Google Pixel revealed by resellers, shows remarkable similarity to iPhone design

in General Discussion
While Google would have liked preferred the details remain secret until Tuesday's announcement, assorted retailers have leaked specifics about Google's new phone line -- the "Google Pixel."

UK Retailer Carphone Warehouse listed the "Pixel" and "Pixel XL" for a brief time early Monday, and noted that both models use a Snapdragon 821 CPU with storage capacities of 32 GB and 128 GB. The two models are allegedly produced by HTC, and look remarkably similar to the iPhone.

Both models are said to ship with Android 7.1 Nougat, which is as of yet, not released. Other rumored specs are 4GB of RAM, a 12 MP rear camera with 8 MP front camera, a fingerprint sensor, and a USB Type C port.

The "Pixel" allegedly has a 5-inch AMOLED screen, running at 1080p, with the 5.5-inch "Pixel XL" also having an AMOLED display, but running at 2560x1440.

Reportedly, the "Pixel" starts at $649, with no pricing listed for the "Pixel XL."

Google's release event for the "Pixel" and other devices is Tuesday, Oct. 4, at 9 a.m. Pacific time (noon Eastern).



  • Reply 1 of 84
    sheer number of screens required might have something to do with it. iPhones sell a hundred/thousand? times more than a Pixel
    sockrolidbaconstangmike1levijahbladejbdragonnapoleon_phoneapartcalibigkevin kee
  • Reply 2 of 84
    sockrolidsockrolid Posts: 2,789member
    sog35 said:
    I'm curious why all these POS brands can release super HD OLED screens and Apple can't?
    Because Apple cares about quality.
    andrewj5790fastasleepjahbladejbdragonboopthesnootbiglostkiwikevin keeSolidreyfus2
  • Reply 3 of 84
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    $64,000.00 question... will it have a headphone jack? In related news about it looking like an iPhone, if true, this just confirms the iPhone design is THE reference design for smartphones. That iconic chart of what smartphones looked like before the iPhone and what they looked like after the iPhone rings as true to day as it did years ago. Others sit back and wait for Apple to set the standard then follow. 

    "As a consumer I was blown away. I wanted one immediately. But as a Google engineer, I thought ‘We’re going to have to start over.’”

    Suck on it Google.
    sockrolidjbdragoncalibiglostkiwikevin keewaverboyxiamenbillwatto_cobraargonaut
  • Reply 4 of 84
    sockrolidsockrolid Posts: 2,789member
    Google's release event for the "Pixel" and other devices is Tuesday, Oct. 4, at 9 a.m. Pacific time (noon Eastern).
    <crickets> ...
  • Reply 5 of 84
    baconstangbaconstang Posts: 1,140member
    " and look remarkably similar to the iPhone."
    My o my.  What a coincidence!
  • Reply 6 of 84
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    sog35 said:
    I'm curious why all these POS brands can release super HD OLED screens and Apple can't?
    Because there is no supplier who can meet Apple’s quantity demands at this time. The other so-called flagship phones combined don’t equal the demand for the iPhone. Suppliers simply cannot make enough OLED screens for Apple.
  • Reply 7 of 84
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,121member
    lkrupp said:
    $64,000.00 question... will it have a headphone jack? In related news about it looking like an iPhone, if true, this just confirms the iPhone design is THE reference design for smartphones. That iconic chart of what smartphones looked like before the iPhone and what they looked like after the iPhone rings as true to day as it did years ago. Others sit back and wait for Apple to set the standard then follow. 

    "As a consumer I was blown away. I wanted one immediately. But as a Google engineer, I thought ‘We’re going to have to start over.’”

    Suck on it Google.
    Doesn't matter.  They typical Phandroid will purposely look-away from facts and just claim the typical "can't patent a rectangle with rounded corners" whine.  Just goes to show the hypocrisy of what they say.

