Samsung's latest Apple-targeting ad slams battery life, calls iPhone users 'wall huggers'



  • Reply 241 of 328
    freediverxfreediverx Posts: 1,424member

    Originally Posted by mistercow View Post

    Because there are no Mophie cases for Android, right?


    Mophie currently makes battery cases for precisely two Android devices: S III & S4. Given that the vast majority of Android devices are other, cheaper models, most of them are shit out of luck in this regard.

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  • Reply 242 of 328
    bondm16bondm16 Posts: 141member

    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post



    You're so full of shit, I think I proved that when I quoted previous posts from you showing you're nothing but a troll. If you actually bought 2 iPhones because of that, you would be the most moronic person on the planet. Such an idiotic concept didn't even occur to me. So all your photos, apps, data, text messages is scattered between 2 phones? Because you choose the most expensive, senseless, and least logical option for extending battery life?


    You're either a complete liar, or a complete idiot. I think everyone on this board would agree to that. And yes, Apple "doesn't have a clue" what people want. It's how they accidentally tripped into this position of ridiculous success. If people gave a shit about removable batteries the iPhone would have been DOA, not selling 50,000,000+ every quarter and replicated by everyone in the industry. Keep in mind not everyone has as little braincells as you do, and for those that need more battery life (and are away from chargers the entire day) there are literally HUNDREDS of options out there for the iPhone, all of them superior to buying 2 phones. Please just buy a Samsung and spare us your never-ending lies. 


    I don't want to get involved in this debate here but was it really necessary to brand someone a liar and suggest they were full of sh1t? I mean, a good debate with opposing arguments (whether they be right or wrong)  is one thing but to stoop to insults just lowers the tone. See my signature on my policy regarding such debates. 

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  • Reply 243 of 328
    freediverxfreediverx Posts: 1,424member
    Originally Posted by toysandme View Post

    (1) The iPhone battery is way underpowered and (2) is not user replaceable. 

    I don't need a paper thin phone that levitates. I want a phone that lasts all day, actually using it.



    Request granted.




    Anyway, I think we can better visualize the Apple/Android debate using an automotive metaphor.



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  • Reply 244 of 328
    carmelapplecarmelapple Posts: 124member
    bondm16 wrote: »
    I don't want to get involved in this debate here but was it really necessary to brand someone a liar and suggest they were full of sh1t? I mean, a good debate with opposing arguments (whether they be right or wrong)  is one thing but to stoop to insults just lowers the tone. See my signature on my policy regarding such debates. 

    I would argue that the poster of the comments regarding having 2 iPhones is not really debating anything. They're posting ridiculous anecdotal "evidence" that iPhones are definitely not the way to go cause you can't swap out the battery. As if there's no other means of continuing to use an iPhone after the battery dies. They're the type of troll who is simply trying to fit in with those of us who like Apple products and trying to gain our trust so that they can help set us all straight based on the anecdotal "mistake" they made in the hopes they can help us out and set us on the correct path away from Apple products. A noble deed, really.

    I just wonder if they go to the next phone and when that one is dead, the previous one is magically fully charged...not having been hooked up to a charger...cause I mean iPhones don't come with a charger or charging/sync cable. That would basically render their comments moot. Right?
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  • Reply 245 of 328
    Samsung may just be getting a bit desperate. Understandable really. With the iPhone 6 coming out twith a larger screen they may (and I think probably will) start to lose market share in the high end, and Chinese manufacturers are putting out some super cheap phones that might start eating into their market share of the llow end phones.

    "Last week, Samsung's CFO said its second-quarter earnings were "not that good." IBK Securities estimated its phone sales slipped to 78 million in the second quarter, from 87.5 million the quarter prior. Estimates for the company's second quarter continue falling; the company will likely see operating profit down 15% from the prior year"
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  • Reply 246 of 328
    freediverxfreediverx Posts: 1,424member

    Originally Posted by mistercow View Post

    Performs the same functions as well as a Mac does if you want to be so technical,and for a cheaper price.


    By your standards, a Yugo performs the same functions as an Audi A5.

