Apple sells blockbuster 61M iPhones, nets $13.6B profit in record March quarter



  • Reply 81 of 153
    fallenjtfallenjt Posts: 4,056member
    sog35 wrote: »
    so you still think this will only be $140 this year?
    the stock will continue to climb for 3-4 weeks from now until May 24-30 and then drop a little to around $128-$132 until next earning in July. I'll sell mine at $140 and will buy back in June.
  • Reply 82 of 153
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    plovell wrote: »
    iPad sales down -- DOOM imminent !!!!

    Yet they sell 3 times as many iPads as Macs! I still see great potential here for iPad and other iOS devices, Apple just needs to tweak the program a bit. One element of that tweaking is a more open iOS for iPads. To be perfectly frank, the locked down nature of iOS, while good for iPhone, isn't all that good for iPad. As such I really would like to see them open up the device some.

    How would they open it up?
    • Change over to a USB-C port. It makes good sense on the Mac Book and here on an iPad they could get away with one port with out the backlash.
    • Open up the port fro software developers os that there is no need to enroll in the Mifi program to hook up a micro controller.
    • Improved sensors. I'm talking about just about everything here but a good start would be the camera. Mind you while more pixels are always nice I want to see a more functional camera with real optical zoom!!!! Also GPS really needs to become a base feature without the need to go cellular.
  • Reply 83 of 153

    Originally Posted by Crowley View Post


    Never said it wasn't, but I was responding to a post complaining about a 1% bump in the share price in the past few hours on the basis of revenues that grew 27% over the past year.   Using a yearly measure to complain about an hourly fluctuation is silly.


    Your point wasn't clear from your post. The "yearly measure" is an accurate metric for Apple's amazing performance at this current time, so it is relevant. The "hourly fluctuation" is not some random time during the day, but the market's reaction to the news. So no, no one is writing a thesis on this data, but it's not silly to comment on what this suggests. And it seems clear that it suggests a bias against AAPL, for whatever reason.



    Originally Posted by Dr Millmoss View Post



    Excuse. Hmm. I seem to have the disadvantage of following more than the one stock. Every stock is its own story, but in the case of GOOG it has seriously unperformed for most of the last year. It also gave back most of that after-hours jump in the next few days. It is still a flatline story.


    AAPL has been gaining all week in anticipation of this earnings report, which came in as expected.


    AAPL is up 3.8% from one week ago, had a record breaking quarter, beat estimates, looks stronger than ever.

    GOOG is up 3.3% from one week ago, had a bad quarter, and further indications that growth will continue to decline.


    Opposite results, roughly the same outcome. How does that make sense to you?



    Originally Posted by Dr Millmoss View Post


    Stop making sense. The trees are a lot more fascinating than the forest.


    I'm happy that you guys agree with one another.

  • Reply 84 of 153
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    crowley wrote: »
    Kinda funny how when the iPad was launched the harbingers were saying that Apple were going to suffer as it cannibalised Mac sales, and now it's a bad thing that the exact opposite is happening.

    I'm not sure I se this the same way Cook does. I bought a Mac this year because i had too. The old one from early 2008 died and certainly wasn't worth getting fixed. Would I have preferred a new iPad, certainly but the iPad 3 I have now is still functional and while a bit slow isn't that bad yet. Currently I use the iPad and the Mac in ways different enough to justify having both around but I can't justify spending cash on both at this time.

    That isn't canniblization in my mind, it is rather a longer drawing out upgrade period for the iPad.
  • Reply 85 of 153
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    canukstorm wrote: »
    The iPad has had what, four or five straight quarters of YoY decline.  So in spite of Apple's record-breaking March quarter, iPad sales do remain a dark cloud in the overall numbers.

    They sell 3 times more of these than Macs. That is not a dark could at all. Could the numbers be better - possibly but we don't know where the market is going with tablets.
  • Reply 86 of 153
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    Originally Posted by PatchyThePirate View Post



    Your point wasn't clear from your post. The "yearly measure" is an accurate metric for Apple's amazing performance at this current time, so it is relevant. The "hourly fluctuation" is not some random time during the day, but the market's reaction to the news. So no, no one is writing a thesis on this data, but it's not silly to comment on what this suggests. And it seems clear that it suggests a bias against AAPL, for whatever reason.



    It suggests nothing of the sort.


    Before the results were announced, Apple's share price was up over 50% since this time last year.  Share prices are based on expectations.  Apple announced that revenue was up only 27% since this time last year.  And the share price went up another 1.5-2%. Where's the bias now?


    Perspective.  From Calvin Klein.

  • Reply 87 of 153
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    rogifan wrote: »
    Someone asked about Watch margins and why Apple expects them to be lower than company aggregate next quarter and Tim didn't really answer. Though he did say those BOM estimates that come out from iSuppli and others are nowhere near accurate.

    I would imagine that the electronics module is very expensive. Probably in the same range as a high end motherboard for the DIY computer crowd.
  • Reply 88 of 153
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    rogifan wrote: »
    Based on Cook's comments I have a feeling Apple is going to push iPad in the enterprise hard and future innovation may be geared towards enterprise/vertical markets. I think Apple has accepted that iPhone and Mac will continue to cannibalize iPad in the consumer space.

