Ill-informed YouTuber bemoans Apple repair policies after breaking iMac Pro



  • Reply 241 of 290
    Mike WuertheleMike Wuerthele Posts: 6,917administrator
    NooName said:
    Probably. But I'm not going to. Stopped reading your articles a while back.
    Might be worth reading the source material before you talk crap.
  • Reply 242 of 290
    Mike WuertheleMike Wuerthele Posts: 6,917administrator
    Hey LTT fans, welcome back for a second round!

    Two things:

    1) Read the article that's referenced by LTT. If we even think you haven't, we're going to delete your comment.
    2) It takes us one click to delete a comment that violates the commenting guidelines (conveniently linked at the bottom of the page), even en masse. That's way quicker than it takes you to write it.

    We welcome respectful disagreement, and discussion.
    edited July 2018 Soli
  • Reply 243 of 290
    JyroneJyrone Posts: 1unconfirmed, member
    He made a second video explaining almost everything.

    he ended up getting a logic board and a screen. The screen was from Apple, but the logic board was from almost literally back ally deals. He also got information from AASP about pretty much how Apple is doing almost illegal activities. He also found out that at the time of the video, there were Apple certifications, but his local shop didn’t have one yet. Some shops still don’t have some. 
  • Reply 244 of 290
    Mike WuertheleMike Wuerthele Posts: 6,917administrator
    Jyrone said:
    He made a second video explaining almost everything.

    he ended up getting a logic board and a screen. The screen was from Apple, but the logic board was from almost literally back ally deals. He also got information from AASP about pretty much how Apple is doing almost illegal activities. He also found out that at the time of the video, there were Apple certifications, but his local shop didn’t have one yet. Some shops still don’t have some. 
    It would have been good during the production of the first video had he asked around, instead of going off half-cocked about no training available. I get that's what he was told, but 15/15 AASPs we called had all the certs. I'm sure he could have found somebody to talk to him about the core exchange process too.

    It took us five minutes per shop to get the info on the pricing of the parts and the training. It took them far, far longer than that to process and edit the video for YouTube.
    edited July 2018 Soliliquidmark
  • Reply 245 of 290
    JustME onlymeJustME onlyme Posts: 3unconfirmed, member
    Hey LTT fans, welcome back for a second round!

    Two things:

    1) Read the article that's referenced by LTT. If we even think you haven't, we're going to delete your comment.
    2) It takes us one click to delete a comment that violates the commenting guidelines (conveniently linked at the bottom of the page), even en masse. That's way quicker than it takes you to write it.

    We welcome respectful disagreement, and discussion.
    Hi Mike,
    I came here to see the article you wrote after watching the part 2 of LTT video aired on the 10th of July.
    I have seen part 1 and 2. I have read most of the comments.

    By seeing your replies and the above quote, it looks like your a bit to much of a mean guy. 

    I have a question for you...
    Like I mentioned today on LTT part 2 video.....

    Question is; You drive your car into a curb by accident.. you break the Lower Control Arm, bend the Rim, and dent the fender. You take the car to a dealer and ask, can you fix it?
    Dealer says NO, but you can buy another car from us.
    There are no parts in the parts store for this ' repair '.

    Given the scenario Apple has given restrictions to repair shops with certifications etc bla bla bla.

    What do you do? Are you going to buy a brand new car even though the damaged car is only a month old?

    People come here and express there feelings about that, and it all ends up you threatening to delete there comment.

    It is part of the movement for right to repair.
    It is part of the movement to keep landfills free from electronics.

    Lets be honest, Apple just wants to make money on this 'control' of repairs.

    Mike you seem to be doing a lot of excuses in your replies, You WILL delete my comment I know.
    The more you speak, the worst you look.

  • Reply 246 of 290
    JustME onlymeJustME onlyme Posts: 3unconfirmed, member
    How do I delete my Appleinsider account?

