Apple debuts new $5999 Mac Pro with up to 28-core Xeon processors



  • Reply 21 of 420
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 13,033member
    wozwoz said:
    Wow - this so Pro they might sell 100 of them. Cheese grater design is boring. After the criticism of the R2D2 Mac Pro for not being pro enough (when Apple didn't even offer upgrade options over 5 years!), they have gone to the other extreme and produced a machine that only a tiny proportion of Pro users will want, or be able to justify. Apple have lurched far too far to the other extreme. 
    Same goes for the monitor:  they should be providing a suite of monitors in different sizes for different users - not some ridiculously over-specced $6000 32 inch monitor with a an optional $1000 stand.
    bitmod said:
    Apple missed the mark completely on this... completely. They custom designed a Mac Pro for Pixar... what about the rest of us? FFS...
    Just stop. This is not a tinkering device. It's a workstation. It's for people who need high-quality tools to produce value on a workstation. Is that you? If not, plenty of other options.
    edited June 2019 welshdogCraig Pcornchipgilly33tmaymwhitellamabigpicsroundaboutnowdocno42
  • Reply 22 of 420
    spice-boyspice-boy Posts: 1,450member
    I have a callous remover that looks just like this. Only kidding look fantastic.
  • Reply 23 of 420
    netroxnetrox Posts: 1,475member
    Love how amateurs complain about the costs of Mac Pro... it's for Professionals making lots of money... not for amateurs living on a few hundreds. iMac Pro is for prosumers. Mac Pro is for professionals. iMac is for consumers (but they can do all the things that pros do but at a much slower speed). 
    edited June 2019 StrangeDayswelshdoglkruppgilly33tmaybigpicsdocno42tyler82chasmtenchi211
  • Reply 24 of 420
    CheeseFreezeCheeseFreeze Posts: 1,324member
    I like how they went all in. Super high-end performance for ditto prices - it's how it is. A big nod to their pro base: we haven't forgotten you.
  • Reply 25 of 420
    mtbnutmtbnut Posts: 199member
    bitmod said:
    Apple missed the mark completely on this... completely. They custom designed a Mac Pro for Pixar... what about the rest of us? FFS...
    The One Percenters say Apple completely HIT the mark on this.  :D
  • Reply 26 of 420
    dworlunddworlund Posts: 20member
    bitmod said:
    If you’re a Fortune 100 company... it’s going to be great!
    Quality tools are expensive. Do you need a tool this powerful? If so, great, here it is, you can do your job and produce value with it. If not, it's not for you, and that's fine. The iMac Pro, iMac, and Mini are great options for desktops.
    Agree. Apple got this right. There has been so much discussion about what makes a "pro." Clearly this is perfect for video/graphics/etc...what most people think of as a Mac "pro"...they should be very happy. And me (a stock trading pro on a Mac)? I'm very happy with the Mac Mini, which gives me enough processing with the need for three 4k monitors. And the iMac Pro will fit nicely between the two. Apple has covered the gamut I think.
    welshdogStrangeDaysCraig Pgilly33docno42tyler82JWSCcat52randominternetpersonRadio_Signal
  • Reply 27 of 420
    Craig PCraig P Posts: 3unconfirmed, member
    For all the whiners who complained about how "non-pro" the old tower was;  here's your solution.   You can't complain about the price;  Apple heard everyones' collective whines and has now delivered on a computer that is so "pro" as to be out of this world.   No one need ever whine again.  
  • Reply 28 of 420
    welshdogwelshdog Posts: 1,906member
    This Mac and monitor should begin to re-establish the Apple presence in video post. They will need to do things to assure buyers that they plan to stay in this space however. This machine is all anyone wanted and it's very unfortunate that it took them so long to do it.  Most editors I worked with preferred Mac OS and most of them were Final Cut users. They all pretty much left Apple because they changed Final Cut way too much and then stopped making the Mac Pros they expected.  Many will come back gladly, and many will have to be lured back. The original Final Cut drove a HUGE amount of Mac Pro sales and Apple no longer have that draw. If they were to restore some of the familiar interface of the old Final Cut they might get former users to come back.

