Entire 'iPhone 12' & 'iPhone 12 Pro' lineup specs detailed



  • Reply 41 of 70
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,453member
    avon b7 said:
    Beats said:
    avon b7 said:
    Lots of positives in there at first glance.

    If they all get the A14 and on SoC 5G, it will be a line-up that will suit many. 

    Clearly, the regular iPhone 11 should drop to a very attractive price point too.

    Good to see the pricing adjustments continue. 

    Hope it's true. The design (iPhone 4 style) was also one of my favourites. 

    Respectable reply since you didn't mention the irrelevant iPhoneys but you keep hammering 5G.

    What happened with the doom predictions that Apple would fail if they didn't release a 5G iPhone in 2019? Apple is selling better than ever. Just goes to show 5G is only important to those who Huawei and Co. influence. No one else gives a damn right now and if iPhone 12 does not have 5G it will still sell and you guys will move the goal posts to "if iPhone doesn't have 5G this year..."

    Firstly, this is a rumour. Therefore everything is conditional. 

    Secondly, my opinion on Apple and 5G hasn't changed in the slightest. Why do you think it might have?

    Apple without 5G this year would have been a disaster. The deal with QC was to resolve that problem (among others obviously). 

    It is rumoured that Huawei is going to release a $400 5G phone in the next few days. Late last year they released the first 5G chipsets on the flagships. Early this year it landed on the mid range phones. By the time the iPhone 12 arrives, Huawei will have almost 20 5G phones on the market at most price points. In April last year they released the world's first 5G module for the automobile industry for testing. This year it is shipping and they have signed on a lot of vendors. 


    Can you imagine Apple without 5G this year and having to wait until late next year to ship it? Unthinkable, right? That's where QC pops into the situation. If you thought you could smell bacon not too long ago, it was Apple's and QC saved it. Read what you will into the deal but Apple absolutely needed 5G this year at the latest. 

    Apple is not selling phones better than ever. That's why the SE just got launched. It is why pricing was adjusted last year and, according to this rumour, will be adjusted again this year AND another model might be added to the spread AND the price mix (including older phones) is looking not shabby at all. 

    There would be no need to have done any of that if they were selling phones better than ever.

    As for my 'respectable' comment, when have they ever not been respectable?

    I call it as I see it. Can't be any simpler than that, LOL. 

    If I think Apple is not being competitive, slacking, abusing pricing, making strategic mistakes etc I give my opinion and support it.

    They are opinions. No more. No less. 

    If I think a product or strategic move is a good move, I say so.

    We are writing in a discussion forum, after all. 
    The fact that Huawei has 20 5G phone models out of hundreds of models, including the Honor brand, is irrelevant to Apple having four models with 5g to  be introduced this fall. Without iOS, Huawei can't compete with the iPhone, and frankly, will be worse off without Google Android.

    Given that Apple will likely sell around 180 million iPhones in FY2021, and 70% of those will be 2020 models with 5G, Apple will have sold 125 million iPhones with second generation 5G  modems. Huawei only needs to have 5G in half of its units sold to match Apple's 5G units shipped, but at $400, as a midrange, Apple's model range still dominates with ASP, margins, and profits of Huawei's entire model range.

    Not seeing how Huawei wins this contest that you imagine, and considering the breadth of Apple's ecosystem, Huawei isn't really doing all that well in the consumer electronics marketplace compared to Apple, with about half the revenue, and about 20% of the margins.

    But what else does Huawei have going for it other than owning the Chinese smartphone market? They still trail Samsung in units, revenue and profits, and both trail Apple in revenue and profits.

    But hey, it is a discussion forum, after all, and while these are just my opinions, they are well supported by facts and anecdotal evidence.

    Oh, and here's another document about Huawei and its control by the Chinese Government, this time from a Swiss Researcher;


    "EU member states should adopt a unitary interpretation of the toolbox. A complete ban on Huawei from the rollout of European 5G might not be necessary, but the EU and its member states should strive for a significant reduction in Huawei’s market share." 
    edited May 2020 watto_cobraStrangeDaysnetmagespock1234
  • Reply 42 of 70
    Looks like a spec bump with an extra camera and Lidar. Hard pass.
  • Reply 43 of 70
    fastasleepfastasleep Posts: 6,450member
    Starting to get overly complicated. This is where we were not long ago with all of the Windows versions that were out there. The nice thing about keeping things simple is enabling easy decision making when it comes to purchasing. Apple Store employees might need a PhD to help customers figure all of this out.
    Two models in two sizes is complicated?  Guessing this is you shopping for anything:

  • Reply 44 of 70
    fastasleepfastasleep Posts: 6,450member
    Looks like a spec bump with an extra camera and Lidar. Hard pass.
    You bothered to create an account to post twice that you're not buying a new iPhone because you have last year's model? Nobody cares.
  • Reply 45 of 70
    cornchipcornchip Posts: 1,954member
    Eric_WVGG said:

    anyway… that small one could easily have the same footprint as the iPhone 5/5S/SE! there's your small phone my dude
    That would kick major ass!
  • Reply 46 of 70
    avon b7avon b7 Posts: 7,959member
    tmay said:
    avon b7 said:
    Beats said:
    avon b7 said:
    Lots of positives in there at first glance.

