MacWorld in New York - 2002 is Apple's year



  • Reply 241 of 619
    qaziiqazii Posts: 305member
    [quote]Originally posted by onlooker:


    That's a seriously disturbing thought. What business does Apple have in making a camera? There are many great companies (I doubt I need to name any) that have been making very high quality camera's for 50 years + that I would feel more comfortable buying a camera from.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    What business does Apple have in making an MP3 player? There are many great companies (I doubt I need to name any) that have been making very high quality MP3 players for many years.

    Yes, Apple is inexperienced in making cameras. However, this does not matter to much. Look at Sony. They have been making cameras only very recently (they never made film cameras) and yet they are major competitors in the camera market today. One of the main advantages of the iPod was the charging and fast data transfer via FireWire. This alone would be likely to insure an Apple camera success, as there are no consumer-level FireWire cameras.

    Or, perhaps Apple is collaborating with another camera manufacturer. Isn't that what happened with one of the QuickTake cameras?
  • Reply 242 of 619
    xypexype Posts: 672member
    [quote]Originally posted by moki:

    <strong>I blame Slovenia for the lack of a G5 at the MacWorld/NY expo.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    MUAHAHA! IF you only knew! :cool:

    In other news: Slovenian officials today officially announced that buying the stock of G5s of the next two years to feed to their cattle was a bad idea. Right now other means of putting the G5s to use are being evaluated and it looks like the G5s will be recycled for other agricultural use.
  • Reply 243 of 619
    Many folks have pointed out that Apple's recent acquisition of companies in high end video software as pointing to new Apple hardware soon. Well, I checked out <a href=""; target="_blank">macrumors</a>today and noticed they shot a lot of media producers at the same time they shot the switchers campaign but haven't started airing the spots yet. I wonder if they could be for after Apple makes its "big move" into media which would fix it as sooner rather than later.
  • Reply 244 of 619
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    [quote]Originally posted by BobtheTomato:

    <strong>Many folks have pointed out that Apple's recent acquisition of companies in high end video software as pointing to new Apple hardware soon. Well, I checked out <a href=""; target="_blank">macrumors</a>today and noticed they shot a lot of media producers at the same time they shot the switchers campaign but haven't started airing the spots yet. I wonder if they could be for after Apple makes its "big move" into media which would fix it as sooner rather than later.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Actually, I think they are simply celebs, not any kind of job specific (mm, even tho the first ads were..) They could just be saying, hey look who uses a Mac, he's a famous person....
  • Reply 245 of 619
    g::mastag::masta Posts: 121member
    how about this for a rumour?

    Dorsal M = Steve Jobs!!!!

    WOOOW!! that would explain a lot hey?

    just a theory to pass the time..

    some troll-food for the masses.

    peace out,

  • Reply 246 of 619
    yevgenyyevgeny Posts: 1,148member
    [quote]Originally posted by moki:

    <strong>I blame Slovenia for the lack of a G5 at the MacWorld/NY expo.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I am tired of people always laying balme for poor CPU production on doorstep of poor huddled masses in Slovenia. Blame France- they are easy target having lost first round of world cup.
  • Reply 247 of 619
    panzerpanzer Posts: 6member
    [quote]Originally posted by warpd:


    Absolutely positive! Look into international aid statistics, both through non profits, the UN, and every other international aid channel, the US has eclipsed every other country for the past 20 years. Both in total $$, and as a percent of GDP. We are, and have been the most generous nation on the planet.


    You are wrong on both counts. In 1993 Japan became number one in terms of total aid given in $. Yes, it was the US that they surpassed I'm not talking about one large, one time contribution to an obscure aid program, these are general statistics, not specific to any one particular organization.

    Also, the Scandanavian countries (Denmark, Norway and Sweden) are the most generous in tems of GDP. They give a higher percentage than any other country.

    FYI, about half of the entire US aid budget goes to two countries: Egypt and Israel.

    But what does all this have to do with MYNY? Maybe Apple will get into the business of foreign aid and donate some of their new PowerMacs?
  • Reply 248 of 619
    xypexype Posts: 672member
    [quote]Originally posted by Yevgeny:

    <strong>Blame France- they are easy target having lost first round of world cup.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Hehe! Slovenia also lost the first round, but had a better statistic than France!
  • Reply 248 of 619
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member
    Please keep politics out of Future Hardware.
  • Reply 250 of 619
    warpdwarpd Posts: 204member
    [quote]Please keep politics out of Future Hardware <hr></blockquote>

    You should be telling motorola that!! LOL <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />
  • Reply 251 of 619
    b8rtm8nnb8rtm8nn Posts: 55member
    What about HT to the video card, was that there Dorsal??
  • Reply 252 of 619
    wdegrootwdegroot Posts: 15member
    Uh oh, this thread's going way downhill.

    BTW Egypt is one messed up country, that's a definite waste of our tax dollars there.
  • Reply 253 of 619
    Regarding 2002 - "Apple's Year." What if indeed there are stop-gap motherboards, etc. and in fact Apple waits till 2003. My question is: by 2003 will this be too late for Apple. Is there a too late for Apple now that they are perceived as being slower, in terms of mhz rating and performance. If Apple just adds a DDR X-serve motherboard with dual 1.2ghz processors at the top-end, what honestly to you think would happen to Apple?

    The thing is, I've really been enjoying over the past few weeks reading what everyone has to say. But when one promising document or news bit comes in, another comes in to counter it almost. So in fact my 'expectations' waffle back and forth, and now I have this cancelled out feeling of a neutral Macworld happening now.

