Apple's A8X powers iPad Air 2 graphics faster than Google's Nexus 9 with Nvidia Denver Tegra K1



  • Reply 141 of 181
    Dan_DilgerDan_Dilger Posts: 1,584member
    Originally Posted by saltyzip View Post

    Android lollipop runs the new ART engine,JIT is replaced with ahead of time compilation. According to other benchmarks the nexus 9 is faster than the iPad air 2, not sure why this article has been selective and failed to mention this?

    ART polishes the turd of the Java runtime, but it still doesn't offer the same performance as a native code platform. 


    The Nexus 9 is not faster in CPU by anyones' benchmarks. A few sites have pulled out the old FutureMark Ice Storm benchmarks specifically because the Nexus 9 has a better score, but this is because that test combines two 720p OpenGL ES 2.0 tests with a Physics CPU test using an open source library to simulate object collisions which doesn't run well on iOS. The test is not representative of real world video games. 


    The GFXBench results here show full resolution renders in both OpenGL ES 2.0 & 3.0.


    Not that it matters. Android games are pretty basic, and the Tegra K1 is a dead end architecture that nobody is going to be using. Android higher end smartphones are nearly all Snapdragon/Adreno; Nvidia has abandoned the phone market. People who want to buy an Android tablet will buy the ones that cost $50 - $150. Even if the Nexus 9 were impressively fast compared to iPad Air 2, it wouldn't matter. But it is not.


    If you have a link to a reputable site that has anything other that a smokescreen of meaningless numbers that are carefully positioned without any explanation, please provide it.  

  • Reply 142 of 181
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,575member
    Wrong, there is no OpenCL for iOS devices. Metal is Apple's GPGPU solution. Nobody is doing computation on an A5/A6.
  • Reply 143 of 181
    Dan_DilgerDan_Dilger Posts: 1,584member

    There is no OpenCL for iOS devices. Metal is Apple's GPGPU solution. Nobody is doing computation on an A5/A6.  


  • Reply 144 of 181
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,575member

    Troll, there is no OpenCL for iOS devices. Metal is Apple's GPGPU solution. Nobody is doing computation on an A5/A6.  

    Perhaps you didn't note the question marks. :\
    What does the link I offered show. Honest question

    No idea why you resorted to the silly dismissive name-calling so quickly. It was a simple question that I thought you might have the answer to. If you don't then that's OK. Maybe someone else does.
  • Reply 145 of 181
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Originally Posted by Corrections View Post



    Wrong, there is no OpenCL for iOS devices. Metal is Apple's GPGPU solution. Nobody is doing computation on an A5/A6.  


    Using a JailBroken iPad Air 2, open up a terminal, enjoy, OpenCL is indeed on iOS 8, that's why I said, "not exposed to developers", or did you just skip that part thinking you were already smarter than me at that point, it's not available for public use but it's there in all of it's glory from the BSD command line in Apple's private framework directory. I also never said computation on an A5/A6, I'm using an A15, but forget that, I'm not using the CPU but the GPU, GPU computing, say it with me now, GPU, using Nvidia's CUDA programming language, different story entirely. Just know I play and work in the part of a computer's OS that you will never use or see for that matter.


    Oh and looky here, some example code to get you started with writing OpenCL programs for your iOS device.

  • Reply 146 of 181
    Dan_DilgerDan_Dilger Posts: 1,584member

    Originally Posted by Relic View Post



    Using a JailBroken iPad Air 2, open up a terminal, enjoy, OpenCL is indeed on iOS 8, that's why I said, "not exposed to developers", or did you just skip that part thinking you were already smarter than me at that point, it's not available for use in the GUI environment but it's there in all of it's glory form the BSD command line. I also never said Metal wasn't a Apple GPGPU solution, nor about computation on an A5/A6, I'm using an A15, different story . Look, I apparently know more about this than you do as you copied and paste "GPGPU" off of a website, so let's just end it here shall we. Yea, I type my comments using source.

    So which is it? Is it "there" but not for "developers" in some meaningful way, or did your entire story about learning Open CL and trying to install it for Linux on top of whatever non-Apple solution you can cobble together make some sense in some other way? 


    I'm just yanking your chain, no need to reply. I just think its funny that somebody with such seething hatred for Apple can't seem to leave the AppleInsider forums. As long as you're here, maybe you can fix this horrible pile of open source bullshit running on Linux so we can have working forums. 

