Please, don't forget that iPhones did get less expensive. I bought the original one in 2007 (Yes, I stood on line) for $699 (Yes, I did get the $100 Apple credit.) with 4 (?)GB of memory. I bought the iPhone 6 with 64 GB of memory for $399 (on contract). And I now own over 8,000 shares of stock for being faithful for 25 years for about $1,000. Apple's been very good to me! And my iPhone 3G (no S) still happily sits by my bedside as an alarm clock and game machine.
This years succes is next years failure. That's why it's interesting to see what Apples long(er) term strategy is.
It's seems that Apples thinking is similar to that of Philips and sees medical devices as a way to the future, be it that Apple focuses on consumer medical and Philips on professional medical systems. Philips is the company known for its consumer electronics and in particular for the compact disc player it invented (no it wasn't Sony, not even in a small way) and like Apple encountered Samsung along the way (Philips is also known for its spinoff ASML that makes all of Apples chips possible and the fundament of Intel and Samsungs chip production). Philips lost that battle in the long run and had to make the strategic decision to sell all of its consumer electronics and household appliances to a Chinees company (that's allowed to sell the products under the Philips brand, for the next seven years) and to focus solely on its two remaining divisions: Philips lighting and Philips medical systems. Apples future could be similar to that of Philips and it could be that it has to focus solely on its financial systems (Apple Pay), it's business software solutions (with IBM) and its medical and sports devices.
Apple is currently in the process of building out a network to support what will eventually be their entry into the subscription based media streaming market (Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, etc.). We will see an Apple TV event where this will be unveiled. And I personally believe it'll be different from the others in that you'll be able to subscribe to individual TV shows for the season; $4.99. This will an aside to having a more general subscription service - Netflix usually takes until the next season to get a particular show, think of this new method as being able to subscribe to the current running season and on a show by show basis.
So for...
You'll be able to purchase just as we always have.
You'll be able to listen to ad-supported streaming (iTunes Radio).
And, there will be the "iTunes" Streaming Service - ad-free subscription based (Beats)
Purchase as we always have.
Rent just the same.
"iTunes" Streaming Service - subscription based with limited catalog (Just as the others.)
TV Shows
Purchase by episode or season.
"iTunes" Streaming Service - subscription based with limited catalog (older episodes - from previous seasons)
Seasonal subscription - subscription based per show with an extended catalog (current season) - And hoping Apple may be able to work out deal that the shows are available the same day they air.
Those who subscribe to the "iTunes" Streaming Service, will get movies, music and TV shows, so you'll have one monthly bill of say $14.99.
I'm down with all that. Hoping to see it come to pass. Any addition of choices for the consumer is good.
The Holy Grail of course is streaming live sports. The Gorilla in the room is ESPN. NHL, MLB and NBA have built out nice apps on AppleTV to go with their offerings online. The NFL is conspicuously absent, having just recently renewed their exclusive agreement with DishTV.
There's lots of work for Apple to do; and they seem to have the correct strategy.
"iTunes" Streaming Service - subscription based with limited catalog (older episodes - from previous seasons)
Seasonal subscription - subscription based per show with an extended catalog (current season) - And hoping Apple may be able to work out deal that the shows are available the same day they air.
I recently saw a TV Show on iTunes where they were making the whole season available digitally just as it was starting to air on TV (i.e. not a season pass where they drip feed you episodes at the same time they air, but just the whole season available at once in advance of airing). Maybe that is a possible future sales model too, and this was them testing it.
And maybe it will work like the days when Steve Jobs was alive and Johnny Ive could cash out all that undocumented stock he has. Also, a friend in French Luxury and I whom we both know, believe Angela Ahrendts, won a golden parachute. She looks pitiful with all her caked-on makeup; can't run a retail organization without her weekly "chats".
Geez, give her a chance. They need someone with her experience to retail the Apple Watch if it's going to be taken seriously as a fashionable thing, not just an ubergeek gadget.
I'm not sure what her makeup has to do with it. If you're questioning her sense of style since she's the head of retail, I wouldn't get hung up on one bad photo. It's not even her official Apple portrait.
