Apple debuts $999 iPhone X with OLED Super Retina Display & Face ID authentication



  • Reply 221 of 352
    eightzero said:
    NY1822 said:
    you know all those negative on the stock will start pushing the idea of "what happens if people don't like face ID or it doesn't work and they start returning the phone"....exacerbated by the snafu on stage before grabbing the backup phone during the demo
    Whew! Craig handled it adroitly. I can only imagine for the rest of his demo he's thinking he doesn't have another backup! Flying w/o a net so to speak, on one of the worlds' biggest stages! :)
    When that happened, I immediately noticed how cool he was. And that he was restrained enough not to go rogue and say something like "where would we be now if that had happened to Steve 10 years ago?" People are gonna talk about that, but I attributed it to the special presentation set up. Fairly, my iPhone 7 does things like that now and then - it won't touchID, demands a PW...then works fine. This seems no different, and I think it unimportant. Others will of course freak out.

    HF1 was also cool enough not to do what we usually do: type the PW in...for all to see...and then lock and start over. Note the numbers light up when you press them. 
    Yep...right on. :)
  • Reply 222 of 352
    radarthekatradarthekat Posts: 3,874moderator
    Do any current or upcoming Apple computers perhaps have a secure enclave chip to allow Face ID to run on them? The FaceTime Camera seems like a perfect piece of hardware for the job, and things like battery power and CPU power aren't an issue for desktop or laptop computers. Can anyone give a reason why this shouldn't work on an Apple computer?
    You'd need the whole sensor array, which might be overkill for a PC, because the number of times you authenticate to your PC in a day is relatively few compared to your phone.  Still, eventually it might make its way to iPads and PCs.
  • Reply 223 of 352
    brucemc said:
    lkrupp said:
    So with all the bitching about the iPhone X and the dire pronouncements of 'not going to upgrade' I guess the iPhone 8 and iPhone 8+ got lost in the shuffle. For those bitching about Face ID... iPhone 8 or 8+? For those bitching about price... iPhone 8 or 8+? For those bitching about bezels and notches... iPhone 8 or 8+? What? Apple only makes one iPhone now and it's not for you? Please explain.
    iPhone 8 is $100 more expensive than iPhone 7 was. I am a little surprised Apple quoted the full price instead of monthly pricing.
    The new iPhone 4.7" model has been $649 for the last 3 years, ever since the 6 models. The 8 is $50 more. 

    The 7 plus was $769, so the 8 plus is $30 more. 

    A bit surprising that they had this increase, but I can see the reasoning:
    - increased the base storage one year after moving to 32GB on the 7 series
    - both the 7/7+ and 6s/6s+, as well as the SE remain in the lineup for the broadest iPhone line ever
    - it is small enough ($50 and $30 respectively) to not elicit too much blowback

    As for the $999 price of the X, it is pretty much inline with competition, with the Samsung Note 8 at $950 and the Galaxy S8+ at $850.  Rumour is that the top-of-the-line OLED screens Apple is getting from S are significantly more. I will say I thought at that price the base model would be 128GB, but that thinking was before the rumours on screen cost. 
    Another possible reason for the increase in prices is rise in NAND flash prices.  iPad Pros were also increased by $50 today
  • Reply 224 of 352
    I’m seeing techies on Twitter saying they’re not blown away by iPhone X.  So what exactly would blow them away? 
    For those individuals it would have to be any phone released on the Android platform. Some folks out there are so anti-Apple prejudiced that it clouds their opinions on the entire marketplace. Therefore these individuals' viewpoints should be taken with a grain of salt. Not necessarily shoot them down and attempt to discredit them, because that is the reaction they are seeking from an Apple fan. Because why argue? Really, up to this point, the lines between functionality of the two platforms have blurred slightly and all flagship offerings contain very similar bells and whistles. 

    However, I would argue that the iPhone X surely stands apart from the crowd. Anyone who thinks differently, I'm sorry... needs their head examined. 
  • Reply 225 of 352
    radarthekatradarthekat Posts: 3,874moderator

    Wow, this from CNN.  Seems some are beginning to shift to the correct terminology.  I'm impressed.  Maybe the tech sites will review the terms too as it becomes apparent the differing contexts the two terms - face recognition versus facial recognition - apply to.

  • Reply 226 of 352
    As predicted, a notch is cut out of the top of the screen for the speaker, forward-facing camera, and the new 3D facial recognition sensor.

    Speaking to other design features, … 

    That notch …

    is my main feature not being possible to like this iPhone IN ANY WAY. This thing is embarrassing. Apple has the opportunity to correct this main UI fail by optimizing the handling of the statusbar background to just black (at least on the ones with a black front).

    Then, possibly next year when this happens, I can easily think about wanting this thing or not. So long my 6s has to be it.
  • Reply 227 of 352
    Blunt said:
    I’m seeing techies on Twitter saying they’re not blown away by iPhone X.  So what exactly would blow them away? 

