AAPL bleeds record $97B in valuation over weekend [u]



  • Reply 21 of 84
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Wgkrueger said:
    lkrupp said:
    spice-boy said:

    lkrupp said:
    Who gets to do "after hours trading"? Certainly not the individual investor, right? If certain investors get to buy and sell securities over the weekend why is the stock market "closed" on Saturday and Sunday. I don't get this.
    I guess all your "hard earned" money made from owning stock in Apple will be gone soon. Maybe another huge tax break for the 1% would make it right? 
    It's times like these when the communists crawl out of the woodwork promising a chicken in every pot even though they know they can't deliver on that promise. "They pretend to pay us and we pretend to work" is an old Russian saying. Time to send the rich to reeducation camps and confiscate their wealth. Oh wait, that's Bernie's plan. My bad.
    He’s a socialist not a communist. Get your FUD right. 
    He’s really more of a Marxist.
    edited March 2020 lkrupp
  • Reply 22 of 84
    spice-boyspice-boy Posts: 1,450member
    Wgkrueger said:
    lkrupp said:
    spice-boy said:

    lkrupp said:
    Who gets to do "after hours trading"? Certainly not the individual investor, right? If certain investors get to buy and sell securities over the weekend why is the stock market "closed" on Saturday and Sunday. I don't get this.
    I guess all your "hard earned" money made from owning stock in Apple will be gone soon. Maybe another huge tax break for the 1% would make it right? 
    It's times like these when the communists crawl out of the woodwork promising a chicken in every pot even though they know they can't deliver on that promise. "They pretend to pay us and we pretend to work" is an old Russian saying. Time to send the rich to reeducation camps and confiscate their wealth. Oh wait, that's Bernie's plan. My bad.
    He’s a socialist not a communist. Get your FUD right. 
    He’s really more of a Marxist.
    There were four brothers?
    avon b7tmayRayz2016asdasdFileMakerFeller
  • Reply 23 of 84
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    Wgkrueger said:
    lkrupp said:
    spice-boy said:

    lkrupp said:
    Who gets to do "after hours trading"? Certainly not the individual investor, right? If certain investors get to buy and sell securities over the weekend why is the stock market "closed" on Saturday and Sunday. I don't get this.
    I guess all your "hard earned" money made from owning stock in Apple will be gone soon. Maybe another huge tax break for the 1% would make it right? 
    It's times like these when the communists crawl out of the woodwork promising a chicken in every pot even though they know they can't deliver on that promise. "They pretend to pay us and we pretend to work" is an old Russian saying. Time to send the rich to reeducation camps and confiscate their wealth. Oh wait, that's Bernie's plan. My bad.
    He’s a socialist not a communist. Get your FUD right. 
    He’s really more of a Marxist.
    A label so broad and wielded so casually as to be meaningless; often revealing more about the source than the target. As Marx himself (may have) once said of those claiming to represent his ideas: “if they are Marxists I am not a Marxist”. And those who point the finger and use Marxist as a perjorative are even worse for lazy labelling.
  • Reply 24 of 84
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    lkrupp said:
    Fear and panic have won the day. Ebay has banned the sale of masks and hand sanitizer to prevent price gouging. Shelves are empty, people are running around with their hair on fire screaming, I wonder what would happen if some real apocalypse occurred. We're like frogs sitting in a pot of water, blissfully unaware of the rising temperatures caused by climate change as the temperature rises until we are boiled alive. But nobody cares about that. In the end we are just mindless beasts no different than our prehistoric ancestors.
    While climate change is happening, this is more immediate. And in fact it might infect millions in any country, and if it were to happen as predicted by some sober enough sources, all health care will be overwhelmed even in Western countries. 
  • Reply 25 of 84
    ElCapitanElCapitan Posts: 372member
    Apple heard pretty much the same sucking sound Apple customers hear from their wallet whenever they configure their systems with a reasonable amount of storage.
  • Reply 26 of 84
    mpantonempantone Posts: 2,274member
    lkrupp said:
    Who gets to do "after hours trading"? Certainly not the individual investor, right? If certain investors get to buy and sell securities over the weekend why is the stock market "closed" on Saturday and Sunday. I don't get this.
    I see someone else has posted the handy Investopedia article. 

    I know it's considered antiquated behavior these days -- something only boomers and Gen Xers do -- but you can still find information on the Internet using something known as a "search engine." Just like ten years ago.

    Anyhow, I know both Fidelity and E*Trade offer after-hours trading for retail investors.

