Protestors take over Fifth Ave Apple Store in 'die-in' demonstration



  • Reply 201 of 365
    blitz1blitz1 Posts: 448member

    Originally Posted by v900 View Post


    The fact that you didn't know, that only roughly a fourth (96 out of 450) of police-related deaths last year was caused by a white officer and black victim, shows how ignorant you are of the issues here.

    You seriously didn't know, that there are also cases of black officers killing white suspects and black suspects? Wow...

    I would bet good money, that it's an ignorance that's pretty representative of the protesters.

    Are you claiming that 354 kills are black cops against white people?

  • Reply 202 of 365
    dasanman69 wrote: »
    You assumed wrong. I'm hispanic, born and raised in minority neighborhoods, and have spent the last 25 yrs working in some of the worst neighborhoods in Brooklyn. The vast majority of the residents are law abiding citizens that want what everybody else wants. They want to go to work, and come home safely, they want their kids to get educated in a safe environment.

    If I was a cop, and someone reached for my gun then I'd have to defend myself, which doesn't necessarily mean that I have to kill them.
    But you are not a "Cop" and you have no idea how the hell you would've reacted. Do you? No you don't.
  • Reply 203 of 365
    waltgwaltg Posts: 90member
    Really sick of these idiots! The two that were killed were breaking the law and that is the risk when you so those kinds of things!!!! These idiots should be arrested immediately and a Heavy fine imposed to maybe give them a reality check!!!
  • Reply 204 of 365
    blitz1blitz1 Posts: 448member
    Originally Posted by Waltg View Post

    Really sick of these idiots! The two that were killed were breaking the law and that is the risk when you so those kinds of things!!!! These idiots should be arrested immediately and a Heavy fine imposed to maybe give them a reality check!!!


    So you should be shot the next time you're jaywalking or anything else doing against the law

  • Reply 205 of 365

    The comments attached to this story confirms what we know about tech blog commenters.


    Privileged. Racist. White. Males.


    Funny how most tech bloggers themselves, especially in the Apple world, lack mainly that second word.


    Every time a blog Kills Comments, it's a victory for civility.


    One less place for hate to gather.

  • Reply 206 of 365
    applezilla wrote: »
    The comments attached to this story confirms what we know about tech blog commenters.

    Privileged. Racist. White. Males.

    Funny how most tech bloggers themselves, especially in the Apple world, lack mainly that second word.

    Not sure which word you're referring to.

    The only word I see is 'guilt'.
  • Reply 207 of 365
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    waltg wrote: »
    Really sick of these idiots! The two that were killed were breaking the law and that is the risk when you so those kinds of things!!!! These idiots should be arrested immediately and a Heavy fine imposed to maybe give them a reality check!!!

    Laws are broken all the time. Go over the speed limit, and you're breaking the law, so do you deserve to be put in a choke hold and taken down?
  • Reply 208 of 365
    waltgwaltg Posts: 90member
    dasanman69 wrote: »
    Laws are broken all the time. Go over the speed limit, and you're breaking the law, so do you deserve to be put in a choke hold and taken down?
    It seems we have dissolutioned youngsters amoung us. Speeding or jaywalking isn't quite the same as performing a robbery then getting into a fight with the arresting officer, or breaking the law and getting into a fight or struggle with the arresting officer and ending up dead, that person chose to that course. Pretty much common sense would tell you that if you are being arrested not to argue or try to fight the guy especially if he is wearing a gun!! DUHHHH.. Seems all of you are really forgetting the one important aspect of all of this, what about the victim/store owner merchant that was first robbed or was violated, and the rest of the law biding citizens that have to put up with this BS...
  • Reply 209 of 365
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    waltg wrote: »
    It seems we have dissolutioned youngsters amoung us. Speeding or jaywalking isn't quite the same as performing a robbery then getting into a fight with the arresting officer, or breaking the law and getting into a fight or struggle with the arresting officer and ending up dead, that person chose to that course. Pretty much common sense would tell you that if you are being arrested not to argue or try to fight the guy especially if he is wearing a gun!! DUHHHH.. Seems all of you are really forgetting the one important aspect of all of this, what about the victim/store owner merchant that was first robbed or was violated, and the rest of the law biding citizens that have to put up with this BS...

    1) Your original comment said "breaking the law" so [@]dasanman69[/@] is right to point out how vague such a comment is.

    2) Yes, the store owner was the first to be violated but Darren Wilson didn't know that, did he, so why use that as justification for anything?