    BTW Apple design team must have taken our use of the term "cheese grater" literally, because wow, this looks just like a kitchen grater. I mean wow. Give me a 38kg wheel of Parmigiano-Reggiano and I'll go to frickin' town!

    Craig Pforgot usernametmaygilly33docno42jasenj1JWSCminicoffeecat52
  • Reply 29 of 420
    bitmodbitmod Posts: 267member
    bitmod said:
    If you’re a Fortune 100 company... it’s going to be great!
    Quality tools are expensive. Do you need a tool this powerful? If so, great, here it is, you can do your job and produce value with it. If not, it's not for you, and that's fine. The iMac Pro, iMac, and Mini are great options for desktops.
    Uhhhh... yah. They designed a Mac Pro for Pixar and maybe 5 other massive design houses. What about the other 98% of content creators? 
    Where is the Mac for the small business that makes up 98% of the market? The freelancers who need a solid machine that they can upgrade over 7 years. iMac isn’t it. 

    This is looks like a fantastic machine - but it misses the mark for what the average pro user has been asking for.
    wozwozavon b7davgregkestraldysamoriadonjuan1STnTENDERBITS
  • Reply 30 of 420
    eightzero said:
    For perhaps the first time, we see a product from Apple where the engineers were obviously told: "price and cost are irrelevant."
    The price seems reasonably reasonable.  I was expecting a starting price closer to $10K.  I think the engineers were told build a machine as powerful as a goddamn M1 Abrams that can drive as fast as an Agera RS and do it as quietly as a Model X... with better panel gaps.  :D :D

    I think they did.  I think Apple hit it out of the park.
    StrangeDaysforgot usernamecornchipgilly33bigpicsdocno42muthuk_vanalingamCraig Pchiachasm
  • Reply 31 of 420
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,121member
    The cheese grater lives! Booya... Watching now, this looks sweet. Way overpowered for my needs, but damn....I waaant it.
    Yes... I'm happy to say that Apple created something so ridiculously overpowered that even though I would never utilize 5% of it, I WANT it!

    bigpicsdocno42Craig PmacpluspluschasmRadio_Signalwatto_cobra
  • Reply 32 of 420
    Craig PCraig P Posts: 3unconfirmed, member
    There's an obvious progression from the MacBook to MacBook Pro to iMac to iMac Pro to this new Mac Pro, both in terms of features and capabilities.    Apple now is selling  a hardware solution for the entire spectrum of potential users.   No one can complain about their hardware offerings for the foreseeable future.  Of course some folks will continue to do so anyway, but we know that it's no longer warranted, at least at this point in time.  
  • Reply 33 of 420
    Steve HumistonSteve Humiston Posts: 22unconfirmed, member
    While I get that people can make money with this tool, some of us make great deals of money without needed to design. I happen to love apple but also love the VR community. I can run my HTC Vive Pro (1300) on a 2000 windows desktop... why? Because I have too.. I am not locking myself into a video card in an imac or losing frames using an egpu box. There is literally NO spot for me in the mac community... this mac pro would do wonders for VR.. but you know, it's too much.,.
  • Reply 34 of 420
    Well, that's it.  It's the long-awaited 2019 cheese-grater Mac Pro.  This could have been done in 2013.  This is something the pros have been waiting for.  Eight PCI slots are the bomb.  Although I have no need for that much power, I'm happy Apple built an ultimate Mac Pro just to knock the socks off competitors' devices.  Some people may complain about the price but I definitely think it's worth it.  Apart from NVidia graphics support, it has everything I would expect it to have.  Radeon graphics processors are getting quite powerful but they still run hotter than equivalent NVidia processors.  If the new Mac Pro can keep them cooler, then that's great.  I think Apple did a great job with the Mac Pro this time around.  Of course, only time will tell if the pros run out and buy them in quantity.
  • Reply 35 of 420
    eightzeroeightzero Posts: 3,129member
    eightzero said:
    For perhaps the first time, we see a product from Apple where the engineers were obviously told: "price and cost are irrelevant."
    The price seems reasonably reasonable.  I was expecting a starting price closer to $10K.  I think the engineers were told build a machine as powerful as a goddamn M1 Abrams that can drive as fast as an Agera RS and do it as quietly as a Model X... with better panel gaps.  :D :D