  • Reply 147 of 181
    relic wrote: »
    Using a JailBroken iPad Air 2, open up a terminal, enjoy, OpenCL is indeed on iOS 8, that's why I said, "not exposed to developers", or did you just skip that part thinking you were already smarter than me at that point, it's not available for use in the GUI environment but it's there in all of it's glory form the BSD command line. I also never said Metal wasn't a Apple GPGPU solution, nor about computation on an A5/A6, I'm using an A15, different story . Look, I apparently know more about this than you do as you copied and paste "GPGPU" off of a website, so let's just end it here shall we. Yea, I type my comments using source.

    So which is it? Is it "there" but not for "developers" in some meaningful way, or did your entire story about learning Open CL and trying to install it for Linux on top of whatever non-Apple solution you can cobble together make some sense in some other way? 

    I'm just yanking your chain, no need to reply. I just think its funny that somebody with such seething hatred for Apple can't seem to leave the AppleInsider forums. As long as you're here, maybe you can fix this horrible pile of open source bullshit running on Linux so we can have working forums. 

    Seething hatred? Hardly.

    Learn to love a little, DED.
  • Reply 148 of 181
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Originally Posted by Corrections View Post


    So which is it? Is it "there" but not for "developers" in some meaningful way, or did your entire story about learning Open CL and trying to install it for Linux on top of whatever non-Apple solution you can cobble together make some sense in some other way? 


    I'm just yanking your chain, no need to reply. I just think its funny that somebody with such seething hatred for Apple can't seem to leave the AppleInsider forums. As long as you're here, maybe you can fix this horrible pile of open source bullshit running on Linux so we can have working forums. 


    I have a Masters in Computer Science fom Cal Tech and if I ever get better I will go for my doctorate. What does that mean for me personally, I embrace all technology, I don't settle down with any one particular brand, plant my flag and call it home for the rest of my life. I have own(ed) more computers, laptops, tablets, phones in 1 year than most people do in their entire life. I don't hate Apple, they pay for my computer habit for goodness sakes but that also doesn't mean I will give them a break if I think something better can be done. What, because I say a few words about iOS not being able to run multiple apps at once, I still bought 3 iPad Air 2's and have a new Mac Pro on order or talk about other computers makes me hater. No, it makes you a blind fanboy, who can't stand the mention of anything else talked about in a positive light other than Apple. Grow up.

  • Reply 149 of 181
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Originally Posted by Benjamin Frost View Post

    Seething hatred? Hardly.

    Learn to love a little, DED.

    Benji, what is wrong with us, we never sleep. It's already 03:06am here which means it's 02:06am where your at. Life of a hacker huh.

  • Reply 150 of 181

    ART polishes the turd of the Java runtime, but it still doesn't offer the same performance as a native code platform. 

    The Nexus 9 is not faster in CPU by anyones' benchmarks. A few sites have pulled out the old FutureMark Ice Storm benchmarks specifically because the Nexus 9 has a better score, but this is because that test combines two 720p OpenGL ES 2.0 tests with a Physics CPU test using an open source library to simulate object collisions which doesn't run well on iOS. The test is not representative of real world video games. 

    <span style="line-height:1.4em;">The GFXBench results here show full resolution renders in both OpenGL ES 2.0 & 3.0.</span>

    <span style="line-height:1.4em;">Not that it matters. Android games are pretty basic, and the Tegra K1 is a dead end architecture that nobody is going to be using. Android higher end smartphones are nearly all Snapdragon/Adreno; Nvidia has </span>
    abandoned<span style="line-height:1.4em;"> the phone market. People who want to buy an Android tablet will buy the ones that cost $50 - $150. Even if the Nexus 9 were impressively fast compared to iPad Air 2, it wouldn't matter. But it is not.</span>

    <span style="line-height:1.4em;">If you have a link to a reputable site that has anything other that a smokescreen of meaningless numbers that are carefully positioned without any </span>
    explanation<span style="line-height:1.4em;">, please provide it.  </span>
    Here are some other benchmarks, mixed results, iPad win some, nexus win others:
  • Reply 151 of 181

    Originally Posted by saltyzip View Post

    Here are some other benchmarks, mixed results, iPad win some, nexus win others:



    iPad wins more, and wins overall. Who knew? Right guys?

