Editorial: the world revolved around Apple, Inc in 2014



  • Reply 21 of 103
    Originally Posted by EricTheHalfBee View Post



    Please. Anyone with an IQ over 60 knows this is about Apple in the tech world, not the ENTIRE world. Your comment tells me all I need to know.


    I have a sneaking suspicion that DED believes that the entire world does revolve around Apple Inc.


    There is certainly little among his sycophantic drivel which would support a contrary view!

  • Reply 23 of 103
    froodfrood Posts: 771member

    Originally Posted by Euphonious View Post


    In a year where Ebola ravaged western Africa, Russia invaded Ukraine, IS took over large swathes of the Middle East, three airliners were lost and the world marked the centenary of World War I, only a writer with the arrogance, conceit and ignorance of Dilger would propose that the world 'revolved around Apple Inc'.


    Tells you everything you need to know.


    See, now you are taking Daniel's headline as though he meant it figuratively....

  • Reply 24 of 103

    This was an interesting read. Thanks AI.


    There is little doubt there is more to come. Simple extrapolation of the product lines, as the article points out, shows that AAPL has a design and innovation strategy that works. Contrary to what some might be concluding, the Apple Watch is not a make or break product. I expect it to be wildly popular, but I am really looking forward to the stuff no one is predicting. Sure - all the world waits for an AppleTV update, but with the competition, the breakthrough there is on the content, and Apple is simply taking their time to get that right.


    I wonder what could be some of Apple's "Big Ideas(tm)". With their resources, could a global replacement for land based cell towers with satellites be a possibility? Or as with Jobs and Pixar, be looking at putting Cable Companies out of our misery forever? Cook's mantra has been "the best products consumers love." Looking forward to seeing more of those.


    By contrast, I expect exactly nothing from Microsoft or Samesung. Microsoft makes no products I am even remotely interested in.


    Thanks again.

  • Reply 25 of 103
    icoco3icoco3 Posts: 1,474member

    Originally Posted by eightzero View Post


    Microsoft makes no products I am even remotely interested in.



    I am interested in Windows....I get paid to fix it.

  • Reply 26 of 103
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,857member
    frood wrote: »
    See, now you are taking Daniel's headline as though he meant it figuratively....

    I suspect he thinks the earth is flat so he must be confused by DED's writing ... ;)
  • Reply 27 of 103
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,857member
    icoco3 wrote: »
    I am interested in Windows....I get paid to fix it.

    LOL, well at least that is an honest comment! :D You should be making good money for a long time to come.
  • Reply 28 of 103
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,857member
    euphonious wrote: »
    In a year where Ebola ravaged western Africa, Russia invaded Ukraine, IS took over large swathes of the Middle East, three airliners were lost and the world marked the centenary of World War I, only a writer with the arrogance, conceit and ignorance of Dilger would propose that the world 'revolved around Apple Inc'.

    Tells you everything you need to know.

    Ever considered this is a Tech site not the Daily Mail? Try reading it contextually, you will get less agitated.
  • Reply 29 of 103
    Fairly sure 2015 will be the year Tim Cook and Jonny Ive figure out how to


    "make an iPhone work on a person's face without starting a facetime chat"

    And maybe it will work like the days when Steve Jobs was alive and Johnny Ive could cash out all that undocumented stock he has. Also, a friend in French Luxury and I whom we both know, believe Angela Ahrendts, won a golden parachute. She looks pitiful with all her caked-on makeup; can't run a retail organization without her weekly "chats".

    Apple's decisions have helped me to decide to start dating an amazing woman as Captain in the USAF. Angela's caked-on makeup; loss of Burburry trademarks in Chinese courts, elevated her as an amazing woman who can't quite get things done. Can she keep her people from filing lawsuits, like 20,000 Apple Retail Employees have done?

    There you go. Tim Cook quite the leader.

    And the pathetic half-wits pop up with their ridiculous rants....
  • Reply 30 of 103
    euphonious wrote: »
    In a year where Ebola ravaged western Africa, Russia invaded Ukraine, IS took over large swathes of the Middle East, three airliners were lost and the world marked the centenary of World War I, only a writer with the arrogance, conceit and ignorance of Dilger would propose that the world 'revolved around Apple Inc'.

    Tells you everything you need to know.

    Talk about arrogance and ignorance......
  • Reply 31 of 103
    pazuzupazuzu Posts: 1,728member
    euphonious wrote: »
    In a year where Ebola ravaged western Africa, Russia invaded Ukraine, IS took over large swathes of the Middle East, three airliners were lost and the world marked the centenary of World War I, only a writer with the arrogance, conceit and ignorance of Dilger would propose that the world 'revolved around Apple Inc'.

    Tells you everything you need to know.

    Barack Obama would beg to differ with you both.
  • Reply 32 of 103
    Originally Posted by icoco3 View Post



    I am interested in Windows....I get paid to fix it.

    Finally an honest programmer, (and a dinosaur), I just hope you are not more than about 10 years way from retirement, back in the day we used to say that a job for life was an IBM SYSadmin, The big iron needed so much maintenance just to keep it running. Most of us old farts know that MS is the new IBM . Microcrud Windows decline has started and is accelerating, the new management is moving away from the personal desktop  to the cloud because they know they can only stay in business so long milking the Enterprise Office/Exchange etc markets which won't provide enough growth moving forward to compete with mobile and the cloud. The Surface and Windows Phone are failing panic attempts to stay relevant. Mobile is steadily  eating Microsoft's former dominant OS market share and  is down to 40% from 95% and getting worse.