    I think they did.  I think Apple hit it out of the park.
    No question. A triumph of engineering. Money talks. 
    cornchipCraig PRadio_Signalwatto_cobra
  • Reply 36 of 420
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    wozwoz said:
    Wow - this so Pro they might sell 100 of them. Cheese grater design is boring. After the criticism of the R2D2 Mac Pro for not being pro enough (when Apple didn't even offer upgrade options over 5 years!), they have gone to the other extreme and produced a machine that only a tiny proportion of Pro users will want, or be able to justify. Apple have lurched far too far to the other extreme. 
    Same goes for the monitor:  they should be providing a suite of monitors in different sizes for different users - not some ridiculously over-specced $6000 32 inch monitor with a an optional $1000 stand.
    I’m not getting good vibes either.    Two years from now they will cancel the Mac Pro for lack of demand.  

    Frankly im hoping that they turn the trashcan into a lower cost desktop solution as the concept isn’t bad for many pro users.  Imagine the trash can with a single decent GPU card and the free location containing a carrier board for extra SSD storage.  That would be perfect for my desktop needs.  
  • Reply 37 of 420
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,121member
    bitmod said:
    bitmod said:
    If you’re a Fortune 100 company... it’s going to be great!
    Quality tools are expensive. Do you need a tool this powerful? If so, great, here it is, you can do your job and produce value with it. If not, it's not for you, and that's fine. The iMac Pro, iMac, and Mini are great options for desktops.
    Uhhhh... yah. They designed a Mac Pro for Pixar and maybe 5 other massive design houses. What about the other 98% of content creators? 
    Where is the Mac for the small business that makes up 98% of the market? The freelancers who need a solid machine that they can upgrade over 7 years. iMac isn’t it. 

    This is looks like a fantastic machine - but it misses the mark for what the average pro user has been asking for.
    Buy the base Mac Pro, or the iMac Pro, or a fully-loaded iMac.  There are options and as usual, people that feel it should be all about them.

    This is a fantastic machine if your job is to use it to generate money.  Obviously, it's not for you.
    StrangeDaysgilly33bigpicsdocno42Craig Pjasenj1chiamacplusplusJWSCfastasleep
  • Reply 38 of 420
    sandorsandor Posts: 665member
    This will give us pause to upgrade - especially the rack mountable part.
    We skipped the trash can completely just because it was nothing that fit our needs.
    Our 5 year upgrade schedule got stretched quite a few years longer.

    We can dump the new one in the rack with our 170 TB of live arrays, and have at it.
    Just have to figure out how to deal with the deprecation of macOS Server now...  :/

    forgot usernameoseamebigpicsjasenj1rezwitsRadio_Signaldonjuancityguidewatto_cobra
  • Reply 39 of 420
    davgregdavgreg Posts: 1,046member
    mr. h said:
    Starting price isn't too bad. A serious machine and a serious display. I think there's no room for the whiners here!
    The entry price is too high. There is a gap between the Mac mini and the Pro for headless Macs. Either offer a mini with a discrete GPU or this new workstation with a less expensive CPU.

    eGPUs are not living up to the hype on the Mac OS.
  • Reply 40 of 420
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    bitmod said:
    Apple missed the mark completely on this... completely. They custom designed a Mac Pro for Pixar... what about the rest of us? FFS...
    What this should tell you is that you and those like you are irrelevant to Apple. You are not the “pro" they are looking to satisfy. They didn’t miss any mark at all. They nailed it. If you want slots and and a plastic case for $1500 just march over to Frys or Micro Center, pull some parts off the shelves and cobble them together. Apple is after the real pros.
    StrangeDayseightzerogilly33jmey267mwhiteroundaboutnowdocno42Craig Pwelshdogchia
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