  • Reply 152 of 181
    relic wrote: »
    Seething hatred? Hardly.

    Learn to love a little, DED.
    Benji, what is wrong with us, we never sleep. It's already 03:06am here which means it's 02:06am where your at. Life of a hacker huh.

    I find it hard to get to sleep, despite being very tired most of the time.
  • Reply 153 of 181
    [@]Relic[/@] - looks like you may have paid too much for your new Nexus 9... [URL=]A day after launch, HTC sold the Nexus 9 for 50% off
    HTC's "Hot Deals" section sold the $400 flagship for $200. [/URL]

    and [@]Corrections[/@]... this might inspire a snarky headline as well... [URL=]iFixit: Nexus 9 is full of glue, harder to fix than older Nexus tablets. The tablet is a mixed bag, even on the inside.[/URL]

    Both from ARS.
  • Reply 154 of 181
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,575member
    [@]Relic[/@] - looks like you may have paid too much for your new Nexus 9... A day after launch, HTC sold the Nexus 9 for 50% off
    HTC's "Hot Deals" section sold the $400 flagship for $200.

    Sadly for anyone wanting to take advantage of the offer they were sold out of committed stock within 20 minutes. Did what it was intended to do probably which is get attention from potential buyers.
  • Reply 155 of 181
    gatorguy wrote: »
    Sadly for anyone wanting to take advantage of the offer they were sold out of committed stock within 20 minutes. Did what it was intended to do probably which is get attention from potential buyers.

    Yes I saw that... but I don't expect the $400 MSRP ($350 after rebate) to hold up for long... and it will "probably" be a big Black Friday deal.
  • Reply 156 of 181
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    [quote name="ThePixelDoc" url="/t/183094/apples-a8x-powers-ipad-air-2-graphics-faster-than-googles-nexus-9-with-nvidia-denver-tegra-k1/120#post_2634857"][@]Relic[/@] - looks like you may have paid too much for your new Nexus 9... [URL=]A day after launch, HTC sold the Nexus 9 for 50% off
    HTC's "Hot Deals" section sold the $400 flagship for $200. [/URL]

    I don't mind, it's not like I'm hard up financially. I got the word that it finally shipped so I should have it by Friday, Can't wait, regardless of what people like Corrections feelings are towards the hardware. I don't understand what I'm doing could be so hard for people like him to understand. It's not about trying to find hardware that is faster or even better than Apple's, it's about using devices that can further my projects and help me learn. The open nature of the Nexus 9 will do just that, especially the K1's GPU which is 100% compatible with CUDA and all of it's related applications and code. I'm planning on using the Nexus 9 as more of a desktop computer than tablet, especially now that I can install Arch Linux for ARM 64Bit, it will be my first. My Jetson K1 32Bit actually makes a very good desktop computer as it's fast and runs Linux ARM apps like a dream. My only wish is that the Nexus 9 came with 4GB of RAM instead of 2GB, it should still be more than powerful enough for the kind of stuff that I have planned for it.
  • Reply 157 of 181
    Fake alert! Nvidia Shield cannot be faster than Nexus 9 as the latter uses the much faster 64 bit version of the K1.

    Therefore these benchmarks are fake. Not surprising since both tablets hadn't shipped when this article was published.

    The lie probably seeks to hide the fact that K1 64 bits is actually faster than A8X...
  • Reply 158 of 181
    relic wrote: »
    [@]Relic[/@] - looks like you may have paid too much for your new Nexus 9... A day after launch, HTC sold the Nexus 9 for 50% off
    HTC's "Hot Deals" section sold the $400 flagship for $200.

    I don't mind, it's not like I'm hard up financially. I got the word that it finally shipped so I should have it by Friday, Can't wait, regardless of what people like Corrections feelings are towards the hardware. I don't understand what I'm doing could be so hard for people like him to understand. It's not about trying to find hardware that is faster or even better than Apple's, it's about using devices that can further my projects and help me learn. The open nature of the Nexus 9 will do just that, especially the K1's GPU which is 100% compatible with CUDA and all of it's related applications and code. I'm planning on using the Nexus 9 as more of a desktop computer than tablet, especially now that I can install Arch Linux for ARM 64Bit, it will be my first. My Jetson K1 32Bit actually makes a very good desktop computer as it's fast and runs Linux ARM apps like a dream. My only wish is that the Nexus 9 came with 4GB of RAM instead of 2GB, it should still be more than powerful enough for the kind of stuff that I have planned for it.

