Apple's iOS 8.0.1 update breaks cellular connectivity, Touch ID support for many users
Following the release of iOS 8.0.1 on Wednesday, many users began experiencing issues with the maintenance and software update, finding that their handset could no longer establish a cellular connection or recognize their fingerprint upon installing, prompting Apple to pull the update

Update: Apple appears to have pulled the update from its servers.
Users who have not yet installed iOS 8.0.1 are advised to hold off, as the problems presented by the update appear to affect a large number of users.
Initial reports suggest that the over-the-air update install causes issues for the newest iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. Carrier connectivity issues are occurring across the board, affecting AppleInsider readers who use Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile and Sprint.
After updating their system to iOS 8.0.1, users have also found that the Touch ID fingerprint unlock for their handset no longer works. Attempts to add a new fingerprint to the system return the error message shown above.
In the meantime, those who have already updated can still unlock their iPhone with their secure passcode, and connect to data over Wi-Fi.

Update: Apple appears to have pulled the update from its servers.
Users who have not yet installed iOS 8.0.1 are advised to hold off, as the problems presented by the update appear to affect a large number of users.
Initial reports suggest that the over-the-air update install causes issues for the newest iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. Carrier connectivity issues are occurring across the board, affecting AppleInsider readers who use Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile and Sprint.
After updating their system to iOS 8.0.1, users have also found that the Touch ID fingerprint unlock for their handset no longer works. Attempts to add a new fingerprint to the system return the error message shown above.
In the meantime, those who have already updated can still unlock their iPhone with their secure passcode, and connect to data over Wi-Fi.
Heh...was hoping to upgrade to 8 once 8.0.1 came out. Looks like I'll be waiting 8.0.2.
No Cell usage, hit me with the upgrade - doing a restore at this moment. we will see
Jesus jet skiing Christ, whats going on with Apple as of late.
Following the release of iOS 8.0.1 on Wednesday, many users began experiencing issues with the maintenance and software update, finding that their handset could no longer establish a cellular connection or recognize their fingerprint upon installing.
Users who have not yet installed iOS 8.0.1 are advised to hold off, as the problems presented by the update appear to affect a large number of users.
Initial reports suggest that the update causes issues for a variety of different iPhone models, including the newest iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. Carrier connectivity issues are occurring across the board, affecting AppleInsider readers on Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile and Sprint.
After updating their system to iOS 8.0.1, users have also found that the Touch ID fingerprint unlock for their handset no longer works. Attempts to add a new fingerprint to the system return the error message shown above.
In the meantime, users can still unlock their iPhone with their secure passcode, and connect to data over Wi-Fi.
What a joke; a fix that breaks.
Jesus jet skiing Christ, whats going on with Apple as of late.
It's called Tim Cook.
Apple is not focusing anymore. Apple what is wrong with you??
Dr "Dre" will take care of it, worry not.
Updated to IOS8.0.1 immediately when it came out and have not experienced any issues what so ever? Is this story validated?
It's an iPhone 6/+ issue.
Currently without cellular service and TouchID acts as if it didn't exist.
It's called Tim Cook.
A few of the long time posters here have said they are having problems, so I have no reason to doubt them.
How many here installed on iPhone 5/5s/5c and have had no issues?
Have not myself had any issues and have not heard of any friends or colleagues who experience issues. Sounds like media spin...
Why is the answer to always blame Tim Cook. The CEO does not do code pushes. LMAO! Do people even think before they say this stuff?