Apple invites press to Sept. 12 event at Apple Park's Steve Jobs Theater for 'iPhone 8'



  • Reply 221 of 449
    Soli said:
    Why would you even assume Apple would move forward without permits? If any company is going to get permits it's going to be Apple.
    In honor of Steve Jobs, maybe?  ;)

  • Reply 222 of 449
    iPhone 7s
    iPhone 7s Plus
    iPhone Pro
    Apple TV (5th generation)
    AW3 (Cellular)
    All aboard!
    edited September 2017
  • Reply 223 of 449
    Soli said:
    Why would you even assume Apple would move forward without permits? If any company is going to get permits it's going to be Apple.
    In honor of Steve Jobs, maybe?  ;)

    A touching tribute.
  • Reply 224 of 449
    SoliSoli Posts: 10,038member
    Soli said:
    Soli said:
    realistic said:
    You do realize there are very severe penalties involved if any building/venue is opened without official permits in place. Do you always request evidence that a new venue has the proper permits in place before going there?
    1) Yes, I always like to have information over not having it. For example, Apple Park required plans to be built and I've enjoyed looking at those plans as far back as when Jobs made his appeal to the city of Cupertino. If you didn't once look at any of those documents I'll be fucking surprised since even cropped images have been floating around since they were first posted.

    2) How the fuck did you infer any information about my attendance of Steve Jobs Theater because I inquired about the online availability of the certificate of occupancy?
    What is your purpose in asking whether they have their city inspections & certificates of occupancy in place? Do you really think they're moving forward without them, in effect skirting the law? Why? What possible reason is there to raise doubt about this? It just smacks of oddball FUD dispensing. I'm struggling to understand the reasoning of the query.
    Why would you even assume Apple would move forward without permits? If any company is going to get permits it's going to be Apple.
    Yeah, which is exactly why we're all wondering why you're wondering if they have their licenses and permits in order. 
    You need to execute better reading comprehension. I neither questioned nor suggested anything would not be “in order.” In fact, I started my comment off with a very plain statement: “This means the facility will have passed inspection.” Then I inquired if this document could lead to additional details about the mostly secret Steve Jobs Theater that we may not yet be privy to.

    I know you looked at the architectural plans for Apple Park. Does that mean you thought they messed up on the design or should I assume you were you simply curious about this massive new structure?

    Did you look at the plans Apple sends case makers for iPhone and iPad designs because you doubt Apple’s competency in HW design or because they tell you something about upcoming Apple products?

    I know you read stories about the HomePod firmware, but I assume you found the mined information interesting, not becuase you think Apple is bad at programming or is stealing code.
    edited September 2017 wonkothesanerandominternetperson
  • Reply 225 of 449
    iPhone SE - 32 GB - $399, 128 GB - $499

    iPhone 7 - 32 GB - $549, 128 GB - $649

    iPhone 7 Plus - 32 GB - $669, 128 GB - $769

    iPhone 8 - 32 GB - $649, 128 GB - $749, 256 GB - $849

    iPhone 8 Plus - 32 GB - $769, 128 GB - $869, 256 GB - $969

    iPhone Edition - 64 GB - $999, 256 GB - $1,099, 512 GB - $1,299

    Sounds about right for the configurations.  Pricing another story.
  • Reply 226 of 449
    Soli said:
    Why would you even assume Apple would move forward without permits? If any company is going to get permits it's going to be Apple.
    In honor of Steve Jobs, maybe?  ;)

    Is there a hanging handicap placard under visor?
    edited September 2017
  • Reply 227 of 449
    SoliSoli Posts: 10,038member
    Soli said:
    Why would you even assume Apple would move forward without permits? If any company is going to get permits it's going to be Apple.
    In honor of Steve Jobs, maybe?  ;)

    😂 Touché. 

    In all fairness, that’s a Jobs thing over an Apple thing. Parking in the handicap space is disclose, but not putting his license plate on his car I can understand.

