Apple announces record sales of 10 million iPhone 6 & iPhone 6 Plus units in first 3 days



  • Reply 121 of 178

    Who are we kidding? Most of these phones are being shipped back to China for sale in their gray/black markets. People who live in other countries can't get their hands on a phone because you have people sleeping in garbage on the streets waiting in lines that are 12 city blocks long. It's past time to do in store pick ups only here in the US that are tied to your Apple ID and phone plan. I dont' think they should cut it off completely. I just think the first few weeks they should limit it as supply is likely to be constrained.

  • Reply 122 of 178
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post



    Maybe you hear about Chinese scalpers being mentioned more than others, because some of the lines are 75% Chinese.


    As for your second paragraph, I agree with you about US citizens who do not work,  so we are probably politically aligned on that particular topic. If it were up to me, welfare in this country would be decreased by 90%.

    Great! Does that mean GA, TX, AL, ol Miss, LA and others will have to create self sustaining states rather than sucking up the resources of the more fortunate liberal states like NY and Cali. California always has trouble with its budget. Maybe if so much of its tax dollars were not going to the irresponsible southern states, their tax dollars could be used to help the citizens of California.

  • Reply 123 of 178
    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post



    If you want the phone so bad you will do what necesary.  If not just wait an extra week.


    Apple loves having long lines for marketing purposes.

    No they don't. Not like this. They don't like it. Apple will modify their launch day plans again next year as clearly not all marketing is good marketing. People sleeping in the streets for days at a time, blocking businesses from operating normally, trashing the neighborhoods, while buying up every iPhone device from end customers only to go up for sale on the Chinese black markets for triple the cost, then creating a bottle neck for returns when the demand for iPhones on China's black markets goes down is not what Apple had in mind in terms of its marketing I'm sure. Apple didn't get any good press from the lines this year. The fact that we are even discussing it is proof that this wasn't good for Apple's marketing. It has people discussing Apple in a less than positive light. 

  • Reply 124 of 178
    adonissmu wrote: »
    No they don't. Not like this. They don't like it. Apple will modify their launch day plans again next year as clearly not all marketing is good marketing. People sleeping in the streets for days at a time buying up every iPhone device to go up for sale on the Chinese black markets is not what Apple had in mind. They didn't get any good press from the lines this year. The fact that we are even discussing it is proof that this wasn't good for Apple's marketing. It has people discussing Apple in a less than positive light. 


    The news coverage on the lines was non-stop and amazing. Apple couldn't have asked for better coverage.
  • Reply 125 of 178
    chadbagchadbag Posts: 2,023member

    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post



    Yes and going 1 mile per hour over the speed limit is also illegal.  And buying something from Amazon without sales tax and not paying sales tax on our your state return is illegal.  Give me a fricken break.  Our economy is a world economy.  Resale of goods across boarders is 'illegal' but does not harm anyone.  All it does is protect the interest of multi billion dollar corps.


    The person did PRE JUDGE.  He said all the Chinese in line could not speak a single word of English.  Show me proof that was true.  Go ahead SHOW ME.  Did he interview every single Chinese person in line and make sure they could not speak English?  Or did he PRE JUDGE and ASSume they could not because of their appearance?


    I don't know, I wasn't there.  I suspect he could hear them talking amongst themselves as they stood in line.    He made a reasonable assumption based on the evidence.  Nothing racial or prejudicial about that.  Get off your high horse.   In today's times, people take offense at the dumbest things where no offense is intended.   The problem is your problem for assuming it was racial.  Or ASSuming if you want to play those games.


  • Reply 126 of 178

    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post


    Not sure whether Apple will ever go back on screen size to a 4" or less models.  It will definitely be a very small niche market to support.  I was one of the lucky one to walk into AT&T store after work on the launch day and was able to walk away with a iphone 6 64G.  The wait line was not long, but there was at least 3 to 7 wait list for the new iphone for about an hour I spent in the store.  The store manager was surprised how many people were asking for the 6 plus models and they had sold out within 15 min in the morning with only about 10 units received.  The manager also said that ~50% of the new iphone buyers were asking for the plus models.  Surprisingly, there was one lady buying the iphone 5S and that was only person who had bought 5S model on that day, according to the store manager.  


    It's always good for the consumers to have more options purchasing a product, but normally the companies are hesitant in supporting a niche market in general.

    Apple is going to want to get ApplePay into every device possible. I can totally see them starting all over from the ground up. I think there should be a 4", 4.7", and 5.5" option for a iPhone 6s. 

  • Reply 127 of 178
    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post

    And why is it called THE BLACK MARKET?


    Easy, Bernie Mac.


    Nothing these Chinese people are doing is ILLEGAL!!!!


    Black market ? illegal. It is in most cases, but not always. They’re not sold in China, therefore it’s an underground trade.


    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post

    He said all of the Chinese in line could not speak a SINGLE WORD IN ENGLISH.  And all were participants in reselling the phone.  Did he literally interview all 2 THOUSAND people in line to make sure none of the Chinese people could speak English.

    Ah, so pedantry. Thanks for playing.

  • Reply 128 of 178

    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post


    The news coverage on the lines was non-stop and amazing. Apple couldn't have asked for better coverage.

