Third iPhone battery lawsuit says Apple used slowdowns to avoid fixing defects



  • Reply 21 of 129
    Yeah... this could sting Apple a little bit, as it should.

    My 6+ was shitting itself with shutdowns at 30-50% randomly during the last couple of months of Apple Care. I went in three times and was sent away twice because their diagnostic seemed to believe the battery was fine, it was apps or the system that was run amuck. “Try a fresh reinstall and see if it improves”. Yeah, it didn’t. Thankfully the Genius Bars guys are not always dick holes and still replaced the phone outright with a refurb because, a.) Apple rocks customer service even though I was outside of Apple Care on the third trip in, and b.) their battery replacement machine was broke down or something.  It was a pain in the ass given that the Apple Store isn’t down the street from me and the closest one is one of the most popular places in Seattle.  Three trips in was a bit excessive. 
  • Reply 22 of 129
    On my Mac laptop, I can go to the System Profiler and check battery health, number of cycles etc.  It would be nice to include that in iOS.
    In fact, there is no reason not to. 
    muthuk_vanalingammazda 3s
  • Reply 23 of 129
    jdwjdw Posts: 1,385member
    All these lawsuits over a comparatively trivial issue.  "Trivial compared with WHAT," you ask?  With Staingate, my friends.  With Staingate...

    Read through that FB group.  People have seen the problem even on 2017 models.  Some people with older rMBP models have had Apple swap out their screens 5 times only to have the same problem come back, mainly because Apple never fixed the antiglare coating problem and merely swaps screens with the same kind of wimpy screen that will allow the coating to flake off over time.

    The real kicker is that this problem doesn't happen on iOS devices, which proves that Apple has the means to solve the problem.  My guess is that the reason iOS devices do not have the antiglare coating flake off over time is because iOS devices have an anti-fingerprint coating above the antiglare coating to protect it.  Because Apple continues to refuse to make the MBP display a touch screen, Apple probably justified their thinking in NOT putting an anti-fingerprint coating on the MBP display, even though it seems clear that the addition of such a coating would put a swift and permanent end to Staingate.

  • Reply 24 of 129
    dedgecko said:
    Yeah... this could sting Apple a little bit, as it should.

    My 6+ was shitting itself with shutdowns at 30-50% randomly during the last couple of months of Apple Care. I went in three times and was sent away twice because their diagnostic seemed to believe the battery was fine, it was apps or the system that was run amuck. “Try a fresh reinstall and see if it improves”. Yeah, it didn’t. Thankfully the Genius Bars guys are not always dick holes and still replaced the phone outright with a refurb because, a.) Apple rocks customer service even though I was outside of Apple Care on the third trip in, and b.) their battery replacement machine was broke down or something.  It was a pain in the ass given that the Apple Store isn’t down the street from me and the closest one is one of the most popular places in Seattle.  Three trips in was a bit excessive. 

  • Reply 25 of 129
    jkichlinejkichline Posts: 1,369member
    r2d2 said:
    loopless said:
    These lawsuits are total BS and AppleInsider should stop giving them such prominence. Especially with comments from people who think Apple should be producing a flip phone with a pop-out battery.

