Samsung's latest Apple-targeting ad slams battery life, calls iPhone users 'wall huggers'



  • Reply 201 of 328

    Originally Posted by Relic View Post


    That phone is over 7 years old, battery conservation technology has changed a lot since then


    The original iPhone is 7 years old. And it was capable of being used for 3 days (easily) between charges.

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  • Reply 202 of 328
    I thought Samsung was number one and Apple was chasing Samsung, or is that just Wall St.'s version of reality? I'm confused. Why would the number one brand run attack ads on the number two brand? It's a well know rule of marketing that the number two brand attack the number one brand (for example the "Mac vs PC" ads have always been Apple's campaign, not Microsoft's, or "The Pepsi Challenge" was Pepsi's campaign, not Coke's). Why would Samsung perpetually compare itself to Apple unless... the iPhone is number one and Samsung knows it. Which puts analysts on notice for saying otherwise.
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  • Reply 203 of 328

    Originally Posted by Darryn Lowe View Post


    That looks like an ad for domestic violence to be honest with you.


    She had his baby, then he dumped her when the new model came out.

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  • Reply 204 of 328
    mistercowmistercow Posts: 157member

    Originally Posted by Bergermeister View Post




    You would have to support an assertion like that around here.  Please give us details of how your "500" beats (or equals) an Apple "1000" out of the box.  Discuss things such as Pages, iMovie, Keynote, Numbers, iPhoto, iTunes, Garageband, which are all included with the Mac.  Also please address the issue of viruses.  Lastly, the appearance of the machine and the display; yeah, aesthetics.  And how about having to decide which edition of Windows to install?  How long do those machines last?  I had a Mac that kept running for 25 years (bought it in the late 1980's, just retired it a few years ago); I will admit it was a 2200 dollar machine, but it was also available long before Windows was available.


    And another very important element: learning curve.  If you take two people who are beginners at computers, say, in their 50's, and try to teach them how to perform tasks with each machine, which comes out ahead?  I know friends who went to computer schools several times a week for several months to learn Windows.  I have personally trained people to do the same tasks with their Macs in under two days.  The tasks: take photos and video, bring media into the computer, organise it, edit it, create a 4-page newsletter complete with images and charts and graphs, make a presentation that includes video and animation and a jingle of your own creation, along with recorded narration.


    I love the "Windows boxes are cheaper" arguments.  I especially love them when it comes to the Mac Pro, where many sites have determined the Mac is actually 10 to 20 percent cheaper than a comparable Windoze box, even before considering the form factor and size.



    Pages, Keynote, Numbers - Open office

    Iphoto, Imovie, garageband - Never personally used these before so I'm not sure what capabilities they have. Windows Media Player seems like it may be equivalent iphoto and imovie.  Quick search of garageband equivalents for pc provide multiple free results and I'm fairly certain there are other freeware photo and movie editing programs available for pc.  iTunes is free and available on pc.


    Viruses aren't issues for a user with any common sense.  Not to mention there is an abundance of good free anti virus programs.


    If deciding a version of Windows to install is considered a problem, then I'm guessing you have much bigger issues.


    Aesthetics is irrelevant. You don't have to place the computer tower on top of your desk in plain view.


    Great that you kept a Mac running for 25 years, but that's also irrelevant.  It's not running any software made in the last 10 years.  If you found me a copy of Windows 3, I could probably install it and get it running.  Wouldn't be functional with today's standards by any means and neither is your 25 year old mac.  Also, Windows machine parts can be replaced and upgraded.  Can't say the same for Macs. 


    Learning Curve.  That's a very specific task, and not really a basic one.  Not only that, you have no way of assessing if the Windows group learned additional skills beyond performing that single task.  And it's not the same people in both groups and you may not be using the same programs and you have no way of judging the quality of work done nor retention of said training.  You're not comparing equivalent things. 


    I'll concede on the pricing Mac Pro, but that is the only desktop Mac that coming in with a lower bill of materials, and it is a very niche product.  The more average buyer is going with an iMac and if you compare hardware specs, it's not even close.

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  • Reply 205 of 328
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    She had his baby, then he dumped her when the new model came out.

