Great things to come from....APPLE, begin with this week,NAB.



  • Reply 41 of 122
    Er... oh, nothing.
  • Reply 42 of 122
    jaredjared Posts: 639member

    Originally posted by Addison

    Well mac's are going to be frozen out of the digital hub soon as most NEW DV-camcorders have USB2 instead of Firewire.

    All of them? Even Sony DV cameras?
  • Reply 43 of 122
    robsterrobster Posts: 256member

    Originally posted by Jared

    All of them? Even Sony DV cameras?

    feel free to scaremonger, there's really no grounds for this.

    Several companies have openly stated USB2 might be used on low end cameras but that firewire is the choice for mid to high end
  • Reply 44 of 122
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member

    Originally posted by Geddoe

    Since I first saw it, I have wondered if the iLife graphic meant that Apple had plans to expand it by adding other pieces.

    Odds are that it is just some cool graphic the art department dreamed up.

    Odds are the nubs are there just to spice up the image.
  • Reply 45 of 122
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member

    Originally posted by Addison

    Well mac's are going to be frozen out of the digital hub soon as most NEW DV-camcorders have USB2 instead of Firewire.

    The sky is falling!

    There are a few USB 2.0 based camcorders out there, but they are bleeding edge proof of concepts, pretty much. Sony and Hitachi have unreleased DVD recordable cams. Samsung has a HDD based cam. They don't use the same DV codec as existing camcorders though. They use much lower bitrate MPEG-4, like MicroMV uses.

    You may be confusing USB 1.1 and 2.0. Most camcorders have USB 1.1 on them to transfer digital pictures off memorystick/SD/MMC/whatever. The USB 1.1 connection cannot be used for DV.

    I don't see FireWire being displaced much in the DV world, consumer or professional.
  • Reply 46 of 122
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member
    Don't worry, be happy!

    FW 800 will soon enough come to PC, and then FW 800 will begin to find itself in Prosumer and Professional DV products. Remember what happened with original FW.
  • Reply 47 of 122
    moosemanmooseman Posts: 126member

    Originally posted by Placebo

    Don't worry, be happy!

    FW 800 will soon enough come to PC, and then FW 800 will begin to find itself in Prosumer and Professional DV products. Remember what happened with original FW.

    ...USB2 is just not gonna take over for FireWire. USB requires a host controller. You can't just plug a HD into a DigitalCam and have them work together. Not to mention that USB is token ring and doens't do well at all with streamed data, an area in which FW not only excels, but was specifically designed for.

    Still images are fine for transferring over USB, not digital video.
  • Reply 48 of 122
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    Nay...I pitty the poor fool who buys a USB only Camcorder.

    These are aimed at the non editing consumer. As far as I can tell USB support no Device Control. No Timecode. That's a killer. Please correct me if this is not the case but you will not be editing with the majority of apps directly from a USB camera.

    Nothing to fear.
  • Reply 49 of 122
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    There is no way FireWire would get replaced by USB2. It's not all about all about how close, or far away they are in speeds. USB2 can not transfer some of the different data types that firewire can. I cant name them now, but I've read it many times in the past, and that is not going to change. Absolutely not when it comes to camcorders. I believe 100% of network television stations in the US use FireWire, and so do many local, and cable network stations. Over 80% in all I believe. FireWire also won Apple an Oscar last year because of it's outstanding achievements in the film industry.

    So why on earth would Sony, JVC, and all the other manufacturers stop using the (REAL) professional standard plug on their camcorders? They all have them in their professional series cameras, and everybody who does home movies wants to be able to make their movies as much like a pro as possible.

    I think your way off.
  • Reply 50 of 122
    tjmtjm Posts: 367member
    My suspicion is that Intel paid a few camera makers to include USB2 on a couple models. If camera buyers have any sense at all, they will die a quick death.
  • Reply 51 of 122
    whoamiwhoami Posts: 301member
    i don't ever use the usb on my camera except for firmware updates.

    that's what card reader's are for, right?
  • Reply 52 of 122
    kormac77kormac77 Posts: 197member

    Here I go again.

    Let¡¯s focus on what will happen in near future. If you see the Hot news section in APPLE web site, only two Events are important enough to show.

    NAB and WWDC.

    As you knows. WWDC is all about APPLE and Macintosh. But NAB is not just for the APPLE.

    It is National Association of Broadcasters. It is Professional Video people¡¯s Association.

    And NAB Convention is most important Convention for Broadcasting, Professional Video people, Professional Audio people, 3D graphic, and Multimedia people.

    What is the status of APPLE in this market?

    Very weak and small¡¦. Until few years ago.

    Few year¡¯s ago. Steve Job was keynote speaker in NAB.

    It was one year before FinalCutPro was announced. He tries to address what APPLE is intend to do and asked what this professional people want. The response was very cold and his keynote speech did not make any sense to most of the attendances.

    Not many people cared what APPLE wants to do. Most people thought APPLE and Macintosh as computer that AVID can run and, at the time, even AVID was converting to PC side.

    Let¡¯s check what APPLE had.

    APPLE had 3 major technical parts for the broadcasting market.

    1) QuickTime

    2) FinalCutPro

    3) MPEG-4

    First QuickTime.

    The QuickTime is very important for production side. It is much easier to make QuickTime format for Exchange of data and much NLE system use QuickTime as their choice of file format. However, it was developed for Multimedia when it first started and, still, QuickTime have very minor position in Professional Video market. Most people used AVID for pro work and AVID did not use QuickTime that much. And DV was considering as Prosumer market, until recently.

