Apple CEO Tim Cook 'outed' as gay by CNBC co-achor



  • Reply 81 of 199

    Originally Posted by jameskatt2 View Post

    Tim Cook is gay. We all know that. He doesn't speak of his personal life. It doesn't matter.

    Tim is simply the best CEO Apple can have after Steve Jobs. He will continue to be Apple's CEO for the rest of his life. Apple is his baby now.

    Bingo, James. Good post! :)

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  • Reply 82 of 199
    ksecksec Posts: 1,569member
    Originally Posted by rtdunham View Post

    I think you missed ksec's point completely. 1) he doesn't care if cook's gay. Good that. 2) The US might be tolerant or understanding of homosexuality but many countries are horrifically ignorant in that regard. The consequences to a multinational corporation would be considerable.


    Thx. And Exactly what i meant. Sorry if I it didn't come across well enough.


    Just imagine, Tim Cook admitting being gay would have roughly zero impact in US ( Heck, I would say it may have positive impact ), but took deep hit in China, India or other developing countries? After all we are talking about potential of hundreds of billions market there.


    Just want to say it again. Just leave him alone.

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  • Reply 83 of 199
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by zoetmb View Post


    Although people I work with know that I was once married and have a child, they don't really know much of what goes on in my private life and the question is never really raised other than "what'd you do this weekend?"   It shouldn't be raised with Cook either.    Raising the issue of whether he's gay makes about as much sense as guessing whether he cleans between his toes when he bathes.  

    There are many degrees of sexual persuasion and sex drive. Some gays are flamingly homosexual while others are simply non-macho. I suppose gays are more adept at identifying other gays by the slightest of mannerisms but personally I never got any gay vibes from Cook having only seen him in professional appearances. Is there any credible evidence of Cook and a partner? As far as I'm concerned, until there is or he says something, I will just consider him non-sexual because he doesn't present himself as either homosexual or heterosexual, just male.

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  • Reply 84 of 199

    If internationally they would be hurt, seems like a perfect move for Samsung to keep this story active

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  • Reply 85 of 199
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    Who cares. Unless Tim is changing the Apple logo back to the multi colored one but in the LBGT color order, it shouldn't concern anyone.
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  • Reply 86 of 199
    bobschlobbobschlob Posts: 1,074member

    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    We don't all know that. All we have are rumours and speculation to go by. You may have received hard evidence that supports your claim but we don't all know that.

    However, we do know that James Stewart from the NY Slimes is.

    Wow. So you found one.

    Good for you, dude.

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  • Reply 87 of 199

    Wait... TC might be gay?  That's it, now we know he's no Steve Jobs.  




    In seriousness, I ask the commenters (and journalists) here to please refrain from saying that TC is "accused" of being gay, or that he should or should not "admit" that he is gay, or that he "confess" to homosexuality, or that he is "allegedly" gay, or that he stop "hiding" his orientation.  All those terms cast a negative connotation on LGBTQ people.


    LGBTQ people may not be obvious in their orientation (some would say they might not flaunt it), but that does not mean they are ashamed or afraid, nor that they should be ashamed or afraid.  It just means that is one aspect of their lives (among thousands of other aspects) which they do not share with everyone, or in every circumstance, or at all times.   TC may not be "openly" gay, and he may not be a "closeted" gay.  He may be indifferently gay, or irrelevantly bisexual, or asexually straight.  Whatever he is, it certainly isn't impacting his performance as CEO, and we should not let the sensation-starved media make a mountain out of the proverbial molehill.  


    Apple][ mentioned that an LGBTQ person may be persecuted in other parts of the world, even if they are incorrectly assumed to be LGBTQ. That is true, and one way to minimize the risk of such situations is to keep ones personal life separate from ones business life, because it allows potential persecutors to overlook the issue, and get on with business. It may be good politics. Let us respect that decision.   However, in ordinary life in the USA, let us not suggest that all LGBTQ people should be "discreet" because that merely perpetuates fear and fosters an atmosphere of hostility, rather than respecting the diversity that makes us stronger.

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  • Reply 88 of 199
    wel3wel3 Posts: 1member

    Rogafan--You are a homophobe.  One can understand the reluctance of people to come out when you read your attempt to disparage James Stewart by saying "we all know James Stewart of the NYSlimes is".  He is open about it. Your attempt was reminded me of a seventh grade bully on a playground.  Shame on you.

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  • Reply 89 of 199

    Shame on AI for again converting speculation into fact, in its headlines.

    Cook was not "outed".  

    Some ignorant journalist merely speculated that he was.


    That does not warrant the headline "Apple CEO Tim Cook 'outed' as gay by CNBC co-anchor".

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  • Reply 90 of 199
    decondodecondo Posts: 21member

    ditto - this is not a news item.

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  • Reply 91 of 199
    SO WHAT?
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  • Reply 92 of 199
    dysamoriadysamoria Posts: 3,430member
    The day that stuff like this stops being controversy and "newsworthy" is the day that equality becomes a real thing.
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  • Reply 93 of 199
    The thought never crossed my mind whether or not Tim Cook was gay. It's none of my business. His public persona is that of a pretty good guy. His sexual orientation is none of my business anymore than my sexual orientation is any of his business.

    I judge people on the kind of person they are.
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  • Reply 94 of 199
    Marvinmarvin Posts: 15,519moderator
    mstone wrote: »
    I never got any gay vibes from Cook having only seen him in professional appearances. Is there any credible evidence of Cook and a partner? As far as I'm concerned, until there is or he says something, I will just consider him non-sexual because he doesn't present himself as either homosexual or heterosexual, just male.

