Hands on: iPad Pro with Apple Pencil



  • Reply 101 of 247
    "There's no series of buttons to learn or button chording to master, as the iPad Pro user interface is all presented by the current app on the screen. There's also no button on Apple Pencil to launch a specific first party app. That, along with setup and charging, makes it a lot easier to use than the Surface Pen."

    Who on earth writes these articles?! This article is seriously saying the apple pencil is better than the surface and note pens with the most half assed arguments ever. :no:
  • Reply 102 of 247
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    For me this iPad Pro is all about the software. Apple better have a dedicated developer relations team working with and courting developers for this device. I think Apple really needs to offer paid trials in the App Store. It's quite sad that people will spend $$$ on a device but then balk at paying more than $0.99 or $1.99 for an app.
  • Reply 103 of 247
    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post


    Since it's an accessory that many people won't even buy, no, there isn't a built in storage location, nor should there be. 


    I'm sure there will be a plethora of 3rd party cases available with inbuilt storage facilities for accs like the Apple pencil -just like there should be.
  • Reply 104 of 247
    solipsismy wrote: »
    I don't interact with Adobe much. I thought their demo was amazing (I don't think Apple could have made that SW), and I recently had to learn InDesign for a project and found it extremely versatile. Anything I wanted to do was surprisingly possible with a little thinking or a quick search for a website or YouTube video.
    Since it can determine the angle, I would assume it has an accelerometer in there. Could it not then know when it's inverted and moving over the screen, or would that need more than a capped end with no sensors to do that right?

    No doubt.

    But without the benefit of knowing exactly how the hardware and software are communicating or where the gyro is positioned relative to the tip of the pencil, I'd imagine precision could suffer unless the whole thing was designed to be agnostic in terms of where the pointy end of the pencil is.

    If it's neutral, then they can implement it at the OS LEVEL.

    and then it would truly feel completely natural and have a distinct advantage over competing pen I put methods.
  • Reply 105 of 247
    9secondko wrote: »
    No doubt.

    But without the benefit of knowing exactly how the hardware and software are communicating or where the gyro is positioned relative to the tip of the pencil, I'd imagine precision could suffer unless the whole thing was designed to be agnostic in terms of where the pointy end of the pencil is.

    If it's neutral, then they can implement it at the OS LEVEL.

    and then it would truly feel completely natural and have a distinct advantage over competing pen I put methods.

    But I'm guessing a separate sensor would be of benefit to precision.

    Maybe pencil 2.0

    I'm already chomping at the but for the iPad Pro.

    I e never really been an iPad fan. I am now.

    Been looking into Wacom drawing tablets.

    But with this, there is no need.

    Plus you get this king of tablets on top of everything.
  • Reply 106 of 247
    Originally Posted by SolipsismY View Post

    Originally Posted by PScooter63 View Post

    Not to beat this particular subtopic into the ground, but are you suggesting that, while connected and charging, the two devices together might not rest uniformly on a flat surface?

    I haven't suggested anything about its thickness, and Apple's website doesn't have specs. My guess is that it's probably as thick or slightly thinner than the iPad Pro. But why assume both devices would be resting on a flat surface, as opposed to, say, the iPad Pro on a desk and Pencil plugged but hanging off the end.

    Originally Posted by EricTheHalfBee View Post

    Are we sure the ONLY way to charge the pencil is plugging into the iPad? That seems more like an emergency thing when you're on the road or lose power in the middle of working.

    I wonder if Apple will include a cable or adaptor that lets you charge the pencil like your iPhone. Like a desktop dock/stand that also charges.

    Apple is typically really good about showing the common way they want/expect you use something, even charging, so I'm going to say the Pencil is it. Plus, an included dongle would just look inelegant, even if it slightly more safe for that 1 in a billion accident.

    Funny. Because when I first saw the demo, I thought: "long pencil sticking out of the bottom of an iPad by a little tab? That's pretty inelegant for Apple".

    In any case, if Apple doesn't provide, I am sure there will be plenty of 3rd party docks, dongles, chargers, etc.

