Great things to come from....APPLE, begin with this week,NAB.



  • Reply 81 of 122
    kim kap solkim kap sol Posts: 2,987member

    Originally posted by HumorousPseudonym

    I can confidently say that this is confirmed...

    Software releases at NAB by Apple:

    Shake 3

    DVD Studio Pro 2

    Final Cut 4

    I haven't heard what the features are in the new versions of DVD Studio Pro or Final Cut are, but Shake 3 will incorporate new film grain tools (from Apples acquisition of Silicon Grail) and new warping and morphing tools among other things.

    It would be cool to see new hardware, but I have no evidence of this yet.


    Sounds good.
  • Reply 82 of 122

    Originally posted by HumorousPseudonym

    I can confidently say that this is confirmed...

    Final Cut 4


    Cool, any news on whether FCP4 Uses CORE Audio?
  • Reply 83 of 122
    ensign pulverensign pulver Posts: 1,193member

    Originally posted by HumorousPseudonym

    I can confidently say that this is confirmed...

    Software releases at NAB by Apple:

    Shake 3

    DVD Studio Pro 2

    Final Cut 4

    I haven't heard what the features are in the new versions of DVD Studio Pro or Final Cut are, but Shake 3 will incorporate new film grain tools (from Apples acquisition of Silicon Grail) and new warping and morphing tools among other things.

    It would be cool to see new hardware, but I have no evidence of this yet.


    Perhaps this is his source: Naked Mole Rat's NAB predictions

    "Broadcast News

    Meanwhile, on the applications front, the Blade?s friends in the adult-entertainment industry are standing up and saluting over upgrades to Apple?s adopted family of multimedia software that the company will allegedly unfurl at next week?s National Association of Broadcasters love-fest in Las Vegas. On the roster: Final Cut Pro 4; DVD Studio Pro 2; Shake 3; and an upgrade to the Logic audio software Apple acquired last July with the purchase of Emagic.

    The Blade?s pen-pal waxes fulsome on the features in Shake 3, compositing software Apple bought alongside Nothing Real in February 2002, early in its recent buying jag. New niceties include morphing and warping as well as the film-grain tools Apple acquired when it bought Silicon Grail (which originally pried them out of Kodak?s defunct Cineon software)."
  • Reply 84 of 122

    Originally posted by Ensign Pulver

    Perhaps this is his source: Naked Mole Rat's NAB predictions

    Good call!
  • Reply 85 of 122
    ensign pulverensign pulver Posts: 1,193member

    Originally posted by T'hain Esh Kelch

    Good call!

    Thanks. We've all been waiting since November for the Rat to emerge.
  • Reply 86 of 122
    Note the date on my post, and the date on the NMR report.
  • Reply 87 of 122
    bigcbigc Posts: 1,224member
  • Reply 88 of 122
    jccbinjccbin Posts: 476member
    carved in stone.
  • Reply 89 of 122
    murkmurk Posts: 935member

    Originally posted by HumorousPseudonym

    Note the date on my post, and the date on the NMR report.

    So, you are the NMR's source.
  • Reply 90 of 122
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    Or better yet is HS also THIS guy.


    It's coming

    Final Cut Pro 4 is coming.

    I am 100% positive.

    It's going to have mad-sexy love with Shake 3 (includes: warper, morpher, audio, swamp -- see xserves , a new curve editor, and much more).

    It's going to have more pro audio support, realtime EVERYTHING, revamped titles, super high quality rendering (coltrain), and will be based on XML for the unix nuts.

    It's funny... I was poking around and I came across this very informative email... I probably said too much, but there is much more to say

    Taken from this thread

    So HS are you known as RandomMacGuy over at Macrumors?
  • Reply 91 of 122
    overtoastyovertoasty Posts: 439member
    Here's a (very) short article about those incredible WETA boys, and their experience transitioning from IRIX to LINUX.

    WETA Article

    Notice how important the 64bit issue was for them! These guys aren't paid spokespeople for Apple, they're just telling it like it is ... and this is awesome!...

    ... so the way it is, isn't like 64bit is just something you slap on the table to show how much bigger your's is, but in reality is of no practical value ... uh - uh, not this time ... turns out it really matters!


    Now, we might all be saying:

    "Yeah, but so what? We're not all doing Lord Of The Rings stuff, big deal!"

    True, but when it comes to Hollywood, or even TV production studios, having a clean workflow without bottlenecks is essential, and an OS without this annoying 4Gig limit with excellent software is virtually guaranteed to be widely adopted, it may even become quite the "standard".

    Which means, all the best tools for production will probably eventually wind up being on Apple stuff, 64bit clean, stable, with powerful chips (when the 970 arrives) etc ...

    ... and maybe, we might even see Darwin 970 Render Farms in the future? (if this happens, 64bit clean workflows all the way thru would virtually guarantee MacOSX dominance in this realm)


    What this means is ... all the best consumer tools for production will eventually also wind up being "user friendlied" versions of these hi end tools, with clear upgrade paths for users who wish to pursue things further.

