Hewlett Packard Enterprise leaving Silicon Valley, moving to Texas

in General Discussion
Hewlett Packard Enterprise on Tuesday announced that it would be shifting away from Silicon Valley and relocating its headquarters from San Jose, California, to Houston, Texas.

Credit: HPE
Credit: HPE

In its fourth quarter earnings report, HPE said that Houston is the company's largest U.S. employment hub and would be an "market to recruit and retain future diverse talent." The company is also constructing a new campus there.

According to CNBC, HPE will keep its San Jose campus and will consolidate some of its Bay Area locations.

HPE was founded in 2015 as part of the splitting of Hewlett-Packard. It offers enterprise and financial services, while HP Inc. maintains the personal computer and printer divisions of the initial Hewlett-Packard company.

Hewlett-Packard itself was one of the founding companies of Silicon Valley, and the garage it was started in is a California historical site dubbed "the birthplace of Silicon Valley." Even Apple Park, Apple's latest headquarters, was built on land that belonged to HP.

HPE isn't the only company shifting its focus away from Silicon Valley. Dropbox is said to be in the midst of a move to Austin, Texas, and Palantir Technologies relocated its headquarters to Denver, Colorado from the Bay Area.


  • Reply 1 of 33
    razorpitrazorpit Posts: 1,796member
    Will they be making Instruments in Texas?  :D
  • Reply 2 of 33
    razorpitrazorpit Posts: 1,796member
    Only problem is the company will pull all the people that made the same bad governmental decisions in CA to TX. Eventually Texas will eventually end up ruined like Colorado, Arizona, Nevada, etc.
    sdw2001virgilisleading42ivanhcornchipdesignrsteven n.red oakzeus423mobirdentropys
  • Reply 3 of 33
    razorpit said:
    Only problem is the company will pull all the people that made the same bad governmental decisions in CA to TX. Eventually Texas will eventually end up ruined like Colorado, Arizona, Nevada, etc.
    You are so right and it's so sad. 
    cornchipsteven n.watto_cobrarazorpitSpamSandwichcat52
  • Reply 4 of 33
    California: Land Where the Snowflakes Never Sleep
  • Reply 5 of 33
    flydogflydog Posts: 1,129member
    razorpit said:
    Only problem is the company will pull all the people that made the same bad governmental decisions in CA to TX. Eventually Texas will eventually end up ruined like Colorado, Arizona, Nevada, etc.
    Texas is a shithole, and no one wants to live there, which is precisely why housing is so cheap. When it becomes more like California it will be because people want to live there and drive up prices, not because of "bad governmental decisions."  
  • Reply 6 of 33
    Texas has some interesting ideas about tax rebates for business—some of the most generous in the entire country. It's a no-brainer to relocate there if you can pull talent. Austin is an interesting and diverse city, lots of viewpoints and ideas (and Apple has a huge presence there). Houston is genuinely not terrible either, really, outside of its weird (read: non-existent) zoning laws. Hope you like a factory moving in next door. I've traveled to Houston a lot for business (well, used to) and found I didn't hate it as much as I expected I would.

    But talking about a state like Colorado as "ruined" is pretty funny, given the concentration of wealth and entrepreneurship here. My home state of Wisconsin, tho... now there's a backwater. I have no desire to ever return. Beautiful scenery, especially up north, but culturally... scary place. 
    edited December 2020 cornchipwatto_cobra
  • Reply 7 of 33
    cpsrocpsro Posts: 3,212member
    It would help if the federal government took better care of its majority-owned California forestland. I don’t believe any other state has the diversity of beauty found in California, nor a population that appreciates it as much to preserve it.
    edited December 2020 elijahgfred1sailorpaul
  • Reply 8 of 33
    iqatedoiqatedo Posts: 1,824member
    razorpit said:
    Only problem is the company will pull all the people that made the same bad governmental decisions in CA to TX. Eventually Texas will eventually end up ruined like Colorado, Arizona, Nevada, etc.
    Fondest memories of HP from the 70s - incomparable tech. Hooked on their handheld devices from my first experience, an HP 45 and my query of its owner - "where's the equals button?" RPN rules!
  • Reply 9 of 33
    cpsrocpsro Posts: 3,212member
    Texas: land where the state legislature meets just 6 weeks per year. No wonder GWB was overwhelmed.
  • Reply 10 of 33
    flydog said:
    razorpit said:
    Only problem is the company will pull all the people that made the same bad governmental decisions in CA to TX. Eventually Texas will eventually end up ruined like Colorado, Arizona, Nevada, etc.
    Texas is a shithole, and no one wants to live there, which is precisely why housing is so cheap. When it becomes more like California it will be because people want to live there and drive up prices, not because of "bad governmental decisions."  
    Since 1993, California has gained 1 congressional seat.  At the same time, Texas has gained 7.  And California will lose 2 seats for 2023 while Texas is likely to continue to gain seats.  This is a representation of where people want to live.