    There's a profile here that was speculating about Tim taking over as CEO back in 2008:

    "Though he's capable of mirth, Cook's default facial expression is a frown, and his humor is of the dry variety.
    Cook dresses casually in jeans, his graying hair cropped close in the style of Lance Armstrong, whom he idolizes.
    While a select group can claim to understand Cook at work, almost nobody claims to know much about his life outside Apple. A lifelong bachelor, he lives in a rented house in Palo Alto, vacations in places like Yosemite and Zion national parks, and shows few visible signs of wealth despite having sold more than $100 million of Apple stock over the years.
    Many consider Cook aloof, though it's just as likely he's off-the-charts shy.
    "Tim's just not a real social person," says Gloski. "He's not antisocial, either. He just never seemed that interested in other people. I'm a hugger and a kisser, but I'd never feel comfortable giving Tim a hug or a kiss.""

    That sounds a bit depressing. Someone should give Tim a hug. Shy people need them more than anyone.

    It must be difficult trying to meet people when you have such a high profile. It's not like you can just sign up to any old dating site. You really need to maintain a social network. Steve Jobs met his girlfriends this way e.g:

    "In 1982, Jobs was introduced to Joan Baez by her sister Mimi Farina. He was 27 and she was 41. "It turned into a serious relationship between two accidental friends who became lovers," said Jobs. Some of his friends believed that one thing that drew Jobs to Baez was the fact that she used to date Bob Dylan. "Steve loved that connection to Dylan," said Jobs' college friend Elizabeth Holmes." The relationship fizzled out when it became clear that Jobs wanted children and Baez did not."

    "Steve first met Laurene after noticing her in the front row at one of his speeches at Stanford University. He asked her out to dinner that night.
    "I was in the parking lot with the key in the car, and I thought to myself, 'If this is my last night on earth, would I rather spend it at a business meeting or with this woman?' I ran across the parking lot, asked her if she'd have dinner with me. She said yes, we walked into town and we've been together ever since.""

    He met Chrisann Brennan at university:

    "Steve often said that he had a strong sense of having had a past life as a World War II pilot. He’d tell me how, when driving, he felt a strong impulse to pull the steering wheel back as if for takeoff. It was a curious thing for him to say, but he did have that sense of unadorned glamour from the forties. He loved the big band sound of Tommy Dorsey, Benny Goodman, and Count Basie. At the first Apple party he even danced like he was from the forties.

    Even after swapping rooms in this way, Steve and I still shared nights of lovemaking so profound that, astonishingly, some fifteen years later, he called me out of the blue to thank me for them. He was married at the time of his call and all I could think of was, Whoa . . . men . . . are . . . really . . . different. Imagine if I had called him to say such a thing."

    The example of Laurene is a good representation of seizing opportunity when it comes along. Some people believe in serendipity: a purposeful confluence of events, but it's all just odds playing out. It's actually surprising that so many people end up in relationships when you think of all the variables of personality, attractiveness, location. I guess that's why people all tend to exhibit similar behaviour (dress code, meeting social expectations, politeness, attending similar social events) because it increases the chances of successful partnership.

    The number of people identifying as homosexual in the US is apparently under 2%. There's probably more than that in reality but with such a small population, it's understandable that more homosexuals could lead a lonely life, especially when they don't make it clear that's the relationship they're looking for.

    Ultimately, it's up to an individual what they want to get out of their life but if Tim does want to find a partner, he has to let people know what he wants, build up a social network and act on opportunities that come from it. Being a workaholic lifelong bachelor is not a commendable way to live.
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  • Reply 95 of 199
    macbootxmacbootx Posts: 72member
    Discussing sexual orientation is as relevant as "outing" someone for having red wine with their meal. BFD. If this reporter (or anybody else for that matter) had any idea of Apple's culture and diversity they would realize talking about Tim Cook's personal life is not a news story.
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  • Reply 96 of 199
    jameskatt2 wrote: »
    Tim Cook is gay. We all know that. He doesn't speak of his personal life. It doesn't matter.

    Tim is simply the best CEO Apple can have after Steve Jobs. He will continue to be Apple's CEO for the rest of his life. Apple is his baby now.

    Perfectly put. Peoples sexuality has nothing to do with their ability to do their job! It's called a private life peps. Guess what it's Private. Maybe we should nose around in some of the chat show hosts and journalists lives and then hopefully they would stop with this type of non news. It's the 21st century....isn't it?
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  • Reply 97 of 199
    gtbuzzgtbuzz Posts: 129member
    Are NYC Columnist James Stewart & CNBS Co-Anchor Simon Hobbs gay or did I misread the article ?
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  • Reply 98 of 199
    dcj001dcj001 Posts: 301member

    Originally Posted by BUSHMAN4 View Post


    Where is Simon Cowel working next week??? LOL


    The British guy from American Idol? Who cares?

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  • Reply 99 of 199

    Originally Posted by TeaEarleGreyHot View Post


    Shame on AI for again converting speculation into fact, in its headlines.

    Cook was not "outed".  

    Some ignorant journalist merely speculated that he was.


    That does not warrant the headline "Apple CEO Tim Cook 'outed' as gay by CNBC co-anchor".


    The original headline was about a Time Cook.

    Which I imagine is a chef who travels back in time from the future.


    But you are right that AppleInsider plays fast and loose with new, rumors, predictions, and opinions: it's all one unlabeled toxic hell stew of disinformation, bundled with Google Ads for profiteering.

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  • Reply 100 of 199
    His sexual preference is none of our business. Stop talking about it. Next topic!
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