Apple's iOS 8.0.1 update breaks cellular connectivity, Touch ID support for many users



  • Reply 281 of 343

    I can't even restore it from my mac. Not iOS 8 or even a hard restore. Ugh!!! This is not good. 

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  • Reply 282 of 343
    brlawyer wrote: »

    Read Apple's stock price history and get back here when you are finished with your homework. Sculley's early-to-mid years were among the most prosperous stock-wise - which meant absolutely SHIT<span style="line-height:1.4em;"> in terms of innovation and the way forward for the company.</span>

    Otherwise, just STFU and learn to respect other people's opinions before spitting out nonsense.

    You just got your ass handed to you by a STOCK CHART, and you have the balls to continue spewing your LIES AND FUD!??!
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 283 of 343

    Originally Posted by Moreck View Post

    *facepalm* Can they hire more/ better bug testers? This is ridiculous. Every shiny new iOS update seems to bring a shiny new bug with it.


    This is not likely to be a problem with the test group. They were surely given too short of a runway to execute the full test plan required of the changes that were implemented. I'll bet the problem is from the sales/marketing side, who have been given too much power.

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  • Reply 284 of 343

    Originally Posted by waterrockets View Post



    This is not likely to be a problem with the test group. They were surely given too short of a runway to execute the full test plan required of the changes that were implemented. I'll bet the problem is from the sales/marketing side, who have been given too much power.

    I think it's much simpler than that. Prior AI articles indicated that 8.0.1 builds were seeded to carriers for network testing even before iOS 8.0 was released. Given that the primary bug with iOS 8.0.1 is the cellular connection, something obviously went awry between the time that the carrier testing occurred and today's release.

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  • Reply 285 of 343
    boredumb wrote: »
    What did I see about the regularity of failed software releases from Apple in recent years?
    Yes, anyone could have them...but with a closed vertical system,
    you should be able to control your own updates much closer to "perfectly", just imho.
    totally impossible to see all the bugs that might arise. However, in this case Apple didnt even send it through the developer beta testing process they set up. That is why Im annoyed with Apple. Its a rookie mistake not to use their QA and developer beta process every time.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 286 of 343



    Originally Posted by Woochifer View Post


    I think it's much simpler than that. Prior AI articles indicated that 8.0.1 builds were seeded to carriers for network testing even before iOS 8.0 was released. Given that the primary bug with iOS 8.0.1 is the cellular connection, something obviously went awry between the time that the carrier testing occurred and today's release.


    Makes sense.

     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 287 of 343
    woochifer wrote: »
    I think it's much simpler than that. Prior AI articles indicated that 8.0.1 builds were seeded to carriers for network testing even before iOS 8.0 was released. Given that the primary bug with iOS 8.0.1 is the cellular connection, something obviously went awry between the time that the carrier testing occurred and today's release.
    yeah but they have a developer beta program for pre-release testing and they didnt use it.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 288 of 343
    sog35 wrote: »
    Something is wrong with the original bend test of the 6 plus

    Look at the time on the phone.
    Did he time travel?

    As you notice early in the video the time is 2:26

    Then in his conclusion the time is 1:58

    Some BS is going on. Did he pre-Bend the phone? And took the video at 1:58
    They bend the phone back into shape before filming the bend at 2:26

    We all know its much easier to bend a phone once its bent once.

    Something fishy going on.

    No way would he wait 11 hours to film the second part of the video
    Edited by sog35 - Today at 3:58 pm
    i noted that same thing earlier and was shot down.
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  • Reply 289 of 343
    While this sort of thing can certainly happen, I have been less than satisfied with Apple software offerings and updates of late.

    There was an AppleTV update that completely bricked mine a few months ago; the new iWork, especially Keynote, is shit compared to iWork '09 (and once you save your files in the new version, not only does it break a ton of old settings and formats, but there's no way to go back -- I just trashed the new, and reinstalled the old); iTunes syncing of music and apps in 10.9.5 (with iOS 8) is an unmitigated disaster (I spent SIX hours with Apple tech support this past weekend); I am still failing to see some of the promised benefits of 64-bit chip and the motion chip with anything new or magical that Apple's software does; predictive typing on iOS 8 is practically useless for me, since it appears to be relearning pretty much everything. I could go on.

    This is the sort of thing over which we used to point and laugh -- legitimately -- at Windows.

    In each instance, it has meant a phenomenal waste of my time trying to get things back to normal. Apple needs to do more to convey a better sense that it truly respects the opportunity cost of time of its users. Sure, it's still better than what the competitors have to offer, but that's a pathetic benchmark. Apple should aspire to how [I]Apple[/I] used to be on the software front.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 290 of 343
    sockrolid wrote: »
    Fascinating seeing the number of newbies attempting to stir the pot.
    Just doing a quick scan, I'd say the newbie haters outnumber the newbie "real posters" by about 5-to-1.

