Samsung's 'rushed,' 'half-baked' announcements set Apple up for easy victory this fall, analyst says



  • Reply 21 of 96
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    sirlance99 wrote: »
    So, when an analysts says anything bad, negative, not in the favor of or something most of you guys disagree with about Apple, you guys hate on analysts in a big way. Now that an analysts says something which you guys agree with it's all rosy. Got it.

    Not that I disagree with almost all that is being reported but I've read the site long enough to see how you guys swing. You guys really crack me up. Thanks for all the laughs. 

    Difference is analysts speculate on Apple rumors prior to announcement. This analyst have his opinion on Sammy after the announcement.
  • Reply 22 of 96
    Is this where all the iSheep huddle. Guys, if you don't like the sammy phone then don't buy it. There's no point in bashing something that you are not planning on using. This is what I call "Trolling".
  • Reply 23 of 96

    News about today says that Apple has negotiated deals with card issuers and banks for favorable terms for its yet-to-be-announced payment system. No surprise. And also that Apple will get to keep "a piece of the action". Also - no surprise.


    What I expect is that Apple will offer to, or perhaps, insist on indemnifying the issuers/banks against fraud. Why would Apple do this? Because it will put Samsung is a very, very bad place. Sam is trying to copy Apple and so far it has succeeded with look-and-feel. But this is security and Samsung has no decent fingerprint reader or security enclave.


    Maybe Samsung will ape Apple this time too, but it may be very, very expensive.

  • Reply 24 of 96
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member

    Everyone keeps saying the Apple stock took a tumble due to samsung announcement. in fact it had nothing to do with that some stupid analysis came out and was advising the investment communities to pull their profits off the table before the apple announcement next week since nothing they will announce will have any immediate impact on Apples earnings in the neat future and that any products base on health or home kit will not generate any significant revenue. This information came out first thing in the morning and the sell order started to roll then Samsung announcement came out and the buy and sell volume number leveled out but the damage was done and everyone blamed the Samsung Announcement.

  • Reply 25 of 96
    plovell wrote: »
    News about today says that Apple has negotiated deals with card issuers and banks for favorable terms for its yet-to-be-announced payment system. No surprise. And also that Apple will get to keep "a piece of the action". Also - no surprise.

    This is a very very big deal ...

    Both Apple and the credit card providers can incite customers to use their respective products and services -- by offering lower fees, higher/more cashback rewards ...

    I've posted elsewhere, that the credit card providers might/should be willing to subsidize the purchase of iDevice hardware tied in with use of their services.

    Say, BofA Visa offers a cashback reward of $300 for the first $1,500 charged using a iPhone 6.

    A friend recently opened a BofA Visa account and got a $200 cashback reward for just using the card for $1,500 -- mostly over the Internet, with no card present.
  • Reply 26 of 96
    boredumbboredumb Posts: 1,418member

    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post


    Originally Posted by plovell View Post

    News about today says that Apple has negotiated deals with card issuers and banks for favorable terms for its yet-to-be-announced payment system. No surprise. And also that Apple will get to keep "a piece of the action". Also - no surprise.

    This is a very very big deal ...

    Both Apple and the credit card providers can incite customers to use their respective products and services -- by offering lower fees, higher/more cashback rewards ...

    I've posted elsewhere, that the credit card providers might/should be willing to subsidize the purchase of iDevice hardware tied in with use of their services.

    Say, BofA Visa offers a cashback reward of $300 for the first $1,500 charged using a iPhone 6.

    A friend recently opened a BofA Visa account and got a $200 cashback reward for just using the card for $1,500 -- mostly over the Internet, with no card present.

    Unless, of course, the public decides it can't trust

    Apple's hardware's or software's inherent security to protect their privacy...

    ?Hmmmwhere have I heard that suggested recently?

  • Reply 27 of 96
    eriamjheriamjh Posts: 1,718member
    I have a mockup of the iPhone 6 5.5" and it is huge. It is bigger than the galaxy s5. It is thin as can be. It's an iPad nano.

    Hell, yes! I am getting one! I'll keep my old iPhone 5 if I want a small phone for working out , but I want that big display for all surfing and webbing. Who makes calls anyway?
  • Reply 28 of 96
    sirlance99 wrote: »
    So, when an analysts says anything bad, negative, not in the favor of or something most of you guys disagree with about Apple, you guys hate on analysts in a big way. Now that an analysts says something which you guys agree with it's all rosy. Got it.

    In order for your conclusions to be true, you must assume the following:
    1. All analysts are always right or always wrong.
    2. Analysts are without bias

    I don't think you can make either assumption.
  • Reply 29 of 96

    Originally Posted by boredumb View Post


    Unless, of course, the public decides it can't trust

    Apple's hardware's or software's inherent security to protect their privacy...

    ?Hmmmwhere have I heard that suggested recently?


    @Bore: you should focus on the "essence", and you have not so far.


    The essence is that Apple's security on the iPhone and access to protected information on iPhone is second to none.


    The hoopla is that some peoples' accounts seem to have been compromised because of shortcomings with password/security-questions (which are industry standard). Why were they hacked? Purely because their personal info (photos etc) are valuable, unlike yours and mine. 


    And I suspect that some on Wall St have done some market manipulation as well. Hard for an outsider to tell, but the drop is unusual.