    3) Why would Michael Brown charge at a cop in the first place? It could read like you're stating that certain people are socially inferior and therefore likely to break laws. I'd say it's a symptom of a larger issue that stems of deep rooted racism in this country's past. This can be fixed if we accept and change the cause, not simply pooh-pooh the symptoms.

    4) What about Eric Garner? He was illegally selling individual cigarettes? Does that warrant being illegally choked to death? According to the lack of an indictment it sure sounds that way.

    5) Is it impossible for the police to break the law in this country? I thought chokeholds were illegal for law enforcement.
  • Reply 210 of 365
    blitz1blitz1 Posts: 448member

    Originally Posted by Waltg View Post

    It seems we have dissolutioned youngsters amoung us. Speeding or jaywalking isn't quite the same as performing a robbery then getting into a fight with the arresting officer, or breaking the law and getting into a fight or struggle with the arresting officer and ending up dead, that person chose to that course. Pretty much common sense would tell you that if you are being arrested not to argue or try to fight the guy especially if he is wearing a gun!! DUHHHH.. Seems all of you are really forgetting the one important aspect of all of this, what about the victim/store owner merchant that was first robbed or was violated, and the rest of the law biding citizens that have to put up with this BS...

    The price for robbery is death penalty... by not 1, not 2, not 3 but by 9 (NINE) shots!

    No jury needed. Saved the US a lot of money.

    And the streets are much much safer now.

    (and if they aren't, there are still a lot of bullets to fire)

  • Reply 211 of 365
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    dasanman69 wrote: »
    Easily avoided by treating the residents like people. By being courteous, and respectful, and you'll receive courtesy, and respect right back.

    That statement isn't accurate in any way, shape or form. It's what one needs to do if one one wants to bridge any issues but it's by no means guaranteed to work and very likely to fail nearly every time. You have the accused being courteous to the law being abused because they're prejudged, and vice versa.

    It looks to me that Jones' only discourteous act was being unlawfully black.

  • Reply 212 of 365
    dasanman69 wrote: »
    Laws are broken all the time. Go over the speed limit, and you're breaking the law, so do you deserve to be put in a choke hold and taken down?

    That's just it, isn't it? There's supposed to be a theory at work in determining speed limits. The theory is put to the test in the form of the "traffic survey", which is required by law. A traffic survey samples over a period of time all traffic in an area, the average is calculated and the results are supposed to be used to determine if the set speed limit is too low or if it should remain the same. As the California Code states, if all drivers are violating the law, then something is wrong with the law.

    Well, there is something wrong with the law. We have too many laws dictating our every waking (and sleeping!) moments and we have a system that unevenly applies those laws. Even the president and the Congress openly violate our Constitution, arguably the document from which all of our laws flow.

    We need a serious paring back of the number of laws and the number of people using those laws as their excuse to draw upon taxpayer money for lavish salaries and retirement benefits.
  • Reply 213 of 365

    Oh poor silly liberal 

  • Reply 214 of 365
    As the California Code states, if all drivers are violating the law, then something is wrong with the law.

    The same can be probably be argued for no one ever violating a law, too. If there is no one violating it then why is there is a law in the first place?
  • Reply 215 of 365
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    solipsismy wrote: »
    That statement isn't accurate in any way, shape or form. It's what one needs to do if one one wants to bridge any issues but it's by no means guaranteed to work and very likely to fail nearly every time. You have the accused being courteous to the law being abused because they're prejudged, and vice versa.

    It looks to me that Jones' only discourteous act was being unlawfully black.


    That officer had an irrational fear of black people, and should have never been hired for the job. Good thing he was a bad shot.
  • Reply 216 of 365

    What a bunch of lowlife losers these people are. It's funny that they were protesting in Apple as I bet majority of those tools have iPhones.

  • Reply 217 of 365
    dasanman69 wrote: »
    That officer had an irrational fear of black people, and should have never been hired for the job. Good thing he was a bad shot.

    If we deny civil jobs to people with irrational fears i'd think there would be a lot of openings.
  • Reply 218 of 365
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    solipsismy wrote: »
    If we deny civil jobs to people with irrational fears i'd think there would be a lot of openings.

    We almost all have some type of irrational fear, but if it's a liability in our profession then we shouldn't look for work elsewhere. That officer should've fail his psych eval.
  • Reply 219 of 365
    dasanman69 wrote: »
    We almost all have some type of irrational fear, but if it's a liability in our profession then we shouldn't look for work elsewhere. That officer should've fail his psych eval.