    But hey, web traffic is web traffic.  The more posts, the better for Apple Insider.
    Keep it up!

    If 50% of the people who purchased the iPhone during the last product cycle were new to Apple, that's quite a few "newbies".
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 291 of 343

    This update trashed my phone (iPhone 6 plus).  I needed to perform a DFU restore - took 4 hours to download the os.


    Then NONE of my iCloud backups will restore.


    This is crazy, and very frustrating.

     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 292 of 343
    Originally Posted by purringpigeon View Post


    This update trashed my phone (iPhone 6 plus).  I needed to perform a DFU restore - took 4 hours to download the os.


    Then NONE of my iCloud backups will restore.


    This is crazy, and very frustrating.


    See, the thing is... I'd like to take you at your word, but there have been so many Samsung trolls it makes it very hard to believe a person with one post and an unusual sob story.

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  • Reply 293 of 343

    Sure - no worries, you don't gotta believe me.  But I have been on the chat with apple care for more than 3 hours so far this afternoon.


    Never touched a samsung phone.


    Just trying to help - and warn others - sorry you feel the need to accuse.

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  • Reply 294 of 343
    For me, I still can't believe they canned Aperture and just expect us to go and sign up to Adobe's subscription services (I still loath Adobe after the shit they continue to pull with Flash).
    I also can't believe they didn't offer the Mac Pro with a choice of either NVIDIA or ATI hardware. How hard is it to support both? The majority of scientic programmers I know are still using CUDA and are forced to stick with HP and Dell for their next upgrades. Big fail there.
    Also, has anyone tried to install Bootcamp on 2014 model rMBP? After 6 months there is still no fix for ongoing installation problems.
    Apple is loosing it's way, Apple needs to stay ahead in the Pro game or it won't attract the talent it needs to develop from the top down.
    Apple, you are on notice. Many of us want you to be more than an iGadget company.
    brlawyer wrote: »

    It's time for a new CEO - Mr Cook is an unmitigated disaster for Apple; just wait and see:

    1 - Uncalled for distribution of dividends: Apple no longer a growth stock;
    2 - Acquisition of Beats - cheapened brand, crappy headphones, ridiculous price for just another streaming service;
    3 - Lack of proper torsion testing on the new iPhones, aka "bendgate";
    4 - Bigger iPhones with protruding cameras and "smart" watches just because analysts tell Apple to launch them - we no longer innovate, we just follow:
    5 - sloppy software releases just like 8.0.1, shutdown of high-end software suites; long delays in launching innovative Macs.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 295 of 343
    Originally Posted by aussiepaul View Post

    I still can’t believe they canned Aperture and just expect us to go and sign up to Adobe’s subscription services…

    They don’t. Use Photos.


    How hard is it to support both?


    Obviously pretty hard. Ask nVidia why they were dropped, rather.

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  • Reply 296 of 343

    Originally Posted by ipen View Post



    back up data.  wipe it clean. and re-install the old iOS, reload the data back.  Will take about a day of work.  Just give thanks to Apple for taking a sick day off.

    it doesn't take a day quit exaggerating.  It takes 45 min tops.

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  • Reply 297 of 343
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    Still no software update? Glad I didn't update my phone.
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  • Reply 298 of 343
    This update trashed my phone (iPhone 6 plus).  I needed to perform a DFU restore - took 4 hours to download the os.

    Then NONE of my iCloud backups will restore.

    This is crazy, and very frustrating.
    same thing is happening to me.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 299 of 343
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,393member
    I don't get people who jump on an update the second it's released. Would it kill you to wait a day or two? Let a couple million others be guinea pigs. Is it worth the risk grabbing the update RIGHT AWAY when you havent heard a word of feedback about it? Just common sense. Wait 24 hrs. It won't kill you.
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  • Reply 300 of 343
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,393member
    Originally Posted by brlawyer View Post


    It's called Tim Cook.


    Cause Tim Cook personally wrote the code for the 8.01 update, right? Or personally reviewed it? What the **** does he have to do with a 0.01 update? Shouldn't he trust his software guys? Your line or reasoning is non-existent. 


    Please just STFU with your shitty, shitty trolling. Apple is more successful at this moment than any time in their history, and you can chalk that up to Tim Cook. A fucking software glitch (like millions in the past under Jobs) doesnt change that. Stop being a condescending, hateful prick to what is probably the best CEO alive today. Every single one of your posts is completely full of shit, but I guess your irrational, childish, baseless vendetta against Cook is what gets you up in the morning, so have fun with that. What do you want from Apple that Tim Cook is not providing you? It's easy to tear accomplished people down when you've accomplished nothing in your life, like you. 

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