Apple's OS X Yosemite 10.10.1 update improves Wi-Fi reliability, fixes Mail bugs, more



  • Reply 41 of 62

    So, I clicked INSTALL on the 10.10.1 update on my Retina iMac. I came back about 30 minutes later to find the message "Your computer has restarted due to a problem." The details of the report indicated a kernel panic, but I'm not smart enough to decipher the meaning or cause.

  • Reply 42 of 62

    Originally Posted by Inkling View Post

    Still not good enough. My iPad 3, which has the hardware to support the continuity features still doesn't have the option to turn that on.

    There is no such option called Continuity.  It is called Handoff & Suggested Apps under the General section, and your 3rd Gen iPad is not supported.  You need an iPad 4th Gen or better.  You can do most continuity features (phone calls, etc.), but not the handoff feature of picking up where you left off in an app.  If your iPhone and iPad are both running iOS 8 and using the same AppleID and Wi-Fi network, calls will automatically ring on your iPad 3rd Gen.  Don't worry, Macworld said the handoff feature rarely worked between apps.

  • Reply 43 of 62

    Originally Posted by bugsnw View Post


    I'll second that on the Mail app update. I think it's time for Apple to rewrite Mail from the ground up, focusing on reliability and speed.


    - you should only have to delete the trash once

    - trash should delete all emails when command executed

    - items clicked 'not junk' should not require constant reminders

    - sent emails should trigger the removal from 'drafts'

    - speed, speed, speed


    For quite a while, Mail has been a bit wonky. Not so on iOS devices. Seems like it needs more attention.



    Just curious, have you tried rebuilding you inbox, or whatever mailbox you're having trouble with?  ('Mailbox' menu  >  'Rebuild')


    I've had oddball issues with Mail in the past, where rebuilding solve it.

  • Reply 44 of 62
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,385member

    Originally Posted by Inkling View Post

    Still not good enough. My iPad 3, which has the hardware to support the continuity features still doesn't have the option to turn that on.


    So your 4 generation old device doesnt support a feature that was introduced a month ago? Oh, the nerve! The sense of entitlement is strong with this one. But really, you expect a point update to add support for additional models? Why?


    Your iPad is ancient. You bought it based on what it could do at the same. Stop expecting your ancient devices to support every single damn thing new devices do. If that was the case, what the hell is even the point of releasing new hardware and software?

  • Reply 45 of 62
    cornchipcornchip Posts: 1,954member
    bugsnw wrote: »
    I'll second that on the Mail app update. I think it's time for Apple to rewrite Mail from the ground up, focusing on reliability and speed.

    - you should only have to delete the trash once
    - trash should delete all emails when command executed
    - items clicked 'not junk' should not require constant reminders
    - sent emails should trigger the removal from 'drafts'
    - speed, speed, speed

    For quite a while, Mail has been a bit wonky. Not so on iOS devices. Seems like it needs more attention.

    shsf wrote: »
    Mail certainly needs attention, and I think it will be the focus of the .2 update.

    Mail seems fine to me, but accessing mail on is INSANELY slow.
  • Reply 46 of 62
    cornchipcornchip Posts: 1,954member
    frank777 wrote: »
    Great. I usually wait for the .1 release before loading any new OS.

    Although I still haven't seen any straight answers on whether the Adobe CS5 versions work with Yosemite.

    Having no issues whatsoever with CS5. Or anything else really - Rhino Wentachie, fusion360, don't think I've tried sketchbook pro yet, but I'm sure it's fine.
  • Reply 47 of 62
    Mail now crashes every time I start it. This was not an issue before. Internet is also slower, this was also not an issue.

    This release is more buggy than what it was supposed to fix!!!
  • Reply 48 of 62
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member

    Originally Posted by cornchip View Post

    Having no issues whatsoever with CS5. Or anything else really - Rhino Wentachie, fusion360, don't think I've tried sketchbook pro yet, but I'm sure it's fine.

    Good to hear. Do you use InDesign a lot? (The other poster said he was having problems with it.)

  • Reply 49 of 62

    The update seems to mostly fix my Wi-Fi problems.

    Works well in Firefox with generally good download (20Mb) and upload (11Mb) speeds.

    Sometimes still a bit intermittent when I use Safari.


    Much better, but still could use some improvement.


    Other than Wi-Fi problems, Yosemite is great!


    I'm sure it will get better with future updates.

  • Reply 50 of 62
    eluardeluard Posts: 319member

    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post


    Good to hear. Do you use InDesign a lot? (The other poster said he was having problems with it.)

    For me, InDesign crashes on start. Every time. Maybe it's just a local problem for me.

  • Reply 51 of 62
    Hmm. Since I installed Yosemite the wifi has crashed every time I've tried to do a Time Machine backup from my MacBook Pro to my NAS. It was fine previously.