  • Reply 27 of 84
    SoliSoli Posts: 10,038member
    Time to take out a large LAL to invest into the market.
  • Reply 28 of 84
    dewmedewme Posts: 5,803member
    A fact-based, thoughtful, and coherent response from Washington would certainly help calm things down. This is a real problem. Americans used to be willing to step up and work the problem rather than counterattacking, denying, and trying to blow political smoke up each other’s asses. Up to this point, the current administration that’s been staffed by an army of incompetent political loyalists has never faced any significant adversity, at least ones that were not of their own making. Now a real crisis arises that requires leadership with a salient focus and need to push politics aside to solve a real problem and they’re crumbling like a house of cards. They can’t hide their incompetence anymore and are being exposed as the frauds that they’ve always been. 
  • Reply 29 of 84
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    Wgkrueger said:
    lkrupp said:
    spice-boy said:

    lkrupp said:
    Who gets to do "after hours trading"? Certainly not the individual investor, right? If certain investors get to buy and sell securities over the weekend why is the stock market "closed" on Saturday and Sunday. I don't get this.
    I guess all your "hard earned" money made from owning stock in Apple will be gone soon. Maybe another huge tax break for the 1% would make it right? 
    It's times like these when the communists crawl out of the woodwork promising a chicken in every pot even though they know they can't deliver on that promise. "They pretend to pay us and we pretend to work" is an old Russian saying. Time to send the rich to reeducation camps and confiscate their wealth. Oh wait, that's Bernie's plan. My bad.
    He’s a socialist not a communist. Get your FUD right. 
    He’s really more of a Marxist.
    He is nothing like a Marxist, or anywhere close to a Marxist.  For instance he isnt trying to seize all the means of production, or instigate a worker's revolution. A few tweaks to medicare, some new taxes does not a marxist make. 
  • Reply 30 of 84
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    dewme said:
    Up to this point, the current administration that’s been staffed by an army of incompetent political loyalists has never faced any significant adversity, at least ones that were not of their own making.
    I've heard this repeated a few times, and feel that it's pretty (unintentially I'm sure) insulting to Puerto Rico and the thousands of people trhat suffered and continue to suffer after Hurricane Maria.  The administration already proved their incompetence in the face of a disaster, and have shown their inclination to deny and deflect rather than deal.  The grown ups have all left the room.
    tmayStrangeDaysthtspice-boyavon b7lolliverdysamoria
  • Reply 31 of 84
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 13,134member
    lkrupp said:
    spice-boy said:

    lkrupp said:
    Who gets to do "after hours trading"? Certainly not the individual investor, right? If certain investors get to buy and sell securities over the weekend why is the stock market "closed" on Saturday and Sunday. I don't get this.
    I guess all your "hard earned" money made from owning stock in Apple will be gone soon. Maybe another huge tax break for the 1% would make it right? 
    It's times like these when the communists crawl out of the woodwork promising a chicken in every pot even though they know they can't deliver on that promise. "They pretend to pay us and we pretend to work" is an old Russian saying. Time to send the rich to reeducation camps and confiscate their wealth. Oh wait, that's Bernie's plan. My bad.
    Thats not Sanders plan whatsoever, despite your ignorance on parade on the differences of socialism vs communism (hint: Franklin Roosevelt was a socialist). A wealth tax on the massively wealthy classy of mega-millionaires and billionaires is fine. Most of them don't pay even as much of tax (by rate) as their own secretaries do, due to the way we don't tax non-payroll income nearly as much as we tax us plebs earning our money from payroll. It's completely acceptable to let the mega-wealthy pay a higher tax rate, as the effect on them will be next to non-existent, and no man gets to be a mega-wealthy billionaire on an island. They do so by screwing over their working class work force -- like Bezos buying Whole Foods and then cutting health insurance benefits to all of its part-time workers:


    ...so get on board with universal healthcare, my friend. Healthcare shouldn't be tied to our employers, because they don't give a damn.
    edited March 2020 dewmemuthuk_vanalingamgatorguyspice-boylolliverCarnagedysamoria
  • Reply 32 of 84
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 13,134member
    Wgkrueger said:
    lkrupp said:
    spice-boy said:

    lkrupp said:
    Who gets to do "after hours trading"? Certainly not the individual investor, right? If certain investors get to buy and sell securities over the weekend why is the stock market "closed" on Saturday and Sunday. I don't get this.
    I guess all your "hard earned" money made from owning stock in Apple will be gone soon. Maybe another huge tax break for the 1% would make it right? 
    It's times like these when the communists crawl out of the woodwork promising a chicken in every pot even though they know they can't deliver on that promise. "They pretend to pay us and we pretend to work" is an old Russian saying. Time to send the rich to reeducation camps and confiscate their wealth. Oh wait, that's Bernie's plan. My bad.
    He’s a socialist not a communist. Get your FUD right. 
    He’s really more of a Marxist.
    Nope. Democrat socialist. Like FDR.


    ...Marxists believe the workers should own all production. I haven't heard Sanders say that, can you link? What I have heard him say is we should tax the super wealthy a fair rate, and we should de-couple our healthcare from our employers and the scammy insurance companies, which I can get behind. My insurance company overrules my own doctor on what treatments are appropriate for me, and it's nuts.
    edited March 2020 dewmemuthuk_vanalingamspice-boylolliverflyingdpdysamoria
  • Reply 33 of 84
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 13,134member

    asdasd said:
    Wgkrueger said:
    lkrupp said:
    spice-boy said:

    lkrupp said:
    Who gets to do "after hours trading"? Certainly not the individual investor, right? If certain investors get to buy and sell securities over the weekend why is the stock market "closed" on Saturday and Sunday. I don't get this.
    I guess all your "hard earned" money made from owning stock in Apple will be gone soon. Maybe another huge tax break for the 1% would make it right? 
    It's times like these when the communists crawl out of the woodwork promising a chicken in every pot even though they know they can't deliver on that promise. "They pretend to pay us and we pretend to work" is an old Russian saying. Time to send the rich to reeducation camps and confiscate their wealth. Oh wait, that's Bernie's plan. My bad.
    He’s a socialist not a communist. Get your FUD right. 
    He’s really more of a Marxist.
    He is nothing like a Marxist, or anywhere close to a Marxist.  For instance he isnt trying to seize all the means of production, or instigate a worker's revolution. A few tweaks to medicare, some new taxes does not a marxist make. 
    Ah, a voice of sanity and reason. 