    I was only teasing ya anyway. Although I do think that it will be offered as of Black Friday in the US for $250.00 or less throughout the rest of it's shelf life. The Android Fans demand it... "so let it be".
  • Reply 159 of 181
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,435moderator
    Today the Frostbite developers said they were experimenting with Battlefield 4 on iOS because of the improvements Metal offers:

    There's no animated demo to see, just screenshots.

    "to see exactly how far we could take the engine on mobile we set ourselves up for a real challenge: getting selected parts of the Battlefield 4 – truly a visually demanding game – running on iOS! I want to stress that this has been a tech demo to test the engine capabilities, and nothing else.

    There is still much to do, but we’re very happy with the results so far. It’s a great feeling porting a system, get it running, and discover that there’s actually performance left. Even though we have much room for performance improvements on our end, we’re pleasantly surprised of the performance we’re getting from the hardware.

    We’ll wait for future posts to dig into more details about this, but we are ready to share some screenshots of our work in progress. We hope you find them as exciting as we do."

    [IMG ALT=""][/IMG]

    [IMG ALT=""][/IMG]

    Visually I'd expect PS3 level graphics and they'd have to bring the textures down a bit if they actually plan to release a port because that game is ~12GB for the PS3:


    Maybe Rockstar will bring GTA 4 this Christmas. San Andreas was last Christmas, Vice City was the Christmas before and GTA 3 the Christmas before that. Potentially GTA 5 next Christmas if the GPU improvements keep coming.

    Getting great games is important alongside the performance and iOS is getting both.
  • Reply 160 of 181
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    I was only teasing ya anyway. Although I do think that it will be offered as of Black Friday in the US for $250.00 or less throughout the rest of it's shelf life. The Android Fans demand it... "so let it be".

    Yeah I know, anyway, I got it today, the Nexus 9, yaaaay, I was scared that there would be a gap between the screen and the metal band that surrounds the body as was reported by some reviewers, nope, thank goodness. Everything fits as it should, must have been pre-shipped samples anyway it's a fairly nice looking tablet. I haven't ran it through it's paces yet but so far I like, especially Android 5. Now I have had Android 5 on my Nexus 5 since the "L" Preview was released, however this is the first time I've seen it on a tablet and it's quite good, I especially like the task switcher and always it's such a breath of fresh air being able to run what I want in the background. I wished the Nexus 9 had an HDMI out like the Shield, the Miracast works fairly well in displaying the desktop or using to watch movies but's it's not fast enough to keep up with FPS games. I haven't installed Linux in a dual boot yet as that's going to takes a little playing around with to get it to work properly but I did manage to install Ubuntu 14.04 by using a very cool app called Linux On Android, it installs Linux in a Chroot. Which means I was able to start using CUDA after installing packages from Nvidia's Linux4ARM, which is based off of Ubuntu 14.04. To test this I encoded a 4GB DVD rip to MP4, it took 1:20 minutes, not bad especially when you consider it would take my i7 MacBook Air 6+ hours to do the same exact file, the power of GPU computing at work, luv it. I did install some games to see how it would preform, Modern Combat 4,5, Nova 3, Dead Space and Doom 3, all of which were are optimized for the K1 and worked flawlessly without a single frame drop but that's to be expected, there just isn't anything available on the market yet that could give this thing any real run for it's money. Though again here is where I would have liked the HDMI out, the Shield is still the best tablet I have ever used for playing games on a TV or projector with, I think I'm going to get another one, a Shield. I gave mine to my son who is using it more than his Xbox One at the moment because he can take it with him, I gave him one of my Vivitek QUMI Q7's, which if you guys don't have a portable projector yet, this is defiantly the one to buy, so he is very popular with his friends.

    All in all I'm very happy that I got it, it's defiantly what I wanted and it works fantastically when connected to a monitor via Miracast and keyboard and mouse via Bluetooth, though I needed to adjust the display DPI to make things smaller, more appropriate for working on a desktop. I will eventually install Arch Linux 64bit on it to fully utilize the power of the K1 Denver and it's 192 CUDA core GPU, which is going to be an absolute blast for me.
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