Apple announces record sales of 10 million iPhone 6 & iPhone 6 Plus units in first 3 days



  • Reply 161 of 178
    fallenjtfallenjt Posts: 4,056member

    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post



    Sure makes it difficult to guess how the lineup will look next year.


    Last year it was quite easy to see that the 5C would drop to the bottom with the 5S in the middle and then a larger phone at the top (I really didn't expect Apple to put 2 large phones at the top).


    Next year gets more difficult because Apple would face the same problem as last year if it put plastic versions of the 6 and 6+ in the middle... but even more problems if Apple put the 6 and 6+ in the middle.


    Does the 5S drop to the bottom?


    The new phones have just come out and I'm already wondering how Apple will solve next year's logistics problems.  lol

    What is the problem with this?

    5S = free

    6 = $99

    6S = $199 and 6+ = $199

    New 6+=$299 (if 6+ is discontinued next year) or 6+S (if they keep 6+).


    I think Apple may just replace 6+ completely with the New 6+ instead of moving it to second tier. However, they must keep the $199 tier refreshed with new model (6S) instead of using old model from premium tier.

  • Reply 162 of 178
    Originally Posted by fallenjt View Post


    Unless, Apple executives are crazy, they would never make a 6C mini and sell at that price (free with contract). Why? the 5S will be free next year with contract and BOM is much cheaper than 6C mini with NFC and A8. Your wishful thinking makes me laugh a little.


    My feeling is that the bottom of the heep would be a 5s in plastic case (or maybe just keep it in its current case) with added NFC and possibly the new 6 camera. I think they would want to move everyone to Apple Pay as soon as possible.

  • Reply 163 of 178

    Originally Posted by fallenjt View Post


    What is the problem with this?

    5S = free

    6 = $99

    6S = $199 and 6+ = $199

    New 6+=$299 (if 6+ is discontinued next year) or 6+S (if they keep 6+).


    I think Apple may just replace 6+ completely with the New 6+ instead of moving it to second tier. However, they must keep the $199 tier refreshed with new model (6S) instead of using old model from premium tier.


    Personally... I think that lineup is very confusing.

  • Reply 164 of 178
    I am going to say that many here have missed something important in these numbers. Specifically as it relates to China. Yes, China not being included in this is huge. Remember that the model for China Mobile is different from the models sold in the US. So, the ones that Apple would have produced for China Mobile would not have been sold yet and are not counted in this number. But, they would have been produced. This also does not include the ones held back for launch in other countries, this is also very important. This makes the numbers even more impressive. Imagine how many iPhones Apple must have stockpiled for the China Mobile release only to have them held up. Imagine what the numbers will be when they are finally able to sell those devices to eager buyers in China? I think this is going to be much larger then we expect.
  • Reply 165 of 178
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,386member

    10,000,000+ million sales in a weekend, while being supply constrained, and before launching in the largest market in the world (China). 


    Eat your fucking heart out, Samsung. 

  • Reply 166 of 178
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,386member
    Originally Posted by blandersonsf View Post

    Youre immature. Im simply stating my opinion on the matter given the numbers and and what not.


    He's "immature" because he decided he did not want to see the posts from a complete fucking idiot? No, that's not called immaturity, that's called rationality. You're one of the least creative, and mind-numbingly stupid trolls I've seen. The first rule of good trolling, is not to state insanely moronic things, for example, 10 million sales in a weekend being "unimpressive, and quite pathetic", and while in the same breath, acknowledging those sales were supply constrained and admonishing Apple for not producing more, all while defining the phones as "catching up" and "easy to manufacture", while praising Samsung. The density of stupid in your post is quite astounding, and I commend anyone who is able to tolerate that level of trash. 

  • Reply 167 of 178

    The number is in fact unimpressive. this is basically a benchmark the nearly already beat last year. chances are numbers are inflated because of course apple does not disclose any actual details. in addition, the devices are not that difficult to manufacture production wise once the design is set, but apple has already stated in the past, these devices are pretty much already planned and worked on for years. They knew the launch timeframe, they had more than enough time to get production going to meet demand.