    I would hope that Cook grasps onto the idea that the iPad market is slightly different than the iPhone market. First; IPad doesn't server as a primary communications devices (cell phone) and as such doesn't need to be totally locked down. Second; the enterprise and even a good portion of the consumer market prefers standard ports, so I wouldn't be surprised to see a move to USB-C. Third; easy access to that port is important. With a little tweaking to the device and iOS I can see much wider adoption of iPad.
  • Reply 89 of 153
    fallenjtfallenjt Posts: 4,056member
    sog35 wrote: »
    stop looking at a single day.

    Look at AAPL the last 12 months vs GOOG, MSFT, and AMZN.

    Regardless this will see $140 in 10 days. Anyone with any experience in AAPL know it moves alot slower than smaller stocks like AMZN and stocks that have been getting crushed lately like MSFT and GOOG. Please remember that just a few weeks ago MSFT and GOOG were down YTD. So of course it will go up quicker than AAPL that has been up YTD already. And forget about AMZN. That stock goes up 15% a day but can also go down 15% in an hour.
    I strongly believe AAPL will hit all time high at around $145 3-4 weeks from now and stabilize at $135 for a while. If I want to invest more in Apple Stocks, I'll buy it at any price below $135.
  • Reply 90 of 153
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    brlawyer wrote: »
    My concern is real; if the iPhone's momentum is ever gone, we'll see Apple go down like a meteor - just like Nokia was once certain of its gigantic phone cash cow.

    So what about new Mac Pros?

    You can say that about a lot of companies. Googs with ads. Exxon with oil.

    You can't compare Nokia with Apple. What was nokia's best quarter?

    What about them? They are listed in Macs.
  • Reply 91 of 153
    iqatedoiqatedo Posts: 1,828member

    Wired is starting to 'get the iPhone'... at last.



    I contributed my 0.13 seconds to sales with a 6 Plus. No going back, smaller form factors feel deficient and yes, obviated my immediate need for a new iPad (still on mk 1). I believe that Apple will reinvigorate the iPad both in terms of size options and capability. An iOS version of mathematica (even just a shell) would be nice. :)

  • Reply 92 of 153
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    wizard69 wrote: »
    I would hope that Cook grasps onto the idea that the iPad market is slightly different than the iPhone market. First; IPad doesn't server as a primary communications devices (cell phone) and as such doesn't need to be totally locked down. Second; the enterprise and even a good portion of the consumer market prefers standard ports, so I wouldn't be surprised to see a move to USB-C. Third; easy access to that port is important. With a little tweaking to the device and iOS I can see much wider adoption of iPad.

    Wow so basically 2 years after introducing lightening to iPad they're going to replace it with USB C? I can imagine that pissing a lot of people off.
  • Reply 93 of 153
    idreyidrey Posts: 647member
    xixo wrote: »

    That is one sad picture :/
  • Reply 94 of 153

    Originally Posted by brlawyer View Post


    And 70% of their revenue now depends on the iPhone - good news?


    Just in case, think of it as Chile without the copper.

    Naysay much?


    Isn't it more accurate to think of it as Chile with the copper?

  • Reply 95 of 153
    ksecksec Posts: 1,569member

    Something i wanted to ask for a long time.


    Why do Apple paid such a high tax rate ( tax rate of 26.3 percent) ?


    And yet Google and Microsoft can get away with paying low tax.

  • Reply 96 of 153
    canukstormcanukstorm Posts: 2,732member
    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

    They sell 3 times more of these than Macs. That is not a dark could at all. Could the numbers be better - possibly but we don't know where the market is going with tablets.

    Sure, for now. But if that declining growth continues it won't be for long.  Besides, I agree with Rogifan that the iPad will find its place (or niche) in enterprise / vertical markets.  There have been many rumors of a 12.9" iPad. In light of the launch of the rMB, I wonder if that project will still go ahead.

  • Reply 97 of 153
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    canukstorm wrote: »
    .......declining growth........

  • Reply 98 of 153
    canukstormcanukstorm Posts: 2,732member

    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post


    What's not to understand.  If you look at iPad sales for the past 4 quarters and compare Year-over-Year growth of previous years' quarters, unit sales have been declining.

  • Reply 99 of 153
    canukstorm wrote: »
    What's not to understand.  If you look at iPad sales for the past 4 quarters and compare Year-over-Year growth of previous years' quarters, unit sales have been declining.

    Do we think iPad sales will ever decline to ZERO iPads a quarter?

    I doubt it... I think it will settle down somewhere.

    The funny thing is... the iPad is still a multi-billion dollar business... and will be for a while.

    And that's just unit sales... don't forget app sales, MFI licensing, etc. The iPad will still make a considerable amount of money for Apple... even if sales decline further.

    There are some companies who sell tablets at a loss. Has somebody delivered their bad news yet?
  • Reply 100 of 153
    hametahameta Posts: 79member
    I noticed that too. Absolutely ridiculous. We know that google has bought out congress and the white house, now it appears they're buying out wall street as well: Google chairman Eric [piece of] Schmidt invests in computer driven hedge fund. I don't think it's a coincidence that GOOG went up, despite a bad financial report and continued degradation of future earning potential.

    What Amazed Me MOST is that VILLAIN IMPOSED A TOTAL BLACKOUT ON NEWS out of ALL THE TECH-related MAGAZINES OF THE WORLD about A High-end Prostitute killing Google EXEC who Had Been in Charge of Production & Rollout of Google Glasses with A Heroin Overdose on His Luxury Yacht off Shore of Santa Cruz Harbour !
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