So, Apple with the highest brand profile of any company, are the most profitable company on the planet and get pretty much the highest satisfaction ratings of any tech company.
However, despite this, year after year after year, we have people ("journalists" and/or "analysts") who do not run businesses, who have no practical expertise in any of the areas in which Apple operates and whose prognostications are frequently and repeatedly wrong mysteriously earning a living by telling us and Apple what they must do to be a successful company! DED and the Macalope delightfully catalogue these eejits for us.
These commentators never tell us why we should take any notice of their suggestions or even give any credence to their analysis but somehow they continue pouring out their fantasies of Apple doom, their inaccurate predictions and their general foolishness. Apple seems utterly unaffected by their pontifications so I reckon that we should sit back and enjoy the humour of their drivel and await their next piece of "cogent analysis" with interest. Schadenfreude indeed.
There is some poetic license exercised in that headline. However, there is a wider historical view that is available to you.
Example: in 1503, Spain was winning its battles against France and Italy, 3—0 and 2—0, respectively. The first battle was fought and won using gunpowder for small arms. Gold and silver began arriving at Seville from the Americas. Scotland was "pacified" through a marriage. And so on, in your vein.
Meanwhile, Aldus Manutius of Venice published his first (1503) catalog of portable pocket/saddlebag books, nicely bound in leather, beautifully printed, emphasizing translations of the classics from Greece. His books were the ones that began the Enlightenment and spread the Renaissance and the Reformation, because they were the pocket information devices of their time.
To me it says Apple needs to up its software quality and these iOS 8 bugs are slowly chipping away at customer sat (as Tim Cook calls it). Something else that might be lowering that score is people not having enough space to upgrade their software. These numbers might go up again with the bigger phones but if in 2015 Apple focused on polishing iOS 8 and upped base storage to 32GB Apple would get its customer sat crown back.
To me it says Apple needs to up its software quality and these iOS 8 bugs are slowly chipping away at customer sat (as Tim Cook calls it). Something else that might be lowering that score is people not having enough space to upgrade their software. These numbers might go up again with the bigger phones but if in 2015 Apple focused on polishing iOS 8 and upped base storage to 32GB Apple would get its customer sat crown back.
DED would have a 2000 word essay on how android is crap. In his world Apple is perfect and anything to do with Android is crap. There can be nothing Samsung/Google/MS/or anyone else can teach Apple.
I wonder if there will come a day when Apple iTunes will offer individual or season passes to NFL games and post season and Super Bowl. How long does the networks have NFL locked up? NFL network deal with Apple?
I wonder if there will come a day when Apple iTunes will offer individual or season passes to NFL games and post season and Super Bowl. How long does the networks have NFL locked up? NFL network deal with Apple?
The NFL is not going to sell rights to online streaming-only networks.
I don't think Jobs was as critical as you believe. He was more of the type of person who wanted people to really think deeper about things (GET IT RIGHT, its all about the work "the ART" not the money) and not rush bad quality products out as is reflected by Apple's way of doing business something which annoys superficial people (like yourself?) and financial short term gain investors on Wall Street.
So, Apple with the highest brand profile of any company, are the most profitable company on the planet and get pretty much the highest satisfaction ratings of any tech company.
However, despite this, year after year after year, we have people ("journalists" and/or "analysts") who do not run businesses, who have no practical expertise in any of the areas in which Apple operates and whose prognostications are frequently and repeatedly wrong mysteriously earning a living by telling us and Apple what they must do to be a successful company! DED and the Macalope delightfully catalogue these eejits for us.
These commentators never tell us why we should take any notice of their suggestions or even give any credence to their analysis but somehow they continue pouring out their fantasies of Apple doom, their inaccurate predictions and their general foolishness. Apple seems utterly unaffected by their pontifications so I reckon that we should sit back and enjoy the humour of their drivel and await their next piece of "cogent analysis" with interest. Schadenfreude indeed.
Excellent perspective.
Great Idea! and great comment.
Good one ... LOL
I wonder what DED would say about this?
To me it says Apple needs to up its software quality and these iOS 8 bugs are slowly chipping away at customer sat (as Tim Cook calls it). Something else that might be lowering that score is people not having enough space to upgrade their software. These numbers might go up again with the bigger phones but if in 2015 Apple focused on polishing iOS 8 and upped base storage to 32GB Apple would get its customer sat crown back.
What to expect in 2015 article: "The buzz around Google Glass has died down, and smartwatches could be the next big thing instead."
I don't doubt that for a minute, I was taking about the longer term future (see my previous comment).
I wonder if there will come a day when Apple iTunes will offer individual or season passes to NFL games and post season and Super Bowl. How long does the networks have NFL locked up? NFL network deal with Apple?
The NFL is not going to sell rights to online streaming-only networks.
Then they’re going to lose tens of millions of dollars.
In favor of billions. Just as Apple won't go after certain markets, neither will the NFL.
Except when it becomes the primary market…
You're right about that, but we're a long time away from that especially since TVs come with a digital tuner built in. All one needs is an antenna.
I'm sure they'll do fine with the multi billions they can get from the networks.
That won't happen anytime soon.
Congratulations Apple! What an amazing 2014. And the best is yet to come.
Apart from Jobs who was one critical mutherf××××r
I don't think Jobs was as critical as you believe. He was more of the type of person who wanted people to really think deeper about things (GET IT RIGHT, its all about the work "the ART" not the money) and not rush bad quality products out as is reflected by Apple's way of doing business something which annoys superficial people (like yourself?) and financial short term gain investors on Wall Street.
Then they’re going to lose tens of millions of dollars.
I just love you deeply insightful and well reasoned response!
There is a rather amusing joke about humans and/or certain nationalities goes like this:
Q. How do you tell if an airplane is full of <insert a nationality>?
A. When the engines stop, it keeps on whining
The moral of the joke is that humans are never satisfied and will always find something to complain about.
I take these satisfaction surveys with a huge gain of salt - I simply don't believe them for the most part