Slack CEO denigrates Apple's Siri in announcing work on own team-serving virtual assistant



  • Reply 41 of 135
    yoyo2222yoyo2222 Posts: 144member

    "CEO Stewart Butterfield on Monday revealed plans to invest in artificial intelligence with an eye on virtual assistant tech for work groups, while calling Apple's solution "nearly useless.""


    Hah! :D

  • Reply 42 of 135
    Originally Posted by cornchip View Post


    I didn't think it was talking about the eliminating the meetings themselves, but rather the act of setting up the meeting, something that takes like, three clicks right now. I'm not great at reading comprehension, nor am I a project manager, so what do I know. 

    Read the article. It gives an example where the Bot knows what people are working on and where they're stuck and who's out of the office. So you could query the bot for a status update, instead of having a status update meeting, playing e-mail tag, or worse yet have a meeting to realize the important people aren't there.


    Here's an example where Slack really works. We had a face-to-face meeting recently which we agreed on a list of tasks. The guy taking notes was supposed to assign us all the tasks in the project management system. Guess what never happened? Spent a half day trying to track down what I was supposed to do, because guess who was also out of the office? Slack integration lets you assign these tasks in the chat room, where everybody can see.

  • Reply 43 of 135

    I like Buttersmith. He has a...swagger about him. Reminds me of a few other CEO's in some ways
  • Reply 44 of 135
    satchmosatchmo Posts: 2,699member
    Just for that, Apple should poach that first data scientist away. :)
  • Reply 45 of 135
    chris_cachris_ca Posts: 2,543member

    Originally Posted by cali View Post


    When I see cocky companies like this I hope Apple buys them(If they're not bluffing). 

    Not bluffing about what?

    Having to "plans to invest in artificial intelligence with an eye on virtual assistant tech for work groups”?

    Why couldn't Apple invest without this company? Why does Apple need to buy a company with a vision of what they want to do (when said company can’t do it already)?

  • Reply 46 of 135
    cornchipcornchip Posts: 1,954member
    Originally Posted by konqerror View Post


    Read the article. It gives an example where the Bot knows what people are working on and where they're stuck and who's out of the office. So you could query the bot for a status update, instead of having a status update meeting, playing e-mail tag, or worse yet have a meeting to realize the important people aren't there.


    Here's an example where Slack really works. We had a face-to-face meeting recently which we agreed on a list of tasks. The guy taking notes was supposed to assign us all the tasks in the project management system. Guess what never happened? Spent a half day trying to track down what I was supposed to do, because guess who was also out of the office? Slack integration lets you assign these tasks in the chat room, where everybody can see.


    Right, sounds familiar. But still, we're talking about existing tech, not the rainbow-colored unicorn dung this guy's talking about. Still seems like a lot. Then again, I guess I'm a little jaded by working for a company which still does project management with static B&W Exel 2001 printouts. 

  • Reply 47 of 135
    Originally Posted by Chris_CA View Post


    Why couldn't Apple invest without this company? Why does Apple need to buy a company with a vision of what they want to do (when said company can’t do it already)?


    1. Apple's solution would require Macs. 95% of the corporations won't use. (It would have a web interface, but it would stink)

    2. Apple's solution wouldn't integrate with Active Directory and all that fun enterprise stuff companies use. It would need permanent logging, HIPAA compliance, cloud security certifications, etc. It would also need a SLA with compensation for outages.

    3. Has Apple ever sold a standalone non-hardware service to corporations?

    4. Apple's solution would never integrate with third-party services like Campfire, Yammer, Google Docs, etc. which is what Slack does.

  • Reply 48 of 135
    What a classless blowhard. Don't you just love a guy who wasn't in the fight telling you how he would've won had he been in it?

    Heh. Would you settle for a guy who isn't a CEO telling Tim Cook how he would've run Apple? Plenty of those around here. The naying and braying of barnyard animals.
  • Reply 49 of 135
    chris_cachris_ca Posts: 2,543member
    Originally Posted by konqerror View Post

    1. Apple's solution would require Macs. 95% of the corporations won't use. (It would have a web interface, but it would stink)

    2. Apple's solution wouldn't integrate with Active Directory and all that fun enterprise stuff companies use.

    3. Has Apple ever sold a standalone non-hardware service to corporations?

    4. Apple's solution would never integrate with third-party services like Campfire, Yammer, Google Docs, etc. which is what Slack does.

