Samsung's latest Apple-targeting ad slams battery life, calls iPhone users 'wall huggers'
Samsung on Thursday took its latest shot at Apple, in a new minute-long advertisement that refers to iPhone users as "wall huggers," suggesting they're constantly tethered to an outlet to keep their handset charged.

The new ad, embedded below, was posted to the official Samsung Mobile USA YouTube account. It's in the same style as previous iPhone-bashing ads that Samsung has paid to air on primetime television in America.
The latest ad shows iPhone 5s owners plugged into outlets at various locations within an airport. The ad suggests that iPhone owners must hang out on "stained carpeting and bathrooms" to ensure their handset has enough juice to keep operating throughout a full day.
At one point, an iPhone user sitting against the airport wall notes that a new model is coming out soon, while a person nearby chimes in that they "hope it has a better battery."
While iPhone users are stuck in inconvenient places, the ad shows people with Samsung's latest Galaxy S5 enjoying their device while Apple owners look on with envy. One Galaxy S5 owner checks her phone and sees she has only 10 percent battery remaining, but the device's battery-saving mode estimates that she has a full day of standby time left.
Another iPhone user is shown being envious of a Samsung device user who is swapping out the battery on their handset. The ad concludes by telling consumers to "not be a wall hugger," and instead opt for the Galaxy S5, with its swappable battery and ultra power saving mode.
The commercial is the latest in a series of Samsung ads poking fun at Apple. The campaign began in 2012, when Samsung lampooned Apple fans waiting in line for the iPhone 5 as onlookers enjoyed their already-available Galaxy S III. The ads feature the tagline: "The next big thing is here."

The new ad, embedded below, was posted to the official Samsung Mobile USA YouTube account. It's in the same style as previous iPhone-bashing ads that Samsung has paid to air on primetime television in America.
The latest ad shows iPhone 5s owners plugged into outlets at various locations within an airport. The ad suggests that iPhone owners must hang out on "stained carpeting and bathrooms" to ensure their handset has enough juice to keep operating throughout a full day.
At one point, an iPhone user sitting against the airport wall notes that a new model is coming out soon, while a person nearby chimes in that they "hope it has a better battery."
While iPhone users are stuck in inconvenient places, the ad shows people with Samsung's latest Galaxy S5 enjoying their device while Apple owners look on with envy. One Galaxy S5 owner checks her phone and sees she has only 10 percent battery remaining, but the device's battery-saving mode estimates that she has a full day of standby time left.
Another iPhone user is shown being envious of a Samsung device user who is swapping out the battery on their handset. The ad concludes by telling consumers to "not be a wall hugger," and instead opt for the Galaxy S5, with its swappable battery and ultra power saving mode.
The commercial is the latest in a series of Samsung ads poking fun at Apple. The campaign began in 2012, when Samsung lampooned Apple fans waiting in line for the iPhone 5 as onlookers enjoyed their already-available Galaxy S III. The ads feature the tagline: "The next big thing is here."
Ummm, I charge my iPhone once very day (sometimes every two days).
In fact, at work I get asked by a lot more people if we have a charger for their "big-ass" Samsung phone.
Ummm, I charge my iPhone once very day (sometimes every two days).
Me too. Every night works for me 99% of the time.
Samsung must really be worried about Apples new products...
There is an air of desperation about these Samsung adverts.
Thing is, none of these anti-Apple ads have helped Samsung much. Apple’s share of the U.S. market has grown to 42% while Samsung’s has shrunk a little.
Samsung gets more and more disgusting and desperate everyday !
IMO, the ability to change the battery, insert memory is a plus for power users. For the rest of us hacks(90 percenters(yes its a guess)), m'eh, typical Samsung FUD.
Samsung is just putting into practice their "Big Lie".
Fascinating. I once had a Samsung Blackjack. Unlike any phone I ever had before, I found TWO batteries inside the box. Wow! a spare battery. How thoughtful. Within two days I found out why the box had two batteries and I created these rules for myself and my Blackjack:
1. Don't EVER leave the house without a fully charged spare battery.
2. Don't EVER leave the house without the wall charger so you can use it to charge up the first battery after replacing it at lunch with the spare.
That way I could almost always get all the way home and still have a working phone.
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I wonder where the Apple charging stations are. This seems like another bout of insecurity from Samsung. Their S5 has flopped, they have no inspiration for future designs. Expect more cheap shots as they head downhill.
They did this with previous ads suggesting the iPhone was for older people and stats don't back that up either. When does it become libellous?
They've simply taken a page from the "I'm a Mac, I'm a PC" ads.
I truly wish Apple's advertising would strap on a pair, instead of the atmospheric, feel-good, aimlessly repetitive efforts of late.
Um, right.
I'd go straight to HTC/Microsoft/BB before switching to these juvenile imbeciles of a company.
I thought competitor defaming such as this was reserved for used car dealerships in the south running those Cal Worthington-style commercials.
Another iPhone user is shown being envious of a Samsung device user who is swapping out the battery on their handset. The ad concludes by telling consumers to "not be a wall hugger," and instead opt for the Galaxy S5, with its swappable battery and ultra power saving mode.
Or, if you're really a power user (my wife is, I'm not), you can just buy one of those one-hitter USB charger packs for your iPhone and turn off Bluetooth + Wi-Fi from the lock screen when you know you won't be using them. Having your phone searching for nearby Wi-Fi networks all day is probably the single biggest power drain aside from the display.
They've simply taken a page from the "I'm a Mac, I'm a PC" ads.
I truly wish Apple's advertising would strap on a pair, instead of the atmospheric, feel-good, aimlessly repetitive efforts of late.
Not me, I am glad Apple takes the higher road with their advertisements. I think its funny how all these companies take jabs at Apple in their commercials. Consumers have to wonder what these companies are so scared of and probably end up just buying an Apple Product.
Be sure to let Phil Schiller know.
Sure, praise themselves for battery life because they have big ass battery, not because their phones are battery efficient. Samsung is a low class company.
BTW, if Samsung devices have long battery life, why those device owners still want user replaceable battery for their devices or carry spare battery in the pocket?
I just want to know how that character from the videogame Watchdogs goes on an all-day hacking spree without ever once recharging or swapping out his phone battery. (Of course, if videogames were reality, reality would be pretty radical.)