    If they all get the A14 and on SoC 5G, it will be a line-up that will suit many. 

    Clearly, the regular iPhone 11 should drop to a very attractive price point too.

    Good to see the pricing adjustments continue. 

    Hope it's true. The design (iPhone 4 style) was also one of my favourites. 

    Respectable reply since you didn't mention the irrelevant iPhoneys but you keep hammering 5G.

    What happened with the doom predictions that Apple would fail if they didn't release a 5G iPhone in 2019? Apple is selling better than ever. Just goes to show 5G is only important to those who Huawei and Co. influence. No one else gives a damn right now and if iPhone 12 does not have 5G it will still sell and you guys will move the goal posts to "if iPhone doesn't have 5G this year..."

    Firstly, this is a rumour. Therefore everything is conditional. 

    Secondly, my opinion on Apple and 5G hasn't changed in the slightest. Why do you think it might have?

    Apple without 5G this year would have been a disaster. The deal with QC was to resolve that problem (among others obviously). 

    It is rumoured that Huawei is going to release a $400 5G phone in the next few days. Late last year they released the first 5G chipsets on the flagships. Early this year it landed on the mid range phones. By the time the iPhone 12 arrives, Huawei will have almost 20 5G phones on the market at most price points. In April last year they released the world's first 5G module for the automobile industry for testing. This year it is shipping and they have signed on a lot of vendors. 


    Can you imagine Apple without 5G this year and having to wait until late next year to ship it? Unthinkable, right? That's where QC pops into the situation. If you thought you could smell bacon not too long ago, it was Apple's and QC saved it. Read what you will into the deal but Apple absolutely needed 5G this year at the latest. 

    Apple is not selling phones better than ever. That's why the SE just got launched. It is why pricing was adjusted last year and, according to this rumour, will be adjusted again this year AND another model might be added to the spread AND the price mix (including older phones) is looking not shabby at all. 

    There would be no need to have done any of that if they were selling phones better than ever.

    As for my 'respectable' comment, when have they ever not been respectable?

    I call it as I see it. Can't be any simpler than that, LOL. 

    If I think Apple is not being competitive, slacking, abusing pricing, making strategic mistakes etc I give my opinion and support it.

    They are opinions. No more. No less. 

    If I think a product or strategic move is a good move, I say so.

    We are writing in a discussion forum, after all. 
    The fact that Huawei has 20 5G phone models out of hundreds of models, including the Honor brand, is irrelevant to Apple having four models with 5g to  be introduced this fall. Without iOS, Huawei can't compete with the iPhone, and frankly, will be worse off without Google Android.

    Given that Apple will likely sell around 180 million iPhones in FY2021, and 70% of those will be 2020 models with 5G, Apple will have sold 125 million iPhones with second generation 5G  modems. Huawei only needs to have 5G in half of its units sold to match Apple's 5G units shipped, but at $400, as a midrange, Apple's model range still dominates with ASP, margins, and profits of Huawei's entire model range.

    Not seeing how Huawei wins this contest that you imagine, and considering the breadth of Apple's ecosystem, Huawei isn't really doing all that well in the consumer electronics marketplace compared to Apple, with about half the revenue, and about 20% of the margins.

    But what else does Huawei have going for it other than owning the Chinese smartphone market? They still trail Samsung in units, revenue and profits, and both trail Apple in revenue and profits.

    But hey, it is a discussion forum, after all, and while these are just my opinions, they are well supported by facts and anecdotal evidence.

    Oh, and here's another document about Huawei and its control by the Chinese Government, this time from a Swiss Researcher;


    "EU member states should adopt a unitary interpretation of the toolbox. A complete ban on Huawei from the rollout of European 5G might not be necessary, but the EU and its member states should strive for a significant reduction in Huawei’s market share." 
    You missed the point. 

    It was about why it was vital Apple shipped 5G this year and the impact if it hadn't. That, in response to the OP, who also missed the point with his 5G claims in the first place.

    It was hypothetical in nature. 

    I have no idea why he even brought it up. 

    Anyway, I will repeat what I indicated to him... 

    Yes, we all know Apple will ship 5G phones this year.

    Your points:

    The amount of 5G models Huawei will release is irrevelant. If, for example, they were all flagships, they would still be playing to just one band of users and therefore ship in lower numbers. Don't just focus on the number of models. 

    The point was that those models will offer 5G at commercially vital price points and reach far more users as a result, with every other brand following exactly the same path. With 5G now shipping on cars and offering an enhanced user experience, clearly Apple would see demand in China slip if it had to wait until late next year to ship a 5G equiped phone as by early 2021, even budget phones would have it and this is a Huawei hardware module (based on Balong5000) which is sitting in these cars. That means deeper integration. Here is another take:


    China remains a vital market for Apple remember and the QC deal was also vitally important to resolve the 5G conundrum. 

