Button Remote returns physical button controls to your Apple TV

in General Discussion edited July 2020
You can now replace or upgrade your existing Apple TV remote with a traditional "button-style" remote.

If you're not a fan of the original Apple TV remote, you're not alone. Between its glass design, unintuitive orientation, and high replacement cost, it has left many Apple TV users looking for alternatives.

Unlike many other remotes that often try to replicate the Siri remote, the Button Remote touts itself as a more traditional alternative.

It features buttons that closely mirror that of a VCR or DVD remote. There are buttons for controlling volume, navigating menus, video playback functions (such as pause, rewind, and fast forward), and a power button.

The Button Remote is ideal for older users who may not like the minimalist interface of the Apple TV remote or its alternatives. It's also great if you worry about breaking the glass of the remote included with their Apple TV.

If you're looking to snag your own, you can get the Button Remote from Function101 for $29, which is cheaper than similar devices imported through eBay.


  • Reply 1 of 36
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,857member
    I thought it was just me. I press the wrong thing 50% of the time and adjusting connected HomePods volume is a PITA. The question is can it control the volume of the attached HomePods?
    edited July 2020 razorpitmike54watto_cobra
  • Reply 2 of 36
    fallenjtfallenjt Posts: 4,056member
    Big step backward . Siri remote is the best. If not, use app. Button remote is crap when you use search to enter texts .
    Metriacanthosaurusspliff monkey
  • Reply 3 of 36
    doozydozendoozydozen Posts: 539member
    The name, “function” 
  • Reply 4 of 36
    bloggerblogbloggerblog Posts: 2,538member
    I like the current Apple remote, except that it’s missing a mute button!! to mute annoying YT ads and such!
    Beatsrazorpitchasmspliff monkeywatto_cobra
  • Reply 5 of 36
    I got excited about this at first, but from what I can tell this is just a stock IR remote, the same kind you can buy at any big box store for $15.  Am I wrong?  What we need is a bluetooth remote similar to the SALT remote, which you can't get in American unless you want to pay $75 on ebay.  I definitely fall into the group of people who think that the AppleTV remote is one of the worst pieces of technology I've ever used.  Too bad since I really like the AppleTV.
  • Reply 6 of 36
    pslicepslice Posts: 154member
    I hate the current AppleTV remote. The trackpad thing was so frustrating. I did start using my iPhone and that was easier, but it's still a pain. Buttons are fine. I think Apple was reading my mind. 
  • Reply 7 of 36
    Mike WuertheleMike Wuerthele Posts: 6,933administrator
    I got excited about this at first, but from what I can tell this is just a stock IR remote, the same kind you can buy at any big box store for $15.  Am I wrong?  What we need is a bluetooth remote similar to the SALT remote, which you can't get in American unless you want to pay $75 on ebay.  I definitely fall into the group of people who think that the AppleTV remote is one of the worst pieces of technology I've ever used.  Too bad since I really like the AppleTV.
    We're pretty sure that this is the Salt remote. We've got one incoming.
  • Reply 8 of 36
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,040member
    The current Apple TV remote is infuriating.  You have to be staring at it to make sure you’re picking it up correctly and not holding it so the trackpad is at the bottom. I pick it up wrong at least 50% of the time. It’s also so sensitive. Half the time I end up stopping what I’m watching just because I put the remote down and my thumb touches it.  
  • Reply 9 of 36
    quazzequazze Posts: 34member
    Does anyone have any idea why Apple “has not” changed the remote? As a design company, are they aware how wonky it is? Very disappointing.
  • Reply 10 of 36
    i had to switch from amazon fire stick to tv last week and remote is a major improvement.
    of course i have learning curve issues as a rookie, which is very touch sensative.
    but the charger, swipe and voice commands are excellent, as well as the entire device.
    this $29 might be the same price as a fire stick nowadays.

    spliff monkeywatto_cobra
  • Reply 11 of 36
    entropysentropys Posts: 4,331member
    I like the current remote. nice, compact and without a million esoteric buttons I never use anyway. 