  • Reply 8 of 84
    Uhh no. There are more OLEDs on phones in circulation than iPhones. Apple makes their money using old technology which can be purchased for cheap, then optimizing their software to run on these cheap machines that sell at a premium. HTC and Apple signed an agreement, which allows for the companies to copy each other, which is why so may iPhones have been adopting HTCs look. I just hope the new phone comes with HTCs DAC, which offers the best sound quality of any phone on the market. While iOS is more efficient on cheaper machines, I still gravitate to Android for its Customizability, versatility, and flexibility. I also don't like the idea of being trapped in an ecosystem, people should be allowed to chose default apps, and not have them chosen for them. I do hope that Apple learns that people are different, think different, and not just a bunch of lemmings.
    edited October 2016 freshmakercropr
  • Reply 9 of 84
    Dat Bezel... they should just call it Google Bezel.
  • Reply 10 of 84
    boredumbboredumb Posts: 1,418member
    Actually,it looks a lot like a Samsung phone...
    Oh, wait...

    Go Googsung!!!
    edited October 2016 bigh2pwatto_cobra
  • Reply 11 of 84
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    Uhh no. There are more OLEDs on phones in circulation than iPhones. Apple makes their money using old technology which can be purchased for cheap, then optimizing their software to run on these cheap machines that sell at a premium. HTC and Apple signed an agreement, which allows for the companies to copy each other, which is why so may iPhones have been adopting HTCs look. I just hope the new phone comes with HTCs DAC, which offers the best sound quality of any phone on the market. While iOS is more efficient on cheaper machines, I still gravitate to Android for its Customizability, versatility, and flexibility. I also don't like the idea of being trapped in an ecosystem, people should be allowed to chose default apps, and not have them chosen for them. I do hope that Apple learns that people are different, think different, and not just a bunch of lemmings.
    sflocal said:

    Doesn't matter.  They typical Phandroid will purposely look-away from facts and just claim the typical "can't patent a rectangle with rounded corners" whine.  Just goes to show the hypocrisy of what they say.

    And right on cue a Phandroid wriggles out of the woodwork. Man you are good @sflocal ;
    jbdragonericthehalfbeetmaybigcalikevin keegilly017watto_cobraButidonttweetargonaut
  • Reply 12 of 84
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member
    Wait. it is only 32 and 128GB storage, was Google showing ads targets at Apple user about not have enough storage on the phone so you needed google photos to store all your photos for you. Yeah google can not even be a good follower.
  • Reply 13 of 84
    Cornholieo, that agreement specifically does not allow HTC to copy/rip-off the iPhone's look: "it's specified that Apple's design patents and trade dress are still off limits to HTC"
    bigcaliai46ration alh2pwatto_cobralolliver
  • Reply 14 of 84
    baconstangbaconstang Posts: 1,140member
    In the Newsweek article, one photo seems to show what might be a 3.5mm jack. 
    caliration al
  • Reply 15 of 84
    baconstangbaconstang Posts: 1,140member
    Why is the timestamp on these posts 6-7 minutes ahead of realtime?
    edited October 2016
  • Reply 16 of 84
    wood1208wood1208 Posts: 2,920member
    Uhh no. There are more OLEDs on phones in circulation than iPhones. Apple makes their money using old technology which can be purchased for cheap, then optimizing their software to run on these cheap machines that sell at a premium. HTC and Apple signed an agreement, which allows for the companies to copy each other, which is why so may iPhones have been adopting HTCs look. I just hope the new phone comes with HTCs DAC, which offers the best sound quality of any phone on the market. While iOS is more efficient on cheaper machines, I still gravitate to Android for its Customizability, versatility, and flexibility. I also don't like the idea of being trapped in an ecosystem, people should be allowed to chose default apps, and not have them chosen for them. I do hope that Apple learns that people are different, think different, and not just a bunch of lemmings.
    Didn't know it is acceptable for some people to write comments under weed/drug influence.
  • Reply 17 of 84
    I'm guessing this will be a very cheap phone. Those massive bezels without even a home button there? Otherwise it'll have to have an amazing camera on it else it's dead in the water. Google has to compete with OnePlus for price or Samsung for design/camera
  • Reply 18 of 84
    wood1208wood1208 Posts: 2,920member
    We all know HTC has some agreement with Apple for cross licensing tech. Obviously, HTC will copy Apple's iPhone to please Google funding HTC ship to stay float building Pixel phones which somehow Google thinks can compete with iPhone which ain't going to happen. Currently I use android LG optimus but there is no other smartphone like iPhones and my 4 family members can vouch for., If Google or HTC does not make Pixel phones way cheaper(even needs to subsidized) than consider Pixel phones are DOA. Plenty android phones available with same or better spec and cheaper.
    edited October 2016 caligilly017
  • Reply 19 of 84
    Why no 2K screens on 4.7 inch phones? Oh I don't know, maybe because I won't actually make your penis bigger like you seem to think it will. The iPhone's screen is more and more colour accurate each year, and it's as sharp as anyone's eyes need at a reasonable distance. This also means that the processor and GPU aren't wasting power rendering more detail than you can perceive.
    baconstangcalibigtallest skilHabi_tweetwatto_cobrajkichlineargonaut
  • Reply 20 of 84
    Uhh no. There are more OLEDs on phones in circulation than iPhones. Apple makes their money using old technology which can be purchased for cheap, then optimizing their software to run on these cheap machines that sell at a premium. HTC and Apple signed an agreement, which allows for the companies to copy each other, which is why so may iPhones have been adopting HTCs look. I just hope the new phone comes with HTCs DAC, which offers the best sound quality of any phone on the market. While iOS is more efficient on cheaper machines, I still gravitate to Android for its Customizability, versatility, and flexibility. I also don't like the idea of being trapped in an ecosystem, people should be allowed to chose default apps, and not have them chosen for them. I do hope that Apple learns that people are different, think different, and not just a bunch of lemmings.
    So there's a pretty standard collection of meme's in that, but what the heck, I'll feed the troll:

