'I'm proud to be gay,' Apple CEO Tim Cook says in open letter supporting equality



  • Reply 621 of 650
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    Reincarnations of Dr. Who / Solimism ... sorry didn't think it was that obtuse ... lol

    :lol: That went waaaay over my head.
  • Reply 622 of 650
    cornchipcornchip Posts: 1,954member

    Originally Posted by Thomas Tupper View Post

    Wow. Just wow. In this thread, I've witnessed so many forms of bigotry and nonsense it's hard to wrap my head around it. The thread is packed full of anti-gay rhetoric, anti-religious rhetoric, anti-christian rhetoric, anti-atheist rhetoric, political rants of different variety, and side debates about whether or not pedophiles have any choice in their behavior.

    I've never seen a thread that deserves a lock more than this one.



    Ruh-Roh, free speech is happening, better shut it down fast before somebody gets too offended.

  • Reply 623 of 650

    Originally Posted by cornchip View Post




    Ruh-Roh, free speech is happening, better shut it down fast before somebody gets too offended.


    Right. We need to throw out decorum and respect in these forums. Free speech, yo.

  • Reply 624 of 650

    Originally Posted by cornchip View Post




    Ruh-Roh, free speech is happening, better shut it down fast before somebody gets too offended.


    As long as it never leads into hate speech.

  • Reply 625 of 650
    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    As long as it never leads into hate speech.

    Hate speech does not exist.

  • Reply 626 of 650
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    Hate speech does not exist.

    Can you explain your reasoning?
  • Reply 627 of 650
    Originally Posted by SolipsismY View Post

    Can you explain your reasoning?


    US law says so.


    What it boils down to, really, is “Don’t be a complete idiot; be respectful to others when discussing their beliefs”. It’s no more complicated than that. Forcible “agreement” solves nothing.

  • Reply 628 of 650

    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Hate speech does not exist.


    ... in the United States.

  • Reply 629 of 650
    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    ... in the United States.


    Shame about the rest of the world.

  • Reply 630 of 650

    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post



    Shame about the rest of the world.


    That might be where you put the shame.

  • Reply 631 of 650
    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    That might be where you put the shame.


    Nah, I’m totally fine with free speech, thanks. You don’t have the right to police my thoughts; you simply have the right to disagree with them.


    Note that this is in general, not related to the thread in any way beyond its inherent implications.

  • Reply 632 of 650
    ingsocingsoc Posts: 212member

    I am very proud of Tim Cook. I remember when he first came CEO of Apple, there was this sense that Apple was going to "die with Jobs" and that somehow the company would not find a suitable new leader.


    But if you look at what's happened since Tim became CEO, I think it's fair to say that he has really put his mark on the company in a positive way. He's almost done the impossible; he has managed to keep Steve's essence infused deeply in Apple's "DNA", while also opening the company up in a number of areas. The first couple of post-Jobs Apple events almost seemed a bit timid and somber, but this year in particular, I feel like Apple has re-emerged from its proverbial shell. There's a growing sense of confidence and maturity about Apple. It's doing existing things better than ever in its history, and it's striking out and putting forward bold new products as well. It's doing this while maintaining - enhancing - its social and environmental credentials. I think this is remarkable.


    I had no opinion about Tim Cook at first (except that I knew he was a great COO), but upon reflection...I think Apple would have been hard-pressed to find anyone better than Tim to replace Steve. This guy is so enormously committed to the company he loves; clearly, Apple is his life's work. That he hasn't become cynical - that he maintains his passion for change and the power Apple can have to influence society - is itself an extraordinary thing.


    Tim's recent public "coming out" only further increases my support for him. No matter how you look at it, Tim Cook is an immensely powerful person and his leadership of Apple makes him incredibly influential. It is a fundamentally good thing that he can present a very positive role model for gay people, and indeed, for all minority groups around the world.


    I am very proud of Tim Cook both as a human being and as a fantastic CEO of Apple. I feel relieved and excited to know that Apple - which I have great affection for - is in such good hands.

  • Reply 633 of 650
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post



    Nah, I’m totally fine with free speech, thanks. You don’t have the right to police my thoughts; you simply have the right to disagree with them.


    Note that this is in general, not related to the thread in any way beyond its inherent implications.


    Free speech to some... hate speech to others.


    You are free to think what you want... but when it comes to inciting others to harm people because of their race, religion, sexual preference... well, quite a few countries have an issue with that.

  • Reply 634 of 650
    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    Free speech to some... hate speech to others.

    Too bad for them. They can suck it up. My staunch support for republicanism would net me a treason charge in Britain. I’ll take free speech and my own intelligence as a filter over no speech and the government as a filter any day.

  • Reply 635 of 650

    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    My staunch support for republicanism would net me a treason charge in Britain.


    Now you're just being silly.

  • Reply 636 of 650
    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    Now you're just being silly.


    Are you questioning the validity of the statement or the validity of having free speech? Because those are the only two options and the former nets you a resounding ‘wrong’.

  • Reply 637 of 650
    ingsocingsoc Posts: 212member

    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post



    Free speech to some... hate speech to others.


    You are free to think what you want... but when it comes to inciting others to harm people because of their race, religion, sexual preference... well, quite a few countries have an issue with that.


    Was anyone inciting others to harm people for these reasons? I mean, anyone on these bulletin boards? I would hope not.


    In terms of expressing views that are outright bigoted - well, my own perspective is that freedom of speech does mean freedom to be bigoted. However, freedom of speech does go both ways; we have the right to point out and counter these cases as well.

  • Reply 638 of 650
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    US law says so.

    What US Law says, speech that attacks a person or group on the basis of attributes such as gender, ethnic origin, religion, race, disability, or sexual orientation does not exist?
  • Reply 639 of 650
    Originally Posted by Ingsoc View Post



    Was anyone inciting others to harm people for these reasons? I mean, anyone on these bulletin boards? I would hope not.


    In terms of expressing views that are outright bigoted - well, my own perspective is that freedom of speech does mean freedom to be bigoted. However, freedom of speech does go both ways; we have the right to point out and counter these cases as well.


    Naw... they weren't... and I was hoping that my original post made that clear.


    ... and there is a difference between bigot speech and hate speech.

  • Reply 640 of 650
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post



    Are you questioning the validity of the statement or the validity of having free speech? Because those are the only two options and the former nets you a resounding ‘wrong’.




    Just so you can catch up a little.

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