    Second FinalCutPro.

    It changed many part of Pro AVID user¡¯s mind to change back to Mac again. And it was the first product that APPLE could show to Professional Video power of Mac. But before FinalCutPro 3 with pro video card, it was mostly used with DV and it was competing with Adobe Premiere, not AVID Xpress line. And No professional people want to use premiere as their major NLE application. And FCP was considered as same class as Premiere.


    Apple has been talked about wonder of MPEG-4 for years. And When QuickTime 6 with MPEG-4 was announced; it was too late and did not impact too much to professional market. Most of Internet web casting is done Real, for US market, and Window Media Player, most of other country. It is hard to find QuickTime web streaming, even CNN, BBC stopped QuickTime broadcasting.

    This was current status of APPLE in Professional Video market until very recently.

    I think this will change big in this year.

    Part 2 later.....
  • Reply 53 of 122
    kormac77kormac77 Posts: 197member
    Lately, APPLE rumor sites began to talked about Apple to unveil digital video strategy at NAB


    Think secret:

    And this is what APPLE is posted;

    ================================================== ==================

    An Insider's Look at Apple's Digital Video Strategy

    Apr 6, 2003, from 03:00 PM - 05:00 PM US Pacific

    Event Number: 21266

    Audience: General

    Type: Conference

    Fee: $ 0.00


    Please join us for an insider's view of Apple's strategic direction for digital video production technologies.

    This exclusive event will feature presentations by Apple executives, including:

    - John Brandon, VP, the Americas and Asia Pacific

    - Tim Cook, Executive VP, Worldwide Sales and Operations

    - Phil Schiller, Senior VP, Worldwide Product Marketing

    A reception will follow.

    Space is limited for this special invitation only event.

    Registration will close April 1, 2003.

    Note for Registrants:

    Registration is required to attend this event.

    Check in begins at 2:00pm, and the meeting will run from 3:00pm to 5:00pm. A reception will follow.


    Apple: Business


    Mandalay Bay - Convention Center

    SouthSeas Ballroom

    Level 3

    3970 Las Vegas Blvd South

    Las Vegas, NV 89119


    It is not for general audience, only for invitation only.

    It will not an ordinary product announcement but will be for more larger scale.

    And because of this, APPLE might cancel to QT Live.

    Here is what I am expecting in NAB from APPLE.

    1) Clustering Grid computing.

    2) MPEG-4 with H.264

    3) MPEG-2 with Transportation Stream


    7) HDTV as Monitor and TV: 30inch LCD.

    8) OPEN GL with Quartz Extreme

    For WWDC

    4) Broadcasting over Wi-Fi

    5) Multi-User: Net boot

    OPEN GL with Quartz Extreme

    9) PCI-X

    10) Bluetooth: Hand Phone

    11) 64 Bit Computing: 970

    And for the later announcement, if it ever happen.

    12) Tablet form fact :I****v2

    13) DNA¡¦ I wish

    This is part of puzzle.

    That is for today.

    I will talk later for NAB part.
  • Reply 54 of 122
    cyclecycle Posts: 187member
    any chance for ichat2 with VIDEO(thats NAB related!!!) conferencing?

    and an apple webcam?

    and final cut pro 4?

    and powerpod?

    and quicktime 6.5?

    my guess(command) doesnt want to wait for the wancworld...but rather dish out everything NOW!!

  • Reply 55 of 122
    OpenGL with Quartz Extreme + 970;

    Dooooooom.... III...... MmMMmm.... 1 gigazillion fps...
  • Reply 56 of 122
    bodhibodhi Posts: 1,424member
    Okay we can sit here and debate back and forth about Kormac's credibility or we can speculate on some points he is making and let it grow from there. kim kap sol: let it go, you made your point. By the way, I am making plastics now!

    Keep it on topic or it gets locked.
  • Reply 57 of 122
    kim kap solkim kap sol Posts: 2,987member

    Originally posted by Bodhi

    Okay we can sit here and debate back and forth about Kormac's credibility or we can speculate on some points he is making and let it grow from there. kim kap sol: let it go, you made your point. By the way, I am making plastics now!

    Keep it on topic or it gets locked.'re so late, why even bother posting this? I've let it go almost 4 days ago!
  • Reply 58 of 122
    rhumgodrhumgod Posts: 1,289member

    Originally posted by kormac77


    Mandalay Bay - Convention Center

    SouthSeas Ballroom

    Level 3

    3970 Las Vegas Blvd South

    Las Vegas, NV 89119


    I will talk later for NAB part.

    Well, if things get real boring people can always walk across the casino to the House of Blues

    Seriously, I think kormac is probably on to something. If I were to speculate I would think along the same lines. Apple has two HUGE areas at NAB this go round. Let's hope they blow the likes of M$, their neighbors at NAB, out of the water.

    As for the WWDC, I can see the 970 arriving, but not sure about the rest.

    Joys of speculation I guess....
  • Reply 59 of 122
    jrcjrc Posts: 817member
    NOW I believe this IS Kormac. He is within proper posting time guidelines.

    Though, his English is better.

    And, we all know/knew it was always better than lead to believe.

    I'm sure his job is more tenuous with the Korean peninsula being a little more on edge lately.
  • Reply 60 of 122
    kormac77kormac77 Posts: 197member
    Don't underestimate power of spell checking & grammar correction in M$ Word!
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