    I suspect people like Spam are old retirees and have little idea what is going on for us working class.
  • Reply 34 of 84
    dewmedewme Posts: 5,803member
    crowley said:
    dewme said:
    Up to this point, the current administration that’s been staffed by an army of incompetent political loyalists has never faced any significant adversity, at least ones that were not of their own making.
    I've heard this repeated a few times, and feel that it's pretty (unintentially I'm sure) insulting to Puerto Rico and the thousands of people trhat suffered and continue to suffer after Hurricane Maria.  The administration already proved their incompetence in the face of a disaster, and have shown their inclination to deny and deflect rather than deal.  The grown ups have all left the room.
    You are 100% correct. Thank you for reminding us. Maybe this one will be more difficult to cover up. Here’s hoping. 
  • Reply 35 of 84
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,669member
    lkrupp said:
    spice-boy said:

    lkrupp said:
    Who gets to do "after hours trading"? Certainly not the individual investor, right? If certain investors get to buy and sell securities over the weekend why is the stock market "closed" on Saturday and Sunday. I don't get this.
    I guess all your "hard earned" money made from owning stock in Apple will be gone soon. Maybe another huge tax break for the 1% would make it right? 
    It's times like these when the communists crawl out of the woodwork promising a chicken in every pot even though they know they can't deliver on that promise. "They pretend to pay us and we pretend to work" is an old Russian saying. Time to send the rich to reeducation camps and confiscate their wealth. Oh wait, that's Bernie's plan. My bad.
    Thats not Sanders plan whatsoever, despite your ignorance on parade on the differences of socialism vs communism (hint: Franklin Roosevelt was a socialist). A wealth tax on the massively wealthy classy of mega-millionaires and billionaires is fine. Most of them don't pay even as much of tax (by rate) as their own secretaries do, due to the way we don't tax non-payroll income nearly as much as we tax us plebs earning our money from payroll. It's completely acceptable to let the mega-wealthy pay a higher tax rate, as the effect on them will be next to non-existent, and no man gets to be a mega-wealthy billionaire on an island. They do so by screwing over their working class work force -- like Bezos buying Whole Foods and then cutting health insurance benefits to all of its part-time workers:


    ...so get on board with universal healthcare, my friend. Healthcare shouldn't be tied to our employers, because they don't give a damn.
    I'm finding myself in agreement with you far more often than we used to. 
  • Reply 36 of 84
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,456member
    People have lost their minds. There's companies that are getting close to being undervalued, imo. Traders are going nuts. Investors should remain calm and look for deals. 
    Oil dropped because transportation is using less due to fewer people wanting to travel, especially by plane. All Lufthansa Airbus 380's grounded due to slowing passenger traffic. The "lost their minds" is because Italy is attempting a containment strategy on 16 million of their 60 million population, due to the Coronavirus stressing their healthcare system. Plenty of other countries are on the cusp of mitigation over containment.

    The rest is due to demand destruction as consumers are faced with pressure to self quarantine, and or loss of work. Anybody that thinks there isn't demand destruction for Apple in these countries in the short and medium terms needs to do more analysis.

  • Reply 37 of 84
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,857member
    gatorguy said:
    lkrupp said:
    Who gets to do "after hours trading"? Certainly not the individual investor, right? If certain investors get to buy and sell securities over the weekend why is the stock market "closed" on Saturday and Sunday. I don't get this.
    Thanks for that, very interesting.  I watch the numbers in pre-opening when thinking of buying or selling but also wondered who could actually do it.  Now I know :)
  • Reply 38 of 84
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,857member

    spice-boy said:

    lkrupp said:
    Who gets to do "after hours trading"? Certainly not the individual investor, right? If certain investors get to buy and sell securities over the weekend why is the stock market "closed" on Saturday and Sunday. I don't get this.
    I guess all your "hard earned" money made from owning stock in Apple will be gone soon. Maybe another huge tax break for the 1% would make it right? 
    I suspect many here, like I did, bought AAPL so long ago it isn't that terrible so far.
  • Reply 39 of 84
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    People have lost their minds. There's companies that are getting close to being undervalued, imo. Traders are going nuts. Investors should remain calm and look for deals. 
    Eventually.... hard to take a kicking now. Of course Apple is just here it was late last year. 

    The Dow has dropped two years of gains though. 
  • Reply 40 of 84
    MisterKitMisterKit Posts: 516member
    If the Apple stock price gets low enough Apple can just buy themself out and the game will be over.
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