    I would be willing to place a high bet that limitations are part of a marketing strategy to create the feeling of exclusivity and desire to have something hard to get. the hardware was not a big jump whatsoever. the 6 has the same ppi, ram, and nearly the same processor speed as the 5s, just a slight bump up. same camera with quicker speed and slightly enhanced pixels, but not more pixels. and a bigger screen, not so revolutionary, as its the same lcds they've been using. all tech mags and what not agree, the form factor and bigger screen are so great, but the device is not that much of a lead hardware wise. the numbers are high yes, but last year that claimed nine million or slightly over 9 million, and with the extensive hype they built up for consumers and investors, they painted this picture that it would be way more. the device is a great iPhone, but it did not revolutionize anything. the only thing to come out of this iPhone that might be proving revolutionary is apple pay, and again, thats the system and software apple built, that would be revolutionary for consumer payments, not the iPhone itself.

  • Reply 168 of 178
    Originally Posted by blandersonsf View Post

    their harmless opinions.


    Your ‘opinion is wrong.


    The number is in fact unimpressive.


    Most iPhones ever sold at launch, minus one of the largest markets for iPhones. Explain how this is unimpressive.


    this is basically a benchmark the nearly already beat last year.


    But didn’t. How is this confusing for you? In no way are any benchmarks set beyond the sales numbers of the previous year. Guess what Apple beats every year.


    …chances are numbers are inflated because of course apple does not disclose any actual details.


    So your proof of this is what, exactly? That’s a trick–proving that Apple is lying about sales numbers. On the other hand, we know with legal certainty that Samsung did lie about their numbers. 


    …the devices are not that difficult to manufacture production wise once the design is set, but apple has already stated in the past, these devices are pretty much already planned and worked on for years.


    And… heh he–and you’re… you’re trying to use this… THIS as proof that “Apple just didn’t make enough”. This. The statement that “the design was planned on years in advance, therefore they could have manufactured many more even years in advance, so they could not have run out unless they wanted to”. That’s your argument?


    I would be willing to place a high bet…


    Paging @sog35 Will sog35 please make his way to the AppleInsider Betting Facility*?

    *a cardboard box with “ban yorself” written on it in sharpie


    the hardware was not a big jump whatsoever. 




    …but not more pixels.


    Because Apple isn’t staffed by morons with tiny penises.


    …as its the same lcds they’ve been using.


    Seems like they’re better.


    …all tech mags and what not agree…


    …that everything you’re saying is completely and utterly wrong.


    …with the extensive hype they built up for consumers and investors, they painted this picture that it would be way more.


    Ah, so things which were based on absolutely no knowledge or fact whatsoever and that which Apple didn’t say, condone, or speak to the validity of are now proof of something.

  • Reply 169 of 178

    Such a great thread...

  • Reply 170 of 178
    dunksdunks Posts: 1,254member

    Originally Posted by GTR View Post

    And without China.

    What would that number have been with that tiny little country included...


    Probably the same since the rate limiting step is currently the manufacturing side of the equation.

  • Reply 171 of 178
    Originally Posted by blandersonsf View Post


    Dude, go look up troll and find your face posted next to it. who the hell goes around just cussing out random people for their harmless opinions. grow up. The number is in fact unimpressive. this is basically a benchmark the nearly already beat last year. chances are numbers are inflated because of course apple does not disclose any actual details. in addition, the devices are not that difficult to manufacture production wise once the design is set, but apple has already stated in the past, these devices are pretty much already planned and worked on for years. They knew the launch timeframe, they had more than enough time to get production going to meet demand. I would be willing to place a high bet that limitations are part of a marketing strategy to create the feeling of exclusivity and desire to have something hard to get. the hardware was not a big jump whatsoever. the 6 has the same ppi, ram, and nearly the same processor speed as the 5s, just a slight bump up. same camera with quicker speed and slightly enhanced pixels, but not more pixels. and a bigger screen, not so revolutionary, as its the same lcds they've been using. all tech mags and what not agree, the form factor and bigger screen are so great, but the device is not that much of a lead hardware wise. the numbers are high yes, but last year that claimed nine million or slightly over 9 million, and with the extensive hype they built up for consumers and investors, they painted this picture that it would be way more. the device is a great iPhone, but it did not revolutionize anything. the only thing to come out of this iPhone that might be proving revolutionary is apple pay, and again, thats the system and software apple built, that would be revolutionary for consumer payments, not the iPhone itself. so please keep your filth and disgustingly rude comments to yourself. 