    Sounds a lot like Tom Brady. :lol:
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  • Reply 206 of 328
    creek0512creek0512 Posts: 111member
    Samsung's makes two arguments in this ad. First, that if you don't use your phone, the battery will last longer; hardly a Samsung exclusive feature. Second, that you can swap out the battery, which admittedly cannot be done on any Apple device. However, using a portable phone charger is essentially the same thing since neither is free and both need to be charged prior to use. If fact you could argue that a portable phone charger is superior to swapping the battery because it does not require the device to be powered off and disassembled.
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  • Reply 207 of 328
    bondm16bondm16 Posts: 141member

    Originally Posted by mjtomlin View Post


    Ummm, I charge my iPhone once very day (sometimes every two days).


    In fact, at work I get asked by a lot more people if we have a charger for their "big-ass" Samsung phone.



    My Galaxy S3, when taken off charge at 6am on monday morning, will last me till around 10:30pm on Tuesday evening. I dont think thats all that bad to be honest. In the past week, the only person who has been asking for a charger in our office, has an iPhone 5.

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  • Reply 208 of 328
    singularitysingularity Posts: 1,328member
    <div class="quote-container" data-huddler-embed="/t/181120/samsungs-latest-apple-targeting-ad-slams-battery-life-calls-iphone-users-wall-huggers/160#post_2559650" data-huddler-embed-placeholder="false">Quote:<div class="quote-block">Originally Posted by <strong>Relic</strong> <a href="/t/181120/samsungs-latest-apple-targeting-ad-slams-battery-life-calls-iphone-users-wall-huggers/160#post_2559650"><img alt="View Post" src="/img/forum/go_quote.gif" /></a><br /> <p>That phone is over 7 years old, battery conservation technology has changed a lot since then</p></div></div><p> </p><p>The original iPhone is 7 years old. And it was capable of being used for 3 days (easily) between charges.</p>
    it may haven capable of lasting 3 days but for my usage a full day was being very lucky. Funny enough that's stayed the same for all the phones I've had since then. Longer battery life just meant I do more and more with the phone
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  • Reply 209 of 328
    chandrachandra Posts: 26member

    Samsung is out of ideas and scraping the bottom of the barrel to come up with an empty and bogus slogan to attack Apple.  They might win a battle here and there but never the war with Apple. 

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  • Reply 210 of 328
    darkvaderdarkvader Posts: 1,146member

    Originally Posted by Goldfinger View Post

    Samsung just makes me sick when they do things like this.


    Don't they, though? 


    I mean, when Samsung gets it right when Apple screws the pooch completely like they keep doing, it really makes me sick too.


    Hey, Apple, get a clue.  People NEED to be able to change their batteries sometimes. 


    I have two iPhones.  Why?  Because I can't change the battery.  I have to pop out the SIM card and move it to the spare phone when the battery dies.  It's completely ridiculous.


    Back in the dumbphone days, I had a Motorola RAZR v3xx, and three batteries.  I had an external battery charger that would charge two at the same time.  I was pretty much guaranteed to never run out of power.


    Now, I have to have two identical phones, and I get far less battery life than in the dumbphone days.


    Why don't I just get a Samsung?  iOS is better than dumbphones, and it's better Android (well, at least once it's jailbroken, I would NEVER run iOS without a jailbreak). 

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  • Reply 211 of 328
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post


    The thing about swapping out batteries is that you have to turn off and reboot the phone. I'm not sure what happens when you power down an iPhone, if it is still using the battery in some capacity or not, but removing the battery from a device that has valuable data on it would make me a little nervous.


    I forgot to plug in my phone last night and it had about 20% charge this morning. After about 15 minutes plugged in it was mostly charged back up, at least to the level where I would be able to make it through the day. The point is that if it charges so quickly, battery management is not so daunting of an issue in my opinion, especially on a routine day. Traveling is always a different situation. Then you need to be more conservative and attentive to conserving your battery. I always have a MBP and an iPad in addition to my iPhone when traveling so I can balance my usage among the various devices during the day.

    Oh no doubt, I have to say I really like wireless charging now though. I have this pillow looking thing on my night stand that I just set my Nokia 1020 on top of and it's charged to like 80 percent in 20 min. I also have the Camera Grip cover with built in battery, super awesome accessory, because of it I actually only have to charge my phone too full once every three to four days.