  • Reply 247 of 290
    Mike WuertheleMike Wuerthele Posts: 6,917administrator
    How do I delete my Appleinsider account?

    There's no need to log in, in the future. We don't harvest emails form the forums.

    And, why would I delete the comment? You didn't violate any commenting guidelines.

    And, we haven't deleted dissent. We've deleted "LOL U SUK" and the like that violate our forum rules. If you had read the comments, you'd have seen that dissent and disagreement is staying.

    And, if you drive into a curb by accident, you haven't violated any terms of service. Any dealer, yes, even a car dealer, can refuse service for any reason, It's in their terms of service as well.
    edited July 2018
  • Reply 248 of 290
    Apple's repair and parts policies is hurting the environment. Throw it away, buy a new one.
    Will iFixit write an article about this situation? 
  • Reply 249 of 290
    NEDM64NEDM64 Posts: 4member

    Hi Mike,
    I came here to see the article you wrote after watching the part 2 of LTT video aired on the 10th of July.
    I have seen part 1 and 2. I have read most of the comments.


    Mike you seem to be doing a lot of excuses in your replies, You WILL delete my comment I know.
    The more you speak, the worst you look.

    Hi Mr. Linus.

    First and foremost, I love the kernel you've invented.

    Second, why are you all, the Apple pro-haters, always complaining about Apple, and "genuinely" buying Apple products (Linus TT, Louis Rossmann, Quinn Nelson and Jerry Rigs Everything), sponsored by iFixit.

    What a coincidence?

    They are ALL buying these machines, after saying so much sh__ about Apple, and all of them are having "problems".

    A company that WANTS to force into people's heads that Apple is an oppressive company that doesn't YOU, a know it all, to fix your own devices yourself, and they "empowering" users with tools, and "fighting the good fight" with the right to repair?

    A company that violated Apple's NDA in the past with the ATV4?

    A company that just wrote this: which is the most ridiculous POS I've ever seen.

    iFixit is asking for it.

    LTT is a prostitute that works for iFixit and other Apple competitors (MSI, Asus, Audible which is owned by Amazon) and is paid by another Apple competitor, Google.

    But he has trained the trolls well, seems that his fanboys are already here.
  • Reply 250 of 290
    NEDM64NEDM64 Posts: 4member
    Apple's repair and parts policies is hurting the environment. Throw it away, buy a new one.
    Will iFixit write an article about this situation? 

    LOL... iFixit...

    And then what?

    A group of people who would never buy Apple are still not going to buy Apple?

    iFixit should stick to fix their own batteries!

    edited July 2018
  • Reply 251 of 290
    How do I delete my Appleinsider account?

    There's no need to log in, in the future. We don't harvest emails form the forums.

    And, why would I delete the comment? You didn't violate any commenting guidelines.

    And, we haven't deleted dissent. We've deleted "LOL U SUK" and the like that violate our forum rules. If you had read the comments, you'd have seen that dissent and disagreement is staying.

    And, if you drive into a curb by accident, you haven't violated any terms of service. Any dealer, yes, even a car dealer, can refuse service for any reason, It's in their terms of service as well.
    Okay, so as a basis to business principals and customer service even in this bastardized obscure statement and or scenario about cars vs computers I can imagine you’re correct.

    However I can only see the clear contrast of stupidity to refusing such services, regardless of the reasoning. This isn’t a chronicle of hatred for Apple but more of a irritated and confused consumer.  

    Making the statement that services can be refused is like saying a private establishment doesn’t have to allow you to do anything that involves there product on that avenue which is clearly obvious.  The point is why and the F@&£ would Apple (a multi-Billion dollar company) refuse to help anyone? They have a following worse then Breaking bad and the money to buy ANYTHING. Going to skip over how they flush there money through other countries to avoid American taxes but I’m not a business consultant I’m sure a lot of companies skate around American laws to pat there wallet.  Clearly they don’t have to do a darn thing. Pretty sure the point of topic and silly as it has become is WHY? Is there some hidden agenda or business practice that Steve Jobs instilled into everyone that shoving a logo and copyrighting everything means you can snub the little guy too? 