    Android updates?
    Android fragmentation. Plenty more letters in the alphabet after 'O'.
  • Reply 228 of 352
    maasmeier said:
    As predicted, a notch is cut out of the top of the screen for the speaker, forward-facing camera, and the new 3D facial recognition sensor.

    Speaking to other design features, … 

    That notch …

    is my main feature not being possible to like this iPhone IN ANY WAY. This thing is embarrassing. Apple has the opportunity to correct this main UI fail by optimizing the handling of the statusbar background to just black (at least on the ones with a black front).

    Then, possibly next year when this happens, I can easily think about wanting this thing or not. So long my 6s has to be it.
    I wouldn't go as far as to say I won't like the iPhone in any way, but I did think it was odd they chose to embrace it instead of making it look like a seamless part of the top bezel but with OLED display elements, with the screen (rounded corners and all) starting just below it. I thought that'd be slick. And no doubt, I'm SURE they tried it, and decided not to do it, for any number of reasons. I don't get it, but like the antennae breaks in the 6 I was like "ok whatever" and moved on with my life and don't let it bother me.

    It's not a hardware issue though; they *could* update iOS to make that area black at all times... but will they? Who knows, but it's possible. They've had other iffy UI decisions get significant adjustments after the fact in the past.

    It IS kinda weird though that the Videos app for example will play a video in a slightly letterboxed format to maintain a pure rectangular image, but if you double-tap to zoom in, you get the full on notch cut out of the side of your video. THAT seems weird to me, from a content display perspective. I'd just never choose to use any app that way if there's an option. I'll have to see how it plays out IRL, but I imagine in most cases you'll just get used to it and not worry so much.
  • Reply 229 of 352
    longfang said:
    BittySon said:
    With Face ID, how are you supposed to unlock your phone while driving?
    By holding it up to your face of course. 

    So, smart alec crap, great start.
  • Reply 230 of 352
    I loved all of the announcements and can't wait to get my hands on it, although this FY is iPad replacement year, my phone and watch aren't due for a couple of years yet. At least the price will have dropped by then. (Any economists out there: Is iPhone now a Veblen good?) Anyway, my main point is that, nerds as we are, all of the comment is about the tech, no one commented on the emotion of Tim's opening of the theatre, the way all senior exec's got a spot (including Jony by carefully crafted video, as usual) and the beauty of the theatre itself. BTW, I'm really looking forward to GymKit rolling out in my gym, I'm going to look carefully for other AppleWatch and iPhone users and try to lobby for it.
  • Reply 231 of 352
    avon b7avon b7 Posts: 7,867member
    I like the notch. It makes a break with styling. Android phones have been there too with similiar negative opinions from some but I like this design over say, the Sharp screen with corners cut off.

    You'll have to ask me in a couple of years if I still like it, though.

    From the photos I don't like the bezel. Seems like it's wearing a bumper case but built in but as that's likely a photo problem, I'll reserve final judgment until I hold one in my hand.

  • Reply 232 of 352
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    freerange said:
    Motorcycle riding is dangerous enough with 80%+ of accidents caused by the other driver. So what kind of moron tries to unlock and use their phone while riding a motorcycle? Automatic jail time should be required.
    What kind of moron even makes that comment?... (Automatic sterilization should be required.)
    For any of us that actually ride motorcycles, we are certain that he's talking about pulling over and stopping to check the phone (maps/iTunes/phone call)...  That doesn't always include helmet removal. 
    Probably had to take off the gloves to login in before, right?
  • Reply 233 of 352
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,431member
    Interesting development:

    The iPhone 7 was retested, and the iPhone 7 Plus was finally tested.

    Looks like there will be retesting of a number of devices coming up, and looking forward to the test of the iPhone X.
    edited September 2017
  • Reply 234 of 352
    k2kwk2kw Posts: 2,077member
    Rayz2016 said:
    Well, I don't know how well this is going to work, but I'm pretty sure that FaceID is not a last minute switch because they couldn't get TouchID to work. This looks like something they've been sitting on for years, but didn't have the processing power to make it work instaneously. 

    I was concerned that it wouldn't be as reliable as TouchID, and Craig's demo didn't do anything to help with that. 

    That is a lot tech going on there. 

    Works if you grow a beard.
    Works at night. 
    Works (I think) at an angle. 
    Won't trigger if you're not looking at the phone, or if you're eyes are closed, which will stop the kids raiding your bank account while you're asleep. 

    I'll wait and see, but at least they didn't put a fingerprint reader on the back. 
    I like touchid and would have been untested if they had gotten that to work.  Or at least let us use the Apple logo on the back as the touchid Sensor.

    Right now it seems like this phone is an old Apple design (iPhone 4) mixed with Samsung note features like wireless charging and OLED screens.   Even the Essential phone has a much smaller bump at the top.

    Having gone through Hurricane Irma what would have been a great improvement would be doubling or tripling battery time.

    If anyone figures out that they will revolutionize the world.
  • Reply 235 of 352
    avon b7 said:
    I like the notch. It makes a break with styling. Android phones have been there too with similiar negative opinions from some but I like this design over say, the Sharp screen with corners cut off.

    You'll have to ask me in a couple of years if I still like it, though.