    Unfortunately, one man's irrational fear is another man's prudence. It all depends on your PoV. Plus, what if he just came from a particularly hairy situation and the circular made of colour wasn't a factor? His irrational fear may have nothing to do with "race".
  • Reply 220 of 365
    zoetmbzoetmb Posts: 2,655member
    Originally Posted by mstrmac View Post


    1  He was selling loosies (single cigarettes) . Its illegal.

    2  The police were called to the scene by the store owner who said he frequently sells loosies outside his store.

    3  Supervising officer was a black police women who did not intervene.

    4  He did not die of choking they say,   He died of poor health reasons.

    5  This man was 350 lbs and had something like 31 PREVIOUS offenses. What were they supposed to do when he resisted arrest?

    7 Police had no intention of arresting him (they say) because they were there to tell him to stop selling loosies. Until he started becoming belligerent


    In 2014 there have been over 200,000 misdemeanor arrests in NY City, this is the first one with and very bad outcome. 

    A senior police official said one change under discussion was the expanded use of Taser stun guns, which are available to a small number of New York officers but have been controversial here and elsewhere because of the risk they can pose to people with heart problems and other medical issues.

    The official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said stun guns could be a way to provide officers with more options for subduing people who were resisting arrest and avoiding the close contact that can lead to serious, even fatal, injuries to officers and suspects.


    No. He died from choking.   The NYC coroner's office ruled it a homicide resulting from the chokehold and compression of the chest and it's illegal for NYC police officers to apply the chokehold in the first place.   So what's happened?   A guy illegally selling a cigarette is killed by a cop who broke the law and we're blaming the victim.   


    He was violating a minor law.    There's two ways to deal with such violations.   Under Giuliani, fare beaters, squeege men and graffiti 'artists' were prosecuted.   It did bring down crime.   The City did become safer.   But it also filled the jails, destroyed families and cost taxpayers a fortune.


    The question is whether that same cop would have been as aggressive if the violator had been white.   I think not.   There has been a pattern of cop shootings against black people for a while now in this country.   There are certainly crazy white people who behave just as aggressively, but they rarely get shot.   I think in this particular case, the white officer resented the black man not accepting his authority.   He would have resented it less had the violator been white.    And in the case in St. Louis, I think the officer was simply scared and panicked.   But being more scared of black people than of white people is a form of racism.  Now the guy in St. Louis probably was guilty of criminal activity.  But that doesn't mean he deserved to be shot.   In NYC recently, officers entered a darkened staircase in a public housing project.   A couple entered on the floor below because they were tired of waiting for the elevator.   The officer panicked and shot in the darkness and an unarmed man was killed, possibly from a ricochet.    Again, would that have happened in a mostly white housing project?   I don't think so.   


    I think police officers have to use rational judgements when it comes to minor crimes.  Do we really want members of the public shot or physically assaulted for selling a cigarette on the street?   It's like going after marijuana smokers instead of going after big-time drug dealers. 


    I was involved in many civil-rights and anti-war demonstrations in the 1960s and 70s.   The point of such demonstrations, especially when they involve sit-ins and the like is to say that life cannot go on as usual when these bad things are happening to us.   We all know that large corporations have a lot of power with both local and national governments.    The idea is to get them to force change.   That's exactly what happened during the 1960s and 70s.   Do you know one of the main factors in ending apartheid in South Africa?   It was because pressure on local governments, unions and banks forced them to stop investing pension funds in South Africa.    The South African economy was close to collapse and that's when FW deClerk let Mandela out of jail.   It's similar to the economic sanctions the U.N. has placed on Iran in order to get them to abandon their nuclear program.   


    The demonstration at Apple was not blaming Apple for what happened.   It's saying that Apple and other corporations have to get on board to help force change.   Apple is already doing that in regard to advances in protecting the environment and in supporting gay rights.  Although I thought we were over this decades ago, they need to also take a stand regarding how the police deal with minorities.  


    Personally, the "stop and frisk" program aside, I think that NYC cops do a pretty good job.   Statistically, they very rarely draw their guns and violent crime is the lowest it's been in 40 years.   Almost all murders in NYC are between people who know each other.   But there are cops who don't belong on the force and the "stop and frisk" program ruined relations between the police and minority communities.   The police never would have pulled that crap on the upper East Side, even though almost every private high school kid is walking around with drugs on them.  But their rich and connected parents would go nuts if the police started harassing or arresting them.  This is why it was a racist program and only 1% of the stops ever resulted in an arrest.   Under the new mayor, the program has been heavily dialed back and you know what?   Crime has not risen.  


    I'm shocked at the number of people who want to rationalize that these aggressive police tactics  are "okay".     

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