Apple updates French website to show support for Charlie Hebdo after deadly terrorist attack

in General Discussion edited January 2015
Following a horrific attack on satirical French magazine Charlie Hebdo that left 12 dead, Apple on Thursday added to its official regional website a full-width black banner reading "Je suis Charlie."

The inky black banner on is emblazoned with a stylized "Je suis Charlie" (I am Charlie) logo, the same mark seen on Charlie Hebdo's own website and on signs carried by crowds participating in mass vigils throughout Europe. "Je suis Charlie" is at the same time a result of and call for solidarity.

Today's update is a small but significant one for Apple, which just recently kicked off a worldwide promotion touting visual arts created on its products. Apple is known for its support of media makers -- the company's "Think Different" ad campaign included a handful of legendary artists -- and the banner represents a show of solidarity not only with the magazine, but creatives everywhere.

The Charlie Hebdo attack elicited public outcry from well-known comedians, journalists and other figures as an assault against freedom of speech, thought and the press.

Charlie Hebdo has in the past sparked outrage from the Muslim community for publishing notorious cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad. In 2011, the magazine was bombed after running a satirical cartoon shown mocking the religious figure.

On Wednesday local time, gunmen raided Charlie Hebdo offices in Paris and opened fire on staff during a lunchtime meeting. Four of the magazine's cartoonists, including its editor, were killed in the attack, BBC News reported. Two police officers were also gunned down and at least two of the perpetrators remain at large.


  • Reply 1 of 274

    These radical Islamic scumbags need to be exterminated from the face of the Earth.

  • Reply 2 of 274
    mobiusmobius Posts: 380member
    These radical Islamic scumbags need to be exterminated from the face of the Earth.
    Then you are no better than they are.
  • Reply 3 of 274

    Originally Posted by Mobius View Post

    Then you are no better than they are.


    Depends on how it is done.

  • Reply 4 of 274

    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post



    Depends on how it is done.

    Doesn't matter how it's done.  As long as it IS done.

  • Reply 5 of 274
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member

    Religion is not the problem. Fear is the problem. Without fear people would be free to think and practice and say what they liked. Fear is the only real enemy. Fear is why people kill and fear is why others can't handle it when it happens. Be positive in your life despite what's going on in the world and the world will be that little bit better. Murder is always going to happen in this world the point here is to let murder be the problem of the fearful and not of the living. This is a reminder to all of us that life is fleeting and short and to make the most of us while we are here.

  • Reply 6 of 274
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    makeintosh wrote: »
    Doesn't matter how it's done.  As long as it IS done.

    I disagree. There are longterm consequences for our actions, especially when it comes to violence. If we eradicate all these current radicals are we not simply creating an environment for the next generation in the ruble of the havoc we wreaked on their parents, culture, religion, and/or society?

    Call me crazy but I'd like to see education and compassion as something we consider as longterm objectives.
  • Reply 7 of 274
    boltsfan17boltsfan17 Posts: 2,294member

    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post


    Religion is not the problem. Fear is the problem. Without fear people would be free to think and practice and say what they liked. Fear is the only real enemy. Fear is why people kill and fear is why others can't handle it when it happens. Be positive in your life despite what's going on in the world and the world will be that little bit better. Murder is always going to happen in this world the point here is to let murder be the problem of the fearful and not of the living. This is a reminder to all of us that life is fleeting and short and to make the most of us while we are here.

    I think religion is the problem. Why is it that the French magazine made fun of just about every religion, but Islam is the only one were people acted with violence from being offended. All these terrorists are carrying out their brutal attacks in the name of Islam. 

  • Reply 8 of 274
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    boltsfan17 wrote: »
    I think religion is the problem. Why is it that the French magazine made fun of just about every religion, but Islam is the only one were people acted with violence from being offended. All these terrorists are carrying out their brutal attacks in the name of Islam. 

    Are you saying tou believe that Islam is an inherently evil religion but the other Abrahamic religions or other regions in general are not?
  • Reply 9 of 274
    boltsfan17boltsfan17 Posts: 2,294member

    Originally Posted by SolipsismY View Post

    I disagree. There are longterm consequences for our actions, especially when it comes to violence. If we eradicate all these current radicals are we not simply creating an environment for the next generation in the ruble of the havoc we wreaked on their parents, culture, religion, and/or society?

    Call me crazy but I'd like to see education and comparison as something we consider as longterm objectives.

    So when you see one of these terrorists beheading an innocent civilian, the first thing that comes to your mind is they need to be educated? The first thing that comes to my mind if find them and destroy them. 

  • Reply 10 of 274
    Originally Posted by Boltsfan17 View Post


    I think religion is the problem. Why is it that the French magazine made fun of just about every religion, but Islam is the only one were people acted with violence from being offended. All these terrorists are carrying out their brutal attacks in the name of Islam. 


    Yet... for every violent Islamic extremist there are thousands of Muslims who are peaceful.

  • Reply 11 of 274
    icoco3icoco3 Posts: 1,474member

    Originally Posted by Boltsfan17 View Post


    I think religion is the problem. Why is it that the French magazine made fun of just about every religion, but Islam is the only one were people acted with violence from being offended. All these terrorists are carrying out their brutal attacks in the name of Islam. 