    /cringes at incoming.

    seriously. For gaming on Apple TV, I use an Xbox controller, which by the way, you can also use as a remote. But for my go to remote, even for the TV, I just use the Apple tv remote.
    edited July 2020 chasmjdb8167spliff monkeywatto_cobra
  • Reply 12 of 36
    iOS_Guy80iOS_Guy80 Posts: 913member
    I seriously like the Apple TV remote also. I use it all the time since since I’m using the Apple TV as my digital box instead of Spectrum’s. The Spectrum app on the Apple TV, using the Apple TV remote, is a great combination, not to mention no rental fee for the Spectrum digital box.
    spliff monkeywatto_cobracornchip
  • Reply 13 of 36
    MplsPMplsP Posts: 4,063member
    quazze said:
    Does anyone have any idea why Apple “has not” changed the remote? As a design company, are they aware how wonky it is? Very disappointing.
    As good as apple is at some things, they have bombed horribly on many 'designs' where they insist on compromising function to make the form look good. I have also yet to actually find a use for Siri. part of it is that I hate talking to devices because they invariably get things wrong; I know I'm not alone in this respect.

    The original apple remote was horrible to use. The new one is somewhat better but also blessed with the virtue that it will shatter when dropped on a hard surface and you can't which way you're holding it or tell which button is which in a darkened room. You can add the Magic Mouse 2 to the list of form trumping function as well.

    Fortunately, you can use your iPhone as a remote for Apple TV - as long as you can get it to connect it's much better.
  • Reply 14 of 36
    I like my Apple TV remotes a whole lot more after getting a silicone cover/case. (The "glow-in-the-dark" aspect of it is iffy at best. Unless you regularly hold your remote up to a spotlight for a few minutes prior to turning out the lights...)

    The cover fixes my two biggest issues: fragility (dropping) and orientation by touch.

    If this is indeed the salt remote, it'd still be interesting to me at $30... $60 is just too much for a replacement one from Apple.
  • Reply 15 of 36
    BeatsBeats Posts: 3,073member

    MacPro said:
    I thought it was just me. I press the wrong thing 50% of the time and adjusting connected HomePods volume is a PITA. The question is can it control the volume of the attached HomePods?

    Get a case.

    fallenjt said:
    Big step backward . Siri remote is the best. If not, use app. Button remote is crap when you use search to enter texts .

    Welcome to the remote everyone wants. Yes, going back to old school remotes like Roku is a PITA!! What takes me 30 sends on Siri Remote can take up to 2 minutes.
    spliff monkey
  • Reply 16 of 36
    ivanhivanh Posts: 597member
    right move. it’s time for me to upgrade Apple TV.
    I wish the iPhone gets more physical buttons.
  • Reply 17 of 36
    supadav03supadav03 Posts: 504member
    But this remote doesnt offer Siri, so it’s a non-starter for me. 
  • Reply 18 of 36
    bluefire1bluefire1 Posts: 1,312member
    I love Apple, but sometimes their minimalist is just too minimalist.
    edited July 2020
  • Reply 19 of 36
    chasmchasm Posts: 3,649member
    While I certainly concur with those who dislike the Apple TV remote because it is sometimes tricky to figure out which end is which in a dark room/theatre, other than that I don't have an issue with it. As with every cable remote I've ever owned, once you build muscle memory for the buttons everything works fine -- and I like that there are SO WAY fewer buttons than on most useless remotes, including this one mentioned in the story. That said -- I echo those who call for either a mute button or being able to assign "mute" to pressing and holding the - volume key (a really surprising oversight on Apple's part).

    The only other flaw with the Apple TV remote is the same one any thin device has -- can get lost way too easily in the cushions! :)
  • Reply 20 of 36
    djames4242djames4242 Posts: 654member
    MplsP said:

    You can add the Magic Mouse 2 to the list of form trumping function as well.
    I’ve never understood the hate for the Magic Mouse. Unless you’re talking about the inability to charge it while using, which I’m fully on board with, it’s simply my all-time favorite mouse.
    lorin schultzMetriacanthosauruscornchip
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