Apple's wearable 'iWatch' not expected to ship until early 2015



  • Reply 101 of 135
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member

    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    I agree, so long as you're not talking about this Christmas. With no leaked parts and Apple's typical demo months before the release of a new product category I think a early 2015 launch would be most likely.

    One year my Mom wanted to buy my Dad a boxed set of WWII history DVD set but it wasn't going to be available by Christmas so I Photoshopped a really nice authentic looking certificate with a picture of the compilation set and his name on it, as well as the announced release date. Worked fine. He was very happy.

  • Reply 102 of 135
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    mstone wrote: »
    One year my Mom wanted to buy my Dad a boxed set of WWII history DVD set but it wasn't going to be available by Christmas so I Photoshopped a really nice authentic looking certificate with a picture of the compilation set and his name on it, as well as the announced release date. Worked fine. He was very happy.

    I did something similar for my mother for the original iPad with cellular. It wasn't out at either her birthday or Mother's Day when I gave her the card I made with an iPad image on it.
  • Reply 103 of 135
    thomprthompr Posts: 1,521member

    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    Totally disagree ...

    Your answer assumes that only Apple has the answers for these devices -- and that only Apple can innovate with these devices.

    If you look around, you can see evidence that those are bad assumptions.

    Remember that Steve said that 3rd-party apps for the iPhone would be limited to web apps ...

    The original Touch Screen tech and later TouchID tech come from 3rd parties.

    Then there's the free Hyperlapse app from Instagram that synchs an iPhone camera and gyroscope to create the equivalent of a $15,000 video setup:

    IMO, Apple should open its tech as much as possible ... if only, to determine which tech companies it wants to buy!


    I remember Bill Atkinson and a couple of other Apple employees came into our Sunnyvale store after a trip to evaluate the Commodore Amiga APU (which was superior to Apple's 68000 APU). Paraphrasing Bill: "It was nice -- but we can do that in software"

    I think that Bill's statement rings more true to day than back in the mid 1980s -- because hardware advances have far outstripped the software's ability to exploit them.

    Said more succinctly: Apple cannot possibly hire and manage enough programmers [developers] to exploit their hardware ... And, I think they know that!

    Timing! Timing! Timing!

    I think that the previous poster's point was that Apple will probably have enough apps ready to provide a drool-worthy device on day one, even without third party developers, but he didn't say it would remain that way.  Third party development will certainly be greatly encouraged, for all the reasons you laid out, so the ecosystem flourishes that much more.  And it certainly won't take long.

  • Reply 104 of 135
    thomprthompr Posts: 1,521member

    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    Then announce the device at WWDC and say it will be available for sale before Christmas. If we don't get a product for sale this year that tells me Apple is far off from having a product good enough to sell.

    If they weren't ready for announce in June and sale by (say November), then the only thing that an announcement in September and sale by (say) February can tell you is that they are three months behind the schedule that you wish they met (and that they probably  wish they had met too).  That's it.  A few months is not that far.

  • Reply 105 of 135
    thomprthompr Posts: 1,521member

    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    No problem with that!

    I misunderstood your position.

    And that approach avoids the very difficult situation where the SDK release destroys the product announcement surprise.

    And, it encourages developers to innovate to where they become a member of the select few!

    We're in agreement!

    And now we're all in agreement!  (I should have read the entire thread through first, rather than answering each comment as I came across it.  (Maybe this is my first rodeo!!!)

  • Reply 106 of 135
    thomprthompr Posts: 1,521member

    Originally Posted by Paul94544 View Post


    All Apple has officially announced is an event and a new product catogory, please check your facts people

    We are discussing the potential ramifications of a rumor on a rumor site.  Are there specific facts being misrepresented here?


    And by the way, Apple hasn't officially announced that there will be a new product category.  They promised in interviews over the last year that they are working on such and will show something this year.  If that's what you mean by "announced", then I agree.

  • Reply 107 of 135
    I am so tired of seeing that same mannequin hand illustration.