    Also, stating that LTT is a Ifixit patsy is about as shallow and easy as calling him a lame a$$ dude with bad hair. He advertises for more then a dozen companies who compete and don’t compete with Apple. (Referring to another post)
    I can only assume you have watched the afflicting videos about this topic and nothing else with that lack luster barely lucid statement Ned. 

    Again Mike this upper paragraph is not reflecting your posts. 

     I respect everyone’s thoughts on this but have a lot of burning questions about apples buisness practices and complete lack of compromise for any topic and up and including when the two shooters injured and killed several people a couple years ago and they refused to unlock the murderers phones on principals of violating there privacy via apples policy as if it superseded juctice for the dead and dying people in our country that they also reside in? I can imagine if it were there family’s under the gun proverbially or literally the IMac Pro damage and or unlock the phone argument wouldn’t even be a question..
  • Reply 252 of 290
    JayRJayR Posts: 1unconfirmed, member
    "Driving into a lamp post isn't the same as cracking open the engine block and breaking something, while explaining how internal combustion works to a rapt YouTube audience." - It's always possible to obtain new internal components to rebuild an engine, so your defense of Apple being unable to supply a part is equally poor!
    edited July 2018 MorganEarp
  • Reply 253 of 290
    SoliSoli Posts: 10,038member
    JayR said:
    It's always possible to obtain new internal components to rebuild an engine
    No, it's not.
  • Reply 254 of 290
    NEDM64NEDM64 Posts: 4member
    Golden86 said:
    How do I delete my Appleinsider account?

    There's no need to log in, in the future. We don't harvest emails form the forums.

    And, why would I delete the comment? You didn't violate any commenting guidelines.

    And, we haven't deleted dissent. We've deleted "LOL U SUK" and the like that violate our forum rules. If you had read the comments, you'd have seen that dissent and disagreement is staying.

    And, if you drive into a curb by accident, you haven't violated any terms of service. Any dealer, yes, even a car dealer, can refuse service for any reason, It's in their terms of service as well.
    Okay, so as a basis to business principals and customer service even in this bastardized obscure statement and or scenario about cars vs computers I can imagine you’re correct.

    However I can only see the clear contrast of stupidity to refusing such services, regardless of the reasoning. This isn’t a chronicle of hatred for Apple but more of a irritated and confused consumer.  

    Making the statement that services can be refused is like saying a private establishment doesn’t have to allow you to do anything that involves there product on that avenue which is clearly obvious.  The point is why and the F@&£ would Apple (a multi-Billion dollar company) refuse to help anyone? They have a following worse then Breaking bad and the money to buy ANYTHING. Going to skip over how they flush there money through other countries to avoid American taxes but I’m not a business consultant I’m sure a lot of companies skate around American laws to pat there wallet.  Clearly they don’t have to do a darn thing. Pretty sure the point of topic and silly as it has become is WHY? Is there some hidden agenda or business practice that Steve Jobs instilled into everyone that shoving a logo and copyrighting everything means you can snub the little guy too? 

    Also, stating that LTT is a Ifixit patsy is about as shallow and easy as calling him a lame a$$ dude with bad hair. He advertises for more then a dozen companies who compete and don’t compete with Apple. (Referring to another post)
    I can only assume you have watched the afflicting videos about this topic and nothing else with that lack luster barely lucid statement Ned. 

    Again Mike this upper paragraph is not reflecting your posts. 