There is some poetic license exercised in that headline. However, there is a wider historical view that is available to you.
Example: in 1503, Spain was winning its battles against France and Italy, 3—0 and 2—0, respectively. The first battle was fought and won using gunpowder for small arms. Gold and silver began arriving at Seville from the Americas. Scotland was "pacified" through a marriage. And so on, in your vein.
Meanwhile, Aldus Manutius of Venice published his first (1503) catalog of portable pocket/saddlebag books, nicely bound in leather, beautifully printed, emphasizing translations of the classics from Greece. His books were the ones that began the Enlightenment and spread the Renaissance and the Reformation, because they were the pocket information devices of their time.
Which event was more important in the end?
How many countries speak Spanish, and how many speak Italian?
I'm always amused by people who say they won't upgrade iOS or OS X because of how it looks. Really? You'll stay on old software forever? Or do what, go to Android or Windows both of which look nothing like iOS 6 or pre-OS X Yosemite? I have no problem with the new design but even if I wasn't crazy about it I'd still upgrade for the new features and because a lot of apps require iOS 7 or later. To me things like control center, actionable notifications, continuity, extensions, Notification center widgets, 3rd party keyboards matter more than whether the UI is "flat" or not.
I do agree that iTunes is a mess and has been for a long time. Thankfully I only have to use it maybe once a year.
New software doesn’t necessarily mean better software. Sometimes the old way was the best way.
I see the point. As I said, I hope I am wrong. To me the Spaceship idea is boastful, out of reality - no matter how eco it sounds. Also hard to see that a round building is very practical. Moving accross the building must take a lot of time. Anyway, Spaceship was not the point of the article, rather just a sign which might not be a good one. Well, HQ buildings don't decide the future of the companies. But when successful companies become complacent, risk avoiding, internally focused, status oriented, then ... we know. I just wish Apple can avoid all that as they are doing so well.
Ken Segall nailed it in this blog post. Especially calling out that clown at Marketwatch who dinged Apple for "running out of ideas" while at the same time whining that customers have "upgrade fatigue".
Good article, but I just can't help thinking that "no tree grows to heaven" or "not one empire has lasted". Nokia seemed to be invincible for a while and then BOOM, nothing left (of phone business). Microsoft seemed to be invincible, now very shaky. I just don't like this new campus idea. When empires start to focus on monuments, they usually are already on a slide down. I hope I am wrong.
point? of course nothing lasts forever. we all know that. this article is about 2014, not forever.
also, the new campus is of course, brilliant. an amazing world-class facility to attract world-class employees. not a monument...even its basic shape is part of its function -- to encourage connecting w/ other people in the hallway as you walk.
That's why it's interesting to see what Apples long(er) term strategy is.
It's seems that Apples thinking is similar to that of Philips and sees medical devices as a way to the future, be it that Apple focuses on consumer medical and Philips on professional medical systems.
Philips is the company known for its consumer electronics and in particular for the compact disc player it invented (no it wasn't Sony, not even in a small way) and like Apple encountered Samsung along the way (Philips is also known for its spinoff ASML that makes all of Apples chips possible and the fundament of Intel and Samsungs chip production).
Philips lost that battle in the long run and had to make the strategic decision to sell all of its consumer electronics and household appliances to a Chinees company (that's allowed to sell the products under the Philips brand, for the next seven years) and to focus solely on its two remaining divisions: Philips lighting and Philips medical systems.
Apples future could be similar to that of Philips and it could be that it has to focus solely on its financial systems (Apple Pay), it's business software solutions (with IBM) and its medical and sports devices.
Nyah. I'll just drag my feet as long as it doesn't annoy me to do so.
Apple is currently in the process of building out a network to support what will eventually be their entry into the subscription based media streaming market (Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, etc.). We will see an Apple TV event where this will be unveiled. And I personally believe it'll be different from the others in that you'll be able to subscribe to individual TV shows for the season; $4.99. This will an aside to having a more general subscription service - Netflix usually takes until the next season to get a particular show, think of this new method as being able to subscribe to the current running season and on a show by show basis.