    Users are unlikely to notice slowdowns - but artificial benchmarks will show issues and only with phones will degraded batteries. I would MUCH rather my phone slowed down bit than suddenly "quit". 
    The slow-down is very noticeable. To the point of frustration. If you have no knowledge of this subject maybe you shouldn't post comments.
    Agreed. My wife installed iOS 11 on her iPhone 6 and it killed performance to the point it was basically unusable. She held out and got the iPhone X. So yes, if they throttled the phone and caused $1,000 upgrades... that’s a problem. They should have instead released an update that tested the battery and offered a replacement option or allowed the user to enable the power-saving mode until the replacement could happen.or heck at least offer a tradin in allowance to give the user something to make-good on the broken device.
  • Reply 26 of 129
    mazda 3smazda 3s Posts: 1,613member
    k2kw said:
    nethan9 said:
    I don't buy this story. Apple is trying to force you to buy to a new iPhone, each time it releases new one. I's called planned obsolescence.
    Maybe it was purposeful unplanned obsolescence.    Either Way looks real bad.   I expect there to be an FEATURE/EDITORIAL this weekend from DED saying what apple did was the absolute best thing and of course better than android especially Samsung.
    And DED will somehow turn this Apple situation into an indictment of Google/Android/Samsung :D  
  • Reply 27 of 129
    genovellegenovelle Posts: 1,481member
    tzeshan said:
    Cell phone batteries are not long lasting have been well known since the Nokia days. The industry designed cell phone with replaceable battery.  Apple whether it is ignorant refuses to follow the industry and make iPhone battery closed since the first iPhone. This slowdown is Apple's idea to tackle the problem. Apple reputation may suffer a lot because of this scandal. Until its engineers can come up with a better solution. 
    Not really. Removable batteries have always been a problem since the connections begin to fail much faster than the degradation of these batteries. Forcing replacement much sooner. You also have the option of replacing the battery. Also, all of the major players have followed Apple because it is a much better solution. They tried for years to position removable batteries as the killer feature. Didn’t work out. 
  • Reply 28 of 129
    jdwjdw Posts: 1,385member
    genovelle said:
    Not really. Removable batteries have always been a problem since the connections begin to fail much faster than the degradation of these batteries. Forcing replacement much sooner. You also have the option of replacing the battery. Also, all of the major players have followed Apple because it is a much better solution. They tried for years to position removable batteries as the killer feature. Didn’t work out. 
    Sounds right but actually isn't.  The fact is that it is simply CHEAPER to make a non-user-servicable battery.  

    My $2k Panasonic GH5 has removable batteries and I don't have problems.  My other cameras and lights are the same.  I have old MacBooks and PowerBooks that still work great with removable batteries.  I have old Japanese flip-phones with removable batteries that last about 5 years and can then be replaced cheaply.  It's just that it costs a bit more to offer gold-plated contacts and robust battery door covers.  Many companies are following Apple to CUT COSTS and also for aesthetic reasons, not because replaceable batteries is somehow is flawed tech.
  • Reply 29 of 129
    SoliSoli Posts: 10,038member
    nethan9 said:
    Really? I don't buy this story. Apple worrying about life of your battery. Yeah, right. Apple is trying to force you to buy to a new iPhone, each time it releases new one. I's called planned obsolescence. Fortunately for Apple, whole bunch of fanboys will spend over thousand dollars each year for a new iPhone. I've used Apple products for more years than most of you in this forum, but I don't like what I see, last couple years.
    If any of that was true then they WOULDN"'T ALLOW OLDER DEVICES TO GET THE LATEST OSES AND FEATURES AT ALL! This means less work for Apple and more feature envy for customers with older devices. Do you people ever think before you post?
  • Reply 30 of 129
    Good.  I hope this action is successful.  Another company that holds itself up as being better than the rest, only to be outed just as deceitful and slimy liars.  At this point, I'm completely embedded in the apple ecosystem - iMacs, MacBook Pros, MacBook, iPhones, Mini, Apple TVs and even their AirPort Extreme router.  But I'm disgusted and fed up enough with Apple that I've started my move away and back to Windows.  No idea how to find alternatives for workflows I've become accustomed to over the last 15 years with Apple, but I'm determined to move away.  First step was to install a Windows 10 VM and learn how to live there. 
  • Reply 31 of 129
    SoliSoli Posts: 10,038member
    Good.  I hope this action is successful.  Another company that holds itself up as being better than the rest, only to be outed just as deceitful and slimy liars.  At this point, I'm completely embedded in the apple ecosystem - iMacs, MacBook Pros, MacBook, iPhones, Mini, Apple TVs and even their AirPort Extreme router.  But I'm disgusted and fed up enough with Apple that I've started my move away and back to Windows.  No idea how to find alternatives for workflows I've become accustomed to over the last 15 years with Apple, but I'm determined to move away.  First step was to install a Windows 10 VM and learn how to live there. 