    I think we all on this board are concerned at this point about Apple. At least a little, some very concerned and unhappy. I am not unhappy, but I'm concerned. I DO feel that this MacWorld is indeed one of the most important, because IF, and I mean IF, they just do the same updates, they may finally get to a point where they might start sliding to obscurity. But who knows, this view is probably over-zealously reactionary. Just wondering, because so far the majority of posts are hopes about what might be released. But if the hopes are held back again, will the "again" bring this amount of attention in January, or will some be looking elsewhere by that time?
  • Reply 254 of 619
    xypexype Posts: 672member
    [quote]Originally posted by ouroboros:

    <strong>I DO feel that this MacWorld is indeed one of the most important, because IF, and I mean IF, they just do the same updates, they may finally get to a point where they might start sliding to obscurity.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    If the reports of Steve's we-flopped-out-there-big-time sayer are true I think that Steve wants to make a B-A-N-G this time and surely wont make a keynote of "er, but a 133 mhz bump is a lot, really!"

    I have my hopes high. But I am young.
  • Reply 255 of 619
    zosozoso Posts: 177member
    [quote]Originally posted by ouroboros:

    <strong>But if the hopes are held back again, will the "again" bring this amount of attention in January, or will some be looking elsewhere by that time?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    The truth? Were it not for the OS I'd have switched looong ago... But I simply cannot force Windows down my throat. I keep waiting for a great new OS like, for example, the BeOS was (and still is, though no longer available)--but I know I will never see anything like that again... I basically switched to portables in these past three years because they are the only Apple products that actually justify the cost...

    But then again--who knows, maybe we're really about to be blown away by the next insanely great thing!

  • Reply 256 of 619
    [quote]Originally posted by ouroboros:

    <strong>Regarding 2002 - "Apple's Year." What if indeed there are stop-gap motherboards, etc. and in fact Apple waits till 2003. My question is: by 2003 will this be too late for Apple. Is there a too late for Apple now that they are perceived as being slower, in terms of mhz rating and performance. If Apple just adds a DDR X-serve motherboard with dual 1.2ghz processors at the top-end, what honestly to you think would happen to Apple?


    In answer to your question. Nothing much. It wouldn't be hurt, it wouldn't help.

    Now, my question...

    What is a "stopgap motherboard"??

    I've seen that phrase used before, and given the evolutionary chain of motherboards and processors, either ALL of them are stopgap or none are, in my opinion.

    So...what is a "stopgap motherboard"?

  • Reply 257 of 619
    zazzaz Posts: 177member
    And while were at it, maybe would could stop with ding-dong phrases like 'double pumped FSB' & 'Xserve DDR hack'

    Who exactly has a Xserve and the first-hand knowledge to call it a 'hack'?

  • Reply 258 of 619
    screedscreed Posts: 1,077member
    <strong> [quote]So...what is a "stopgap motherboard"?<hr></blockquote></strong>

    They probably did not intend to use XServe motherboards for Powermacs, but are now forced to do so.

    And you know, to the unwashed masses (those that don't read these boards ) this would still look impressive. "It's like having a server on your desk!!" But we know better.

    I personally was hoping for another "Pro. Go. Whoa." (G5, a new, portable iDevice, and then something that was iStunning). And we may still get something.

    Life is about settling with disappointment.

    Screed ...has dog named Prozac.

    [ 06-19-2002: Message edited by: sCreeD ]</p>
  • Reply 259 of 619
    For me, I've invested a LOT of money into software, thousands and thousands on upgrades, etc. So simply leaving the Mac isn't an option for me. I went from a desktop to a portable, and doing production work on a G4 laptop with an external Cinema display is a much better situation than what I was using: a Blue and White G3 with 2 17" monitors.

    And sorry about the use of "stop-gap motherboards" and DDR hacks and all that talk. What all that meant was that if Apple is being held up by some processor change of fix, or whatever, using a revised motherboard of what we are currently using as opposed to a brand new motherboard isn't what was probably in Apple's cards or intentions. And this means that the rate of incremental technology increases that Apple is trying to offer us as opposed to what they are giving us isn't so hot.

    I think all these comparisons to PC equivalents for $ amounts and all that is just a frustration of knowing that of course faster this and that is possible, So why aren't we getting it!? Why such a slow slide into faster and better technology? I've wondered this, and a lot of people here help me get the answers. And so the rumors of something over the hills, just around the corner is so tempting, and why I come hear and read also. It would be so nice to see a movement forward, and not a step forward.

    For me I see Apple as something I work with every day, I'm always staring at a damn screen. Its nice to actually like what you have to work with, to like the reasons why it is here. And yes, I think it is inspiring to see what someone like Steve Jobs did, from a garage to now. I also like the fact that I'm rooting for an underdog of sorts. Microsoft is the big bad brother that twists and steals, etc. Its funny but the Microsoft/Apple thing is like a soap opera - the fact that they made a TV movie about the whole thing supports why there are boards like AppleInsider...

    So I don't see myself switching, but one can't help but think that this year is the most important year for Apple. It is where they either fall forever "behind" (whatever that means) and endlessly play catch-up. Or it is the year 2002, and like 1998 (and 1984) they will do something amazing and pull the rabbit out of the hat and amaze us like they've actually done before. And as of June 19th, I can see both happening....
  • Reply 260 of 619
    spookyspooky Posts: 504member
    I'm in agreement with a lot of the eloquent later posts in this thread. Its not about power we might need or don't need etc (640k anyone?) but about a continued large scale presence for apple to give us the opportunity to enjoy using our computers and be amazed at new innovative technologies. Where I live there is only 1 place in a 30 mile radius that sells macs - PC World and they're hideously expensive. Most of the old applecentres I knew have closed down - [b] with no -one coming in to replace them [/b}

    C'mon Steve - give us a G5 so fast we can't use it and have to buy add ons to slow it down :cool:
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