  • Reply 107 of 247
    cali wrote: »

    I loved the part where Microsoft waved the white flag xD
    I was hoping Phil Schiller said "you can see there's more in the iPad Pro than you see on the surface" as MS walked off stage. Then I figured the pun wouldn't been classy considering Microsoft's appearance.

    It would of been less than classy. It would a asshole move to do. Apple is better than that.
  • Reply 108 of 247
    I'll be interested to see if the Pencil technology makes its way to the smaller iPads in the next few years. It's a neat little gadget I'd very happily drop a benji on, but unfortunately the larger iPad Pro doesn't fit my use cases at the moment.
  • Reply 109 of 247
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    bobschlob wrote: »

    Funny. Because when I first saw the demo, I thought: "long pencil sticking out of the bottom of an iPad by a little tab? That's pretty inelegant for Apple".
    In any case, if Apple doesn't provide, I am sure there will be plenty of 3rd party docks, dongles, chargers, etc.

    According to Ars Technical the Pencil comes with a dongle. Considering Apple says the Pencil lasts 12 hours on a charge and it appears to charge very quickly my guess is people aren't going to be spending a lot of time charging the thing.
  • Reply 110 of 247
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    welshdog wrote: »

    Fun Fact: In my experience pen & tablet input devices don't cause carpal tunnel syndrome.
    Carpal tunnel is a psycho somatic condition.
  • Reply 111 of 247
    Originally Posted by Glasses Man View Post

    Laughing as the Microsoft Surface is smacking down this...maybe this is Apple's idea of the GarageBand Pro...total bullshit having no removable media support coupled with locked-down file managment. TOTAL SHIT...Apple Wake Up, i think people are getting sick of the Apple way of pissy little improvments, a closed file managment system and overpriced stuff that underperforms. It is a shmae to think I have been waiting for this ipad pro for this long and it underwhelms...it is just a big ipad air...NOTHING PRO ABOUT IT. Microsoft Surface Pro IS a computer, it IS set to replace the desktop/laptop paradigm and is already doing so. Microsoft is acknowledging and addressing the pro audio segment...it isn't without hickups but they have made huge strides.

    As for apple's ipad pro: would it have hurt someone's ego to have included a removable media slot? would it have hurt someone's ego to throw on a usb port or two in any flavor of the day, think usb c? that maybe would granted it the title of "pro" but a bigger retina screen with a $100 pencil...maybe iPad Sucker is a more appropriate title.

    my days as a dyed-in-wool apple loyalist may be coming to an end...NEVER thought i'd even humor the thought...maybe i will just be diversifying my platforms in the near future

    this concludes my DIATRIBE

    The Surface is tractionless, unfortunately.


    All Apple had to do was do it a little better, smack their logo on it, and BOOM... Microsoft is pushed even further back into the Wndows/Office rehash corner. 


    It was inevitable, the moment Apple decided to do an iPad Pro. Apple is essentially pulling the rug out from under a duck that was already dead. 


    Microsoft doesn't even care about their devices. As a "services" company they've shifted to servicing the competition with software. 

  • Reply 112 of 247

    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    For me this iPad Pro is all about the software. Apple better have a dedicated developer relations team working with and courting developers for this device. I think Apple really needs to offer paid trials in the App Store. It's quite sad that people will spend $$$ on a device but then balk at paying more than $0.99 or $1.99 for an app.

    This is all to true and one of my pet peeves. These apps, even at $10, are a steal. How quickly people forget the days of $40 to $70 applications purchased in box stores; and those were the cheap ones. It's ridiculous.

  • Reply 113 of 247
    matrix07matrix07 Posts: 1,993member

    Originally Posted by 9secondko View Post

    It would be great if the Pencil had a sensor that let the iPad know when the eraser side was touching the screen. Instead of selecting the eraser tool in software. It would be like drawing and erasing with a real pencil. I actually thought it had this function until I saw the opposite end of the pencil tip was just a plug to power it up.

    What a waste.

    Would really cause the Pencil name to be meaningful.