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  • Reply 247 of 328
    freediverxfreediverx Posts: 1,424member

    Originally Posted by AppleDigger View Post

    Samsung may just be getting a bit desperate. Understandable really. With the iPhone 6 coming out twith a larger screen they may (and I think probably will) start to lose market share in the high end, and Chinese manufacturers are putting out some super cheap phones that might start eating into their market share of the llow end phones.

    "Last week, Samsung's CFO said its second-quarter earnings were "not that good." IBK Securities estimated its phone sales slipped to 78 million in the second quarter, from 87.5 million the quarter prior. Estimates for the company's second quarter continue falling; the company will likely see operating profit down 15% from the prior year"


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  • Reply 248 of 328
    freediverxfreediverx Posts: 1,424member

    Originally Posted by jm6032 View Post


     If battery technology has progressed that much in 7 years, then a phone should last at least a month between charges.



    As battery technology has evolved, Apple has focused their considerable engineering talent to make their phones smaller, lighter and faster while maintaining about a day's worth of power under normal use. Their sales, profit and customer loyalty stats suggest this has been a winning strategy.


    Any idiot can slap a bigger, heavier battery on a product and claim better battery life. 

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  • Reply 249 of 328
    freediverxfreediverx Posts: 1,424member

    Originally Posted by mistercow View Post


    Windows Media Player seems like it may be equivalent iphoto and imovie.  















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  • Reply 250 of 328
    bondm16bondm16 Posts: 141member

    Originally Posted by freediverx View Post















    You would choose an older version of WMP.


    Try this and see the similarities. 


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  • Reply 251 of 328
    magman1979magman1979 Posts: 1,301member

    Originally Posted by Bondm16 View Post


    You would choose an older version of WMP.


    Try this and see the similarities. 


    Even that version doesn't do much of what iPhoto and iMovie do, as it's a totally different product. It would be more fair to compare iPhoto and iMovie to Windows Picture Viewer and Windows Movie Maker, and even then, they'd still fall flat on their faces in light of their Mac counterparts.


    BTW, iTunes is the fair competitor to WMP, and it too beats WMP with ease on a Mac.

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  • Reply 252 of 328
    freediverxfreediverx Posts: 1,424member
    Originally Posted by freediverx View Post

    iOS is far more power efficient than Android. Name a single Android phone with comparable performance and display as an iPhone that gets the same or better battery life...

    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post


    Apples to oranges comparison. It's no shocker that a phone with a larger, heavier battery gets more battery life. The Moto G includes a battery with 32% greater capacity and is 28% heavier than the iPhone 5s. That's like shoving a bigger gas tank on a car and claiming better fuel economy as a result.


    That does not disprove my point that iOS is a more power efficient OS. Perhaps I should have written "comparable specs" to guard against silly arguments like this, but then I shouldn't be surprised to see deceptive arguments from a Samsung admirer.


      iPhone 5s Motorola Moto G
    Weight 3.95 oz. 5.04 oz.
    Size 4.87 x 2.31 x 0.30 inches 5.11 x 2.59 x 0.46 inches
    Battery 1570 mAh 2070 mAh


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  • Reply 253 of 328
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,679member
    freediverx wrote: »
    Apples to oranges comparison. It's no shocker that a phone with a larger, heavier battery gets more battery life. The Moto G includes a battery with 32% greater capacity and is 28% heavier than the iPhone 5s. That's like shoving a bigger gas tank on a car and claiming better fuel economy as a result.

    You are absolutely correct. That a particular phone has a longer battery life than another with a different OS does not prove the OS deserves all the credit for it.. ;)

    Now with that out of the way Google has done a lot of testing and data collection to discover ways that battery life can be significantly extended. The upcoming Android "L" version will apparently be reaping some of the rewards of that work.
    freediverx wrote: »
    ...I shouldn't be surprised to see deceptive arguments from a Samsung admirer.
    Me a Samsung admirer? LOL! You must make it up as you go along.
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  • Reply 254 of 328
    freediverxfreediverx Posts: 1,424member

    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    You are absolutely correct. That a particular phone has a longer battery life than another with a different OS does not prove the OS deserves all the credit for it.. image

    Now with that out of the way Google has done a lot of testing and data collection to discover ways that battery life can be significantly extended. The upcoming Android "L" version will apparently be reaping some of the rewards of that work.

