Ousted HP CEO Carly Fiorina calls Apple's Tim Cook a hypocrite for stance on Indiana law



  • Reply 121 of 394
    spock1234spock1234 Posts: 163member
    Originally Posted by portcity View Post

    That so called "ancient script" is what guides morality for all humanity. For example, you wouldn't even know that murder was wrong if it were not stated in the Bible. So yes, Cook's statement was hypocritical because he is scared to say the samething in China and the Middle East.

    What a freaking moron!! Arrogance and idiocy are a bad combination. Culture and ethics existed long before this book of incoherent and self-contradictory stories was written. Judeo-Christian mythology is derivative and unoriginal. Only those raised in Christian cults think otherwise. 

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  • Reply 122 of 394
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post



    The shareholders would immediately sue him if he did speak out against China. I think he is smart enough to know that by carelessly harming Apple in criticizing China, he would be breaking the spirit of the law. Tim would rather not break the law.


    Romans 13:1-7 states, “Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God."

    That's my point. again....speaking up for a cause only when the conditions are favorable for you is not courage, and it is hypocritical to do so only when you won't face any kind of harm. There's no way around that, regardless of what the consequences are. 

    Secondly, you can't just take out one scripture and leave out the rest. Per the bible you are supposed to submit to governing bodies, but not once does it say that those governing bodies supersede God. You are to submit as long as the governing body isn't causing you to do things that are against God's own law. If you want proof, read the whole entire book of Daniel. God allowed the Jews to be taken into captivity by the Babylonians for disobedience to him. In Babylon Daniel and the 3 others submitted humbly to Nebuchadnezzer and served him well, but resisted worshipping him and his image as the rest of the Babylonians did, because of their devotion to God. When Nebuchadnezzer ordered Daniel and the others to be thrown in the furnace because they went against his law to worship his image, God saved them out of the furnace because of their faithfulness to him. I never try to bet preachy on AI, but you must understand that scripture has to be understood in the proper context. God did gave the jews into the hands of the Babylonians, but not so that the Babylonians could become their God. This story also shows that Daniel and the others were willing to forfeit their lives for their cause, that's how much it meant to them.

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  • Reply 123 of 394
    aaronjaaronj Posts: 1,595member

    Originally Posted by eightzero View Post

    There is a difference between doing business in a country with its own sovereignty; and speaking up as a citizen of a self-governing republic and commenting on its law making.

    Expecting Carly to make sense on any subject is simply expecting too much. :)

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  • Reply 124 of 394
    freediverxfreediverx Posts: 1,424member
    Originally Posted by sestewart View Post

    Amen, Sister!

    Romans 1, 16-32


    Right, because the ultimate guide to morality is a book in which slavery, polygamy, rape, and infanticide are A-OK, but oral sex and eating shellfish are frowned upon.


    Having said that, I do think Fiorina should follow the teachings of 1 Corinthians 14:34.

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  • Reply 125 of 394
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member

    Originally Posted by portcity View Post

    For example, you wouldn't even know that murder was wrong if it were not stated in the Bible. 


    The Code of Hammurabi made murder illegal and predates the Mosaic Laws.

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  • Reply 126 of 394
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member

    Originally Posted by FreeRange View Post

    It is people like yourself that are the problem in this world.


    I don't blame the stupid little people. I blame the elite of the world that create and sustain things that distract, confuse, manipulate, and otherwise ruin humanity.

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  • Reply 127 of 394
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member

    Originally Posted by freediverx View Post


     the ultimate guide to morality is a book in which slavery, polygamy, rape, and infanticide are A-OK, but oral sex and eating shellfish are frowned upon.

    Perfectly phrased, I may borrow that, thanks! :D

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  • Reply 128 of 394
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member

    Originally Posted by TechManMike View Post


    That's my point. again....speaking up for a cause only when the conditions are favorable for you is not courage, and it is hypocritical to do so only when you won't face any kind of harm. There's no way around that, regardless of what the consequences are. 