    I am so tired of conflicting bloggers being called "well-connected." What's the value of being called "well-connected" if you disagree with other "well-connected" bloggers?
  • Reply 108 of 135
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    thompr wrote: »
    Why not go with the simplest answer?  It was not ready for DEMONSTRATION 3 months ago, but now it is.  And (if the rumor is true) then it won't be ready for mass shipment by December.  Why do people act like Apple makes arbitrary decisions based on the calendar when their entire development history (i.e release a product when its ready) show otherwise.
    3rd gen iPad begs to differ. Hence why we got 4th gen in the same year with the A6X chip.
  • Reply 109 of 135
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    Apple annoced something like this ahead for developers apps, as well keep market pointed away from competitors waiting on a release.
    Unless Android Wear is comparable with iPhone I'm not sure how this impacts the competition. Unless it's something so mind blowing that people who own an Android phone or were thinking of getting one go iPhone instead?
  • Reply 110 of 135
    rogifan wrote: »
    But yesterday people here were calling LG's new watch vaporware even though it apparently will be shipping before Apple's wearable device does.

    So what?
    Why does that bother you?
  • Reply 111 of 135
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    So what?
    Why does that bother you?
    Yes it bothers me when people are hypocritical.
  • Reply 112 of 135
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    Originally Posted by Mazda 3s View Post


    So if Apple shows it September, and doesn't ship it until 2015, wouldn't that be the "vaporware" that everyone accuses other manufacturers of pulling off?

    Regardless, I can't wait to see it the iWatch and the new iPhone. I already sold my iPhone 5 in anticipation of the iPhone 6's arrival, and am making do with a $40 Nokia Lumia 520 that I got from Amazon in the mean time. 

    Vaporware is when you show off a product that ships in "6 months" and it never ships.


    That said, I don't understand why Apple would create distraction at their iPhone event, if the wearable is not shipping until 2015. Pointless.

  • Reply 113 of 135

    Wonko, how are things outside the Asylum? Are you still disturbed by the instructions on a packet of toothpicks?


    In any case, the iPhone wasn't a new device category - there were smartphones before it.  What made it different was the implementation.  I think the FCC theory has some merit - after all it likely has a radio device of some kind in it which will need approval.

  • Reply 114 of 135
    Concur. The key is that the design and features are all settled, and that they will actually make this. It does not interfere or interrupt a current product; and perhaps makes the iP6 even MORE desirable. And it makes some sense to release it before the holidays, even if they can't deliver them. People will buy gift cards, particularly if they print cards with the iWatch/iTime on it. I can even see AAPL getting agressive and offering Kickstarter-esque queuing for production spots.
    I just hope I can wait in a really long line to buy one. That would be awesome.
  • Reply 115 of 135
    Why (assuming rumors are correct) is Apple announcing the iWatch on 9 September? The Food and Drug Administration has an approximately 90 day queue for the approval of 510k Premarket Approvals.
  • Reply 116 of 135
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    pmz wrote: »

    I can see a point.

    Why (assuming rumors are correct) is Apple announcing the iWatch on 9 September? The Food and Drug Administration has an approximately 90 day queue for the approval of 510k Premarket Approvals.

    Even without considering FDA (and approval in other nations) we should also consider leaked components from China, which may be why we haven't seen any leaks of it yet, as well as Apple's history of introductions and demos of new product categories months before they go on sale.
  • Reply 117 of 135
    Originally Posted by MacBook Pro View Post

    Why (assuming rumors are correct) is Apple announcing the iWatch on 9 September? The Food and Drug Administration has an approximately 90 day queue for the approval of 510k Premarket Approvals.

    Maybe Apple submitted it on June 11.

  • Reply 118 of 135
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Maybe Apple submitted it on June 11.

    The FCC has been good about keeping their test results under wraps until Apple tells them they can release the data.
  • Reply 119 of 135
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    The FCC has been good about keeping their test results under wraps until Apple tells them they can release the data.

    Well, fairly. That new Apple TV that was never released for example.

  • Reply 120 of 135
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member

    Well, fairly. That new Apple TV that was never released for example.

    I"m pretty sure if you look at the documentation Apple submitted it will list a date that the FCC abided by. I doubt it was a leak from the FCC.
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