  • Reply 32 of 129
    r2d2r2d2 Posts: 95member
    Soli said:

    If any of that was true then they WOULDN"'T ALLOW OLDER DEVICES TO GET THE LATEST OSES AND FEATURES AT ALL! This means less work for Apple and more feature envy for customers with older devices. Do you people ever think before you post?
    Did you think before posting this?! Less work for Apple?!! It would mean less money for Apple. Pay attention - this has been and is happening whether you like it of not. What do you mean, "they wouldn't allow" that to happen - they have and didn't say a word about it to clue people in. Deal with the reality of the situation.
  • Reply 33 of 129
    SoliSoli Posts: 10,038member
    r2d2 said:
    Soli said:

    If any of that was true then they WOULDN"'T ALLOW OLDER DEVICES TO GET THE LATEST OSES AND FEATURES AT ALL! This means less work for Apple and more feature envy for customers with older devices. Do you people ever think before you post?
    Did you think before posting this?! Less work for Apple?!! It would mean less money for Apple. Pay attention - this has been and is happening whether you like it of not. What do you mean, "they wouldn't allow" that to happen - they have and didn't say a word about it to clue people in. Deal with the reality of the situation.
    Apple spends many millions of dollars in adopting, testing and supporting iOS for older devices… but you think this is at no charge for Apple.
    Apple now has older iPhones going back up to 5 years that have new features which keeps customers using older devices… but you think that users being stuck on an antiquated OS would hinder a desire to get new iPhones with new HW and SW features.

    Instead. you create a conspiracy theory that Apple gives users new features and then makes devices not work so that myopic dipshits like you believe that an old device with an old battery is somehow purposely and maliciously hindered in SW so you're forced to buy a new device despite your claims that it's just driving you to drop Apple entirely. What a reasonable comment¡
  • Reply 34 of 129
    Rayz2016Rayz2016 Posts: 6,957member
    Soli said:
    r2d2 said:
    Soli said:

    If any of that was true then they WOULDN"'T ALLOW OLDER DEVICES TO GET THE LATEST OSES AND FEATURES AT ALL! This means less work for Apple and more feature envy for customers with older devices. Do you people ever think before you post?
    Did you think before posting this?! Less work for Apple?!! It would mean less money for Apple. Pay attention - this has been and is happening whether you like it of not. What do you mean, "they wouldn't allow" that to happen - they have and didn't say a word about it to clue people in. Deal with the reality of the situation.
    Apple spends many millions of dollars in adopting, testing and supporting iOS for older devices… but you think this is at no charge for Apple.
    Apple now has older iPhones going back up to 5 years that have new features which keeps customers using older devices… but you think that users being stuck on an antiquated OS would hinder a desire to get new iPhones with new HW and SW features.

    Instead. you create a conspiracy theory that Apple gives users new features and then makes devices not work so that myopic dipshits like you believe that an old device with an old battery is somehow purposely and maliciously hindered in SW so you're forced to buy a new device despite your claims that it's just driving you to drop Apple entirely. What a reasonable comment¡
    Okay, going back a bit. 

    Let’s forget about the technical stuff because we’re in the wrong place for that. Let’s have a look at management of this. 

    People have been claiming that their phones have been slowing down. Clever, knowledgeable folk have been saying “Nope, you’re imagining it”, and during this time, Apple KNEW that a possible cause was this policy of preventing the phone from cutting out. Regardless of the technical reasons, why not just be honest about what you’re doing? “We didn’t want the phone to crash while you were on your way to your highest Hitman Sniper score so we throttle the phone during peak cycles because of a depleted battery cannot cope with it.”