    From the photos I don't like the bezel. Seems like it's wearing a bumper case but built in but as that's likely a photo problem, I'll reserve final judgment until I hold one in my hand.

    I’d love to know why Apple decided to embrace the notch. Was there no seamless way to hide it without it looking like a hack? Now that they’ve gone OLED I’m surprised we didn’t get dark mode which might have helped hide it.
  • Reply 236 of 352
    iqatedoiqatedo Posts: 1,825member
    My take is that the imaging sensors, neural processor and the image processing these allow (face recognition and realtime lighting controls) apart from other features make this iPhone revolutionary. In the 1980s I was a member of the Society of Photo Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE - and recall ideas implemented in this new iPhone being hot topics of research. The advancements in the iPhone X aren't trivial and only hint at future capabilities. The existence of a 'notch' at one end of the screen where the sensors are housed is trivial, as is the little lens bump on the back.

    As far as my revolutionary comment goes, I don't think that image recognition in other phones was anything to write home about. Employing systems that could be defeated by a picture of someone's face, as was apparently the case in some phones, was crazy. Also, consider the claim that the iPhone X neural processor can perform 600 billion operations per second. Being a 'neural' processor implies that a lot of things happen in parallel. The chip is dual-core, so halve the number for each core to 300 Gops. I don't know what the A11 clock frequency is but if it's around 3 GHz, that's 100 operations through each core per clock cycle. There is a lot of scope in that for some pretty amazing capabilities in future.

    As an aside, I was looking at movie titles on the Apple TV a few hours before the keynote and noticed that some had already been re-mastered as 4k. Close Encounters is one, it looks pretty nifty.
  • Reply 237 of 352
    avon b7 said:
    I like the notch. It makes a break with styling. Android phones have been there too with similiar negative opinions from some but I like this design over say, the Sharp screen with corners cut off.

    You'll have to ask me in a couple of years if I still like it, though.

    From the photos I don't like the bezel. Seems like it's wearing a bumper case but built in but as that's likely a photo problem, I'll reserve final judgment until I hold one in my hand.

    I’d love to know why Apple decided to embrace the notch. Was there no seamless way to hide it without it looking like a hack? Now that they’ve gone OLED I’m surprised we didn’t get dark mode which might have helped hide it.
    They don't need "help" to hide it, they could've just made that part of the screen black, easily, and "hid" it. That's it. They didn't, meaning they tried it and didn't like it, and you know they tried it. Go ask Alan Dye why not.
  • Reply 238 of 352
    avon b7 said:
    I like the notch. It makes a break with styling. Android phones have been there too with similiar negative opinions from some but I like this design over say, the Sharp screen with corners cut off.

    You'll have to ask me in a couple of years if I still like it, though.

    From the photos I don't like the bezel. Seems like it's wearing a bumper case but built in but as that's likely a photo problem, I'll reserve final judgment until I hold one in my hand.

    I’d love to know why Apple decided to embrace the notch. Was there no seamless way to hide it without it looking like a hack? Now that they’ve gone OLED I’m surprised we didn’t get dark mode which might have helped hide it.
    They don't need "help" to hide it, they could've just made that part of the screen black, easily, and "hid" it. That's it. They didn't, meaning they tried it and didn't like it, and you know they tried it. Go ask Alan Dye why not.
    I don’t know that they tried it. But if they prefer the notch to making that part of the screen black then I question who’s making the decisions here. Ben Bajarin who is about as pro Apple as anyone said he hopes developers don’t embrace the notch. John Gruber said the notch (especially in landscape mode) looks “goofy”. I hope Apple does some PR around this and explains their thinking behind it. I’d like to know. Also while I think the animated emoji look cool and will be a hit with certain demographics it is odd that Apple chose it as one of the main selling features of a $1000 phone. Does Apple really think parents are going to be shelling out $1000 to buy their teenage kids the X? I can’t see adults using this feature much.
  • Reply 239 of 352
    To me, the big news was the AWatch.  Form factors have points of optimization.  Seems to me, smartphones are pretty much there.  iPhone probably won't look much different in 5 years time, but functionality will continue to explode.  Tbe notch doesn't bother me at all.  I like to know which end is up.

    Top selling watch?  Wow.  LTE?  Wow.  This is a space ripe for more features and massive, perhaps even smartphone replacing sales.  

    That's what I got from today's event.
  • Reply 240 of 352
    This was really a Meh! Event. As has been said, we knew most of what was coming and as far as the iPhone X is concerned, sorry no sale.
    Face recog won't work for me a lot of the time when I'm out and about as I wear a full face crash helmet with a silk ski mask type liner. So it is just my eyes visible. Yet for touch ID, all I had to do was remove a glove.
    Fail, mega fail in my eyes but YMMV naturally. So, I'll pass on that.
    I'll pass on the Watch. Can't bear anything on my wrist.
    Apple TV? Not my cup of tea.

    So a Meh! event for me.
    Still I'll probably buy a fully loaded iMac before the end of the year so Apple, all is not lost when it comes to emptying my wallet.
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