     I respect everyone’s thoughts on this but have a lot of burning questions about apples buisness practices and complete lack of compromise for any topic and up and including when the two shooters injured and killed several people a couple years ago and they refused to unlock the murderers phones on principals of violating there privacy via apples policy as if it superseded juctice for the dead and dying people in our country that they also reside in? I can imagine if it were there family’s under the gun proverbially or literally the IMac Pro damage and or unlock the phone argument wouldn’t even be a question..
    So, how much did you get from iFixit?
  • Reply 255 of 290
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    mygig said:
    They wanted a screen replacement and in my opinion, they should be able to get that done by Apple, no matter how much they charge. I know they don't have do to it, because it's in their terms of service, but it shouldn't be, it's not the right thing to do. This Apple defense you wrote up, is pointless in my opinion. Always had Appleinsider in high regards, but how you tried to discredit them was not OK, lost quite a bit of points by me.

    It's always been Apple's policy that if you intentionally damage something or if you are not authorized to rip something apart and you do it, especially if you are stupid enough to document it for the world to see, you are shite out of options. they won't touch it. sure it looks like it's just a screen but who knows what else they screwed up that they will then bring the machine back for other repairs, perhaps under warranty. 

    these guys were the idiots for not researching properly before they touched the machine. 
  • Reply 256 of 290
    NEDM64 said:
    Golden86 said:
    How do I delete my Appleinsider account?

    There's no need to log in, in the future. We don't harvest emails form the forums.

    And, why would I delete the comment? You didn't violate any commenting guidelines.

    And, we haven't deleted dissent. We've deleted "LOL U SUK" and the like that violate our forum rules. If you had read the comments, you'd have seen that dissent and disagreement is staying.

    And, if you drive into a curb by accident, you haven't violated any terms of service. Any dealer, yes, even a car dealer, can refuse service for any reason, It's in their terms of service as well.
    Okay, so as a basis to business principals and customer service even in this bastardized obscure statement and or scenario about cars vs computers I can imagine you’re correct.

    However I can only see the clear contrast of stupidity to refusing such services, regardless of the reasoning. This isn’t a chronicle of hatred for Apple but more of a irritated and confused consumer.  

    Making the statement that services can be refused is like saying a private establishment doesn’t have to allow you to do anything that involves there product on that avenue which is clearly obvious.  The point is why and the F@&£ would Apple (a multi-Billion dollar company) refuse to help anyone? They have a following worse then Breaking bad and the money to buy ANYTHING. Going to skip over how they flush there money through other countries to avoid American taxes but I’m not a business consultant I’m sure a lot of companies skate around American laws to pat there wallet.  Clearly they don’t have to do a darn thing. Pretty sure the point of topic and silly as it has become is WHY? Is there some hidden agenda or business practice that Steve Jobs instilled into everyone that shoving a logo and copyrighting everything means you can snub the little guy too? 

    Also, stating that LTT is a Ifixit patsy is about as shallow and easy as calling him a lame a$$ dude with bad hair. He advertises for more then a dozen companies who compete and don’t compete with Apple. (Referring to another post)
    I can only assume you have watched the afflicting videos about this topic and nothing else with that lack luster barely lucid statement Ned. 

    Again Mike this upper paragraph is not reflecting your posts. 

     I respect everyone’s thoughts on this but have a lot of burning questions about apples buisness practices and complete lack of compromise for any topic and up and including when the two shooters injured and killed several people a couple years ago and they refused to unlock the murderers phones on principals of violating there privacy via apples policy as if it superseded juctice for the dead and dying people in our country that they also reside in? I can imagine if it were there family’s under the gun proverbially or literally the IMac Pro damage and or unlock the phone argument wouldn’t even be a question..
    So, how much did you get from iFixit?

    NEDM64 said:
    Golden86 said:
    How do I delete my Appleinsider account?

    There's no need to log in, in the future. We don't harvest emails form the forums.

    And, why would I delete the comment? You didn't violate any commenting guidelines.

    And, we haven't deleted dissent. We've deleted "LOL U SUK" and the like that violate our forum rules. If you had read the comments, you'd have seen that dissent and disagreement is staying.

