Ousted HP CEO Carly Fiorina calls Apple's Tim Cook a hypocrite for stance on Indiana law



  • Reply 41 of 394
    brlawyerbrlawyer Posts: 828member

    Not that I am very warm on Mr Cook's recent political activism or the usual politically correct "enforced discrimination" (through quotas, affirmative action BS and the like); but one thing is true: she has always been a dangerous idiot.

  • Reply 42 of 394
    desuserigndesuserign Posts: 1,316member
    rogifan wrote: »
    Go Carly! Screw the haters.

    "Screw the haters?!"
    She is the hater.
  • Reply 43 of 394
    eightzero wrote: »
    Yes, please go, Carly. Note the "Ousted" title.

    This is something the Republic is now going to have to come to grips with. Using the words "fairness" and "tolerance" and "equality" in discussing religion is nonsensical. Religions, by definition, are all about unfairness, intolerance, and inequality. It is really shocking how little some people that profess to follow certain religions know about the tents of their own. The First Amendment to the US Constitution has specific protections to allow people to do this....in a very 18th century fashion. And it is now time to come to grips about the future of that.

    Don't forget that same constitution also acknowledged and permitted slavery. As do many current religions. 

    Right. Your "tolerance" is astounding, bravo.
  • Reply 44 of 394
    sog35 wrote: »
    Since when was Tim Cook a citizen of China or Saudi Arabia?  

    Regardless since when did Tim Cook stop selling Apple products in Indiana?

    Since when is Tim Cook a citizen of Indiana? This isn't fed law, or California law or Alabama law. The argument re:China & Saudi Arabia seems like a reasonable one to me.

    I'm not saying he should pull out of business in those countries, but why not write editorials in significant papers in those countries as well? It seems like he chose the venue for "taking a stand" in a place with little or no risk, which seems kind of sad. Aren't the best stands taken when we actually risk something?
  • Reply 45 of 394
    ENOUGH! I am a apple fan boy and proud of it. However I am a CHRISTIAN first and foremost. DO NOT make the mistake that everyone who quotes bible scripture at you (or other religious texts for that matter) speak for all people in their religion. In fact those that truly follow do considers other and are understanding as that is what JESUS ( in the case of Christians called us to do after loving our Heavenly Father was to love one another as ourselves). Basically put accept people are flawed as you yourself are and make allowances ('let grace prevail' is the Christian version). No it's not easy as this post shows, as I have probably been a bit hypocritical but I am not about to let people think everyone who is of faith is a radical, it's wrong and dangerous to allow that thought to pervade even though a few outspoken Athiests would like the world to believe it. I don't have to imagine what a world with out religion is going to be like as its happening already. People think they can do what they like as long as no one finds out. They become selfish, love is lost and the world decends into chaos. What ever your faith or lack of the word from Corinthians that the three strongest things are faith ( it can also be in people if you are not religious) , hope and love are not bad things to let rule your life. Love all that is good and run from all that is bad. You have to decide for yourself what is bad but taken in line with loving others as yourself it becomes pretty obvious when you think how you would feel in the other persons shoes.
  • Reply 46 of 394
    sog35 wrote: »
    Tim Cook has no political influence in China or India.  He would be wasting his time and could only hurt Apple by doing so.  Its all about risk vs reward.

    And he's also damaging Apple's reputation in the US. People don't always like excessively preachy companies.
  • Reply 47 of 394
    sog35 wrote: »
    Tim Cook has no political influence in China or India.  He would be wasting his time and could only hurt Apple by doing so.  Its all about risk vs reward.

    So now you've changed from a citizenship argument to political influence argument. Why didn't you just start with that? And who says he has no political influence in China? He's had meetings with the Chinese Premier and other high ranking officials. His company's contracts result in the employment of millions of Chinese people. He's an individual known worldwide. I'd say he would have an audience no matter what country he was speaking out in.
  • Reply 48 of 394
    Carly's opinion. Might as well post an article telling us Michael Spindler's opinion.
  • Reply 49 of 394
    sog35 wrote: »
    Company made the most profit in THE HISTORY OF MAN last quarter.  

    You have ZERO proof Cook is hurting Apple.  All proof points to the EXACT opposite.

    You're thinking short term. Business is a long-term game.
  • Reply 50 of 394
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member

    Originally Posted by Spanading View Post

     What ever your faith or lack of the word from Corinthians that the three strongest things are faith ( it can also be in people if you are not religious) , hope and love are not bad things to let rule your life. Love all that is good and run from all that is bad

    Religion that is illogical and prejudiced is perhaps the bad that some choose to run from.

  • Reply 51 of 394
    pennywsepennywse Posts: 155member
    Love how biased this article is written. At least we know what side of the tree AI falls out on. But my question is why doesn't Tim write about the stoning and killing of Gays in SA and the lack of rights for women? Cause it's all about the dollar, that's why. Don't care what spectrum you fall out on. It is hypocritical to opine for that law and stay silent on the human rights abuses in China and around the world.
  • Reply 52 of 394
    sog35 wrote: »
    If you really think Cook has political power in China then you are lost. good bye.

    Those were really strong counter points. Thanks for the constructive discussion.
  • Reply 53 of 394

    Originally Posted by netrox View Post

    There is no hypocrisy, idiot. Tim Cook did not boycott Indiana, he expressed his disapproval and said Apple is open to all.

    Carly conveniently ignored that to get her 15 seconds. If Apple had withdrawn from Indiana and Arkansas as she suggested, how many people would have been unemployed? Would she have found that acceptable? Or, would she have quipped some other nonsense? I vote she would have quipped some other nonsense.