    They screwed up, and that is going give them merry hell from “myopic dipshits” for years to come. Now they’re in a position of having to explain a cover-up. Good luck with that. 
  • Reply 35 of 129
    SoliSoli Posts: 10,038member
    Rayz2016 said:
    Soli said:
    r2d2 said:
    Soli said:

    If any of that was true then they WOULDN"'T ALLOW OLDER DEVICES TO GET THE LATEST OSES AND FEATURES AT ALL! This means less work for Apple and more feature envy for customers with older devices. Do you people ever think before you post?
    Did you think before posting this?! Less work for Apple?!! It would mean less money for Apple. Pay attention - this has been and is happening whether you like it of not. What do you mean, "they wouldn't allow" that to happen - they have and didn't say a word about it to clue people in. Deal with the reality of the situation.
    Apple spends many millions of dollars in adopting, testing and supporting iOS for older devices… but you think this is at no charge for Apple.
    Apple now has older iPhones going back up to 5 years that have new features which keeps customers using older devices… but you think that users being stuck on an antiquated OS would hinder a desire to get new iPhones with new HW and SW features.

    Instead. you create a conspiracy theory that Apple gives users new features and then makes devices not work so that myopic dipshits like you believe that an old device with an old battery is somehow purposely and maliciously hindered in SW so you're forced to buy a new device despite your claims that it's just driving you to drop Apple entirely. What a reasonable comment¡
    Okay, going back a bit. 

    Let’s forget about the technical stuff because we’re in the wrong place for that. Let’s have a look at management of this. 

    People have been claiming that their phones have been slowing down. Clever, knowledgeable folk have been saying “Nope, you’re imagining it”, and during this time, Apple KNEW that a possible cause was this policy of preventing the phone from cutting out. Regardless of the technical reasons, why not just be honest about what you’re doing? “We didn’t want the phone to crash while you were on your way to your highest Hitman Sniper score so we throttle the phone during peak cycles because of a depleted battery cannot cope with it.”

    They screwed up, and that is going give them merry hell from “myopic dipshits” for years to come. Now they’re in a position of having to explain a cover-up. Good luck with that. 
    Apple completely dropped the ball with their lack of transparency, which also makes them myopic dipshits for not accurately predicting this backlash for executing an otherwise reasonable engineering decision

    This is clearly going to affect Apple's PR for years to come, as you mention, just as antennagate and bendghazi are still brought up constantly, but this notion that they offer YoY updates in order to force people to buy new phones has no merit. If I were running Apple I'd seriously consider stopping support for device over 3 years.
    edited December 2017 watto_cobra
  • Reply 36 of 129
    danvmdanvm Posts: 1,446member
    Soli said:
    r2d2 said:
    Soli said:

    If any of that was true then they WOULDN"'T ALLOW OLDER DEVICES TO GET THE LATEST OSES AND FEATURES AT ALL! This means less work for Apple and more feature envy for customers with older devices. Do you people ever think before you post?
    Did you think before posting this?! Less work for Apple?!! It would mean less money for Apple. Pay attention - this has been and is happening whether you like it of not. What do you mean, "they wouldn't allow" that to happen - they have and didn't say a word about it to clue people in. Deal with the reality of the situation.
    Apple spends many millions of dollars in adopting, testing and supporting iOS for older devices… but you think this is at no charge for Apple.
    Apple now has older iPhones going back up to 5 years that have new features which keeps customers using older devices… but you think that users being stuck on an antiquated OS would hinder a desire to get new iPhones with new HW and SW features.