    I assume he had one or two stolen before he finally said “fuck it.” About 5 years ago in CA I bought a new car and it took about 6 months before I finally received my plate in the mail. It wasn’t a custom plate in any way. During that time all I had was a tiny folded piece of paper in the lower right corner of my windshield. No office could read that I and I never had a problem. The last car I purchased probably took less than a month.
    edited September 2017
  • Reply 228 of 449
    SoliSoli Posts: 10,038member
    macseeker said:
    Soli said:
    Why would you even assume Apple would move forward without permits? If any company is going to get permits it's going to be Apple.
    In honor of Steve Jobs, maybe?  ;)

    Is there a hanging handicap placard under visor?
    At that point, I doubt it. He was notorious for parking in a handicap spot at One Infinite Loop, but I’m guessing that it was simply to be a dick but because the legal requirement was simply far too high that it was excessive wasted space up front.
  • Reply 229 of 449
    Soli said:
    macseeker said:
    Soli said:
    Why would you even assume Apple would move forward without permits? If any company is going to get permits it's going to be Apple.
    In honor of Steve Jobs, maybe?  ;)

    Is there a hanging handicap placard under visor?
    At that point, I doubt it. He was notorious for parking in a handicap spot at One Infinite Loop, but I’m guessing that it was simply to be a dick but because the legal requirement was simply far too high that it was excessive wasted space up front.
    Yeah, he loved to tuck it to the establishment.
  • Reply 230 of 449
    Soli said:
    Why would you even assume Apple would move forward without permits? If any company is going to get permits it's going to be Apple.
    In honor of Steve Jobs, maybe?  ;)

    I think we had a discussion in this forum about precisely this many many years ago, and I vaguely recall someone pointing out that it was legal in CA to have a blank license plate for a certain period of time after a new car purchase.
  • Reply 231 of 449
    Soli said:
    Why would you even assume Apple would move forward without permits? If any company is going to get permits it's going to be Apple.
    In honor of Steve Jobs, maybe?  ;)

    I think we had a discussion in this forum about precisely this many many years ago, and I vaguely recall someone pointing out that it was legal in CA to have a blank license plate for a certain period of time after a new car purchase.
    This article from the LA Times might help:
  • Reply 232 of 449
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    gatorguy said:
    gatorguy said:
    avon b7 said:
    avon b7 said:
    A follow up to my previous post. Huawei just let slip some information by accident.

    They are claiming the world's first mobile AI processing unit.

    The official presentation isn't until tomorrow but if what is being claimed actually works on the device, they may have upped the ante a little. This makes me think Apple might also have something along those lines for their big reveal on the 12th.

    Nobody cares. Even "if" they have a machine learning processor on board, how will it get used? The biggest problem with Android is device makers adding their own custom hardware that isn't actually supported by Android. So none of your Apps will properly take advantage of those features.

    The rest of the 970 is generic off-the-shelf A73, A53 and Mali parts. Nothing new here, just another SoC based on ARM cores. At least Samsung and Qualcomm are now trying their hand at making their own custom cores, although they are still WAY behind Apple in this regard. The A11 should hit 4,000 single core, which makes it literally double that of the 835 or 8895. Quite amazing how far ahead Apple is. 
    If nobody cared, this site wouldn't have half as much Google and Samsung content.

    Let me know when AI does an article on Kirin processors.
    They've been discussed several times in AI articles. Use your favorite browser and search "AppleInsider Kirin", tho it doesn't help the point you thought you were making.

    I said "let me know when AI does an article on Kirin processors", not "AI has never mentioned them before".
    So then you had no point at all. :/
    The OP alluded to the very valid fact that if there was no interest in other companies products or OS's AI wouldn't keep bringing them up in article content, and folks like you, me, Tmay, Soli and hundreds of others wouldn't have any reason to comment in them when they do. And proving your own interest you frequently comment on even Android, or Google or Microsoft specific articles posted here.

    Yes you're interested just as many of us are, and TBH we should be IMO. 

    Well, some people don’t think “interest” means anything  other than “like”. Obviously, that’s not true.
    edited September 2017 Soligatorguy
  • Reply 233 of 449
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    ireland said:
    ireland said:
    Soli said:
    …it would be iPhone 11 since the iPhone 7s series would be the 10th.
    Only if you count the 3G as being the same phone as the original since it used the same processor.

    iPhone 3G
    iPhone 3GS
    iPhone 4
    iPhone 4S
    iPhone 5
    iPhone 5S
    iPhone 6
    iPhone 6S
    iPhone 7
    iPhone 7S

    That’s 11 for the last one. 8 (in the normal cycle) is 12, but apparently they ARE actually going to release either two models or just 7 with a modified body for its ‘lower price’ release.

    I'm with you.  Clearly the next one should be the iPhone 2 to fill in that glaring numbering gap.

    Did we ever learn what the "S" stands for? 

    Do we care? Surely it’s an arbitrary model number simply to differentiate it from non-s models.

    Why do we care?  Call it curiosity.  Call it wanting insight into the Apple corporate thought process.  Surely the decision wasn't arbitrary.  Steve didn't say "I don't want to go to iPhone 6 yet, add a random letter on the end of the iPhone 5 name."  There was some reason why it wasn't called the iPhone 5x or 5p or 5ex or 5fu.  Personally I think "s" was a particularly bad choice (strictly because of the pluralization challenge).  Obviously at the end of the day, it's not a bid deal, but we're not exactly ending world hunger on this site.