    As for this:

    "Not seeing how Huawei wins this contest that you imagine, and considering the breadth of Apple's ecosystem, Huawei isn't really doing all that well in the consumer electronics marketplace compared to Apple, with about half the revenue, and about 20% of the margins."

    Huawei wins? It is not about winning or losing. I'm commenting on reality and giving my perspective on it. 

    Revenues and margins? Irrevelant. Huawei has done far, far more than Apple with less revenues and margins. Here we are, talking about the importance of 5G for Apple when Huawei was a key player in its creation

    Ecosystem? What do you know about the Huawei ecosystem? 

    edited May 2020 GeorgeBMac
  • Reply 47 of 70
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    igorsky said:
    The 6.1" vs 6.7" size difference doesn't make sense to me. What's the point? I call bs on this.

    II wouldn't go that far -- but I get your point:  There isn't much difference between the two.  I'm wondering if they feel that they have reached the largest size feasible/workable in a mobile phone and 6.7" is their limit?   (Maybe call it the 'pocket test'?)   I don't know but just guessing.

    Frankly, I think they would have been better off leaving the small sized pro at 5.8" for those who actually do prefer a 'small' phone.  
    Note -- that's about the same size externally as the new "small" SE.
  • Reply 48 of 70
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    tmay said:
    avon b7 said:
    Beats said:
    avon b7 said:
    Lots of positives in there at first glance.

    If they all get the A14 and on SoC 5G, it will be a line-up that will suit many. 

    Clearly, the regular iPhone 11 should drop to a very attractive price point too.

    Good to see the pricing adjustments continue. 

    Hope it's true. The design (iPhone 4 style) was also one of my favourites. 

    Respectable reply since you didn't mention the irrelevant iPhoneys but you keep hammering 5G.

    What happened with the doom predictions that Apple would fail if they didn't release a 5G iPhone in 2019? Apple is selling better than ever. Just goes to show 5G is only important to those who Huawei and Co. influence. No one else gives a damn right now and if iPhone 12 does not have 5G it will still sell and you guys will move the goal posts to "if iPhone doesn't have 5G this year..."

    Firstly, this is a rumour. Therefore everything is conditional. 

    Secondly, my opinion on Apple and 5G hasn't changed in the slightest. Why do you think it might have?

    Apple without 5G this year would have been a disaster. The deal with QC was to resolve that problem (among others obviously). 

    It is rumoured that Huawei is going to release a $400 5G phone in the next few days. Late last year they released the first 5G chipsets on the flagships. Early this year it landed on the mid range phones. By the time the iPhone 12 arrives, Huawei will have almost 20 5G phones on the market at most price points. In April last year they released the world's first 5G module for the automobile industry for testing. This year it is shipping and they have signed on a lot of vendors. 


    Can you imagine Apple without 5G this year and having to wait until late next year to ship it? Unthinkable, right? That's where QC pops into the situation. If you thought you could smell bacon not too long ago, it was Apple's and QC saved it. Read what you will into the deal but Apple absolutely needed 5G this year at the latest. 

    Apple is not selling phones better than ever. That's why the SE just got launched. It is why pricing was adjusted last year and, according to this rumour, will be adjusted again this year AND another model might be added to the spread AND the price mix (including older phones) is looking not shabby at all. 

    There would be no need to have done any of that if they were selling phones better than ever.

    As for my 'respectable' comment, when have they ever not been respectable?

    I call it as I see it. Can't be any simpler than that, LOL. 

    If I think Apple is not being competitive, slacking, abusing pricing, making strategic mistakes etc I give my opinion and support it.

    They are opinions. No more. No less. 

    If I think a product or strategic move is a good move, I say so.

    We are writing in a discussion forum, after all. 
    The fact that Huawei has 20 5G phone models out of hundreds of models, including the Honor brand, is irrelevant to Apple having four models with 5g to  be introduced this fall. Without iOS, Huawei can't compete with the iPhone, and frankly, will be worse off without Google Android.

    Given that Apple will likely sell around 180 million iPhones in FY2021, and 70% of those will be 2020 models with 5G, Apple will have sold 125 million iPhones with second generation 5G  modems. Huawei only needs to have 5G in half of its units sold to match Apple's 5G units shipped, but at $400, as a midrange, Apple's model range still dominates with ASP, margins, and profits of Huawei's entire model range.

    Not seeing how Huawei wins this contest that you imagine, and considering the breadth of Apple's ecosystem, Huawei isn't really doing all that well in the consumer electronics marketplace compared to Apple, with about half the revenue, and about 20% of the margins.

    But what else does Huawei have going for it other than owning the Chinese smartphone market? They still trail Samsung in units, revenue and profits, and both trail Apple in revenue and profits.

    But hey, it is a discussion forum, after all, and while these are just my opinions, they are well supported by facts and anecdotal evidence.

    Oh, and here's another document about Huawei and its control by the Chinese Government, this time from a Swiss Researcher;


    "EU member states should adopt a unitary interpretation of the toolbox. A complete ban on Huawei from the rollout of European 5G might not be necessary, but the EU and its member states should strive for a significant reduction in Huawei’s market share." 