    Before spouting off about things you clearly know nothing about... maybe you should do some research.
    cornchiprandominternetpersonred oakmuthuk_vanalingamentropyswatto_cobrarazorpitcloudguycat52
  • Reply 11 of 33
    ivanhivanh Posts: 597member
    razorpit said:
    Only problem is the company will pull all the people that made the same bad governmental decisions in CA to TX. Eventually Texas will eventually end up ruined like Colorado, Arizona, Nevada, etc.
    relax. leave the leftists and become normal people again.
  • Reply 12 of 33
    steven n.steven n. Posts: 1,229member
    razorpit said:
    Only problem is the company will pull all the people that made the same bad governmental decisions in CA to TX. Eventually Texas will eventually end up ruined like Colorado, Arizona, Nevada, etc.
    In AZ, it’s like watching a slow train wreck. 
    red oakzeus423entropyswatto_cobrarazorpitSpamSandwichcat52
  • Reply 13 of 33
    steven n. said:
    razorpit said:
    Only problem is the company will pull all the people that made the same bad governmental decisions in CA to TX. Eventually Texas will eventually end up ruined like Colorado, Arizona, Nevada, etc.
    In AZ, it’s like watching a slow train wreck. 
    What are you guys talking about?  Seriously, can you provide examples?
  • Reply 14 of 33
    razorpit said:
    Only problem is the company will pull all the people that made the same bad governmental decisions in CA to TX. Eventually Texas will eventually end up ruined like Colorado, Arizona, Nevada, etc.
    Moronic comment for so many reasons. First, I doubt HPE will be bringing CA State officials with them. Second, CA is a vastly superior place to live in terms of lifestyle and general quality of life. There's a reason why housing on the West Coast continues to appreciate orders of magnitude faster than places like TX. I write this having lived half of my life in Texas and graduating from UT. (If you have to live in TX, Austin is where you want to be.) Living in Houston is like living in an armpit. You couldn't pay me enough. I understand the business decision though. The move probably pencils out nicely for the executives on the top floor who can afford to fly to their second home in CA on the weekends.

  • Reply 15 of 33
    flydog said:
    razorpit said:
    Only problem is the company will pull all the people that made the same bad governmental decisions in CA to TX. Eventually Texas will eventually end up ruined like Colorado, Arizona, Nevada, etc.
    Texas is a shithole, and no one wants to live there, which is precisely why housing is so cheap. When it becomes more like California it will be because people want to live there and drive up prices, not because of "bad governmental decisions."  
    Exactly. Fortunately there is an upside, all of these people moving to Texas will make its conversion to from a Red to Blue state all that much faster! That's what happened in Georgia and we're seeing the same in other Red states.
  • Reply 16 of 33
    DRBDRB Posts: 34member
    steven n. said:
    razorpit said:
    Only problem is the company will pull all the people that made the same bad governmental decisions in CA to TX. Eventually Texas will eventually end up ruined like Colorado, Arizona, Nevada, etc.
    In AZ, it’s like watching a slow train wreck. 
    I've been to AZ several times over the years.  All I can say is, turn the heat index down by 20 or 30 degrees and maybe it would be a nice place.  It's just too dang hot and it's a freaking desert.  90 degrees at midnight isn't exciting for me.  It's just too dang hot..