  • Reply 54 of 394
    9secondko9secondko Posts: 929member

    Originally Posted by PaulMJohnson View Post


    If you want to live your life according to some made up [ curse word redacted as it's still my freedom to edit offensive language in this country] from 2000 years ago, fair play to you.  Don't assume to discriminate against people who don't.


    And thank you for giving the object lesson as to exactly WHY religious freedom protection laws are necessary.


    Because people like yourself don't understand why the Bible is believed to be accurate and you don't care. Therefore, you think it's all "a bunch of hooey." And therefore, you wouldn't care that Christians are FORCED to pay for abortion or rent a bed to a gay couple or hire a gay person as the pastor of their church, etc.


    The real error is taking the man and woman relationship in marriage ordained by God and saying "who cares." Shame on you for not being OK with me doing whatever I please - when the reality is that you do anyway. But the line is drawn when you now want to start stepping on the Bible and forcing your beliefs down Christians throats. 


    No laws force people to go to church, force you to hire Christians, etc. But here people choosing to disobey the Bible want power over those who live according to it.


    It needs to stop.


    I worked for HP when Fiorina was there. Didn't really care for her much then. But she is right here.


    Everything Apple does isn't right. But this isn't Apple. This is Tim.


    Steve stood for bettering peoples lives through the best products it could make.


    Tim does seem to be holding that same view.


    But he also seems to overlap that with his belief in making the world a gayer place.


    Hopefully he learns that he is already free to practice his lifestyle however shameful. But he doesn't have the right to trample on others beliefs in order to do so.


    Funny that he wants everyone to have to believe that "gay is OK." But since the Bible teaches it's not, he also much oppose it.


    So he is intolerant while spewing tolerance.


    Just go back to building the next iPad please.

  • Reply 55 of 394
    peteopeteo Posts: 402member
    Fun Fact: much of Paul's writings were his opinion.

    Carly would be a bad president, but in this case I do agree with the general point. Not to mention everyone made this law about Gays vs Christians when it wasn't focused on that at all. What happens if a black skinhead goes to a Jewish baker and demands a cake with some anti-Semitic slur on it? Without this law, he can sue for discrimination because "clearly he hates black people"

    Well, okay, without this law, IF we followed the Constitution they'd be fine, but since we don't follow it the law is needed.

    Fun fact all of it is BULL SH*t and who are you to tell me other wise. So its fine to discriminate for any reason you feel like? Awesome what a place to live in.
    We have laws because people abuse and construe the constitution to make it mean what ever they want it to mean. Just look back at history and see the horrible crap the people of this country have done to each other. If we don't make laws it will never stop.
    It you want to run a business in this country, you have to play by the rules, if the rules say you can't discriminate than so be it. If you don't like it go to some were else we can you preach your fantasies of love, while you practice hate. You are on the wrong side of history.
  • Reply 56 of 394
    sog35 wrote: »
    Prove your point. You said Cook has political power in China.  Prove it.  

    Cook has as much political power in China as the Samsung CEO has in the USA.  aka close to ZERO.

    I said no such thing. However I did give reasons why someone could believe that he might. Your comparison with Samsung is a total straw man argument. How many Americans does Samsung employ? What % of the USA's GDP does there business make up? Has their CEO met with our President? Is their CEO a globally known individual?
  • Reply 57 of 394
    sog35 wrote: »
    again show me proof that Cooks comments are hurting Apple short term OR long term......

    My proof is the 3 years Cook has been CEO the companies value has gone up HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS.

    Wheres your proof son?


    Sog, zealotry isn't admirable. Cook's been mouthing off for about six months. Performance up to now is irrelevant. Performance in
  • Reply 58 of 394
    palegolaspalegolas Posts: 1,361member
    Voicing concerns about your home turf is a good place to start. That's where you can make a difference, and inspire others. Not doing business in China because this and that, making an ultimatum... is not a way to inspire. It's more likely to start a serious conflict.
  • Reply 59 of 394
    peteo wrote: »
    Fun fact all of it is BULL SH*t and who are you to tell me other wise. So its fine to discriminate for any reason you feel like? Awesome what a place to live in.
    We have laws because people abuse and construe the constitution to make it mean what ever they want it to mean. Just look back at history and see the horrible crap the people of this country have done to each other. If we don't make laws it will never stop.
    It you want to run a business in this country, you have to play by the rules, if the rules say you can't discriminate than so be it. If you don't like it go to some were else we can you preach your fantasies of love, while you practice hate. You are on the wrong side of history.

    People discriminate daily. You discriminate when you choose not to associate with someone. You discriminate when you pick Chipotle over Chick-Fil-A. You discriminate in relationships-so what if the person you turned down was ugly, don't they have a RIGHT to have a relationship? How dare you discriminate like that!

    But I suspect this will fall on deaf ears.

    And the "wrong side of history" argument is just hilarious.
  • Reply 60 of 394
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    I don't know much about Carly Fiorina, and I have no opinion about her at the present time.


    What I do know, and I've said this before too, is that hypocrisy is a general trait that most liberals share.


    They're quick to criticize the USA, yet they are strangely and pathetically silent when it comes to far worse things happening globally.


    Somebody refuses to cater to a gay wedding? No pizzas for their wedding, what a shame, what a catastrophe.<img class=" src="http://forums-files.appleinsider.com/images/smilies//lol.gif" /> Who the hell orders pizza for their wedding anyway? :err:


    Countries executing gays? No problem, let's go there and visit, let's drum up some business with these wonderful and highly enlightened people.


    Why would Tim Cook even visit any barbaric countries where they execute people exactly like him? 


    If Apple is going to be all political and vocal, then they should not mince their words and they should not appear to be hypocritical.

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