    And, if you drive into a curb by accident, you haven't violated any terms of service. Any dealer, yes, even a car dealer, can refuse service for any reason, It's in their terms of service as well.
    Okay, so as a basis to business principals and customer service even in this bastardized obscure statement and or scenario about cars vs computers I can imagine you’re correct.

    However I can only see the clear contrast of stupidity to refusing such services, regardless of the reasoning. This isn’t a chronicle of hatred for Apple but more of a irritated and confused consumer.  

    Making the statement that services can be refused is like saying a private establishment doesn’t have to allow you to do anything that involves there product on that avenue which is clearly obvious.  The point is why and the F@&£ would Apple (a multi-Billion dollar company) refuse to help anyone? They have a following worse then Breaking bad and the money to buy ANYTHING. Going to skip over how they flush there money through other countries to avoid American taxes but I’m not a business consultant I’m sure a lot of companies skate around American laws to pat there wallet.  Clearly they don’t have to do a darn thing. Pretty sure the point of topic and silly as it has become is WHY? Is there some hidden agenda or business practice that Steve Jobs instilled into everyone that shoving a logo and copyrighting everything means you can snub the little guy too? 

    Also, stating that LTT is a Ifixit patsy is about as shallow and easy as calling him a lame a$$ dude with bad hair. He advertises for more then a dozen companies who compete and don’t compete with Apple. (Referring to another post)
    I can only assume you have watched the afflicting videos about this topic and nothing else with that lack luster barely lucid statement Ned. 

    Again Mike this upper paragraph is not reflecting your posts. 

     I respect everyone’s thoughts on this but have a lot of burning questions about apples buisness practices and complete lack of compromise for any topic and up and including when the two shooters injured and killed several people a couple years ago and they refused to unlock the murderers phones on principals of violating there privacy via apples policy as if it superseded juctice for the dead and dying people in our country that they also reside in? I can imagine if it were there family’s under the gun proverbially or literally the IMac Pro damage and or unlock the phone argument wouldn’t even be a question..
    So, how much did you get from iFixit?

    NEDM64 said:
    Golden86 said:
    How do I delete my Appleinsider account?

    There's no need to log in, in the future. We don't harvest emails form the forums.

    And, why would I delete the comment? You didn't violate any commenting guidelines.

    And, we haven't deleted dissent. We've deleted "LOL U SUK" and the like that violate our forum rules. If you had read the comments, you'd have seen that dissent and disagreement is staying.

    And, if you drive into a curb by accident, you haven't violated any terms of service. Any dealer, yes, even a car dealer, can refuse service for any reason, It's in their terms of service as well.
    Okay, so as a basis to business principals and customer service even in this bastardized obscure statement and or scenario about cars vs computers I can imagine you’re correct.

    However I can only see the clear contrast of stupidity to refusing such services, regardless of the reasoning. This isn’t a chronicle of hatred for Apple but more of a irritated and confused consumer.  

    Making the statement that services can be refused is like saying a private establishment doesn’t have to allow you to do anything that involves there product on that avenue which is clearly obvious.  The point is why and the F@&£ would Apple (a multi-Billion dollar company) refuse to help anyone? They have a following worse then Breaking bad and the money to buy ANYTHING. Going to skip over how they flush there money through other countries to avoid American taxes but I’m not a business consultant I’m sure a lot of companies skate around American laws to pat there wallet.  Clearly they don’t have to do a darn thing. Pretty sure the point of topic and silly as it has become is WHY? Is there some hidden agenda or business practice that Steve Jobs instilled into everyone that shoving a logo and copyrighting everything means you can snub the little guy too? 

    Also, stating that LTT is a Ifixit patsy is about as shallow and easy as calling him a lame a$$ dude with bad hair. He advertises for more then a dozen companies who compete and don’t compete with Apple. (Referring to another post)
    I can only assume you have watched the afflicting videos about this topic and nothing else with that lack luster barely lucid statement Ned. 

    Again Mike this upper paragraph is not reflecting your posts. 