    You know what is hypocritical? Christians condemning Tim for not speaking out against China when they don't give a shit how oppressive China is as long as they can get all their "Made in China" merchandise.

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  • Reply 129 of 394
    freediverxfreediverx Posts: 1,424member

    Originally Posted by Mangy Dog View Post

    We should listen to Carly when she's proven herself to be 1/100th as competent as Tim Cook. She's nothing more than a failed CEO and a failed politician.


    Don't undersell her accomplishments... you forgot failed human being.

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  • Reply 130 of 394
    Whats the big deal! So sometimes $$$'s trumps principles! I mean Tims got to eat.

    Beside you all seem to be missing a main point; Tim is only saying he is worried that LGBTer's can be targeted for "discrimination" with this type of legislation. I hate to break it to all you 'he's a hypocrite' types, but they do NOT 'discriminate' in Saudi Arabia! In Saudi Arabia if your a gay they actually flog, lash, Hang and behead you. That is completely different than 'discrimination'! So get your facts straight people..

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  • Reply 131 of 394
    freediverxfreediverx Posts: 1,424member

    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    Go Carly! Screw the haters.


    Wow, I always thought you were a dick but now you've confirmed my suspicions.

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  • Reply 132 of 394

    Originally Posted by mstone View Post


    You know what is hypocritical? Christians condemning Tim for not speaking out against China when they don't give a shit how oppressive China is as long as they can get all their "Made in China" merchandise.

    I don't know that Christians do that, nor do I know that any Christians are condemning Tim. I'm certainly not. 

    I can't speak for everyone, I can only speak for myself. And as far as this issue goes, I'm only calling it like I see it. 

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  • Reply 133 of 394
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member

    Originally Posted by TechManMike View Post


    I don't know that Christians do that, nor do I know that any Christians are condemning Tim. I'm certainly not. 

    Carly is calling Tim a hypocrite but Christians and conservatives are merely giving her a thumbs up. Got it.

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  • Reply 134 of 394

    Originally Posted by TheWhiteFalcon View Post

    People discriminate daily. You discriminate when you choose not to associate with someone. You discriminate when you pick Chipotle over Chick-Fil-A. You discriminate in relationships-so what if the person you turned down was ugly, don't they have a RIGHT to have a relationship? How dare you discriminate like that!

    But I suspect this will fall on deaf ears.

    And the "wrong side of history" argument is just hilarious.

    Individual discrimination, while often deplorable, is your business and your right. You're being a jackass, but you have an inalienable God-given right to be a jackass some of the time. The good news is that form of being a jackass is dying as older generations go away and more enlightened kids take its place. Fear not, other forms of being a jackass will take its place.


    But when you open your store for business, saying "Come one, come all, come buy my products or hire me to provide my service!", using the secular economic to engage in your transactions and the secular legal system to ensure that you get paid and no one can break in and steal your products, you cannot say "but wait, I'm going to be religious with this one group and refuse them service". You get the advantages of the secular system, you treat all customers who are not a physical or economic threat to you equally. You hire employees based on their ability to do the job reliably and effectively, not attributes of who they are that do not interfere with their ability to do the job. In business, jackasses get sued and have their businesses shut down.

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  • Reply 135 of 394
    What would happen if the Westboro Baptist cult order a cake from a gay baker saying "I hate...." would the LGBT defend the gay bakers right to deny service? I would hope so.