    It was non stop but all everyone is talking about online is the scalping that has been going on not just on this message board but on numerous others even those completely unrelated to Apple and iPhones.

  • Reply 129 of 178
    aplnubaplnub Posts: 2,605member

    Originally Posted by zoffdino View Post



    Launch weekend is always about how many phones Apple can produce. China or not doesn't matter. Apple will sell every last one they can make. If China is missing, its allotment goes to other launch countries so the number of units sold is the same either way.


    I don't agree. Not one store in my area ran out of iphone 6's. Not one. China or not does matter. That is like saying if the USA did not get the iphone on debut weekend they would have sold those phone's elsewhere. I completely disagree. Removing part of the pie is removing part of the pie.

  • Reply 130 of 178

    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    This one

    Just drop in your own zip code. In my case it shows the 6+ available from at least 4 "nearby" resellers.

    Cool.  Thanks!

  • Reply 131 of 178
    adonissmu wrote: »
    It was non stop but all everyone is talking about online is the scalping that has been going on not just on this message board but on numerous others even those completely unrelated to Apple and iPhones.

    Haven't seen any of that stuff, but then again I haven't been looking for those kinds of comments either.
  • Reply 132 of 178
    calicali Posts: 3,494member
    Regarding a 4" iPhone 6c,
    I see why they didn't announce one yet. See with the 5s still being fairly up to date a 6c would be too similar in specs to differentiate.

    If a 6s is announced a 6c will make much more sense next year. Also the (4") 5s has a lot of momentum left. Apple will probably keep "c" models in "tock" generations.
  • Reply 133 of 178
    Originally Posted by cali View Post

    See with the 5s still being fairly up to date a 6c would be too similar in specs to differentiate.


    No, it would be exactly the same as the iPhone 6, which is considerably different from the 5S.

  • Reply 134 of 178
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    Munster is correct. Last year it looks like the iPhone 5C didn't sell out. Reducing sell in the next month. That wasn't the plan either.

    It might explain the abscence of a 6C.
  • Reply 135 of 178

    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post



    So Chinese people can't speak multiple languages?  Just because they are speaking in Mandarian does not mean they can't speak English.


    Then he assumes they are all going to sell the phones 'illegally'.


    So first you:


    1. Jump to conclusions about a person's Citizenship

    2. Ability to speak English

    3. Engaging in illegal activity


    And you apply it to several hundred people in a line just because they look all the same in appearance.  I'm sorry I find that offensive.  Offensive to cast literally hundreds of people in the same boat just because you heard someone speak Chinese and saw a few people give their phones to a dude with a bag. 


    Generalization is wrong especially when referring to people.  At least this is what I tell my teenage kid and a six year old.  However, not everyone think so especially those folks living in a closed and sheltered communities.  


    It would be wrong to generalize those folks with southern accents who uses word "you-people" to describe every non-white races in daily basis without a guilt/ being improper, as ignorant or un-educated.  But as one wise man said,  "Stupid Is Stupid Does"  or was it the mama of that wise man?

  • Reply 136 of 178

    Originally Posted by aplnub View Post



    I don't agree. Not one store in my area ran out of iphone 6's. Not one. China or not does matter. That is like saying if the USA did not get the iphone on debut weekend they would have sold those phone's elsewhere. I completely disagree. Removing part of the pie is removing part of the pie.


    Okay... so Apple collects everything that is sitting in the channel... what are we talking... 200,000 maybe 300,000... and ships them to China.


    There... are you happy now. All 10 million are sold.

  • Reply 137 of 178
    Originally Posted by asdasd View Post

    It might explain the abscence of a 6C.


    That or the fact that the 6C was never, ever going to come out this year, ever, since C is a second year product name.


    The 5C not selling as well as Apple expected explains the absence of a 5SC this year. Metal is desirous over plastic.

  • Reply 138 of 178

    Originally Posted by AdonisSMU View Post


    Apple is going to want to get ApplePay into every device possible. I can totally see them starting all over from the ground up. I think there should be a 4", 4.7", and 5.5" option for a iPhone 6s. 


    I guess only the time will tell.  However, I would think Apple are pushing "apple watch" for those features in a smaller form factor units.  Either way, if Apple make the 4" iphone 6 variants, I am sure some people would buy them, too.

  • Reply 139 of 178

    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post



    dude.  You need to take Texas off that list just for oil money alone.

    I'm not because Rick Perry had a 25 billion dollar shortfall and had to ask the federal government for a bailout after claiming TX didn't need welfare from the federal government.

  • Reply 140 of 178
    sog35 wrote: »
    So what happens when TX stops sending oil to your state?

    Anyway TX has over $10B in its rainy day fund so it didn't need any bailout money.  But since all the other states are asking for it why not?  Are you telling me you would refuse a free check from the government?  Did you refuse the stimulis check from 2002?
    Texas wont stop sending oil to states who can afford to pay for it. Do you need me to post links about that HUGE scandal? Even with their rainy day fund they still had a budget shortfall of 25billion dollars despite being ine if the highest recipients of government money if all the states and their oil money. No one is forcing states to take money if they are principally against government handouts.
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