  • Reply 33 of 103
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    euphonious wrote: »
    In a year where Ebola ravaged western Africa, Russia invaded Ukraine, IS took over large swathes of the Middle East, three airliners were lost and the world marked the centenary of World War I, only a writer with the arrogance, conceit and ignorance of Dilger would propose that the world 'revolved around Apple Inc'.

    Tells you everything you need to know.

    There is some poetic license exercised in that headline. However, there is a wider historical view that is available to you.

    Example: in 1503, Spain was winning its battles against France and Italy, 3—0 and 2—0, respectively. The first battle was fought and won using gunpowder for small arms. Gold and silver began arriving at Seville from the Americas. Scotland was "pacified" through a marriage. And so on, in your vein.

    Meanwhile, Aldus Manutius of Venice published his first (1503) catalog of portable pocket/saddlebag books, nicely bound in leather, beautifully printed, emphasizing translations of the classics from Greece. His books were the ones that began the Enlightenment and spread the Renaissance and the Reformation, because they were the pocket information devices of their time.

    Which event was more important in the end?
  • Reply 34 of 103
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    jack c wrote: »
    Good article, but I just can't help thinking that "no tree grows to heaven" or "not one empire has lasted". Nokia seemed to be invincible for a while and then BOOM, nothing left (of phone business). Microsoft seemed to be invincible, now very shaky. I just don't like this new campus idea. When empires start to focus on monuments, they usually are already on a slide down. I hope I am wrong.

    They needed the centralize the majority of its corporate workers in one place. What's not to like?
    euphonious wrote: »
    In a year where Ebola ravaged western Africa, Russia invaded Ukraine, IS took over large swathes of the Middle East, three airliners were lost and the world marked the centenary of World War I, only a writer with the arrogance, conceit and ignorance of Dilger would propose that the world 'revolved around Apple Inc'.

    Tells you everything you need to know.

    Wow. This is an Apple centric blog.
  • Reply 35 of 103
    jack c wrote: »
    Good article, but I just can't help thinking that "no tree grows to heaven" or "not one empire has lasted". Nokia seemed to be invincible for a while and then BOOM, nothing left (of phone business). Microsoft seemed to be invincible, now very shaky. I just don't like this new campus idea. When empires start to focus on monuments, they usually are already on a slide down. I hope I am wrong.
    You ARE wrong. Campus 2 is no monument. Everything about his design is practical and meant to enhance efficiency and production. It's also meant to be majorly environmentally friendly. Why are you people always trying to predict future doom based on failures of the past? That's literally insane.
  • Reply 36 of 103
    What bothers me is judging by their apparently clueless writings on Apple, how incompetent, inaccurate and manipulative these new media are in other areas of their business reporting and analyses. I am beginning to think subscriptions to WSJ, NYT, BI etc. would be a waste of your money.
  • Reply 37 of 103
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,148member
    Originally Posted by Euphonious View Post


    In a year where Ebola ravaged western Africa, Russia invaded Ukraine, IS took over large swathes of the Middle East, three airliners were lost and the world marked the centenary of World War I, only a writer with the arrogance, conceit and ignorance of Dilger would propose that the world 'revolved around Apple Inc'.


    Tells you everything you need to know.

    Yeah, like maybe you should go away and go p!ss in someone else's pool.... whiner.

  • Reply 38 of 103

    Let's not forget that NYT pundit Joe Nocera was that rare, and rancid, reviewer who praised Kane's Haunted Empire. Here's his vampirial verbiage: 


    "Which brings me back to the litigation with Samsung — the company that is coming to market with products that are every bit as good as Apple’s, and at a lower price to boot. This never-ending litigation is yet another sign that Apple is becoming a spent force."


    Coming back to bite him, the haunted umpire?

  • Reply 39 of 103
    mjtomlinmjtomlin Posts: 2,694member

    Originally Posted by eightzero View Post


    This was an interesting read. Thanks AI.


    There is little doubt there is more to come. Simple extrapolation of the product lines, as the article points out, shows that AAPL has a design and innovation strategy that works. Contrary to what some might be concluding, the Apple Watch is not a make or break product. I expect it to be wildly popular, but I am really looking forward to the stuff no one is predicting. Sure - all the world waits for an AppleTV update, but with the competition, the breakthrough there is on the content, and Apple is simply taking their time to get that right.


    Apple is currently in the process of building out a network to support what will eventually be their entry into the subscription based media streaming market (Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, etc.). We will see an Apple TV event where this will be unveiled. And I personally believe it'll be different from the others in that you'll be able to subscribe to individual TV shows for the season; $4.99. This will an aside to having a more general subscription service - Netflix usually takes until the next season to get a particular show, think of this new method as being able to subscribe to the current running season and on a show by show basis.


    So for...



    You'll be able to purchase just as we always have.

    You'll be able to listen to ad-supported streaming (iTunes Radio).

    And, there will be the "iTunes" Streaming Service - ad-free subscription based (Beats)



    Purchase as we always have.

    Rent just the same.

    "iTunes" Streaming Service - subscription based with limited catalog (Just as the others.)


    TV Shows

    Purchase by episode or season.

    "iTunes" Streaming Service - subscription based with limited catalog (older episodes - from previous seasons)

    Seasonal subscription - subscription based per show with an extended catalog (current season) - And hoping Apple may be able to work out deal that the shows are available the same day they air.



    Those who subscribe to the "iTunes" Streaming Service, will get movies, music and TV shows, so you'll have one monthly bill of say $14.99.

  • Reply 40 of 103
    gqbgqb Posts: 1,934member

    Stock 'dilution', not 'delusion', but the typo is humorously accurate in any event.

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