Great things to come from....APPLE, begin with this week,NAB.



  • Reply 121 of 122
    rhumgodrhumgod Posts: 1,289member
    And now with this new xGrid mail list Apple has set up, things could get quite interesting. Maybe Kormac ain't so far off...iGrid/xGrid....anything else you heard, K-man?

    Talk about a thread being resurrected from the dead!

  • Reply 122 of 122
    fran441fran441 Posts: 3,715member

    Talk about a thread being resurrected from the dead!

    Yeah, there's no real reason for this to be brought up after so many months without posts. If you want to quote part of the post and bring something up in a new topic, feel free.

    But a one liner like, "Kormac mentioned clusters" isn't really enough to bump this back to the top.
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