    For comparison, for the past 15 years ago, Oracle has stuck a letter on the end of their major version to highlight their current focus.  Larry Ellison was a good friend of Steve Jobs, so this isn't completely irrelevant.  After Oracle 7 came Oracle 8i and 9i where "i" stood for "internet."  This was followed by 10g and 11g (g for "grid computing") and now 12c (c for cloud).

    You're overthikng it. It really doesn't matter what the S stands for, just as it didn't matter what iPod meant. What matters is what the S does, not what it means. The S says this model is newer than the one without an S. This is the information is conveys and its objective. It's has significance thusly. Like people don't hear "SE" and think "special edition". They simply know you're talking about the small iPhone. These are model signifiers. Car makers have been doing this for decades.
    It doesn’t matter now, that’s true. But when the 3GS came out, Steve held it up and said; “The “S” stands for speed.” I remember that very well. The 3GS was about twice as fast as my 3G.
    ronnavon b7GeorgeBMacrandominternetperson
  • Reply 234 of 449
    Entertaining thread.  One last thought about the color scheme in the invitation...

    Consider the team colors of Mr. Cook's undergraduate alma mater.  Just sayin'.
  • Reply 235 of 449
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member

    avon b7 said:
    tmay said:
    avon b7 said:
    tmay said:
    avon b7 said:
    avon b7 said:
    A follow up to my previous post. Huawei just let slip some information by accident.

    They are claiming the world's first mobile AI processing unit.

    The official presentation isn't until tomorrow but if what is being claimed actually works on the device, they may have upped the ante a little. This makes me think Apple might also have something along those lines for their big reveal on the 12th.

    Nobody cares. Even "if" they have a machine learning processor on board, how will it get used? The biggest problem with Android is device makers adding their own custom hardware that isn't actually supported by Android. So none of your Apps will properly take advantage of those features.

    The rest of the 970 is generic off-the-shelf A73, A53 and Mali parts. Nothing new here, just another SoC based on ARM cores. At least Samsung and Qualcomm are now trying their hand at making their own custom cores, although they are still WAY behind Apple in this regard. The A11 should hit 4,000 single core, which makes it literally double that of the 835 or 8895. Quite amazing how far ahead Apple is. 
    If nobody cared, this site wouldn't have half as much Google and Samsung content.
    Well congrats to you for your considerable efforts to increase that content further, Your loyalties to Android OS and Android OEM's surely have been noted by your handlers.

    Sad, neither you nor I are buying iPhone 8's; me because I'm more interested in waiting for next year's, and completely happy with my iPhone 7 Plus, and you because you will be unable to remain the newest contrarian on AI if you capitulate.
    I am actually in the market for an iPhone this year but it depends entirely on price. That would appear to rule out the iPhone 8 but the iPhone 7s is on my radar although it wouldn't be for me personally it would be my cash flowing into Apple Sales International. LOL.

    ...based on your comments, yet are constantly hawking arcane features and cost benefits of Android OEM's. One would almost think that you are avoiding speaking out on anything superior in iOS or iPhone hardware.

    It's a question of balance. I don't need to sing the praises of Apple constantly here (I have a lot of Apple gear and that speaks volumes) but there is so much ignorance spurted out on Android and Android handsets that someone needs to remind people that much of it has little to do with hard fact (it's often embarrassing to read how I'll informed some people are) and Apple, in spite of what some here proclaim, has much catching up do in many areas.

    People here gleefully poked fun at Samsung for the Note 7 fiasco but then tried to round it out to the Android handset market, failing to see for example, that Huawei's Supercharge technology leaves anything Apple currently has looking decidedly behind the times.

    I live in both worlds and don't lap up whatever gets dumped on my plate just because it's this or that platform. 