    You totally missed his point and, as usual, instead launched your usual attack on irrelevancies stemming from your prejudices.
    avon b7shark5150
  • Reply 49 of 70
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,453member
    tmay said:
    avon b7 said:
    Beats said:
    avon b7 said:
    Lots of positives in there at first glance.

    If they all get the A14 and on SoC 5G, it will be a line-up that will suit many. 

    Clearly, the regular iPhone 11 should drop to a very attractive price point too.

    Good to see the pricing adjustments continue. 

    Hope it's true. The design (iPhone 4 style) was also one of my favourites. 

    Respectable reply since you didn't mention the irrelevant iPhoneys but you keep hammering 5G.

    What happened with the doom predictions that Apple would fail if they didn't release a 5G iPhone in 2019? Apple is selling better than ever. Just goes to show 5G is only important to those who Huawei and Co. influence. No one else gives a damn right now and if iPhone 12 does not have 5G it will still sell and you guys will move the goal posts to "if iPhone doesn't have 5G this year..."

    Firstly, this is a rumour. Therefore everything is conditional. 

    Secondly, my opinion on Apple and 5G hasn't changed in the slightest. Why do you think it might have?

    Apple without 5G this year would have been a disaster. The deal with QC was to resolve that problem (among others obviously). 

    It is rumoured that Huawei is going to release a $400 5G phone in the next few days. Late last year they released the first 5G chipsets on the flagships. Early this year it landed on the mid range phones. By the time the iPhone 12 arrives, Huawei will have almost 20 5G phones on the market at most price points. In April last year they released the world's first 5G module for the automobile industry for testing. This year it is shipping and they have signed on a lot of vendors. 


    Can you imagine Apple without 5G this year and having to wait until late next year to ship it? Unthinkable, right? That's where QC pops into the situation. If you thought you could smell bacon not too long ago, it was Apple's and QC saved it. Read what you will into the deal but Apple absolutely needed 5G this year at the latest. 

    Apple is not selling phones better than ever. That's why the SE just got launched. It is why pricing was adjusted last year and, according to this rumour, will be adjusted again this year AND another model might be added to the spread AND the price mix (including older phones) is looking not shabby at all. 

    There would be no need to have done any of that if they were selling phones better than ever.

    As for my 'respectable' comment, when have they ever not been respectable?

    I call it as I see it. Can't be any simpler than that, LOL. 

    If I think Apple is not being competitive, slacking, abusing pricing, making strategic mistakes etc I give my opinion and support it.

    They are opinions. No more. No less. 

    If I think a product or strategic move is a good move, I say so.

    We are writing in a discussion forum, after all. 
    The fact that Huawei has 20 5G phone models out of hundreds of models, including the Honor brand, is irrelevant to Apple having four models with 5g to  be introduced this fall. Without iOS, Huawei can't compete with the iPhone, and frankly, will be worse off without Google Android.

    Given that Apple will likely sell around 180 million iPhones in FY2021, and 70% of those will be 2020 models with 5G, Apple will have sold 125 million iPhones with second generation 5G  modems. Huawei only needs to have 5G in half of its units sold to match Apple's 5G units shipped, but at $400, as a midrange, Apple's model range still dominates with ASP, margins, and profits of Huawei's entire model range.

    Not seeing how Huawei wins this contest that you imagine, and considering the breadth of Apple's ecosystem, Huawei isn't really doing all that well in the consumer electronics marketplace compared to Apple, with about half the revenue, and about 20% of the margins.

    But what else does Huawei have going for it other than owning the Chinese smartphone market? They still trail Samsung in units, revenue and profits, and both trail Apple in revenue and profits.

    But hey, it is a discussion forum, after all, and while these are just my opinions, they are well supported by facts and anecdotal evidence.

    Oh, and here's another document about Huawei and its control by the Chinese Government, this time from a Swiss Researcher;


    "EU member states should adopt a unitary interpretation of the toolbox. A complete ban on Huawei from the rollout of European 5G might not be necessary, but the EU and its member states should strive for a significant reduction in Huawei’s market share." 

    You totally missed his point and, as usual, instead launched your usual attack on irrelevancies stemming from your prejudices.
    My point that Apple isn't late to the party? 

    Or my point that Huawei isn't going to see the 5G buildout that you and AvonB7 want?

    As for my prejudices, I'm for fair play. Huawei should try it sometime.

  • Reply 50 of 70
    avon b7avon b7 Posts: 7,959member
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    avon b7 said:
    Beats said:
    avon b7 said:
    Lots of positives in there at first glance.

    If they all get the A14 and on SoC 5G, it will be a line-up that will suit many. 

    Clearly, the regular iPhone 11 should drop to a very attractive price point too.

    Good to see the pricing adjustments continue. 

    Hope it's true. The design (iPhone 4 style) was also one of my favourites. 

    Respectable reply since you didn't mention the irrelevant iPhoneys but you keep hammering 5G.