     I respect everyone’s thoughts on this but have a lot of burning questions about apples buisness practices and complete lack of compromise for any topic and up and including when the two shooters injured and killed several people a couple years ago and they refused to unlock the murderers phones on principals of violating there privacy via apples policy as if it superseded juctice for the dead and dying people in our country that they also reside in? I can imagine if it were there family’s under the gun proverbially or literally the IMac Pro damage and or unlock the phone argument wouldn’t even be a question..
    So, how much did you get from iFixit?

    I don’t even own an Ifixit Kit. 
  • Reply 257 of 290
    liquidmarkliquidmark Posts: 120member
    NooName said:
    Probably. But I'm not going to. Stopped reading your articles a while back.
    WhY. Are. You. Here?
  • Reply 258 of 290
    liquidmarkliquidmark Posts: 120member
    JustME onlyme said:

    Question is; You drive your car into a curb by accident.. you break the Lower Control Arm, bend the Rim, and dent the fender. You take the car to a dealer and ask, can you fix it?
    Dealer says NO, but you can buy another car from us.
    There are no parts in the parts store for this ' repair '.

    Given the scenario Apple has given restrictions to repair shops with certifications etc bla bla bla.

    What do you do? Are you going to buy a brand new car even though the damaged car is only a month old?

    People come here and express there feelings about that, and it all ends up you threatening to delete there comment.

    It is part of the movement for right to repair.
    It is part of the movement to keep landfills free from electronics.

    Lets be honest, Apple just wants to make money on this 'control' of repairs.

    Mike you seem to be doing a lot of excuses in your replies, You WILL delete my comment I know.
    The more you speak, the worst you look.

    1) driving your car is normal use of the vehicle taking apart the iMac is not normal use of the iMac. This is more like taking a Tesla apart without knowing what you were doing, Tesla saying they won’t fix it and you making a video on YouTube about mean ol’ Tesla being mean because you slagged you own $60k car.

    2) if your car is totaled then go to your insurance company and they’ll cut you a check to buy a replacement car. If you don’t have insurance and you destroyed your car when took your car apart then you deserve what you get.

    3) if Apple wanted money then they wouldn’t have told Linus to kick sand when he said that he’ll pat them to fix his iMac Pro. They would ave just charged a crazy price. 
  • Reply 259 of 290
    NEDM64NEDM64 Posts: 4member
    Golden86 said:
    NEDM64 said:
    Golden86 said:
    How do I delete my Appleinsider account?

    There's no need to log in, in the future. We don't harvest emails form the forums.

    And, why would I delete the comment? You didn't violate any commenting guidelines.

    And, we haven't deleted dissent. We've deleted "LOL U SUK" and the like that violate our forum rules. If you had read the comments, you'd have seen that dissent and disagreement is staying.

    And, if you drive into a curb by accident, you haven't violated any terms of service. Any dealer, yes, even a car dealer, can refuse service for any reason, It's in their terms of service as well.
    Okay, so as a basis to business principals and customer service even in this bastardized obscure statement and or scenario about cars vs computers I can imagine you’re correct.

    However I can only see the clear contrast of stupidity to refusing such services, regardless of the reasoning. This isn’t a chronicle of hatred for Apple but more of a irritated and confused consumer.  

    Making the statement that services can be refused is like saying a private establishment doesn’t have to allow you to do anything that involves there product on that avenue which is clearly obvious.  The point is why and the F@&£ would Apple (a multi-Billion dollar company) refuse to help anyone? They have a following worse then Breaking bad and the money to buy ANYTHING. Going to skip over how they flush there money through other countries to avoid American taxes but I’m not a business consultant I’m sure a lot of companies skate around American laws to pat there wallet.  Clearly they don’t have to do a darn thing. Pretty sure the point of topic and silly as it has become is WHY? Is there some hidden agenda or business practice that Steve Jobs instilled into everyone that shoving a logo and copyrighting everything means you can snub the little guy too? 