    For eraser, using your finger would actually be more convenient. You're just drawing and when you don't like what you draw, just touch the eraser button and erase with your middle finger and continue your drawing without a need to re-position your Pencil. Of course I hope the app would present this eraser button outstandingly.

  • Reply 114 of 247
    gqbgqb Posts: 1,934member
    Originally Posted by tjwolf View Post

    Does anyone know whether Apple has included a storage location for the pencil? Looking at the iPad Pro pictures, I don't see one. On the foldable keyboard accessory perhaps? Would be a shame to lose a $100 "pencil" :-(

    I have several $100+ (way +) fountain pens. It would be a shame to lose them as well.

    Just part of being grown up and taking care of your stuff.

  • Reply 115 of 247
    ireland wrote: »
    Carpal tunnel is a psycho somatic condition.
  • Reply 116 of 247
    Alas, this new release has helped me realize just what bothers me about iPads, particularly the larger ones such as my iPad 3 and the new iPad Pro.

    They're not like desktops or laptops, which are designed to be placed on tables. They're not like smartphones, which fit (most of them) in a hand. No, there's nothing inherent in their design that makes them safe to handle. A few cases have a simple handle into which you can slide your hand. Most don't. Someone needs to address this problem with a really clever case with a handle that is actually functional.

    Something similar is true with the Apple Pencil. Someone needs to market a short male-to-female extension cable, so it doesn't stick out dangerously. It might also include a USB connector, so we could use the large batteries in iPads to charge other devices.

    We're touching on one of my chronic gripes with Apple. The company doesn't understand the lives most of us lead. Not only are Apple's non-retail employees paid well, when something they own that Apple makes breaks, they can replace it for free or at a discount. The result is a host of products that are easily damaged but difficult to repair, particularly their laptops. Most irritating.
  • Reply 117 of 247

    "Over 20 years ago in 1994, Apple released its first Newton Message Pad, coining the term "Personal Digital Assistant" and introducing a pen-oriented user interface into the mainstream. Microsoft followed up with various Pen-oriented add-ons for Windows, and Newton was largely overshadowed by a much cheaper, simpler pen PDA from Palm."


    Back in the day when I owned my first Apple II, Apple introduced its first "Apple Graphics Tablet" (1979, http://www.computerworld.com/article/2519943/apple-mac/face-off--1979-apple-graphics-tablet-vs--2010-apple-ipad.html )

    It cost about half as much as a new Apple II, but I scooped one up (about half a month's salary for me at the time) to help with digital input of geologic cross sections.  This was Apple's first use of a digitizer pen.


    We've come a long, long ways....

  • Reply 118 of 247
    nolamacguy wrote: »
    why? if you're charging the pencil, then you're not using the iPad. that means it's sitting on a table.

    How did you conclude that when you're charging your Pencil you would never have a need for using the iPad Pro? That seems like a ridiculous assertion.

    Why wouldn't I ever want to charge Pencil on the move between different clients, offices, and/or buildings. The iPad Pro is already huge and to charge on the go via the iPad Pro you'd say is a perfectly safe time to charge Pencil?
    why on earth would you lay it down so the plugged in pencil is sticking out? I simply can't imagine being that careless with my tools.

    That's how it was designed, hence the initial reactions that is seems inelegant. You have no choice but to have Pencil sticking out when it's charging.

    Personally, if I'm using the iPad Pro on my lap where I move around a lot, but need to charge Pencil but don't want to stop what I'm doing, I'll probably just pull out my iPhone to charge it, assuming that will work. That is much easier to pick up and move around with a stylus precariously sticking out of it.
  • Reply 119 of 247
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    ^ it'll be like an iPhone lollipop!
  • Reply 120 of 247
    jfc1138jfc1138 Posts: 3,090member

    Originally Posted by SolipsismY View Post

    If that's what people need to make sure they don't break their Pencil or iPad Pro port then I say go for it as it's better to be safe than sorry when it comes to CE, but I still contend the chances are pretty slime.

    Probably depends a bit on how crowded the work surface is.

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