  • Reply 30 of 96

    Samsung is like an all-you-can-eat buffet. Yes they've got everything but they all taste like sh**.

  • Reply 31 of 96
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    plovell wrote: »
    @Bore: you should focus on the "essence", and you have not so far.

    The essence is that Apple's security on the iPhone and access to protected information on iPhone is second to none.

    The hoopla is that some peoples' accounts seem to have been compromised because of shortcomings with password/security-questions (which are industry standard). Why were they hacked? Purely because their personal info (photos etc) are valuable, unlike yours and mine. 

    And I suspect that some on Wall St have done some market manipulation as well. Hard for an outsider to tell, but the drop is unusual.

    Right plus I still suspect many simply fell for phishing emails, there have been a ton recently ... and some of those celebrates were blondes after all ...;)
  • Reply 32 of 96
    In a note to investors on Thursday, White, of Cantor Fitzgerald, used the words "underwhelming," "rushed," and "half-baked" to describe Samsung's announcements,

    Their announcements are underwhelming, rushed and half-baked???
  • Reply 33 of 96
    fallenjtfallenjt Posts: 4,056member

    Samsung Gear S will look like sh.t after iWatch annoucement...really. Apple catch Samsung off guard again on the smart watch...I'm sure.

  • Reply 34 of 96
    fallenjtfallenjt Posts: 4,056member

    Originally Posted by Eriamjh View Post

    I have a mockup of the iPhone 6 5.5" and it is huge. It is bigger than the galaxy s5. It is thin as can be. It's an iPad nano.

    Hell, yes! I am getting one! I'll keep my old iPhone 5 if I want a small phone for working out , but I want that big display for all surfing and webbing. Who makes calls anyway?

    True. Who makes calls anymore? I have 450 shared minutes in my family plan and never go over it...really.

  • Reply 35 of 96
    boredumbboredumb Posts: 1,418member
    Originally Posted by plovell View Post

    @Bore: you should focus on the "essence", and you have not so far.

    The essence is that Apple's security on the iPhone and access to protected information on iPhone is second to none.

    I've never in any way said _I_ disrespect Apple's security commitments or expertise.


    I'm suggesting that when you enter a market - the rather significant portion of the world's

    population that makes credit purchases - you are reaching a huge number of people who

    may not be as sanguine about Apple generally as you or I, and which may need a reason to trust Apple…or be

    open to reasons, however spurious, not to.


    So a preemptive strike against that aspect of Apple may slow acceptance among folks who know no better.


    There are articles and posts here every day concerning the attempts of rivals to discredit one another (alright, mostly of

    companies and their lackeys in journalism belittling Apple)…I simply think there is a possibility that we are seeing this

    taking place here in the run-up to Apple's announcements next week.


    We live in a time when, if products don't make an instant success, they are very unlikely ever to catch on,

    and though I think the current group are doing quite well, no one could instill excited anticipation of a new release -

    almost a pre-acceptance - like Steve Jobs…

    So without him, perhaps Apple is more susceptible to attacks of this sort, 

    especially in an area where credibility and trust are paramount.


    (for what it's worth, I fully understand that it is lazy password and security measures by the celebs that enabled the hacking)

  • Reply 36 of 96
    "Our strategy is ill-advised because our events are 'half baked' with no details around the price points, launch dates a bit fuzzy, limited technical specifications, and 'gimmicky' features."

    Sounds like ScamScum has a new mission statement.
  • Reply 37 of 96

    All I can say about Samsung's (same-song) presentation is that it was very awkward to watch. They had some very convincing arguments, but nothing really solid and earth-shattering.

  • Reply 38 of 96

    Originally Posted by jungmark View Post

    Difference is analysts speculate on Apple rumors prior to announcement. This analyst have his opinion on Sammy after the announcement.


    Analysts get the same response even when they criticize Apple's decisions after the fact.

  • Reply 39 of 96

    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post

    In order for your conclusions to be true, you must assume the following:

    1. All analysts are always right or always wrong.

    2. Analysts are without bias

    I don't think you can make either assumption.


    That makes no sense.  He didn't say anything about the accuracy of the analysts' conclusions themselves.  He pointed out the behavior of the members of this forum.

  • Reply 40 of 96
    In order to make an informed comment here, for the first time, I forced myself to digest a Samsung Keynote and watch the whole Unpacked Episode 2 Berlin (just rolls off the tongue doesn't it?) event...

    [SIZE=4]I lost count of how many times I threw up in my mouth[/SIZE]

    The sheer level of repeated, almost forced, marketing assumptions was beyond disgusting. As the product really has NOTHING new to offer they filled an entire session with complete nonsense! And WTF was up with that dumb British blonde constantly calling it glamorous and beautiful and asking if she could put cat photos on it? :\ And you KNOW they've screwed themselves if a headline "feature" in your keynote is lock screen wallpapers! HOLY $@%%^}*&$@ CHRIST! I think my favourite part was the presenters almost having to subconsciously BEG the audience to clap, because the place was as quiet as a morgue.

    I think Brian White was spot on, an amazing feat for a Wall Street analyst, that Apple has NOTHING to worry about, and that Samsung is gonna be pissing itself when it sees the crash of their sales over the upcoming holiday quarter!
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