    Also, stating that LTT is a Ifixit patsy is about as shallow and easy as calling him a lame a$$ dude with bad hair. He advertises for more then a dozen companies who compete and don’t compete with Apple. (Referring to another post)
    I can only assume you have watched the afflicting videos about this topic and nothing else with that lack luster barely lucid statement Ned. 

    Again Mike this upper paragraph is not reflecting your posts. 

     I respect everyone’s thoughts on this but have a lot of burning questions about apples buisness practices and complete lack of compromise for any topic and up and including when the two shooters injured and killed several people a couple years ago and they refused to unlock the murderers phones on principals of violating there privacy via apples policy as if it superseded juctice for the dead and dying people in our country that they also reside in? I can imagine if it were there family’s under the gun proverbially or literally the IMac Pro damage and or unlock the phone argument wouldn’t even be a question..
    So, how much did you get from iFixit?

    NEDM64 said:
    Golden86 said:
    How do I delete my Appleinsider account?

    There's no need to log in, in the future. We don't harvest emails form the forums.

    And, why would I delete the comment? You didn't violate any commenting guidelines.

    And, we haven't deleted dissent. We've deleted "LOL U SUK" and the like that violate our forum rules. If you had read the comments, you'd have seen that dissent and disagreement is staying.

    And, if you drive into a curb by accident, you haven't violated any terms of service. Any dealer, yes, even a car dealer, can refuse service for any reason, It's in their terms of service as well.
    Okay, so as a basis to business principals and customer service even in this bastardized obscure statement and or scenario about cars vs computers I can imagine you’re correct.

    However I can only see the clear contrast of stupidity to refusing such services, regardless of the reasoning. This isn’t a chronicle of hatred for Apple but more of a irritated and confused consumer.  

    Making the statement that services can be refused is like saying a private establishment doesn’t have to allow you to do anything that involves there product on that avenue which is clearly obvious.  The point is why and the F@&£ would Apple (a multi-Billion dollar company) refuse to help anyone? They have a following worse then Breaking bad and the money to buy ANYTHING. Going to skip over how they flush there money through other countries to avoid American taxes but I’m not a business consultant I’m sure a lot of companies skate around American laws to pat there wallet.  Clearly they don’t have to do a darn thing. Pretty sure the point of topic and silly as it has become is WHY? Is there some hidden agenda or business practice that Steve Jobs instilled into everyone that shoving a logo and copyrighting everything means you can snub the little guy too? 

    Also, stating that LTT is a Ifixit patsy is about as shallow and easy as calling him a lame a$$ dude with bad hair. He advertises for more then a dozen companies who compete and don’t compete with Apple. (Referring to another post)
    I can only assume you have watched the afflicting videos about this topic and nothing else with that lack luster barely lucid statement Ned. 

    Again Mike this upper paragraph is not reflecting your posts. 

     I respect everyone’s thoughts on this but have a lot of burning questions about apples buisness practices and complete lack of compromise for any topic and up and including when the two shooters injured and killed several people a couple years ago and they refused to unlock the murderers phones on principals of violating there privacy via apples policy as if it superseded juctice for the dead and dying people in our country that they also reside in? I can imagine if it were there family’s under the gun proverbially or literally the IMac Pro damage and or unlock the phone argument wouldn’t even be a question..
    So, how much did you get from iFixit?

    NEDM64 said:
    Golden86 said:
    How do I delete my Appleinsider account?

    There's no need to log in, in the future. We don't harvest emails form the forums.

    And, why would I delete the comment? You didn't violate any commenting guidelines.

    And, we haven't deleted dissent. We've deleted "LOL U SUK" and the like that violate our forum rules. If you had read the comments, you'd have seen that dissent and disagreement is staying.