    1. Apple's IPS displays are't cheap & old tech. They routinely out-perform OLED in terms of colour range and correctness. That is kind of handy if you are shooting and editing photos on the camera. Third party supply chain analysis and third party screen analysis confirms this. 

    2. Yes they are lower resolution than some Android phones. Problem is, they are already higher resolution than what most of the population can see at normal phone viewing distances. So going to a 4K screen mostly makes no difference except slower graphics (as the GPU is overloaded) , and the need for a bigger battery (due to the power drain). The one area where having a 4K screen does help is VR, , which right now is a very niche use-case (but it is important for a small fraction of users).

    3. The chase screen size spec -> bigger battery -> bigger phone is a massive driver in many Android designs. Even high end Android phones might not be able to drive their screen at more than 15-20 FPS, whereas iPhones are in 60+. Because the Android vendors cheaped out on GPU.

    4. Despite throwing 8 core CPU at the problem, Android phones still lag iPhone in CPU performance - even though A series CPU are usually 2 or 4 core. And that doesn't factor in that Apple ships GPU that crush virtually everything else on the market, AND makes it easy for the developer to use the GPU for general purpose computation  in conjunction with the CPU.

    5. Apple believes that vertically integrated is a necessity, not a choice, so it's always going to be a walled garden of some sort.

    6. The great thing about Android is choice. Or more correctly, the appearance of choice. Android is so diverse, anything you want to say about it it, is both true and false at the same time. 

    7. There is one thing you can't choose with mainstream Android, and that's the product. Why ? Because the product is you. There are Android forks that don't treat the user as the product but they are without Google, and eitherr very expensive e.g. Boeing Blackphone, or borderline going out of business eg Silent Circle.

    8. In most cases, the real customization & versatility comes from the Apps you run, not tweaking the user interface. There are't really equivalents to things like HealthKit, ResearchKit and CareKit on Android for example. Very frequently , if an App exists on both iOS, and Android, it has greater functionality on iOS. The value in being able to tinker, where Android is usually easier, applies to a much narrower slice of the population. 

    9. Apple's Accessibility features are market leading, and vastly ahead of a Android.

    if you can park the malware & privacy issues , and it works for you, then that's great. But the popularity of Android isn't driven by what it can do for the user. It's driven by what it can do for carriers, advertising companies , and handset vendors, at the expense of the user.

    I'll stop channeling DED now.
    Rayz2016tmayroundaboutnowcalibigai46prolineration aldoctor davidtryd
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