Apple announces 'spring forward' event for March 9, likely to talk about Apple Watch & more

in General Discussion edited March 2015
Apple on Thursday sent out invitations to members of the media, inviting them to a keynote presentation on Monday, March 9, where it's expected the company will give more details on the upcoming launch of the Apple Watch, and potentially unveil anticipated new products.

Among the items Apple left unaddressed when it unveiled the Apple Watch late last year were the the device's battery life -- which is expected to be a significant stumbling block -- and its price, both of which could be detailed at the March event. Many will be watching for information on the pricing of the gold Apple Watch Edition, which some believe could exceed $10,000.

Apple has said that the Apple Watch will hit store shelves and go onto the wrists of early adopters in April.
Apple Watch launch details are expected at the March 9 event, but Apple could also use the event to unveil new Macs and more.
Apple could also use the stage to unveil a new Retina display-equipped MacBook Air, though that is far from certain. The long-rumored device was thought to be awaiting the release of Intel's new Broadwell chips, which have begun to swing into high-volume production.

It's expected that the new MacBook Air will feature a redesigned chassis and come in one screen size of 12 inches. There have also been claims that the device will feature the new, smaller, reversible USB 3.0 port.

The event will be held at San Francisco's Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, a common venue for major Apple media briefings that are too large for the company's Town Hall theater on its Infinite Loop campus. A notable exception was the unveiling of the Apple Watch, which was held at the larger Flint Center in Cupertino, where the original Mac also made its debut.

Beyond the Apple Watch and a rumored MacBook Air with Retina display, Apple has also been gearing up for a refresh of its existing-design 11- and 13-inch MacBook Air models. It's expected that they will also be outfitted with Intel's latest-generation Broadwell processors.

Apple Watch Sport

Another potential product unveiling could be a so-called "iPad Pro," rumored to feature a 12.2-inch display. However, it's been reported that the device may not launch until the second quarter of 2015, which could also make it potentially a candidate for the annual Worldwide Developers Conference in June.

Other products that could also receive updates are the MacBook Pro lineup, which is also due for a Broadwell refresh, and the Apple TV, which hasn't seen a significant upgrade in years. Apple's Mac Pro desktop has also remained untouched since it went on sale in late 2013.

The last time Apple held a media event this early in the year was in 2012, when it unveiled the third-generation iPad with Retina display. In the years since, new product unveilings have not come from keynote presentations until the kickoff of WWDC.

AppleInsider will be at the event providing live coverage, as well as all of the news leading up to it. Readers can stay informed through the official AppleInsider app for iOS, as well as on Facebook, Twitter, and RSS.


  • Reply 1 of 127
    HERE. FOR. IT.
  • Reply 2 of 127
    What new products are anticipated other than a few refreshes?

    Pretty sure most of the new product energy right now is being focused on the Apple Watch.
  • Reply 3 of 127
    I dno, I may be overthinking it, but the invitation almost looks like a laptop being opened or something... maybe
  • Reply 4 of 127
    Woohoo! No speculations or rumors required for this story.
  • Reply 5 of 127
    Typically the iPhones/iPads come out 1 or 2 weeks after the announcement? Can we extrapolate what this date means for the ? Watch release timeline?
  • Reply 6 of 127
    Typically the iPhones/iPads come out 1 or 2 weeks after the announcement? Can we extrapolate what this date means for the ? Watch release timeline?

    Probably the same. ????
  • Reply 7 of 127


  • Reply 8 of 127
    Judging from the fact Apple is already erecting breathtaking large displays in upscale department stores for the Apple Watch release, we shall probably be able to buy them within a few weeks.

    My prediction is that critics have it all wrong and thanks to the Apple Watch very few people will be buying expensive Swiss watches this year, at least very few under the age of 65.
  • Reply 9 of 127
    bjnflicks wrote: »
    Judging from the fact Apple is already erecting breathtaking large displays in upscale department stores for the Apple Watch release, we shall probably be able to buy them within a few weeks.

    My prediction is that critics have it all wrong and thanks to the Apple Watch very few people will be buying expensive Swiss watches this year, at least very few under the age of 65.

    Displays? Do you have links to pictures?
  • Reply 10 of 127
    Can't wait
  • Reply 11 of 127

    There's no way that Apple dilutes the iWatch launch with any other significant product announcement. That said, if the iWatch requires IOS9 for functionality then they could cover that update as part of it. But there will be no aTV, MacBook Air, or aCar or whatever.

    iWatch launch with App Partners announced.

    maybe new undisclosed features announced.

    Sale dates/prices announced.

  • Reply 12 of 127
    iaeeniaeen Posts: 588member

    Originally Posted by alcstarheel View Post

    Typically the iPhones/iPads come out 1 or 2 weeks after the announcement? Can we extrapolate what this date means for the ? Watch release timeline?

    I sure hope so, but I do remember Cook saying something about an April release.

  • Reply 13 of 127
    I see a menhir.

    Asterix comics on a 13" iPad, by toutatis!
  • Reply 14 of 127
    cjaer wrote: »
    There's no way that Apple dilutes the iWatch launch with any other significant product announcement. That said, if the iWatch requires IOS9 for functionality then they could cover that update as part of it. But there will be no aTV, MacBook Air, or aCar or whatever.
    iWatch launch with App Partners announced.
    maybe new undisclosed features announced.
    Sale dates/prices announced.

    Guess you don't come to this site much. iOS 8.2 unlocks Apple Watch compatibility.
  • Reply 15 of 127
    mpantonempantone Posts: 2,105member
    Originally Posted by alcstarheel View Post

    Typically the iPhones/iPads come out 1 or 2 weeks after the announcement? Can we extrapolate what this date means for the ? Watch release timeline?


    It's usually more than a week since announcements are usually on Tuesdays and iPhones/iPads typically hit retail on a Friday.


    Based on historical iPhone/iPad launches, usually the Friday of the following week or maybe a week later, thus 1.5-2.5 weeks. Thus a Monday March 9th announcement would imply a Friday March 20th or March 27th retail release.


    Not guaranteed of course, but a reasonable guess based on Apple's previous behavior.

  • Reply 16 of 127
    Those green/yellow colours remind me of BP, or is it Esso?

    Apple are bringing out a pocket oil lamp for the Apple Watch. It's all about fashion and setting trends.
  • Reply 17 of 127
    thrangthrang Posts: 1,024member
    Event March 9
    Pre-orders March 16/23
    Shipping and in stores April 6
  • Reply 18 of 127
    I'll be shocked the gold Apple Watch Edition costs a dime over $2500. $10,000? Noooooo way!
  • Reply 19 of 127

    I was excited for this until I got a small hint on what the price might be for the model I want. I messaged my buddy who is in the know at Apple and mentioned that I want the Apple Watch (middle model) 42mm, stainless steel band and he said to budget for about $1,500. I was hoping this model will be 500-600, but I'm worried it will be priced out of my range.


    I'm not really interested in the Sport model, as it doesn't have a sapphire and I really want that stainless steel band since it will look good with my daily attire. I'm really hoping he is overshooting or is just wrong, but he's never lead me astray.


    I guess we'll find out on March 9th.

  • Reply 20 of 127
    The next two big surprise announcements I am hoping for are an Apple new search engine and a huge Hollywood content deal to go with a big Apple TV quantum leap forward. Those would both be huge growth drivers and both make 100% sense, but of course neither is easy to pull off.

    I don't see any big Apple Car news for years. But search and Apple Tv should be this year.
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