 Apple products in a month either...


    Apple has to announce Software at WWDC, but then again it will be:

    1. Free for all

    2. Available in a couple of months anyway


    But it generates buzz, momentum, and gets the press talking. Then they can have their time to finish it up.


    Then they should announce something in July, maybe a new product, where competition doesn't have time to catch up anyway.

    Then the iPhone / iPad blockbusters in september.


    I guess Apple thought they could announce Retina iMac and MacBook Air in July, in time for "back to school" but Intel seems to have ruined their plans...


    Anyway, my personal point is that communication has to be continuous. Or "dotted" but then "dotted all over the year". Otherwise you make a "big Bang" announcement which is predictable in it's timing and gives competition plenty of time to react. These are standard business practices regardless of whether you are Apple, Mattel, Ford or any other company.

  • Reply 51 of 200
    gilly33gilly33 Posts: 444member
    Before we start pulling the plug the company did say that Apple is "doing well" and in the process of redefining products for consumers ( So whatever. A lot is hanging on this year for Tim Cook. He says there is stuff coming down the pike. I believe him. In my book Apple is still the company to beat.
  • Reply 52 of 200
    mac-sochistmac-sochist Posts: 675member
    IBM is in the top 10? Of valuable brands? (Or are BrandZ something different?)

    The value of a brand has to do with public perception. I would love to know what percentage of the general public even knows that IBM is still in business! To me they're a completely behind-the-scenes operation nowadays. They make a lot of money, I'm sure, but their impact on the public mind is absolutely zero.
  • Reply 53 of 200
    lord amhranlord amhran Posts: 902member
    imember wrote: »
    Mark my words Apple fans or smart people who likes good things, Apple will win and G&S will fall!

    Once Apple becomes powerfull all i want from them is to support Adult media too, i care less about XXX movies but some of those XXX games are hilarious, as an adult person i find those games more enjoyable to play rather than GTA or Assassin'sGreed
    Apple will never allow "Custer's Revenge" on The App Store ;)
  • Reply 54 of 200
    taniwhataniwha Posts: 347member

    Originally Posted by AWilliams87 View Post

    Apple's research facility is more secretive than Google's. How could they ever beat them in this ranking? Nonetheless, research projects are not innovations.

    Crap and more crap.

  • Reply 55 of 200
    taniwhataniwha Posts: 347member
    Originally Posted by GeorgeiP5 View Post

    Doubt it. Apple sold more units than ever, more iPhones more iPads and even more Macs than 2012 and this year Apple's stock has gone up while googles has dropped from $1000 to $500.


    Ever heard of stock splitting ?

  • Reply 56 of 200
    tastowetastowe Posts: 108member
    The google is trash man with lousy search engine.
  • Reply 57 of 200
    lord amhranlord amhran Posts: 902member
    taniwha wrote: »
    Idiot. Ever heard of stock splitting ?
    Whs the "idiot" part of your post really necessary? :rolleyes:
  • Reply 58 of 200
    crossladcrosslad Posts: 527member
    Google do have some great ideas as do Apple, the difference is Apple keeps them secret until they are achievable whereas Google throws them out in the wild under the guise as being beta products. One area where Google are going to have difficulties in the future though is privacy. There is a growing tide of resentment, particularly in Eurpoe, towards Googles total disrespect towards privacy. This could ultimately lead to their downfall.
  • Reply 59 of 200

    The term 'usurps' describe Google who does not have any ethics to violate all copyright laws just to earn money out of greed. Copycats are usurpers. 

  • Reply 60 of 200
    mac-sochistmac-sochist Posts: 675member
    crosslad wrote: »
    Google do have some great ideas as do Apple, the difference is Apple keeps them secret until they are achievable whereas Google throws them out in the wild under the guise as being beta products. One area where Google are going to have difficulties in the future though is privacy. There is a growing tide of resentment, particularly in Eurpoe, towards Googles total disrespect towards privacy. This could ultimately lead to their downfall.

    Google has taken over from Microsoft as the world's premier purveyor of vaporware. Hopefully people's patience will run out quicker waiting for Google's DoucheGoggles or Self-Driving Cars than it did waiting for Longhorn!
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