    Another topic is how Apple does business, which I do not personally like but that is a personal opinion and everybody is free to their own opinion on that subject. 
    You don't like how Apple does business?  I'd love to read more detail on your thoughts in that regard.  I can say I don't like some of the decisions made in the Android world, like stuffing big batteries into their phones to get decent time between charges (commonly referred to as battery life).  Why can't they do what Apple does; tightly integrate hardware and software to delivery each unit of computing power with less energy use.  Apple does this because they are sensitive to environmental issues, and I like that about the way Apple does business.  
    For some reason, Andy made some odd decisions with Android that carried over when Google bought his company and went from copying the Blackberry to copying the iPhone.

    one of those odd choices was in multitasking. Back then, smartphones were getting primitive multitasking. The iPhone had primitive multasking. No 3rd party apps meant that Apple fully controlled what worked and when it worked. They decided to not allow apps in the background other than for downloading and playing music, plus some other minor housekeeping. When Apple came up with the really brilliant idea of the App Store, they continued that, but added other functions, such as measurements. The way Apple takes a “snapshot” works really well to save battery power, RAM and SoC cycles.

    but the odd choice that Google took was to enable multasking the way traditional computers do it. That’s been a major problem for Android, and I can’t see how they fix it without obsoleting a heck of a lot of apps which depend on it. The concept of allowing an app to run unfettered in the background isn’t really needed for phones. Even tablets usually don’t need that, though, the newer iPad uses can find that helpful, under some circumstances.  But phones in particular, really screw up their small batteries, so Android had, for years, as the largest app category, other than games, app management apps to control what apps were running, and to make them easy to turn off. Google has since made it easier, so a lot of those management apps have disappeared. But the problem remains. Leave even a half dozen apps running and not only is battery life impacted, but the device becomes increasingly sluggish.

    the problem is that a lot of iOS users don’t understand that you don’t have to keep swiping apps closed. Just stop what they’re doing before closing them. For example, I use an audio measurement app called Audio Tools, a very good app. But if you don’t stop measuring, it will continue they way GPS apps will continue when you close them if you don’t stop direction. Then battery life is compromised. But you can look at the top of the screen to see that it’s still working so you can stop it.

    this is a major difference in the OSs, and one reason I don’t like Android. Unfortunately, even people who should know better, in the carrier stores don’t understand it and will tell you to remember to close apps in iOS. When you tell them otherwise, they give you that smile that indicates they’re thinking that you don’t understand it. They really think that iOS works like Android.
    edited September 2017 ronnRayz2016patchythepirateradarthekatrandominternetperson
  • Reply 236 of 449
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member

    mobird said:
    Soli said:
    This will be landmark event for many reasons, one of which I hope will make this the most remembered event since the original 2007 introduction of the iPhone*.

    Won't be with out Steve Jobs. Tim Cook is no where close to what Steve could do with an audience...
    He’s enthusiastic to be sure, but he says that he’s uncomfortable in front of large audiences. Apple has a management school, and one thing it teaches is presentation. He’s much better than in the beginning, but his quiet demeanor comes across on the stage, and his slight southern drawl doesn’t give him the sharpness needed. Steve, of course, was unmatched. Just watching some old presentations shows that.
  • Reply 237 of 449
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    melgross said:

    melgross said:
    melgross said:

    melgross said:
    i’m an active investor, which just means that I do all of the decisions myself, and don’t use managed accounts. So I have to be on the ball about it. Really, if you’re not doing estimates, you shouldn’t be an active investor. Just do what Buffet advises, and get a bundle of the Fortune 500 without management. Otherwise, it requires work.
    Thanks for the (condescending) advice. Yeah, I happen to know a little bit about investing too, manage mine as well, so I am good.

    The last thing this board needs is another sog35-type amateur investor bragging about stock price estimates for Apple (or any other stock), or some back and forth about market price forecasts. They go nowhere quickly.
    I don’t know what you consider to be an amateur. You can only speak for yourself. In addition, any estimates we care to make, based on whatever facts and speculation we care to us, is our business, not yours. And remember that you are the one who. Made a condescending post to me. I didn’t make one to you. I was just explaining my position.

    sorry that your superior sensibility and knowledge was hurt.
    Oh gosh, not at all. I quite vividly recall our many discussions from many years ago, and your views on basic principles of valuation, and on things such as PE ratios, risk, cash flows, cost of capital, etc. Basedd on the many things you've said, I have a rather strong basis for the view I have formed.

    That said, it's your wont to express any opinion on this forum, just as it is mine. It's a free country. It should be pointed out, however, that you seemed to be the one to take umbrage over my pointing out -- a couple of others pointed it out too, earlier in this thread -- that price forecasts for AAPL in the $175 region were not unique to you or sog35. I was simply saying something similar, and providing data on the median analyst forecast which also happens to be $175 per share (with a max that goes to $208). And I gave you a link.

    Perhaps you or sog35 do (although I would find that difficult to believe), but I have no superior sensibility or knowledge to forecast stock prices.

    As an aside, didn't AI used to have a separate section of stock price discussions (just as they did for political discussions)? I don't know if it's still there, but given the topic at hand in this blog, it seems like a discussion of stock price forecasts seems a tad misplaced.