    Take the tin foil off of your head and think about what you just wrote. You're not making any sense at all. If a device is so easy to make there is no need to prepare it years in advance.


    I don't know if you saw but display mate clearly stated that Apple created the best LCD ever known in the iPhone 6 and 6+. They even stated that they raised the bar by a notch. Sure is not OLED display but that means no burnin and other undesirable side effects of using OLED. 


    Then you wrote some nonsense about consumer payments not being an innovation for the iPhone itself. It's as much a hardware solution as a software solution an a business solution. Google and Samsung tried to just throw a piece of hardware into a phone and call it a payment system. It didn't work. It was a spectacular failure by all accounts. Additionally, Apple's solution requires more hardware than Google's solution (if my understanding of how ApplePay works is correct). Not all innovation comes from the hardware. It also comes from the software and from partnerships with other companies in other types of businesses.


    Apple has units set aside for China. However, China is stalling on the approvals. Apple wants to sell every phone it can as fast as it can. It is running a business. There is no value in not having as much inventory sold as possible as quick as possible especially when the later you get into a release cycle the more likely that a phone won't be sold at the higher price or sold at all. I love how people sit on the sidelines and pretend to know more than they actually do and if they too like 3 seconds to read what they had wrote they'd realize it. 

  • Reply 172 of 178
    Originally Posted by Dunks View Post



    Probably the same since the rate limiting step is currently the manufacturing side of the equation.

    I doubt it. iPhones that were made/setup for networks in China would have to be repatriated to the US and that means reconfiguring the software for the US. However, reconfiguring the hardware and software to work on US networks does take time. Apple and the Chinese Carriers didn't anticipate not having a iPhone available for sale in China at launch. You saw the Chinese carriers advertising before launch.

  • Reply 173 of 178
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member

    Originally Posted by blandersonsf View Post


    Dude, go look up troll and find your face posted next to it. who the hell goes around just cussing out random people for their harmless opinions. grow up. The number is in fact unimpressive. this is basically a benchmark the nearly already beat last year. chances are numbers are inflated because of course apple does not disclose any actual details. in addition, the devices are not that difficult to manufacture production wise once the design is set, but apple has already stated in the past, these devices are pretty much already planned and worked on for years. They knew the launch timeframe, they had more than enough time to get production going to meet demand. I would be willing to place a high bet that limitations are part of a marketing strategy to create the feeling of exclusivity and desire to have something hard to get. the hardware was not a big jump whatsoever. the 6 has the same ppi, ram, and nearly the same processor speed as the 5s, just a slight bump up. same camera with quicker speed and slightly enhanced pixels, but not more pixels. and a bigger screen, not so revolutionary, as its the same lcds they've been using. all tech mags and what not agree, the form factor and bigger screen are so great, but the device is not that much of a lead hardware wise. the numbers are high yes, but last year that claimed nine million or slightly over 9 million, and with the extensive hype they built up for consumers and investors, they painted this picture that it would be way more. the device is a great iPhone, but it did not revolutionize anything. the only thing to come out of this iPhone that might be proving revolutionary is apple pay, and again, thats the system and software apple built, that would be revolutionary for consumer payments, not the iPhone itself. so please keep your filth and disgustingly rude comments to yourself. 

    25% processor speed increase and a die shrink is so easy my mother could do it


    Improving things is so boring, why do they even bother?  


    No revolution, no respec'



  • Reply 174 of 178

    Originally Posted by Crowley View Post


    25% processor speed increase and a die shrink is so easy my mother could do it


    Improving things is so boring, why do they even bother?  


    No revolution, no respec'




    My Mother used to dye shrink my clothes all the time.