    What happened with the doom predictions that Apple would fail if they didn't release a 5G iPhone in 2019? Apple is selling better than ever. Just goes to show 5G is only important to those who Huawei and Co. influence. No one else gives a damn right now and if iPhone 12 does not have 5G it will still sell and you guys will move the goal posts to "if iPhone doesn't have 5G this year..."

    Firstly, this is a rumour. Therefore everything is conditional. 

    Secondly, my opinion on Apple and 5G hasn't changed in the slightest. Why do you think it might have?

    Apple without 5G this year would have been a disaster. The deal with QC was to resolve that problem (among others obviously). 

    It is rumoured that Huawei is going to release a $400 5G phone in the next few days. Late last year they released the first 5G chipsets on the flagships. Early this year it landed on the mid range phones. By the time the iPhone 12 arrives, Huawei will have almost 20 5G phones on the market at most price points. In April last year they released the world's first 5G module for the automobile industry for testing. This year it is shipping and they have signed on a lot of vendors. 


    Can you imagine Apple without 5G this year and having to wait until late next year to ship it? Unthinkable, right? That's where QC pops into the situation. If you thought you could smell bacon not too long ago, it was Apple's and QC saved it. Read what you will into the deal but Apple absolutely needed 5G this year at the latest. 

    Apple is not selling phones better than ever. That's why the SE just got launched. It is why pricing was adjusted last year and, according to this rumour, will be adjusted again this year AND another model might be added to the spread AND the price mix (including older phones) is looking not shabby at all. 

    There would be no need to have done any of that if they were selling phones better than ever.

    As for my 'respectable' comment, when have they ever not been respectable?

    I call it as I see it. Can't be any simpler than that, LOL. 

    If I think Apple is not being competitive, slacking, abusing pricing, making strategic mistakes etc I give my opinion and support it.

    They are opinions. No more. No less. 

    If I think a product or strategic move is a good move, I say so.

    We are writing in a discussion forum, after all. 
    The fact that Huawei has 20 5G phone models out of hundreds of models, including the Honor brand, is irrelevant to Apple having four models with 5g to  be introduced this fall. Without iOS, Huawei can't compete with the iPhone, and frankly, will be worse off without Google Android.

    Given that Apple will likely sell around 180 million iPhones in FY2021, and 70% of those will be 2020 models with 5G, Apple will have sold 125 million iPhones with second generation 5G  modems. Huawei only needs to have 5G in half of its units sold to match Apple's 5G units shipped, but at $400, as a midrange, Apple's model range still dominates with ASP, margins, and profits of Huawei's entire model range.

    Not seeing how Huawei wins this contest that you imagine, and considering the breadth of Apple's ecosystem, Huawei isn't really doing all that well in the consumer electronics marketplace compared to Apple, with about half the revenue, and about 20% of the margins.

    But what else does Huawei have going for it other than owning the Chinese smartphone market? They still trail Samsung in units, revenue and profits, and both trail Apple in revenue and profits.

    But hey, it is a discussion forum, after all, and while these are just my opinions, they are well supported by facts and anecdotal evidence.

    Oh, and here's another document about Huawei and its control by the Chinese Government, this time from a Swiss Researcher;


    "EU member states should adopt a unitary interpretation of the toolbox. A complete ban on Huawei from the rollout of European 5G might not be necessary, but the EU and its member states should strive for a significant reduction in Huawei’s market share." 

    You totally missed his point and, as usual, instead launched your usual attack on irrelevancies stemming from your prejudices.
    My point that Apple isn't late to the party? 

    Or my point that Huawei isn't going to see the 5G buildout that you and AvonB7 want?

    As for my prejudices, I'm for fair play. Huawei should try it sometime.

    That isn't relevant to what I said or what the OP was talking about (although Apple is actually late to the party) . Why bring it up, then?

    Perhaps instead of missing the point you are simply and wilfully ignoring it?

    As for fair play, I nearly choked on my curry! 

    None of Trump's actions against Huawei fall under the banner of 'fair play' but you support them nonetheless. 

    Still no evidence to back up the claims. Not a shred in fact, but there is no need to pump that sorry story into this thread too.

    edited May 2020 GeorgeBMac
  • Reply 51 of 70
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,453member
    avon b7 said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    avon b7 said:
    Beats said:
    avon b7 said:
    Lots of positives in there at first glance.

    If they all get the A14 and on SoC 5G, it will be a line-up that will suit many. 

    Clearly, the regular iPhone 11 should drop to a very attractive price point too.

    Good to see the pricing adjustments continue. 

    Hope it's true. The design (iPhone 4 style) was also one of my favourites. 

    Respectable reply since you didn't mention the irrelevant iPhoneys but you keep hammering 5G.

    What happened with the doom predictions that Apple would fail if they didn't release a 5G iPhone in 2019? Apple is selling better than ever. Just goes to show 5G is only important to those who Huawei and Co. influence. No one else gives a damn right now and if iPhone 12 does not have 5G it will still sell and you guys will move the goal posts to "if iPhone doesn't have 5G this year..."