    "This is a new American of tolerance, another vacuous word define by relativist whose only absolutes are the denial of any other reality except their own." Rivi Zachariah

    We live a new America where Judeo-Christian beliefs are considered hate speech by the elite left.
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  • Reply 136 of 394
    mr4jsmr4js Posts: 55member
    Tim Cook, CEO of the Year. Carly Fiorina, Looser. Tim Cook helped accelerate HP's race to the bottom.
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  • Reply 137 of 394
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    crowley wrote: »
    Perfectly phrased, I may borrow that, thanks! :D

    But don't forget to insert genocide, as when they invaded "the promised land" and did in the Canaanites, and again did in the worshippers of the Golden Calf, every man, woman and child.
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  • Reply 138 of 394

    Originally Posted by TechManMike View Post

    Secondly, you can't just take out one scripture and leave out the rest. Per the bible you are supposed to submit to governing bodies, but not once does it say that those governing bodies supersede God. You are to submit as long as the governing body isn't causing you to do things that are against God's own law. If you want proof, read the whole entire book of Daniel. God allowed the Jews to be taken into captivity by the Babylonians for disobedience to him. In Babylon Daniel and the 3 others submitted humbly to Nebuchadnezzer and served him well, but resisted worshipping him and his image as the rest of the Babylonians did, because of their devotion to God. When Nebuchadnezzer ordered Daniel and the others to be thrown in the furnace because they went against his law to worship his image, God saved them out of the furnace because of their faithfulness to him. I never try to bet preachy on AI, but you must understand that scripture has to be understood in the proper context. God did gave the jews into the hands of the Babylonians, but not so that the Babylonians could become their God. This story also shows that Daniel and the others were willing to forfeit their lives for their cause, that's how much it meant to them.


    If the law was saying "everyone must engage in the gay sex orgy after a wedding", you might have a point. But I don't think there's anything in the bible about "Thou shalt not take wheat and yeast and make confections for men who lie with each other". (There are parts that suggest what you should do is murder them, but I presume you're neither suggesting that is what the proverbial Christian Baker should do when a gay couple asks for a wedding cake nor that the baker escape any penalty if he were to do that.) (At least I really, really, really hope you're not suggesting that.) If you believe that gay sex is immoral, imperils your soul, or merely really really icky to think about, you should not engage in it. That does not justify discriminating against those who do not believe is is immoral nor imperils their soul nor find it at all icky to think about.

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  • Reply 139 of 394

    Originally Posted by mstone View Post


    Carly is calling Tim a hypocrite but Christians and conservatives are merely giving her a thumbs up. Got it.

    Tim IS being hypocritical, but it doesn't mean he's a horrible person for it. It's fallacy to imply that his hypocrisy only hinges on the hypocrisy of others. Could others also be engaging in hypocrisy? Yes, but that doesn't somehow mean that Tim isn't because they "are too." If what you say is true then everybody has their own moments, which I believe to be true myself. That's why i'm more in the the camp of just calling it for what it is, because everybody has moments when they shrink back from their true feelings out of fear of losing something. No condemnation from me, just calling it what it is.

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  • Reply 140 of 394
    gadgetdon wrote: »

    Individual discrimination, while often deplorable, is your business and your right. You're being a jackass, but you have an inalienable God-given right to be a jackass some of the time. The good news is that form of being a jackass is dying as older generations go away and more enlightened kids take its place. Fear not, other forms of being a jackass will take its place.

    But when you open your store for business, saying "Come one, come all, come buy my products or hire me to provide my service!", using the secular economic to engage in your transactions and the secular legal system to ensure that you get paid and no one can break in and steal your products, you cannot say "but wait, I'm going to be religious with this one group and refuse them service". You get the advantages of the secular system, you treat all customers who are not a physical or economic threat to you equally. You hire employees based on their ability to do the job reliably and effectively, not attributes of who they are that do not interfere with their ability to do the job. In business, jackasses get sued and have their businesses shut down.

    Legal system isn't secular, neither is the economic one for that matter. Been in court lately? You still swear on a Bible last I checked. And despite the efforts to remove the displays, the Ten Commandments largely form the basis of our laws.

    Businesses have the right to turn away customers. Heck, Tim does this all the time. He told people who wanted ROI to get out of the stock. Wasn't very tolerant of him, was it?
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