    And, if you drive into a curb by accident, you haven't violated any terms of service. Any dealer, yes, even a car dealer, can refuse service for any reason, It's in their terms of service as well.
    Okay, so as a basis to business principals and customer service even in this bastardized obscure statement and or scenario about cars vs computers I can imagine you’re correct.

    However I can only see the clear contrast of stupidity to refusing such services, regardless of the reasoning. This isn’t a chronicle of hatred for Apple but more of a irritated and confused consumer.  

    Making the statement that services can be refused is like saying a private establishment doesn’t have to allow you to do anything that involves there product on that avenue which is clearly obvious.  The point is why and the F@&£ would Apple (a multi-Billion dollar company) refuse to help anyone? They have a following worse then Breaking bad and the money to buy ANYTHING. Going to skip over how they flush there money through other countries to avoid American taxes but I’m not a business consultant I’m sure a lot of companies skate around American laws to pat there wallet.  Clearly they don’t have to do a darn thing. Pretty sure the point of topic and silly as it has become is WHY? Is there some hidden agenda or business practice that Steve Jobs instilled into everyone that shoving a logo and copyrighting everything means you can snub the little guy too? 

    Also, stating that LTT is a Ifixit patsy is about as shallow and easy as calling him a lame a$$ dude with bad hair. He advertises for more then a dozen companies who compete and don’t compete with Apple. (Referring to another post)
    I can only assume you have watched the afflicting videos about this topic and nothing else with that lack luster barely lucid statement Ned. 

    Again Mike this upper paragraph is not reflecting your posts. 

     I respect everyone’s thoughts on this but have a lot of burning questions about apples buisness practices and complete lack of compromise for any topic and up and including when the two shooters injured and killed several people a couple years ago and they refused to unlock the murderers phones on principals of violating there privacy via apples policy as if it superseded juctice for the dead and dying people in our country that they also reside in? I can imagine if it were there family’s under the gun proverbially or literally the IMac Pro damage and or unlock the phone argument wouldn’t even be a question..
    So, how much did you get from iFixit?

    I don’t even own an Ifixit Kit. 
    You don't need to own an iBrokeIt kit to be paid by them...

    edited July 2018 liquidmarklamboaudi4
  • Reply 260 of 290
    tundraboytundraboy Posts: 1,908member
    I see a cracked screen...

    How is it possible all the parts listed are actually damaged?

    Did it get hit by lightning?  It sounds like Apple didn’t have the parts or experience to make the repairs.

    Is the damage Apple’s fault?  Obviously not.  But the Apple Store should be able to send it somewhere to get fixed, and not for $5000+.

    This story is embarrassing for Apple...
    They say in the video that it required a power supply, a motherboard, and the display. They really damaged it when putting it back together. They aren't at all disagreeing with what needs repaired, and are in fact the ones who confirm what parts were damaged.

    So two things. The third-party repair shop lied to get out of doing the repair because the repair certification has been available since before they asked, and the parts that were needed were available about a month or two after they went in to inquire about it. It sometimes takes a bit after launch for parts to make their way through the system and made available to stores and third-party repair shops.

    If they went in with the Pro today, chances are it would be able to be repaired. But remember, at this point, the only thing that is left without needing repair is basically a shell, some ram, and the SSD. The rest is shot and needing to be replaced. It would have been cheaper to buy a new one.

    The video is really just clickbait and hammed up for the camera.
    I think the moral of the story is don’t buy an “all in one” iMac Pro from Apple.  Those parts shouldn’t have been more than $1500, unless they did something stupid and soldered the processor to the motherboard.

    If you buy a Pro machine, everything should be able to be swapped out: the CPU, GPU, drive, ram, etc. (no the CPU probably isn’t upgradable for a reasonable amount).

    The “can’t be upgraded” bit them in the ass.  This is a poor design for a Pro machine.
    Ah look, he’s an armchair electrical engineer and armchair logistics expert too. Impressive. 
    He's an armchair marketing and sales genius too because he knows just exactly what features all Pro users require of a Pro machine.
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