    Firstly, this is a rumour. Therefore everything is conditional. 

    Secondly, my opinion on Apple and 5G hasn't changed in the slightest. Why do you think it might have?

    Apple without 5G this year would have been a disaster. The deal with QC was to resolve that problem (among others obviously). 

    It is rumoured that Huawei is going to release a $400 5G phone in the next few days. Late last year they released the first 5G chipsets on the flagships. Early this year it landed on the mid range phones. By the time the iPhone 12 arrives, Huawei will have almost 20 5G phones on the market at most price points. In April last year they released the world's first 5G module for the automobile industry for testing. This year it is shipping and they have signed on a lot of vendors. 


    Can you imagine Apple without 5G this year and having to wait until late next year to ship it? Unthinkable, right? That's where QC pops into the situation. If you thought you could smell bacon not too long ago, it was Apple's and QC saved it. Read what you will into the deal but Apple absolutely needed 5G this year at the latest. 

    Apple is not selling phones better than ever. That's why the SE just got launched. It is why pricing was adjusted last year and, according to this rumour, will be adjusted again this year AND another model might be added to the spread AND the price mix (including older phones) is looking not shabby at all. 

    There would be no need to have done any of that if they were selling phones better than ever.

    As for my 'respectable' comment, when have they ever not been respectable?

    I call it as I see it. Can't be any simpler than that, LOL. 

    If I think Apple is not being competitive, slacking, abusing pricing, making strategic mistakes etc I give my opinion and support it.

    They are opinions. No more. No less. 

    If I think a product or strategic move is a good move, I say so.

    We are writing in a discussion forum, after all. 
    The fact that Huawei has 20 5G phone models out of hundreds of models, including the Honor brand, is irrelevant to Apple having four models with 5g to  be introduced this fall. Without iOS, Huawei can't compete with the iPhone, and frankly, will be worse off without Google Android.

    Given that Apple will likely sell around 180 million iPhones in FY2021, and 70% of those will be 2020 models with 5G, Apple will have sold 125 million iPhones with second generation 5G  modems. Huawei only needs to have 5G in half of its units sold to match Apple's 5G units shipped, but at $400, as a midrange, Apple's model range still dominates with ASP, margins, and profits of Huawei's entire model range.

    Not seeing how Huawei wins this contest that you imagine, and considering the breadth of Apple's ecosystem, Huawei isn't really doing all that well in the consumer electronics marketplace compared to Apple, with about half the revenue, and about 20% of the margins.

    But what else does Huawei have going for it other than owning the Chinese smartphone market? They still trail Samsung in units, revenue and profits, and both trail Apple in revenue and profits.

    But hey, it is a discussion forum, after all, and while these are just my opinions, they are well supported by facts and anecdotal evidence.

    Oh, and here's another document about Huawei and its control by the Chinese Government, this time from a Swiss Researcher;


    "EU member states should adopt a unitary interpretation of the toolbox. A complete ban on Huawei from the rollout of European 5G might not be necessary, but the EU and its member states should strive for a significant reduction in Huawei’s market share." 

    You totally missed his point and, as usual, instead launched your usual attack on irrelevancies stemming from your prejudices.
    My point that Apple isn't late to the party? 

    Or my point that Huawei isn't going to see the 5G buildout that you and AvonB7 want?

    As for my prejudices, I'm for fair play. Huawei should try it sometime.

    That isn't relevant to what I said or what the OP was talking about (although Apple is actually late to the party) . Why bring it up, then?

    Perhaps instead of missing the point you are simply and wilfully ignoring it?

    As for fair play, I nearly choked on my curry! 

    None of Trump's actions against Huawei fall under the banner of 'fair play' but you support them nonetheless. 

    Still no evidence to back up the claims. Not a shred in fact, but there is no need to pump that sorry story into this thread too.

    Apple will be shipping this fall at the end of its FY2020, certainly which is this year. As I stated, there hasn't been any repercussions for Apple delivering 5G on time this fall, so your point about having to do so has been mute since a year ago April 16, when Apple and QC had an agreement; they will be doing so.
    Still too lazy to read the report that I linked, or are you concerned of what you will find that goes against your true love, Huawei?

    It's isn't about evidence or lack thereof.

    As I have stated over and over again, National Security is about risk. 

    Still, it doesn't really matter what you think or what you argue, Huawei is going to see a reduced 5G buildout in the EU. That is a fact, no matter how many politicians they buy. Interestingly enough, China's actions in this Pandemic have convinced a whole lot of countries that they don't really want to have that close a relationship with China.

    Call it China fatigue. 
    edited May 2020 watto_cobraspock1234
  • Reply 52 of 70
    apple ][ said:
    Looks like a killer lineup!

    Apple has basically everything covered!

    From the very affordable iPhone SE to these 4 new iPhone 12 and 12 Pro models coming later this year!

    There is something there for every need and every budget!

    And if anybody thinks that the lineup is too complicated, then allow me to suggest that their comprehension and understanding is too limited. This lineup is very simple and easy to understand.