    My religion does not teach that so please do not include "religion" generically.  And we don't kill people when our religion is ridiculed, which happens all the time.  The violent outbreaks, for the most part, do have a common denominator.

  • Reply 12 of 274
    boltsfan17boltsfan17 Posts: 2,294member

    Originally Posted by icoco3 View Post



    My religion does not teach that so please do not include "religion" generically.  And we don't kill people when our religion is ridiculed, which happens all the time.  The violent outbreaks, for the most part, do have a common denominator.

    I was referring to Islam. But at the same time, other religions have acted out with violence besides Islam. 

  • Reply 13 of 274

    Originally Posted by SolipsismY View Post

    Are you saying tou believe that Islam is an inherently evil religion but the other Abrahamic religions or other regions in general are not?

    Well, it's the only one that promises rewards for killing infidels...infidels being whoever's irked you this week.

  • Reply 14 of 274
    boltsfan17boltsfan17 Posts: 2,294member
    Originally Posted by SolipsismY View Post

    Are you saying tou believe that Islam is an inherently evil religion but the other Abrahamic religions or other regions in general are not?

    I'm sure many will disagree, but I've read the Koran and yes, I think Islam is a violent religion. With Islam, all non muslims are called unbelievers or infidels. Maybe I misunderstood it when I read it, but there are many verses that say kill the infidels. 

  • Reply 15 of 274
    genovellegenovelle Posts: 1,481member
    icoco3 wrote: »
    My religion does not teach that so please do not include "religion" generically.  And we don't kill people when our religion is ridiculed, which happens all the time.  The violent outbreaks, for the most part, do have a common denominator.

    But interestingly Christianity has had many wars and massacres performed under its banner. Kings have been murdered for crossing the church. And beheadings were the norm.
  • Reply 16 of 274

    Originally Posted by genovelle View Post

    But interestingly Christianity has had many wars and massacres performed under its banner. Kings have been murdered for crossing the church. And beheadings were the norm.


    ... and like Christianity, I believe reform will come to the Muslim religion.


    Either that or they will really piss off the wrong country in the wrong way and their mother countries will be turned to glass... it just aint like it used to be where a few thousand guys would gut each other with swords.

  • Reply 17 of 274
    Originally Posted by genovelle View Post

    But interestingly Christianity has had many wars and massacres performed under its banner. Kings have been murdered for crossing the church. And beheadings were the norm.

    None of which was advocated in the Bible. Christ didn't go around saying "yo, kill those folks if they disagree with you."


    Let's use a modern example: Family Guy recently did some episodes which were pretty blasphemous, and downright insulting towards Christians. Pretty sure I didn't see Pope Francis calling for a fatwa on Fox, or Christians marching on Seth McFarlane's house. It was condemned and that was the end of it.


    Now, if they tried that with Mohammed, well, how do you think that'd go?


    It'd get a press conference and condemnation from Obama, for starters.

  • Reply 18 of 274
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    boltsfan17 wrote: »
    With Islam, all non muslims are called unbelievers or infidels.

    Did you really just write that? Sure, you're correct, but it's certainly not a complete picture of what the terms unbeliever and infidel mean.

    infidel |?inf?dl, -?del|
    a person who does not believe in religion or who adheres to a religion other than one's own

    adhering to a religion other than one's own: the infidel foe.

    ORIGIN late 15th cent.: from French infidèle or Latin infidelis, from in- ‘not’ + fidelis ‘faithful’ (from fides ‘faith,’ related to fidere ‘to trust’). The word originally denoted a person of a religion other than one's own, specifically a Muslim (to a Christian), a Christian (to a Muslim), or a Gentile (to a Jew).

    unbeliever |??nb??l?v?r|
    someone who has no religious beliefs, or who does not follow a particular religion.
  • Reply 19 of 274
    radarthekatradarthekat Posts: 3,898moderator
    Originally Posted by Mobius View Post

    Then you are no better than they are.

    Smallpox needs to be exterminated from the face of the Earth.

    Malaria needs to be exterminated from the face of the Earth.

    Ebola needs to be exterminated from the face of the Earth.


    If someone made these statements, would you reply that he is no better than these diseases?  What, exactly, places these radical extremists, who think nothing of murdering others (they certainly don't value human life) above other scourges that exist in the world?  I see them as not worthy of the air they breath or the life it sustains in them.  Smallpox, Malaria, and Ebola are more deserving of life; these are organisms that have no ability to alter their destiny or the effects they have upon other organisms.  In that sense, they are innocent.  But these people are gifted with the ability to think and apply logic, and they have the ability to choose their destiny.  And I say, this is just what they have done.  They have chosen to be worthless to society, no benefit to the planet or its inhabitants.  I would treat them no better and with no more emotion than a deadly virus or disease.

  • Reply 20 of 274
    icoco3icoco3 Posts: 1,474member

    Originally Posted by genovelle View Post

    But interestingly Christianity has had many wars and massacres performed under its banner. Kings have been murdered for crossing the church. And beheadings were the norm.


    "Christianity" is what many called it...the bible may state otherwise.  I am part of an anabapist church and their history has always been non violence.  They were the ones mainly persecuted during the Reformation and Inquisition.

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