So for...
You'll be able to purchase just as we always have.
You'll be able to listen to ad-supported streaming (iTunes Radio).
And, there will be the "iTunes" Streaming Service - ad-free subscription based (Beats)
Purchase as we always have.
Rent just the same.
"iTunes" Streaming Service - subscription based with limited catalog (Just as the others.)
TV Shows
Purchase by episode or season.
"iTunes" Streaming Service - subscription based with limited catalog (older episodes - from previous seasons)
Seasonal subscription - subscription based per show with an extended catalog (current season) - And hoping Apple may be able to work out deal that the shows are available the same day they air.
Those who subscribe to the "iTunes" Streaming Service, will get movies, music and TV shows, so you'll have one monthly bill of say $14.99.
I'm down with all that. Hoping to see it come to pass. Any addition of choices for the consumer is good.
The Holy Grail of course is streaming live sports. The Gorilla in the room is ESPN. NHL, MLB and NBA have built out nice apps on AppleTV to go with their offerings online. The NFL is conspicuously absent, having just recently renewed their exclusive agreement with DishTV.
There's lots of work for Apple to do; and they seem to have the correct strategy.
TV Shows
Purchase by episode or season.
"iTunes" Streaming Service - subscription based with limited catalog (older episodes - from previous seasons)
Seasonal subscription - subscription based per show with an extended catalog (current season) - And hoping Apple may be able to work out deal that the shows are available the same day they air.
I recently saw a TV Show on iTunes where they were making the whole season available digitally just as it was starting to air on TV (i.e. not a season pass where they drip feed you episodes at the same time they air, but just the whole season available at once in advance of airing). Maybe that is a possible future sales model too, and this was them testing it.
And maybe it will work like the days when Steve Jobs was alive and Johnny Ive could cash out all that undocumented stock he has. Also, a friend in French Luxury and I whom we both know, believe Angela Ahrendts, won a golden parachute. She looks pitiful with all her caked-on makeup; can't run a retail organization without her weekly "chats".
Geez, give her a chance. They need someone with her experience to retail the Apple Watch if it's going to be taken seriously as a fashionable thing, not just an ubergeek gadget.
I'm not sure what her makeup has to do with it. If you're questioning her sense of style since she's the head of retail, I wouldn't get hung up on one bad photo. It's not even her official Apple portrait.
How many countries speak Spanish, and how many speak Italian?
New software doesn’t necessarily mean better software. Sometimes the old way was the best way.
I love you sarcasm lol
I guess you missed the point.
Sorry I don't think iOS 6 and prior was the best way. But iTunes is bloated in needs to be blown up.
I got your point, but it's not the only point. Things can be looked at in different ways.
So all other versions of iOS sucked, and were unusable? Your best way isn't necessarily everyone's best way.
I never said they sucked and were unusable. But I would never give up the features we got in iOS 7 and 8. I know not everyone will agree.
I'd say most people don't use advanced features. To them the old versions were plenty.
(like the BBC's recent blaming of Apple for all social ills around the planet, even those with very little connection to Apple)
can you quote the BBC blaming Apple for all social ills around the planet? i read the article youre referring to, and i sure cant.
hyperbole doesnt really belong in good reporting. tho this is an editorial only, so i guess you can. still, not great form.
Only the tech planet of course.
Good article, but I just can't help thinking that "no tree grows to heaven" or "not one empire has lasted". Nokia seemed to be invincible for a while and then BOOM, nothing left (of phone business). Microsoft seemed to be invincible, now very shaky. I just don't like this new campus idea. When empires start to focus on monuments, they usually are already on a slide down. I hope I am wrong.
point? of course nothing lasts forever. we all know that. this article is about 2014, not forever.
also, the new campus is of course, brilliant. an amazing world-class facility to attract world-class employees. not a monument...even its basic shape is part of its function -- to encourage connecting w/ other people in the hallway as you walk.