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  • Reply 212 of 328
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    darkvader wrote: »
    I have two iPhones.  Why?  Because I can't change the battery.  I have to pop out the SIM card and move it to the spare phone when the battery dies.  It's completely ridiculous.

    Bullshit. A reasonable person would get a battery pack which has a larger battery in a smaller package for fraction of the price.
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  • Reply 213 of 328
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    Bullshit. A reasonable person would get a battery pack which has a larger battery in a smaller package for fraction of the price.

    Just about to say that, my husband uses a Morphie Space Pack case, works extremely well.


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  • Reply 214 of 328

    Apple doesn't integrate external batteries because Steve would roll in his grave if they did.  They are completely against the whole mission of apple.  Phones should be made with big enough batteries that the hassle of changing them is unnecessary.  I don't know how you use your phone but the iPhone 5s should last a normal person at least one day on a full charge. 

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  • Reply 215 of 328
    Come on guys stop lying to yourselves. As an iPhone owner the battery charges fast but the battery life sucks. Plus those saying "yea right people are usually asking me for a charger for their big ass Samsung phones" are kidding themselves. Their batteries last longer and you can be sure you'll be the same person bragging when the iPhone is a 5.5" behemoth after saying 3.5" was the perfect size. Countless Steve Jobs quotes saying anything bigger is ridiculous for a phone to use one handed. Now the iPhones are becoming more like android phones. Face it.... Originality is also dead at Apple now.
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  • Reply 216 of 328
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Originally Posted by Goldfinger View Post


    Apple doesn't integrate external batteries because Steve would roll in his grave if they did.  They are completely against the whole mission of apple.  Phones should be made with big enough batteries that the hassle of changing them is unnecessary.  I don't know how you use your phone but the iPhone 5s should last a normal person at least one day on a full charge. 

    When used as a phone sure but not as a mini tablet, which people will probably start doing a lot more of once Apple releases an iPhone with a larger screen. Movies, games, online music streaming, surfing for hours at a time are all things that will drink up your battery's precious juice faster then an alcoholic at a open bar. So what you might think is normal, others might call down right fruity, dainty behavior and a complete waste of a good phone's CPU cycles. Don't judge less thee be want'n to be judged too, or something along though lines, I forget, just don't assume what the norm to be.

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  • Reply 217 of 328
    bheitbheit Posts: 15member

    Samsung has lied so much about specs and just about everything else, does anyone even pay attention to those bastards anymore?  

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  • Reply 218 of 328
    bheitbheit Posts: 15member

    I charge my 5S generally about every three days, two at the minimum.  Some people need to shut down some of their location services, etc, and learn how to use the phone.  Apparently Samsung hasn't figured it out.  I guess they're as clueless as their customers.

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  • Reply 219 of 328
    darryn lowedarryn lowe Posts: 250member

    Originally Posted by mistercow View Post


    Windows Media Player seems like it may be equivalent iphoto and imovie.  Quick search of garageband equivalents for pc provide multiple free results and I'm fairly certain there are other freeware photo and movie editing programs available for pc.  iTunes is free and available on pc.

    Windows Media PLAYER is a pathetic app of iTunes level NOT iPhoto or iMovie.


    iPhoto is a photo storage system with basic touch up editing. Media Player can't even view photos and the one that is built into Windows is a joke.


    iMovie is a video editor and it's closest Windows equivalent is Windows Movie Maker but that is the equivalent of iMovie 3. iMovie is now what? 11?

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  • Reply 220 of 328
    darryn lowedarryn lowe Posts: 250member

    Originally Posted by Bondm16 View Post




    My Galaxy S3, when taken off charge at 6am on monday morning, will last me till around 10:30pm on Tuesday evening. I dont think thats all that bad to be honest. In the past week, the only person who has been asking for a charger in our office, has an iPhone 5.

    And how long before that did he charge his phone?


    This is a ridiculous viewpoint to have because you have no idea when he charged it and what he was doing to run the battery flat.


    My experience with Android on the phone work gave me was if I didn't turn off mobile data my battery would last less than 3 hours. 3 hours gained by turning off the one feature that makes the phone something more than a phone. It's not a signal issue either because we have pretty good signal in most places around here.


    Android seriously does suck.

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