    They do not have everything covered, if this rumor pans out.  I want a 5.4” pro, which is lacking in this line up.  Could care less about 5G, but want the better cameras in a smaller phone.

    I can imagine a simpler line up:
    5.4”, 6.1”, 6.7”... all the same hardware wise except for screen size, battery size, color, and price.
  • Reply 53 of 70
    Looks like a spec bump with an extra camera and Lidar. Hard pass.
    You bothered to create an account to post twice that you're not buying a new iPhone because you have last year's model? Nobody cares.
    You cared enough to go through my posts and reply. Oops...
  • Reply 54 of 70
    apple ][ said:
    Looks like a killer lineup!

    Apple has basically everything covered!

    From the very affordable iPhone SE to these 4 new iPhone 12 and 12 Pro models coming later this year!

    There is something there for every need and every budget!

    And if anybody thinks that the lineup is too complicated, then allow me to suggest that their comprehension and understanding is too limited. This lineup is very simple and easy to understand.

    They do not have everything covered, if this rumor pans out.  I want a 5.4” pro, which is lacking in this line up.  Could care less about 5G, but want the better cameras in a smaller phone.

    I can imagine a simpler line up:
    5.4”, 6.1”, 6.7”... all the same hardware wise except for screen size, battery size, color, and price.
    So 5.4/6.1/6.7 for $899/999/1,099 but no mid-tier lineup around $700?  No thanks. 

    What a disaster that would be... a choice between only $1,000 models or an SE? Yikes.

    On the contrary, the midrange iPhone 12 lineup is going to be a huge hit, like the XR and 11 before it. 5G, OLED, FaceID and A14/4GB for $649 with a 5.4” display and it’s physically smaller than the SE? Many will choose it over the SE. 
  • Reply 55 of 70
    apple ][ said:
    Looks like a killer lineup!

    Apple has basically everything covered!

    From the very affordable iPhone SE to these 4 new iPhone 12 and 12 Pro models coming later this year!

    There is something there for every need and every budget!

    And if anybody thinks that the lineup is too complicated, then allow me to suggest that their comprehension and understanding is too limited. This lineup is very simple and easy to understand.

    They do not have everything covered, if this rumor pans out.  I want a 5.4” pro, which is lacking in this line up.  Could care less about 5G, but want the better cameras in a smaller phone.

    I can imagine a simpler line up:
    5.4”, 6.1”, 6.7”... all the same hardware wise except for screen size, battery size, color, and price.
    So 5.4/6.1/6.7 for $899/999/1,099 but no mid-tier lineup around $700?  No thanks. 

    What a disaster that would be... a choice between only $1,000 models or an SE? Yikes.

    On the contrary, the midrange iPhone 12 lineup is going to be a huge hit, like the XR and 11 before it. 5G, OLED, FaceID and A14/4GB for $649 with a 5.4” display and it’s physically smaller than the SE? Many will choose it over the SE. 
    Apple had traditionally kept the previous phones and offered them at a discount.  This would meet your demands for a “mid” tier.  Really dislike this “pro” monicker.  Apple has been about the premium market, as that is where the high margins are.  You want the latest and greatest?  You gotta fork it out for the newest, otherwise, for those who don’t want/need it, they get last years model.  Which with how good these phones are designed, that’s not a bad choice.

    i was skeptical of transitioning from 4S to 5S, But after trying a friends, it felt great.  I was skeptical again going from 5S to 7 (the reason I skipped the 6’s), but I thought hey, the last size transition went Ok, so why not?  I have had hand fatigue and hurt ever since, and regretted it. I’ve been on the 7 since, and plan to be for the foreseeable future until Apple releases a “pro” 5.4 inch iPhone.  I will probably be waiting a very long time, unfortunately, but at least I’m voting with my wallet.  I’m pretty sure this 7 is going to die before something like that is released.
  • Reply 56 of 70
    mike1mike1 Posts: 3,392member
    Looks like a spec bump with an extra camera and Lidar. Hard pass.

    Guess it depends on which phone you're upgrading, doesn't it.
  • Reply 57 of 70
    I think 6.7” is now officially ludicrous size.  

    Some days I’m not sure my 11 Pro Max wasn’t a mistake.  Especially given the very significant weight.  It actually gets heavy after holding it a long time. 

    And what ever happened to charging accessories from your iPhone.  Now that sounded like a cool idea.  Especially if it could charge the watch. 
    edited May 2020 rossb2spock1234
  • Reply 58 of 70
    So next year's line up

    iPhone SE A13 $399 LTE, LCD, 64GB, single camera, Touch ID
    iPhone 11 A13 $549 LTE, LCD, 64GB, dual camera, Face ID
    iPhone 12 A14 $649 5G, OLED, 128GB, dual camera, Face ID & under screen Touch ID
    iPhone 12 Max A14 $749 5G, OLED, 128GB, dual camera, Face ID & under screen Touch ID
    iPhone 12 Pro A14 $999 5G (&mm), OLED, 128GB, triple camera LiDAR, Face ID & under screen Touch ID
    iPhone 12 Pro Max A14 $1099 5G (&mm), OLED, 128GB,  triple camera LiDAR, Face ID & under screen Touch ID

    This would leave the entire line featuring either the A13 or A14 SoC. If the A12 iPhone XR is retained it would occupy a kind of odd position in the line up. They could offer it for $449, and then replace it with an A13 iPhone SE Max in early 2021 featuring only under screen Touch ID and no Face ID.
  • Reply 59 of 70
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,121member
    My favorite iPhone design was always the iP4.  I just loved the angular stainless steel and glass on both sides, including the hefty weight.  It felt like the luxurious quality piece that I expected from Apple.