    It’s nice that you’ve formed such a strong opinion of my investing knowledge. I’d be curious as to which one if has done better during that time, but obviously, that can never happen. There’s usually a good reason as to why different people come to a similar conclusion about something, and that’s not bad. You seem to be trying to make it so though.
    I said I have a 'strong basis' for my opinion. That's not the same as 'strong opinion.' Don't misstate.

    I don't get into contests over who has.... er... bigger hands. I am glad you have convinced yourself that you can clearly separate luck from skill. Good for you.  
    It’s still just an opinion. If you state that basis it would be easier to evaluate it. Otherwise, we don’t know anything about it, and it’s just another opinion among  many.
    I told you it's based on numerous conversations we've had over the years. Do you seriously expect me to recount those?
    I honestly don’t remember what everyone has said over a period of years. Sometimes a few sentences of explanation will clear things up.
  • Reply 238 of 449
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member

    polymnia said:
    melgross said:

    melgross said:
    melgross said:

    melgross said:
    i’m an active investor, which just means that I do all of the decisions myself, and don’t use managed accounts. So I have to be on the ball about it. Really, if you’re not doing estimates, you shouldn’t be an active investor. Just do what Buffet advises, and get a bundle of the Fortune 500 without management. Otherwise, it requires work.
    Thanks for the (condescending) advice. Yeah, I happen to know a little bit about investing too, manage mine as well, so I am good.

    The last thing this board needs is another sog35-type amateur investor bragging about stock price estimates for Apple (or any other stock), or some back and forth about market price forecasts. They go nowhere quickly.
    I don’t know what you consider to be an amateur. You can only speak for yourself. In addition, any estimates we care to make, based on whatever facts and speculation we care to us, is our business, not yours. And remember that you are the one who. Made a condescending post to me. I didn’t make one to you. I was just explaining my position.

    sorry that your superior sensibility and knowledge was hurt.
    Oh gosh, not at all. I quite vividly recall our many discussions from many years ago, and your views on basic principles of valuation, and on things such as PE ratios, risk, cash flows, cost of capital, etc. Basedd on the many things you've said, I have a rather strong basis for the view I have formed.

    That said, it's your wont to express any opinion on this forum, just as it is mine. It's a free country. It should be pointed out, however, that you seemed to be the one to take umbrage over my pointing out -- a couple of others pointed it out too, earlier in this thread -- that price forecasts for AAPL in the $175 region were not unique to you or sog35. I was simply saying something similar, and providing data on the median analyst forecast which also happens to be $175 per share (with a max that goes to $208). And I gave you a link.

    Perhaps you or sog35 do (although I would find that difficult to believe), but I have no superior sensibility or knowledge to forecast stock prices.

    As an aside, didn't AI used to have a separate section of stock price discussions (just as they did for political discussions)? I don't know if it's still there, but given the topic at hand in this blog, it seems like a discussion of stock price forecasts seems a tad misplaced.

    It’s nice that you’ve formed such a strong opinion of my investing knowledge. I’d be curious as to which one if has done better during that time, but obviously, that can never happen. There’s usually a good reason as to why different people come to a similar conclusion about something, and that’s not bad. You seem to be trying to make it so though.
    I said I have a 'strong basis' for my opinion. That's not the same as 'strong opinion.' Don't misstate.

    I don't get into contests over who has.... er... bigger hands. I am glad you have convinced yourself that you can clearly separate luck from skill. Good for you.  
    It’s still just an opinion. If you state that basis it would be easier to evaluate it. Otherwise, we don’t know anything about it, and it’s just another opinion among  many.
    I told you it's based on numerous conversations we've had over the years. Do you seriously expect me to recount those?
    Oh, yes, he does. And if you don't dance for him (recount your past conversations for his amusement), he's right. He'll tell you all about how right he is.
    You are really being a pain in the ass for continuing this in the matter you are. Do you want me to flag YOU? I rarely gave points to people when I was a mod, just told them to knock it off, but you’re becoming a real problem here.
  • Reply 239 of 449
    tyler82tyler82 Posts: 1,108member
    tyler82 said:
    I'm predicting it will be called "iPhone 10th Anniversary”
    As it’s the 11th iPhone, they should call it “iPhone 2.”
    I can't wait for the iPhone 2 5s
  • Reply 240 of 449
    JinTechJinTech Posts: 1,053member
    I really hope they play some short film (four or so minutes) with snippets of Steve Jobs announcements and maybe even a making of the Apple Park tie in before the official keynote. Something to pay homage to Steve Jobs, after all, they did name the theater after him so it only seems fitting right?
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