  • Reply 175 of 178
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member

    Originally Posted by blandersonsf View Post

    10 million is not impressive. They did 9 million last year. The iphone 6 is not really that big of a leap in technology, mostly just a catchup to competition thats already existed, therefore it should have been easy to manufacture. The fact that they only sold 10 million and that supplies were as constrained as they were, is quite pathetic really. They knew it was going to be a big launch, they simply failed to produce enough devices.

    You just have to be getting paid to post something as stupid as this. Talk about an alternate reality.

  • Reply 176 of 178
    Originally Posted by blandersonsf View Post

    10 million is not impressive. They did 9 million last year. The iphone 6 is not really that big of a leap in technology, mostly just a catchup to competition thats already existed, therefore it should have been easy to manufacture. The fact that they only sold 10 million and that supplies were as constrained as they were, is quite pathetic really. They knew it was going to be a big launch, they simply failed to produce enough devices.


    I see a number of errors in your statement but others have already dealt with them.


    The only thing I wonder about, and I've stated this before, is Apple's ability to have more than 10 million units manufactured for the launch weekend. I also wonder if this year's launch is Apple's zenith, that Apple will never again sell this many phones during a launch period.


    Like Samsung and so many other manufacturers before, Apple has finally released a big phone. At least 2 years ago I mentioned that the other manufacturer's had noting more to offer. Going big was their last play. The last thing that differentiated their phones. Nowhere else to go. So now I wonder where Apple will go... what is the future for Apple's smartphones. Is this the last year of really big sales? Can't wait until September 2015.



    Someone else mentioned that Apple already has millions of units in a closet somewhere waiting for the launch in China. That person's theory being that Apple would have to build a slightly different phone for the Chinese market and that Apple had done so but didn't get approval. If that's the case then Apple would have possibly sold another 2-3 million. To the person that said that... I doubt it. I honestly believe that Apple used it as an out to enable the manufacture enough phones for all the other markets and only now is Apple building phones to satisfy the Chinese market. The bribes or whatever it takes to get the second approval will happen only when Apple has the phones in hand. As I mentioned before... it will magically happen in the not too distant future.


    [oh... I forgot to add... jmho]

  • Reply 177 of 178

    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    Originally Posted by blandersonsf View Post

    10 million is not impressive. They did 9 million last year. The iphone 6 is not really that big of a leap in technology, mostly just a catchup to competition thats already existed, therefore it should have been easy to manufacture. The fact that they only sold 10 million and that supplies were as constrained as they were, is quite pathetic really. They knew it was going to be a big launch, they simply failed to produce enough devices.


    I see a number of errors in your statement but others have already dealt with them.


    The only thing I wonder about, and I've stated this before, is Apple's ability to have more than 10 million units manufactured for the launch weekend. I also wonder if this year's launch is Apple's zenith, that Apple will never again sell this many phones during a launch period.


    Like Samsung and so many other manufacturers before, Apple has finally released a big phone. At least 2 years ago I mentioned that the other manufacturer's had noting more to offer. Going big was their last play. The last thing that differentiated their phones. Nowhere else to go. So now I wonder where Apple will go... what is the future for Apple's smartphones. Is this the last year of really big sales? Can't wait until September 2015.



    Someone else mentioned that Apple already has millions of units in a closet somewhere waiting for the launch in China. That person's theory being that Apple would have to build a slightly different phone for the Chinese market and that Apple had done so but didn't get approval. If that's the case then Apple would have possibly sold another 2-3 million. To the person that said that... I doubt it. I honestly believe that Apple used it as an out to enable the manufacture enough phones for all the other markets and only now is Apple building phones to satisfy the Chinese market. The bribes or whatever it takes to get the second approval will happen only when Apple has the phones in hand. As I mentioned before... it will magically happen in the not too distant future.



    Good musing.


    Next year: same form, faster phone.

    2016: reduced bezels, same screen size, so smaller phone overall.

    2017: same form, faster phone.

    2018: edge to edge screen in same phone size, so larger screen. Presumably, they've incorporated Touch ID and Home button somehow.

    2019: same form, faster phone.


    Beyond that, I can't tell you.

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