    You failed to follow the conversation.

    If Apple bought this company and pulled everything in & took over all the work, why would they then do any/all of the above?

  • Reply 50 of 135
    Originally Posted by Chris_CA View Post


    You failed to follow the conversation.

    If Apple bought this company and pulled everything in & took over all the work, why would they then do any/all of the above?

    Has Apple ever sold a purely business, purely non-hardware service before? That relies on heavy third party integration? Along with all the bits and pieces that enterprises require? Apple would destroy the company if they bought it.


    Now Microsoft could. Just look at Office 365: it already talks to Cortana. Only a matter of time before Cortana is smart enough to pull in data from Sharepoint, Exchange,Yammer and Skype for Business...

  • Reply 51 of 135
    chris_cachris_ca Posts: 2,543member

    Originally Posted by konqerror View Post

    Has Apple ever sold a purely business, purely non-hardware service before?

    I don’t care. It’s irrelevant to my posts.

  • Reply 52 of 135
    brakkenbrakken Posts: 687member
    Whatever they do, I really wish voice recognition would consult a basic grammar book. I can't imagine why Siri chooses to ignore basic subject-verb-object order, or even subject-verb agreement, when computing what was said.

    If an untrained ESL 'teacher' can figure it out, why can't Apple?
  • Reply 53 of 135
    Never heard of this company. From what I can tell its IRC on a phone using their cloud servers. BFD.
  • Reply 54 of 135

    Originally Posted by mike1 View Post


    I use Siri pretty often and it generally works very well. I do wish, however, it could stay localized on the phone when I don't need it to connect to the internet. For example, dictating a text or setting a reminder or playing a song that's already on my phone.

    I couldn't agree more with the localization. It doesn't need to be everything, but simple tasks seen in voice commands before Siri was introduced would be a nice start. I will admit though, Siri has come a long way and is way faster than when it was first introduced. 

  • Reply 55 of 135
    h2ph2p Posts: 335member
    Originally Posted by macinthe408 View Post

    ...Siri is really, really good at telling me what time it is. Anything else stumps the shit out of her.

    Come on - ridiculous comment... I did a voice text while driving home and got directions to a distant city so that I would know how many hours of driving vs. flying to the destination... hundreds of more examples


    ...and the Slack CEO's comments are a publicity play. Would his (potential) service be drawing attention without pronouncements like these?

  • Reply 56 of 135
    Hey, Buttermaker, good luck with that.
  • Reply 57 of 135
    b9botb9bot Posts: 238member

    I've used Siri many times and it can get you directions to places, tell you what song you are listening to, find the nearest restaurants, and much more including taking notes, reminders, add a calendar event. Slack is useless.


  • Reply 58 of 135
    analogjackanalogjack Posts: 1,073member

     system more akin to the advanced AI portrayed by actress Scarlett Johansson in Spike Jonze's movie "Her"


    Ok Siri can always be better but statements like the one above belie a complete dissociation with reality.

  • Reply 59 of 135

    People fail to be cognizant of the fact that Siri isn't just the thing you talk to when you mash the home button. Siri is behind the deep search in mail, in the returning left-of-home search panel, in spotlight, and further integration with native applications (and 3rd party apps as well) with a granularity that hasn't been talked about much.

    The talking Siri does have it's issues. It works better in large metros than small towns. Having moved from Dallas TX to St. George UT I swear I thought my damn handset grew another chromosome. But Butterednuts doesn't know about what the non-voice part of Siri does, and it would seem not very many others do here, if we take into context what the majority of the comments in this thread refer to: Siri voice commands.

    I'm not sure why more people who have been on the developer beta don't write more about the text based input of Siri. It's actually quite surprising, the level of depth that Siri spot search performs, mail searches, contacts etc.

    This is probably the reason why people...including Butyfeel have the perception that Siri is 'that voice thing' part of iOS.
  • Reply 60 of 135
    fallenjtfallenjt Posts: 4,056member
    ONe thing I realize Siri voice recognition sucks vs Google Voice. I asked it to Play the song for my 2 year old "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes" it sometimes wrote "hat", "hed", "hess" instead od "head" and says: "sorry, I couldn't find this song in your database"...Google Voice, it corrected the discrepancy to correct title "Head" every time...this is just one of so many exaMples...
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