    Instead. you create a conspiracy theory that Apple gives users new features and then makes devices not work so that myopic dipshits like you believe that an old device with an old battery is somehow purposely and maliciously hindered in SW so you're forced to buy a new device despite your claims that it's just driving you to drop Apple entirely. What a reasonable comment¡
    I'm not sure how much Apple tests their latest iOS versions in old devices.  In my personal experience, "upgrading" a +3 years old device is not necessarily for the better.  The performance hit is noticeable, and many times it would be better if I had it left with the previos versions.  But since Apple force users to keep the latest iOS version, the only option you have to recover the performance is replacing the device.  And this experience applies to iPhone and iPads.
    edited December 2017 muthuk_vanalingamr2d2Habi_tweet
  • Reply 37 of 129
    nethan9 said:
    Really? I don't buy this story. Apple worrying about life of your battery. Yeah, right. Apple is trying to force you to buy to a new iPhone, each time it releases new one. I's called planned obsolescence. Fortunately for Apple, whole bunch of fanboys will spend over thousand dollars each year for a new iPhone. I've used Apple products for more years than most of you in this forum, but I don't like what I see, last couple years.
    Troll Alert!
  • Reply 38 of 129
    dedgecko said:
    Yeah... this could sting Apple a little bit, as it should.

    My 6+ was shitting itself with shutdowns at 30-50% randomly during the last couple of months of Apple Care. I went in three times and was sent away twice because their diagnostic seemed to believe the battery was fine, it was apps or the system that was run amuck. “Try a fresh reinstall and see if it improves”. Yeah, it didn’t. Thankfully the Genius Bars guys are not always dick holes and still replaced the phone outright with a refurb because, a.) Apple rocks customer service even though I was outside of Apple Care on the third trip in, and b.) their battery replacement machine was broke down or something.  It was a pain in the ass given that the Apple Store isn’t down the street from me and the closest one is one of the most popular places in Seattle.  Three trips in was a bit excessive. 
    You were either a better negotiator than I -- or luckier...
    I had a similar experience where, when I took the phone into the Apple Store the battery tested in the good range -- but they told me to replace the battery anyway.

    That made no sense to me:  I thought they were just trying to sell batteries or were just shooting in the dark.

    Eventually I took it to a third party who replaced the battery fairly cheaply (since it was marginal anyway) and, much to my surprise, that DID resolve the problem.
    But honestly, I seriously considered buying a new phone because, while it had a worn battery, it was too unreliable to depend on.  It could shut down and not restart in unpredictable circumstances.
  • Reply 39 of 129
    mike54 said:
    nethan9 said:
    Really? I don't buy this story. Apple worrying about life of your battery. Yeah, right. Apple is trying to force you to buy to a new iPhone, each time it releases new one. I's called planned obsolescence. Fortunately for Apple, whole bunch of fanboys will spend over thousand dollars each year for a new iPhone. I've used Apple products for more years than most of you in this forum, but I don't like what I see, last couple years.
    I with you on this. It's astounding that even intelligent people are giving Apple a free pass here. eg I wrote a comment saying Apple gave no explanation, and someone retorts back saying they did. Well, Apple only mentioned it last week and that's because they were effectively forced to. In some people's eyes Apple can do wrong.
    That's a bullshit response to a bull shit post.  Apple was NOT "worrying about the life of your battery".   They were dealing with unexpected shut downs that resulted from a weak, worn out battery.
  • Reply 40 of 129
    jkichline said:
    r2d2 said:
    loopless said:
    These lawsuits are total BS and AppleInsider should stop giving them such prominence. Especially with comments from people who think Apple should be producing a flip phone with a pop-out battery.

    Users are unlikely to notice slowdowns - but artificial benchmarks will show issues and only with phones will degraded batteries. I would MUCH rather my phone slowed down bit than suddenly "quit". 
    The slow-down is very noticeable. To the point of frustration. If you have no knowledge of this subject maybe you shouldn't post comments.
    Agreed. My wife installed iOS 11 on her iPhone 6 and it killed performance to the point it was basically unusable. She held out and got the iPhone X. So yes, if they throttled the phone and caused $1,000 upgrades... that’s a problem. They should have instead released an update that tested the battery and offered a replacement option or allowed the user to enable the power-saving mode until the replacement could happen.or heck at least offer a tradin in allowance to give the user something to make-good on the broken device.
    LOL... This issue has nothing to do with the iOS 11 release. 

    By the way, too bad your wife sprung for the X since the performance problems with the 6 under iOS11 have been pretty much resolved with various OS and app updates.
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