    It's as if Apple had an extra several billion dollars to burn in R & D each year if enough of the hi end shops and software houses start putting their energies into, more or less, standardizing around Apple to solve their production problems.

    Which leads to the other synergistic reason why this is so important:

    Consumers aren't buying 3.6 GHz Pentiums!

    The top of the line, no expenses spared PC just doesn't hold much appeal anymore, the bleeding edge is just too expensive for most people because for what they can do on a bargain PC (surf and word process), having an Ultra hi end chip makes little difference ...

    BUT, this is NOT the way it will be in the Apple realm!

    If people there are into doing multimedia VIDEO stuff, even if consumers are using dumb downed version of iShake and iLogic (which I'm sure, we'll soon see), the speed of the underlying system still makes a huge difference ... so folks on the Apple platform will have reason to buy the bleeding edge, even consumers!

    This bodes very well for Apple, they'll soon have strong momentum both from the top and from the bottom, and - because Apple is a consumer OS, not just a hi end system like IRIX - these two different spheres are actually going to wind up reinforcing each other, since as software and systems mature, there's a much greater market potential in the consumer market for it (even though it will be in consumer freindly versions) ... and no Unix based hi end Video platform has ever been in this space before.

    [please correct me if I'm wrong any Amiga/Be heads out there - and please be kind, since - as far as I'm aware - neither of these platforms had anything like MS Office on them in order to fulfill the standard other user needs, businesswear]

    So the two re-enforce each other, the best software winds up on OSX, which attracts hi end users, which encourages more development and standardized workflows, and pays for the initial bleeding R&D costs, and then, as this gradually gets commoditized, consumer or prosumers can eventually benefit, and also be encouraged to purchase as fast a machine as they can too! Which leads to better cheaper tools in both the higher and lower ends.

    Hey if you where a software house writing for the bleeding edge, wouldn't you like to have the option of knowing that in a year or two, you could also sell 20x the number of copies of a simplified version of your software, written on the same core engine, no porting required?

    Geez, that 970 better come thru!
  • Reply 92 of 122

    Originally posted by HumorousPseudonym

    I can confidently say that this is confirmed...

    Software releases at NAB by Apple:

    Shake 3

    DVD Studio Pro 2

    Final Cut 4


    It would be cool to see new hardware, but I have no evidence of this yet.


    I've heard the new hardware thing from someone in the industry today. He seemed pretty confident.
  • Reply 93 of 122
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    Apple has a Press Release Tomorrow at 12pm. I think you might be right JB72
  • Reply 94 of 122
    kennethkenneth Posts: 832member

    Originally posted by hmurchison

    Apple has a Press Release Tomorrow at 12pm. I think you might be right JB72

    Sweet! BTW, I'm still a newbie on FinalCut and bought version 3 last year.
  • Reply 95 of 122
    lemon bon bonlemon bon bon Posts: 2,383member
    OverToasty, agree with the thrust of your sentiments.

    The Apple and PC demographics are different to a point. And certainly, Apple kit hasn't been 'mhz'ed to death. So when the 970 comes, it won't be an incremental 'so wahhhhtt' upgrade of 20%. It's offering a four fold performance increase at 1.8 over what we have now and a massive improvement in spec scores . Then dual that.

    Apple hoardes will be falling over themselves for it.

    Lemon Bon Bon
  • Reply 96 of 122
    vinney57vinney57 Posts: 1,162member
    Well the software stuff has all happened...Final Cut and DVD Studio Pro are MAJOR we know what happened to all those companies Apple bought over the past few years. (Looks like I'm going to have buy DVD SP all over again; still, only $499.) No mention of 64 bitness in Shake and FCP; 32 bit floating. The DVPRO50 CODEC is indeed included in FCP so all I am waiting for is the announcement of an Apple/Panasonic FireWire to component breakout box and I'll be as happy as a pig in er... pig stuff.
  • Reply 97 of 122
    jccbinjccbin Posts: 476member

    Don't know about the UK, but here it's "pig in slop."

  • Reply 98 of 122
    jccbinjccbin Posts: 476member

    Don't know about the UK, but here it's "pig in slop."

    Flipping double-flopping post!
  • Reply 99 of 122
    midwintermidwinter Posts: 10,060member

    Originally posted by jccbin


    Don't know about the UK, but here it's "pig in slop."

    Flipping double-flopping post!

    You folks over in Alabama must be more civilized than those of us in Mississippi, considering "slop" was decidedly not the word we use in that phrase. Although it *does* begin with an "s"....


  • Reply 100 of 122
    jccbinjccbin Posts: 476member
    I've heard that version, too.

    But would a Pig be happy in that? I know pigs like lots of stuff, but, sh*t?

    Thank goodness there's no such thing as smellovision (I'd hate to have to edit, mask or render that in FCP, Shake or DVDSP)
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