    So, I installed the update... cranked up Time Machine... and...

    it crashed.
  • Reply 52 of 62
    Updated this morning, and my WiFi is still dropping and taking forever to connect / staying connected is a pain.

    Thanks for the lies, Apple.
  • Reply 53 of 62

    Originally Posted by MagMan1979 View Post

    Had the same issue with my Magic Mouse, was able to correct it fully by performing an SMC reset on my e2011 13" MBP.



    Originally Posted by MagMan1979 View Post

    Interesting... What type / generation of Mac do you have?

    It's an iMAC Late 2012, 2.9GHz

  • Reply 54 of 62
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    Originally Posted by Damn_Its_Hot View Post


    I worked as part of a group that tested evey new system with all new and previously released hardware. As soon as a system was released for a new product it was fair game for the rest of the world. An awful lot of people did it cause they wanted to see what had changed - and there were the easter eggs that were added every couple of systems, even in the 6.x.x releases.


    BTW I like your signature line, but what the heck is OTA? (Not listed on

    OTA means over the Air. I should have possibly rewrote that entire sentence though. 


    I think things are a bit different now. Firstly a patch to get 7.5 released on a new Mac back in the day  -- the 7.5.x release, or whatever --  was of course tested on all existing Macs. I bet however that since Apple was less event driven ( Macworld excepted) the hardware waited on the software. A crash was a blocker. Something not working at all was a blocker.


    After all there were lots of Mac lines at the time and none were as big as the iPhone is now. Would most people have been alerted to, or downloaded the latest point ( or point point) release? Was the internet that big? Compare that to the take up of both iOS 8 and Yosemite.


    So, as you said, you had blockers. Is it the same now. Well for instance "Health Kit is broken in this release" should have been a blocker were things more software driven than hardware driven. In the modern Apple, the event is on Sept X and thats the day they release the software. If HealthKit is borked on that release , it is borked on that release.


    Yosemite is also apparently tied to the "late fall event" as a release date even though it doesn't really have to be. Hence a fairly rapid 10.1 release. 


    It's a strategy though. Back in the day a buggy OS which was installed on a machine,  was on the machines of a significant number of people until they upgraded to their next machine, now fixes can come fast enough. OTA.


    Nevertheless, plenty of ex-Apple bloggers I read are a bit non-plussed at this too, even recent retirees, at the recent drop in quality. 

  • Reply 55 of 62
    As soon as I downloaded OS 10.10.1 Mail (v8.1) got weird. It won't let me log on to my mail server. It keeps asking for password and rejecting whatever I give it. Went so far as to delete all those accounts rom Mail prefs and reinstall with new password. Tried as Pop account & an IMAP account nothing works.

    Are there any better mail clients for Mac out there????
  • Reply 56 of 62

    I see so many users suffer such a pain in ass after installing the latest update, but I can't even update to 10.10.1. Must be I am just very lucky.

    There is absolutely NO way to update my system to 10.10.1. If I try to do it in App Store, I see a new update, if I try to update the software nothing really happens. If I go to website to download and install it manually, everything seems working fine... till my Mac reboots. After my Mac is on I see that all my efforts were pointless - my Mac still runs 10.10.


    Good job Apple! :D

  • Reply 57 of 62
    dennis26 wrote: »

    It's an iMAC Late 2012, 2.9GHz
    Hmmm, have you tried resetting all your networking settings to allow OS X to rebuild the configuration plist files?

    and copy out the following files to your Desktop for safe keeping:
    After they are copied, you can delete the files, then reboot the Mac. It will rebuild these files and restore everything to defaults. Note that if you have customized Network Locations, they will be lost, and you'll be left with just the default "Automatic" location. I would recommend that, after deleting the files, instead of reboot, shutdown your Mac, and perform another SMC reset.

    Many people have reported this, when used in combination with an SMC reset, solved MANY of the WiFi issues, especially if your machine was upgraded to Yosemite from a previous OS, and not a clean install directly from a Yosemite USB installer.

    Let me know if that did anything for you,

  • Reply 58 of 62

    Does anyone else have an issue with Safari on Yosemite where on sites such as Appleinsider, hovering over a hyperlink causes every hyperlink on the page to flash to bold and then go back when you move off of it?  It's not just this site, but it is only in Safari.  Chrome and Firefox do not have the issue.

  • Reply 59 of 62
    cornchipcornchip Posts: 1,954member
    frank777 wrote: »

    Good to hear. Do you use InDesign a lot? (The other poster said he was having problems with it.)

    Did a couple dozen .indd files the week after the update, didn't notice any issues.
  • Reply 60 of 62

    Originally Posted by TitanTiger View Post


    Does anyone else have an issue with Safari on Yosemite where on sites such as Appleinsider, hovering over a hyperlink causes every hyperlink on the page to flash to bold and then go back when you move off of it?  It's not just this site, but it is only in Safari.  Chrome and Firefox do not have the issue.

    No one?

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