    When I heard the iPhone12 was going to revisit that design, I held off upgrading my iPX until then.  So far, I love what I'm seeing and look forward to seeing them in person and hopefully upgrading.  My only hope is that the camera bump is gone.  I would rather have a slightly thicker phone if the rear is flush.  Not a deal-breaker, but I prefer the smooth design.
  • Reply 60 of 70
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 13,033member
    tmay said:
    avon b7 said:
    Beats said:
    avon b7 said:
    Lots of positives in there at first glance.

    If they all get the A14 and on SoC 5G, it will be a line-up that will suit many. 

    Clearly, the regular iPhone 11 should drop to a very attractive price point too.

    Good to see the pricing adjustments continue. 

    Hope it's true. The design (iPhone 4 style) was also one of my favourites. 

    Respectable reply since you didn't mention the irrelevant iPhoneys but you keep hammering 5G.

    What happened with the doom predictions that Apple would fail if they didn't release a 5G iPhone in 2019? Apple is selling better than ever. Just goes to show 5G is only important to those who Huawei and Co. influence. No one else gives a damn right now and if iPhone 12 does not have 5G it will still sell and you guys will move the goal posts to "if iPhone doesn't have 5G this year..."

    Firstly, this is a rumour. Therefore everything is conditional. 

    Secondly, my opinion on Apple and 5G hasn't changed in the slightest. Why do you think it might have?

    Apple without 5G this year would have been a disaster. The deal with QC was to resolve that problem (among others obviously). 

    It is rumoured that Huawei is going to release a $400 5G phone in the next few days. Late last year they released the first 5G chipsets on the flagships. Early this year it landed on the mid range phones. By the time the iPhone 12 arrives, Huawei will have almost 20 5G phones on the market at most price points. In April last year they released the world's first 5G module for the automobile industry for testing. This year it is shipping and they have signed on a lot of vendors. 


    Can you imagine Apple without 5G this year and having to wait until late next year to ship it? Unthinkable, right? That's where QC pops into the situation. If you thought you could smell bacon not too long ago, it was Apple's and QC saved it. Read what you will into the deal but Apple absolutely needed 5G this year at the latest. 

    Apple is not selling phones better than ever. That's why the SE just got launched. It is why pricing was adjusted last year and, according to this rumour, will be adjusted again this year AND another model might be added to the spread AND the price mix (including older phones) is looking not shabby at all. 

    There would be no need to have done any of that if they were selling phones better than ever.

    As for my 'respectable' comment, when have they ever not been respectable?

    I call it as I see it. Can't be any simpler than that, LOL. 

    If I think Apple is not being competitive, slacking, abusing pricing, making strategic mistakes etc I give my opinion and support it.

    They are opinions. No more. No less. 

    If I think a product or strategic move is a good move, I say so.

    We are writing in a discussion forum, after all. 
    The fact that Huawei has 20 5G phone models out of hundreds of models, including the Honor brand, is irrelevant to Apple having four models with 5g to  be introduced this fall. Without iOS, Huawei can't compete with the iPhone, and frankly, will be worse off without Google Android.

    Given that Apple will likely sell around 180 million iPhones in FY2021, and 70% of those will be 2020 models with 5G, Apple will have sold 125 million iPhones with second generation 5G  modems. Huawei only needs to have 5G in half of its units sold to match Apple's 5G units shipped, but at $400, as a midrange, Apple's model range still dominates with ASP, margins, and profits of Huawei's entire model range.

    Not seeing how Huawei wins this contest that you imagine, and considering the breadth of Apple's ecosystem, Huawei isn't really doing all that well in the consumer electronics marketplace compared to Apple, with about half the revenue, and about 20% of the margins.

    But what else does Huawei have going for it other than owning the Chinese smartphone market? They still trail Samsung in units, revenue and profits, and both trail Apple in revenue and profits.

    But hey, it is a discussion forum, after all, and while these are just my opinions, they are well supported by facts and anecdotal evidence.

    Oh, and here's another document about Huawei and its control by the Chinese Government, this time from a Swiss Researcher;


    "EU member states should adopt a unitary interpretation of the toolbox. A complete ban on Huawei from the rollout of European 5G might not be necessary, but the EU and its member states should strive for a significant reduction in Huawei’s market share." 
    "Forget it, Jake. It's Chinatown." With that guy, anyway...
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