    If only that would benefit all those non-upgradable Android devices already on the market. ;)

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  • Reply 255 of 328
    ericthehalfbeeericthehalfbee Posts: 4,489member
    freediverx wrote: »
    Apples to oranges comparison. It's no shocker that a phone with a larger, heavier battery gets more battery life. The Moto G includes a battery with 32% greater capacity and is 28% heavier than the iPhone 5s. That's like shoving a bigger gas tank on a car and claiming better fuel economy as a result.

    That does not disprove my point that iOS is a more power efficient OS. Perhaps I should have written "comparable specs" to guard against silly arguments like this, but then I shouldn't be surprised to see deceptive arguments from a Samsung admirer.
    There is no way to compare an Android device to an iOS device to prove or disprove battery efficiency, so your previous post asking for an Android device with better battery life is pointless.

    However, your statement that iOS is more efficient is absolutely 100% correct. More efficient at power consumption, more efficient in terms of how hardware is used, more efficient at everything.

    Android is a mess of hobbled together and "tacked on" features. iOS has been properly engineered from the ground up by a team of engineers with decades experience in OS design. If we want to discuss the "efficiency" of either OS then we need to look at the underlying architecture in detail (something the trolls here know nothing about). Then the superiority of iOS will become apparent.
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  • Reply 256 of 328
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,679member
    freediverx wrote: »

    If only that would benefit all those non-upgradable Android devices already on the market. ;)
    No doubt a lot of phones won't get offered an update to it. iOS definitely holds the advantage here with Apple controlling it 100% from software to device. In this Apple has a much easier task than Google, dealing only with a very limited and know set of components. Oddly tho one of Google's new programs, Android One, might make that mostly a non-issue for some of the least expensive smartphones that were almost always ignored when OS updates rolled around.

    For a hardware-focused company the smart way is Apple's way. On the other hand if it's software then it's up to the vendor to make it as inclusive as possible to be successful. Apple would encounter some of the same issues that Android has to deal with if iOS were licensed as an OS to other manufacturers.
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  • Reply 257 of 328
    magman1979magman1979 Posts: 1,301member

    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    You are absolutely correct. That a particular phone has a longer battery life than another with a different OS does not prove the OS deserves all the credit for it.. image

    Now with that out of the way Google has done a lot of testing and data collection to discover ways that battery life can be significantly extended. The upcoming Android "L" version will apparently be reaping some of the rewards of that work.

    Me a Samsung admirer? LOL! You must make it up as you go along.

    And with each release of Android, Google has always promised us better battery life, better efficiency, and more fluid response. And each time it has been utter BS.


    Android is a mess, pure and simple, and this is what you get with "open and free".

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  • Reply 258 of 328
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,679member
    magman1979 wrote: »
    Android is a mess, pure and simple, and this is what you get with "open and free".
    Then it's a good thing that Google Android is neither of those.
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  • Reply 259 of 328
    freediverxfreediverx Posts: 1,424member
    Originally Posted by MagMan1979 View Post


    And with each release of Android, Google has always promised us better battery life, better efficiency, and more fluid response. And each time it has been utter BS.


    Android is a mess, pure and simple, and this is what you get with "open and free".

    True, different strategies favor different business models. But perhaps the more relevant question is which business model favors the consumer, the one where they're treated as a valued customer or the one where they're treated as a profitable commodity?

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  • Reply 260 of 328
    woochiferwoochifer Posts: 385member
    Yes, the transceiver will kick up the power if there's a low signal and drain the battery faster.

    But *any* phone will do that. A coworker and I stream music and stuff all day in our low signal offices. I have iPhone and he has an Android something or other. We both leave them plugged in because the radios power up enough to make the phones very warm.

    There's so many variables here that trying to make it brand unique is just horseshit. Of course all the ubergeek morons across the net are nodding their empty heads in unison to this ad because there's not a single independent thought amongst them.

    Yep, when traveling in low coverage areas, my battery life plummets if the cell radio is on -- even on standby. Right now I am at 43% with 3 1/2 hours usage and 17 hours total. That's with more than an hour of streaming video. But that's in a strong LTE coverage area. Also I just updated to 7.1.2.

    Other times I will drain more than 50% of the battery life from playing a slot machine game for less than two hours.
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