  • Reply 17 of 33
    DRBDRB Posts: 34member
    designr said:
    razorpit said:
    Only problem is the company will pull all the people that made the same bad governmental decisions in CA to TX. Eventually Texas will eventually end up ruined like Colorado, Arizona, Nevada, etc.
    THat's exactly what's happening in Colorado. Bail out of California. Come bid up housing in Colorado. Then start re-creating CA at the political level.  :'(
    Actually, I can't think of anything good the Republicans have done when CA had a Republican Governor..  Reagan shut down mental hospitals to save money and all it did was put mentally ill patients on the streets.   Way to improve California..  

  • Reply 18 of 33
    Rayz2016Rayz2016 Posts: 6,957member
    DRB said:
    designr said:
    razorpit said:
    Only problem is the company will pull all the people that made the same bad governmental decisions in CA to TX. Eventually Texas will eventually end up ruined like Colorado, Arizona, Nevada, etc.
    THat's exactly what's happening in Colorado. Bail out of California. Come bid up housing in Colorado. Then start re-creating CA at the political level.  :'(
    Actually, I can't think of anything good the Republicans have done when CA had a Republican Governor..  Reagan shut down mental hospitals to save money and all it did was put mentally ill patients on the streets.   Way to improve California..  

    Mmmmm.  The Conservatives did the same thing here. They called it ‘Care in the Community’.  

    As I remember, it led to a number of ex-patients killing people. 
  • Reply 19 of 33
    22july201322july2013 Posts: 3,623member
    flydog said:
    razorpit said:
    Only problem is the company will pull all the people that made the same bad governmental decisions in CA to TX. Eventually Texas will eventually end up ruined like Colorado, Arizona, Nevada, etc.
    Texas is a shithole, and no one wants to live there, which is precisely why housing is so cheap. When it becomes more like California it will be because people want to live there and drive up prices, not because of "bad governmental decisions."  
    When Trump used those opening words about a third world country, the Dems called him a racist. Et tu?

    And on the face of it these words don't make sense. People are leaving California because of the high taxes. And the taxes are high mostly because of California's trillion dollar pension obligations. As a result, California will have to raise taxes higher, resulting in a vicious circle and potentially the inability for California to pay its debts. Whereas Texas will get more young workers who pay taxes resulting in a better economy and tax base for them. The economy and population of Texas is growing, so it's hard to believe the claim above that "Texas will be ruined."

    The good news is that California isn't the worst state for funding its pensions. It's only the sixth worst. I didn't mention bankruptcy because it's not at all clear that California will go bankrupt, and also because bankruptcy isn't a legal option. Federal Bankruptcy Code prohibits US States from declaring bankruptcy, although the Bankruptcy Code could be modified. However the US Supreme Court supersedes even Congressional Law, and in 1977 the Supreme Court said, "a state cannot refuse to meet its legitimate financial obligations simply because it would prefer to spend the money to promote the public good rather than the private welfare of its creditors." It would be difficult understanding how a State Bankruptcy would be overseen... would someone in the US Government manage the State's budget, laws and taxes? The US Supreme Court says States are Sovereign and cannot be run by a Federal agent. I would think that if a US State modified its constitution to allow a Federal Takeover, that would permit the Feds to run the State.

    I'm not an American so I have no stake in this debate. But I do relish all constitutional crises because they tend to find solutions that answer difficult questions.
    edited December 2020 avon b7applguycat52
  • Reply 20 of 33
    entropysentropys Posts: 4,217member
    Rayz2016 said:
    DRB said:
    designr said:
    razorpit said:
    Only problem is the company will pull all the people that made the same bad governmental decisions in CA to TX. Eventually Texas will eventually end up ruined like Colorado, Arizona, Nevada, etc.
    THat's exactly what's happening in Colorado. Bail out of California. Come bid up housing in Colorado. Then start re-creating CA at the political level.  :'(
    Actually, I can't think of anything good the Republicans have done when CA had a Republican Governor..  Reagan shut down mental hospitals to save money and all it did was put mentally ill patients on the streets.   Way to improve California..  

    Mmmmm.  The Conservatives did the same thing here. They called it ‘Care in the Community’.  

    As I remember, it led to a number of ex-patients killing people. 
    In Oz it was the labor party. But it matters not, denizens of both sides of politics are really a uni party with more in common with each other than with you, and only run periodic elections so they can take turns doing the looting.
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